Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Goin' George (Again)

Holy brown cows!! Wasn't the awesome, well AWESOME, yesterday?? I hope you found a lot of books for your TBR pile and entered contests like crazy.

There's no way I'll ever top my post on Friday or yesterday's epicness (yes, it's a word). So I'm not even going to try. I feel like George Costanza in that episode where he's always ducking out of the room at the high point. And yes, I could quote from a Seinfeld episode in every blog post I write. Can't you? (lol!)

But seriously, a huge thanks to everyone who spread the awesome with me yesterday. Otherwise, it would've been me spreading the a--. YOU are what made it awesome. Well, you and some amazing authors.

*cue cheesy music*

And that's my signal to leave.

I just have one question: What should we do in June???


Kim said...

Hmm, what to do in June...how about highlighting new authors and soon-to-be-released novels to give these newbies a boost?

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Great job yesterday, Elana. It was not only fun but really informative. I met new bloggers i.e., now friends. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Elana, I can't thank you enough for yesterday! I met so many awesome writer/bloggers and gained over twenty new followers. Spread the Awesome was a HUGE success and I'm so happy to have been a part of it. Your idea rocked! Whatever goes on in June, be sure I stay on your email list :)))

Have a great day! I know I will...I'm hitting the library AND the bookstore, list in hand!


Jonathon Arntson said...

June...hm, it could be cool to do like a team up thing and feature something. I don't know what.

I liked the chainishness from yesterday, especially your comments at Tere Kirkland's blog, I was dying with laughter, which is mean since I was laughing at your desperation. Um...okay.

Vicki Rocho said...

Thanks for organizing the awesomeness yesterday. If my books on my TBR list were piled up next to me, it'd topple over and bury me.

Looking forward to whatever you decide to do in June!

Jessica Nelson said...

Wah! I missed out on the awesomeness yesterday.
Looking forward to June's adventure. :-)

Janna Leadbetter said...

You rock, Elana. Just thought you should know.


Candyland said...

YES! If only we could all leave on a high note like George!!! And yesterday was amazing:)

Unknown said...

Elana I'm so sorry I missed out, but I'll be on the look out for your plans in June and I must say I'm hoping it's just as EPIC as this because this was such a wonderful idea!

I'm always impressed by your awesomeness!

Anonymous said...

I had a *BLAST* yesterday! Much fun clicking from blog to blog, meeting new writers' hangouts & getting a long list of TBRs.

My wallet weeps, but I'm happy! :-D

Anne Gallagher said...

Yesterday was a fab idea and you are the most AWESOME for thinking it up. Thanks for the treat.

Jaydee Morgan said...

That's funny - I watched the re-run of that exact episode on TV last night.

I know I have a long list of new books to read :)

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

I had an amazing time. Read soooo many posts, met new folks, found books I must read, entered the contests. Whew. Thank you for being the best at super blog events. This one was a winner!

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

PS: Somehow I missed the chain link part of it :(. Maybe because I entered late, but it worked just fine to go to the master list and click on everybody.

Unknown said...

Yesterday was such an amazing experience and you're so awesome for organizing it. Whatever is decided for June, you know I'll help out again in any way I can! :)

Heather Kelly said...

I don't know what we should do (see how I'm being all inclusive there?!) but when I read Jessica's comment above, I thought, yes, we need a June ADVENTURE!! I'll think about it, and stop back if I think of something full of awesomeness.

Thanks for all the excitement yesterday--such fun!!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Yesterday was UN-BE-LIEVE-A-BLE!!! Thanks so much, Elana, for organizing all the fun. It took me hours to get to every person on the list, but I loved every minute of it! :-)

Unknown said...

Yesterday was so busy I'm still trying to figure out what all happened! I'm sure it would have been easier to keep up with if it wasn't the end of the semester here lol, stupid college finals and papers. Don't they know how important blogs are?!

It was fun though, and I did manage to enter a contest or two and add some books to my list. :) Thanks for sharing the awesome with the blogosphere!

Stina said...

That was a blast! Can't wait to see what you come up with next. :D (my brain's too numb from checking out all the blogs to come up with something right now)

Annette Lyon said...

You'll come up with something awesome for June.

I'm just thinking you're even more awesome than I thought (if that's possible) because you quote Seinfeld.

Christina Lee said...

That was GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now for June. Hmmm.... How about posting a favorite passage from a published book--say first line, last line, romantic or scary scene? That's all I got for now...

Ryan S. Kinsgrove said...

Crap...I missed something cool :(

Looking forward to June :)

Mary E Campbell said...

Thanks for hosting - it was awesome!!! And thanks for adding me.

Abby Stevens said...

I wouldn't be able to quote Sienfeld, but I'd be able to quote FRIENDS. :-)

Krista said...

June... June...: June dresses based on mood.
Elana: But June essentially always wear the same thing.
June: Seemingly. But, within that basic framework, there are a number of subtle variations, visible only to the trained observer, that reveal the many moods, the many shades, of June.
Elana: And what is this?
June: This is morning mist.


Christine Fonseca said...

Yesterday was shear awesomeness...as for June, Hmm...must stew! Just keep me in the loop, k? - 'cause it was AMAZING!

Theresa Milstein said...

I loved reading about all of the books yesterday and felt like a big loser for not participating.

Kimysworld's idea about promoting new authors is a good one.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hope to participate in June - I was busy with the A-Z Challenge wrap up yesterday.

