Friday, November 13, 2009

Budlight Presents... Real American Heroes

Budlight Presents...Real American Heroes (Real American Heroes)
Today we salute you, Mr. Fortune Cookie Fortune Writer. (Mr. Fortune Cookie Fortune Writer)

Most writers leave their wisdom in a book
You leave yours in a cookie (crunchy cookie)

Sure they taste good
But it's the information you provide that we're really hungry for (love is round the corner!)

Though your tablet is small
Your message never is (show me the way)

Of course the mushu pork and the egg foo young fill our bellies
It's your inspiration that keeps us well-nourished (yum, yum, yum, yum, egg foo young)

So crack open an ice cold Budlight, Mr. Fortune Cookie Fortune Writer
Because when you say our luck is about to change
We believe you. (We bee-ee-lieeve yoooooou.)

Okay, okay, so I've believed some fortunes at times. Dove dark wrappers, but who's keeping track of those? *wink* But I've always believed in myself. And I hope that you believe in yourself too. Read on...

Okay, so finding a literary agent is like dating, popping the question and agreeing to work together on something meaningful and worthwhile. Like publishing a book.

And I've found my better half. Shh, don't tell Mr. J. Well, he already knows. So shout away!

Because I'm now represented by Michelle Andelman of Lynn C. Franklin Associates!

Here's me signing the contract. Yes, I antiqued it. Don't ask me why, I don't know. Looked cool? Whatever.

And you can read more about Michelle here. Scroll down to the bottom. She's the literary agent that will be at the Oregon Coast Children's Book Writer's Workshop next July. It gives a good list of books she's worked on. My novel definitely fits on her list as "edgy, emotional Young Adult".

Can I get a "Woot! Woot!"?

And it's YOUR inspiration that's kept me well-nourished through this journey. So thanks to all of you, my favorite Fortune Cookie Fortune Writers.

And your fortune is: Your luck is about to change.... *big smiles*

Oh, and you wanna hear more Real Men of Genius? You know you do. Go here. I l-o-v-e the Mr. Really Bad Toupee Wearer one. Hilarious!!


  1. I feel like I'm seeing the future. Because it says you posted this at 7:00am on Friday Nov 13. It's 6:40am right now, my time. Now I realize we're in different time zones. Still... UBER CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Way to go on the agent front!! Two thumbs up!! Now if you could just send some of that good mojo my way... ;)

  2. WOOT WOOT!!!!!!Fantastic news!!! So many good things happening all around!!

  3. CONGRATS!!! And I gave you a congrats shout out over on my blog too!!! *HUGS*

  4. Yea!!! So excited for you! Congratulations! You rock!!! :D

  5. Yay! Yay! Happy dancing for you.

    Uh... in case you didn't notice, the picture, albeit cool and all antiquey, makes your hair look ... well ... not the way I KNOW your hair looks. Just sayin! LOL!

    Okay. Yay yay yay!

  6. I'm so thrilled for you - that's so exciting and I can't wait to see your book in print!

  7. I am laughing and skipping around the room and shouting Wa-Hoo! for you Elana!! So, so thrilled.

    and, I do love these real men commercials. brilliantly funny.

  8. Wow!! Congratulations, Elana! I've heard awesome things about Michelle. :)

  9. Woot, woot, indeed, Elana!

    You are amazing!

  10. God, I love those commercials. Mr. T-Shirt Launcher Inventor is a personal favorite.

    Again, congrats! I will be in line to buy a copy of your book.

  11. YAYYYY! Congratulations, Elana!! And I have a fortune from a fortune cookie taped to my computer screen. Lol, so far, it hasn't come true, but there's still time. Congrats again! :D :D :D

  12. OMG AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so happy for you! YAY YA YA YAY YAY!!!!!!

    This is amazingly astoundingly awesome. Hurrah for you!

  13. Lucky, lucky Michelle. =)

    I'm thrilled for you both and can.not.wait to see you take this to the next level.


  14. Elana, I am so, so, so excited for you! Woo hoo! Congrats!!!!

    I love the real American Heroes. I sing along with the background guys when the commercials come on the radio. It freaks my kids out a little, but so fun.

  15. YAY for EDGY! Congrats, Elana! I'm so excited for you. :)

  16. I am SO proud of you! Way to go girl!

  17. Three things...I didn't know you were left handed. That makes me like you even more, if that's even possible. Second, your picture is awesome...I really like that the wreath behind your head could totally be an extension of your hair. Last, I'd like you to know how much I appreciate your taste in music. This post is a serious classic.

  18. I'm a lefty too!! (This is Lisa, by the way.) CONGRATULATIONS! There is absolutely nothing that makes us happier than seeing our writing friends succeed. Can't wait to see what happens next!

  19. Congrats on your agent! That's awesome!

  20. Congratulations!! Woot woot!

    I'm also a lefty. :)

    LOVE LOVE LOVE these commercials. Did you know they changed it to Real Men of Genius after 9/11 because they didn't want to belittle the actual heroes/soldiers?

