Thursday, November 11, 2010

NIGHTSHADE by Andrea Cremer

Okay, we're goin' old school for this week's Bookanista feature. You know, report card style.

The student:

The report card:
Cover: A (This may or may not but definitely does have to do with the fact that the cardstock is pearlized, and there may or may not but definitely is another book that will have this gorgeous cardstock on its cover. Take a wild guess which one. Hint: Starts with P and ends with OSSESSION.)

Main Character: A (Calla "Lily" is well-done. I found her unapologetic right when I wanted her to apologize. And I liked that.)

Male MC "Love Interest": A (I only have one name in mind. Ren. All Ren. Yeah, I know, you could make an argument for the other guy, ole whats-his-name, but it would be flimsy and fall apart under my cutting glare. I think it's pretty obvious that Ren was pretty well-written. I was supposed to hate him, but when he howled...)

Plot: A (Yes, this is a werewolf novel. But don't let that hold you back. Even if wolves aren't your thing--and all the girls in my crit group know they're TOTALLY my thing--this is still a fabulously written novel with Stuff That Happens. So read it. You might be surprised.)

What have you read recently that surprised you in a good way? If you've read Nightshade, are you Team Ren??

Check out what the other Bookanistas are up to today:
Lisa and Laura Roecker and Myra McEntire spreads some love for SELLING HOPE
Christine Fonseca swoons over SIREN
Shelli Johannes-Wells is over the moon about THE ORACLE TO REBOUNDS and her fab giveaway.
Shannon Messenger marvels over MUSEUM OF THEIVES (plus she's having another epic giveaway).
Carolina Valdez Miller is struck by SHIP BREAKER.
Megan Miranda is in love with I AM THE MESSENGER.


  1. I have heard a LOT of buzz about this book. I'll have to check it out! :D

  2. Sounds like a great book. It's definitely on my list of books to read. I've been surprised that I've been enjoying Marked and the sequels. I'm not really into vampire series. I'm reading it on tape while I walk so it makes the exercising more okay.

  3. This cover is gorgeous. You have me convinced...I have to know more about this Ren so I've moved this one to the top of the pile.

    Thanks for the awesome review!

  4. Awesome! Can't wait for this one :)

  5. I just read this book yesterday and loved it! I'm with you on the Team Ren. I was so surprised though that neither of the love interests were a jerk. It was a nice change.

    The only thing I didn't like about this book is that the cover isn't Calla. I mean, I mean I LOVE this cover, but none of the characters look like that.

    Have you seen the cover of the next book? The girl on that cover is definitely Calla. I have no idea who's on this one.

  6. I've heard a LOT about this book--practically all of it is along the lines of "awesome!" so I'll have to check it out.

  7. I love the cover! I haven't read it yet, but I want to... I haven't read anything that surprised me... I already knew they would rock, but maybe one day I'll be surprised!

  8. This was such a well written book. Great tension and suspenseful action that keeps you reading. I loved it! And that Ren...wowza!

  9. Oooo, haven't read it- but it's on my list now! Think my husband will have a coronary if I spend the entire paycheck on books? :D

  10. Oooh, this sounds like something I'd like. Thanks for the review!

  11. Anything even remotely related to the word pearlescent (I know that's not what you wrote) is completely full of win. I had no idea P to the OSESSION was going to look like that (you can't tell from the pics). That's frawesome!

  12. I don't read much of werewolf stories, although I did read Twilight. So I can see how this genre is very popular today. Thanks for the review. I have to admit that is very col cover art.

  13. This one's been on my TBR list forever. You make it sound so yummy I'll have to read it soon. Thanks!

  14. Oh yes! I give it an A too! :D I also really loved Ren! So drool-worthy. In high school, I would've been drawing his name all over my notebooks with little hearts all around it.

    Have you seen the new cover for the sequel? Just as gorgeous. I'm telling you, marketing genius behind this series.

  15. OF LOVE AND OTHER DEMONS, Gabriel Garcia Marquez - his stories haunt me.

  16. A all around? I need to get it. =) Even if there are werewolves in it.

  17. This one does look good, even though I'm not a totally converted wolf fan yet(even though I enjoyed Shiver).

    As for surprises...I'm in the middle of Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian...and the voice is incredible. I put it on my TBR (listened to) list because of banned books week, but I've found it to be way more engrossing than I expected.

  18. I sooooooo want this book! It's the next one I plan to buy. :-)

  19. Ooh. Unapologetic when she should have apologized? Sold! Now I have to read that.

  20. This book has been getting such great praise, I want to read it but am still hesitant about the wolves thing., everyone makes it sound sooo good even to a non-wolfy-fan!

  21. I keep seeing this book all over the place, and I absolutely love the cover. I haven't picked it up yet, but it sounds like I need to!

  22. It IS a gorgeous cover.

    On Saturday, I gazed at it, conflicted. I browsed the YA section, already deciding in advance I would NOT buy a book. I picked it up, along with The Replacements and fawned over both covers.

    I walked away, longing.

    Full of regrets.

  23. argh, you guys are killin me with the wolf recs. First shiver, now this... But you're right, that IS a gorgeous cover. And you've made me curious w/all this Ren business.

    sigh, it's on my list now. ;p <3

  24. I'm almost "werewolfed" out, but the cover is very tempting and your report card ain't bad. I'll think about it when I'm book shopping.

  25. I'm such a sucker for a pretty cover. Great review Elana!

  26. This one is in my TBR. Just got the ARC version and it's sitting on my couch. Honestly, I wasn't that interested in this book, but I keep hearing good things about it, so now I'm sufficiently intrigued. :)

    Something I read recently that I was iffy about - Paranormalcy! I know, everyone's been buzzing about it, but lots of buzz + cheeky girl character who loves pink + tons of paranormals makes me a little skeptical. So glad I was proven wrong. Loved this book!

  27. Must add to my list! Thanks for the review.

  28. I love the cover. I really need to read it.

    Also, I love the report card style review. If you feel like it - it is your blog after all - you should kick it back old school more often.

  29. I was lucky enough to get an ARC of this book. I LOVE it. The world building is extraordinary as is the writing. Girls are going to drool over this series.

    Enjoyed your review.

  30. Firelight. It totally surprised me. I regularly remind Sophie Jordan that I have a total girlcrush on her now :)

  31. Ooo, okay, you've made me want to read this. I'm kinda done with werewolves, so I kept pushing it down my TBR pile. But I am bumping it back up! Awesome review!

  32. I am not a werewolf fan, but straight A's? You have me intrigued.

  33. Love the report card review style! I'm going to have to give this a try if you don't mind. Thanks for the review! :)

  34. Loved this book! Ren really grew on me at the end, but Shay's pretty awesome himself.
    Another book I loved (and surprised me) REVOLUTION by Jennifer Donnelly. Wow. Just wow.

  35. I love those pearlized cardstock covers. Now I really can't wait to see yours.

  36. I really loved this book, too! I read it quite a long time ago (an ARC) before I was seeing many other reviews, and I was nervous to admit that I totally loved Ren. It seems like she wants you to love Shay, but he was nice and all... and yeah. Ren. Sigh. I'm glad that I'm not alone on Team Ren! Now, we'd just better make sure Andrea gets the memo for the rest of the books! ;)

  37. I just finished this and I'm definitely Team Ren!

  38. LOVED this book. Definitely Team Ren. And Team Calla. And Team That Cover.

  39. All A's...Sounds like a winner to me. :) Great review, Elana!

  40. Starts with P, ends with OSSESSION. lol.

    This is on my TBR. As soon as I'm back to reading.