Stephanie Thornton said...

Yesterday was totally awesome! I found out about so many nifty books I never would have discovered otherwise. Keep me on the list for June!

I like the idea of focusing on debut authors or maybe even pre-pubbed authors. Hmmm...

Natalie said...

Yesterday was so fun! Thanks for putting it all together and coordinating everything.

Carolyn V. said...

Yesterday's book love was awesome! I'm only sorry I didn't say yes when asked. Next time!

How about interviewing pre-agented writers? Just a thought. It might be cool. =)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Right now I have so much in my to-be-written pile - LOL!

~Jamie said...

get book contracts? :)

Natalie Aguirre said...

That was a great idea to promote authors. Perhaps next month we could all buy a debut author book to donate to our library? I think many are facing real budget cuts. Or maybe do one in the Fall to donate to school libraries, which are also really suffering.

Janet Johnson said...

Loved the awesomeness. Consider it spread here.

I'm with Jamie . . . getting book contracts in June sounds might fine.

Katie said...

Loved yesterday! Such a good idea! I'm not sure what you should do in June, but I agree that it should be an adventures. :) Maybe featuring unpublished authors whose work we really like? Or books that haven't come out but we're looking forward to?

VR Barkowski said...

Yesterday was truly awesome! I only got around to half a dozen or so blogs before my internet went out, but it was spectacular while it lasted. In the long run, the computer outage was probably a good thing for my tbr pile.

Angela McCallister said...

I'm sure you'll come up with something awesome for June, as you always do! I loved this post about writing competitions. I loved the genre-changing contest idea.

@Carolyn V: love your idea.

Or maybe themed excerpt competitions. For example: best fight scene, best kiss, best humor, best first meeting, best transformation, etc.

Krispy said...

Whatever you come up with in June will be awesomesauce, I have no doubt. Thanks for the lovely kick off to May! My TBR list is already huge. Yesterday didn't help!

I like the idea people above suggested of featuring debut authors or books.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for hosting such an awesome thing! My TBR list has certainly gotten a whole lot bigger! :D

Shannon Messenger said...

Yesterday was definitely...awesome. :)

Drawing a blank on June ideas--so far--but I'll TRY to brainstorm. (Though, you seem to be the blogging mastermind, so I'm not sure how much I can help) :)

Whatever you come up with--if it's something I can be useful for--let me know. I'll be GLAD to take part. :)

Corinne O said...

it was AWESOME! I missed the chain portion in my excitement to post my contest... bummer! I did go through the list, still going as a matter of fact. This was great fun Elana!

June - no idea, but I am thinking and will share ideas as they come. :)

PJ Hoover said...

Yesterday was such a fabulous idea, Elana! I loved it! Thanks a million for organizing!

Sara B. Larson said...

It was such a great idea! I have a lots bigger TBR list now. ;-)

Hmmm... for next month I'm sure you'll think of something awesome. And you'll include me, right? he he he, JK ;-)

Krista said...

Just to clarify my earlier comment:



Liz H. Allen said...

I have a question for you about a one liner for a manuscript. We all know they are basically: I wrote a story about a person who... but what if the era is important? What if it takes place in a fantasy world - how can you say that without it getting too wordy?

"I wrote a story about a girl who lives in the renaissance but not the real renaissance, it's a fantasy world where there is magic, but it's basically like the renaissance but not on this world, but the same, only with magic..."

Yeah, that sounds great.

JEM said...

I second the first comment, highlight new blood!

Bish Denham said...

It WAS awesome! So many, many wonderful books! Thanks for pulling it together Elana.

Rebecca Wells said...

I have no idea what should be done in June, but Spreading the Awesome was an AWESOME idea. Congratulations on pulling it off! Great job.

- Rebecca

Casey Something said...

DUDE, I totally have an idea for June or another month that I could give you. It's something I've thought about doing but you'd pull it together way better than me. No idea if you'll like it/be up for it but feel free to e-mail me. : )

Corinne O said...

Elana, I have to tell you, I quote Seinfeld almost daily. :0

The worlds are colliding, Jerry!

Matthew MacNish said...

I have no ideas for June off the top of my head, but please add me to your email list as I would love to be involved.

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

Add me to your email list!
Will be posting an Iron Man Prize give away in June... check out my blog.

Tana said...

I heart you Elana. June??? We take over the world!?!

Anonymous said...

What T. Anne said. Oh yeah, snagging an agent would be fun. Do you have an extra in your back pocket?

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

How about a scene writing contest? I missed out on all of the fun yesterday...I was working on an interview with a writing buddy and having technical difficulties...By the time I got to my blog reading TOD, my brain was fried. :( I'll have a look at what everyone's talkin' about.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I missed out! But will make sure your next awesome project doesn't pass me by. Thanks for helping us get connected and inspired.

Patti said...

This is what happens when you take a break, you miss a wonderful day like yesterday. I'll have to catch up.

You always have great ideas.

Christina Farley said...

Wow! I went off blogging for a few days for revisions and things were happening. What a great idea! You always have fun stuff happening.

Unknown said...

This was fun. I read new blogs and I found new books to read. awesome

Nichole Giles said...

That was perhaps the most fun blogging I've done in a long time. Let's do something like that again soon, okay? Okay? And BTW, I finally heard back from Catherine Fisher's agent. She's agreed to let me interview her, even though the Spread the Awesome thing is over.

I'm totally going to do it for fun.

See Elana's recent blog posts

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