  21. What awesome news! Congratulations! Loved the picture of you signing your contract. Have a wonderful weekend.

  22. Seems to be a great week for writers! SUPER congrats!!!

  23. November is such a great month, I must say! Congratulations! I am so happy for you!!!

  24. How about a Woot, Woot, Woot, Wootie Woot? LOL!!! Huge congrats, and I'm excited for you. :-)
    I love Dove fortunes too. Heehee.
    Also, cool pic of yourself. I like it.


    Now, will that book be available for download on my Kindle??



    I'm totally excited for you- it was just a matter of time! Huzzah!

  27. YAY! YAY! YAY! CONGRATULATIONS, ELANA!!!! WOOT! WOOT! I'm so bloody happy for you!!!!!!! Hooray! Fortune Cookie, you are so awesome!!!!

    (btw, I totally love RMOG. My fav's Mr. Scared of the Ocean Guy and Taco Salad Inventor Guy.)

  28. You Da Bomb!!!!!!!!! So happy for you! Michelle is one lucky agent :)

  29. YAY!!! Congrats, Elana!

    Can't wait to pick up copies of your books and say, "I know this girl. We like driving fast. We're like twins or something."

    OK, maybe not say exactly that, but I still can't wait to read your work. Congrats again on your new agent! I have no doubt your MS(s) will sell. ;)


  30. Wooohooo!! And here I thought you had already done enough to be my idol for life, and you go and up the ante. You are more awesome than words, Elana. Big time congrats! :)

  31. Thanks guys!

    And, um, oops. Confession time. I am NOT left-handed. I simply didn't flip the picture in photobooth. Dangit. Now my status has dropped -- again.

  32. How did I miss that you got the call!?!?!?! Did you post about it! So fun! YAY! Celebrating with you, girl!

  33. Woot! Woot! Such great news :)

    Smiled all through the American Hero - those crack me up - gotta go check out the rest :)

  34. woot woot!! :D (my word verification is relevance, just thought it was cool) ;D

  35. Congratulations, Elana! That's awesome! Woot! Woot!

  36. OMG!!!! I saw your comment on my blog, and had to come over and see for myself! :D You ROCK, Elana! We all knew this day would come :).

    Thank you for all your support through querytracker and your ebook--we're all cheering you on, girl!

  37. Thanks for sticking the beer song in my head. It is on a continuous loop between my ears right now!

    Congrats again, lady! I'm very very excited for you!

  38. Elana, I am so happy for you!! Good things are happening everywhere!

  39. Congratulations, Elana! You and Michelle are a good fit. And you're with an agency that reps Bishop Tutu and Deepak Chopra. Yowsa!

  40. CONGRATULATIONS, Elana! I knew it was only a matter of time for you. I'm so happy!!!!

  41. Congrats, Elana! I told you it would happen. You made my week. :D

  42. I read the amazing news this morning Elana! I cried! SO amazing!!!! Way to go! Congrat's woman!!!!!!

  43. Oh, super HUGE congrats! And a triple WOOT!!!

  44. Elana - congratulations to you. You most certainly deserve this good news -- you are one hard working writer. I wish you all the best and huge successes.

  45. Congratulations! I knew it would only be a matter of time when someone as talented and hardworking as you would find representation. I'm so happy for you. I hope the rest of your journey towards publication goes smoothly, and I look forward to reading your book once it hits the shelves!

    Keep us updated, as always. :-)

  46. Congratulations! I can't imagine how excited you are!

  47. Congrats Elana!! Wonderful news!
    A great feeling! I'm very happy for you!

  48. Woo-hoo! Would have woo-hooed a lot sooner but I've been out-of-town and unplugged. YES!!!

  49. I'll give you a WOOT WOOT and I'll raise ya a YEE HAW!!!

    That's awesome!!! Congratulations!!!!

  50. What fabulous news!!! Enjoy the feeling of knowing you're one step closer to getting published :-)

  51. Wonderful news, Elana! Congratulations! Wish you all the best!

  52. I am sooo excited for you!! Yay, Elana! CONGRATULATIONS! :)

    BTW, I went to the Oregon Coast Children's Book Writers' Workshop in 2007 and it was fabu.

  53. Just adding my woot to the WOOT choir..WOOT, WOOT, WOOT!!!!!

  54. Hi There! Jen at Woolgatherings sent me over. Congrats on your success girlie. Your blog is wonderful. I am also participating in NaNoWriMo and am trying feverishly to meet the requirement. Have a great day! I am following you now! Kori xoxo

  55. A huge hug & congrats to you!

    **Poms poms in the air**


    You are a living dream to us other as-yet unsigned w/ an uber cool agent writers. Now go on the rock the edgy YA lit world!!

  56. Congratulations!! You know, when I first saw your blog I thought you already had an agent?! You always had this confidence, and something indescribable that made me think, "Oh, she's going to get an agent. She's one that's going to get there." Anyway, this awesome news is well-deserved. I can't wait to blog about it :)
