Monday, February 2, 2009

It's My Blogiversary!

So I started blogging about writing in February 2008. I don't know the exact date, because I backdated some things I wanted posted at the beginning. Lame, I know. So I'm planning to celebrate the entire month!

I have a fun contest coming up since the last one was so stellar--and Mary refused to take the prize. So I still have it! Well...I did go buy a book, but I can get another gift card. Or maybe another cool prize. What are cool prizes? I don't even know what writers/the general public would like to win. Sadly, I'm not an agent or an editor or I'd give you all publishing contracts with fat advances and/or a pair of tickets to Wimbledon! Maybe in the far, distant future...

Anyway, Happy Blogiversary to me!


  1. Happy Blogiversary, indeed!

    Yay, you!

  2. Happy Blogiversary, and many happy returns! **Passing slice of cake with candle**

  3. Happy Blogiversary to you *sings*...etc

    GO ELANA!!!

  4. Happy Blog Anniversary! For some reason I thought you'd been blogging for much longer than a year.

  5. Happy Blogiversary! I'm impressed you know when you started...
