Thursday, January 27, 2011

THE LOST SAINT by Bree Despain

Okay, on the Bookanista feature today is THE LOST SAINT by Bree Despain. It's the sequel to THE DARK DIVINE, which I really enjoyed.

Description, with my comments:
The non-stop sequel to The Dark Divine delivers an even hotter romance and more thrilling action than Bree Despain's first novel. (True. ALL TRUE. I loved the action in this book. This isn't a pining-away-for-her-boyfriend novel. This is a I'm-gonna-kick-some-demon-butt book. Believe it.)

Grace Divine made the ultimate sacrifice to cure Daniel Kalbi (yum). She gave her soul to the wolf to save him and lost her beloved mother. When Grace receives a haunting phone call from Jude, she knows what she must do. She must become a Hound of Heaven. Desparate to find Jude, Grace befriends Talbot (swoon) - a newcomer to town who promises her that he can help her be a hero. But as the two grow closer, the wolf grows in Grace, and her relationship with Daniel begins to crumble. Unaware of the dark path she is walking, Grace becomes prideful in her new abilities - not realizing that an old enemy has returned and deadly trap is about to be sprung. (Chillz. I haz chillz.)

Readers, raveous for more Grace and Daniel, will be itching to sink their teeth into The Lost Saint. (Yes, you will. I started this book on Sunday night. Read for a bit. Went to bed. Finished it on Monday. AFTER I cleaned my house from top to bottom. So yeah. THE LOST SAINT is a must-read. And if you haven't read The Dark Divine yet, you should. The Lost Saint is a sequel, and it will be better if you read TDD.)

And today might be your lucky day, because I have sitting right here a SIGNED COPY of The Lost Saint AND a bottle of TLS nail polish! All you have to do to win is leave a comment on this post. Winner will be announced on Monday. (And you should know that my six-year-old doesn't understand why I have to give the pretty nail polish away. I've explained it roughly a billion times. Good times.)

Check out what the other Bookanistas are up to today:
Christine Fonseca freaks for THE FAMILIARS
Jen Hayley and Scott Tracey swoon over ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS
LiLa Roecker dies for DESIRES OF THE DEAD with a fabulous giveaway!
Shannon Messenger gushes some cover love for HOURGLASS
Shelli Johannes-Wells is over the moon for ACROSS THE UNIVERSE
Carolina Valdez Miller loves THE LIAR SOCIETY, complete with a signed ARC giveaway!
Shana Silver has fallen for FALL FOR ANYTHING
Kirsten Hubbard is blown away by BLOOD MAGIC
Myra McEntire reveals her amazing cover for HOURGLASS
Carrie Harris celebrates XVI
Jessi Kirby is mesmerized by A BLUE SO DARK
Rosemary Clement-Moore marvels over MATCHED


mariska said...

Am i the first to comment ? Well, I want this book :)

uniquas at ymail dot com

Anonymous said...

I totally want to win this book! Can I bribe you? If I win your six-year-old can keep the nail polish! Okay, I'm shameless.

Unknown said...

I'm like one of the first to comment? That never happens!!!

So I haven't even read the first book!!! Looks like I'm having something else to add to the list of Must Reads... thanks :)

Mandy said...

I loved DD and can't wait to get my hands on TLS...the nail polish would be fun too.

Thanks Elana!!

Amparo Ortiz said...

Awesome! Can't wait to read TLS :D

Renae said...

Can't wait to read this one! My four year old would not condone giving away nail polish either.

Natalie Aguirre said...

I really want to read this. I'm impressed on how fast you read it. I need to read faster. There are so many books I want to read.

Unknown said...

I loved the Dark Divine, and the Lost Saint is definitely on my TBR list. Sign me up! :)

Kelly Bryson said...

I loved DD, too. Thanks for this review- now I'm even more excited about the sequel!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I can't wait to read this book. I have it downloaded to my Nook already, but don't want to start it right now because I'll get so sucked in I won't finish up my edits I'm working on! Terrible, I know, but that last book made me lose sleep, slack on edits, & pretty much ignore everyone because I was so sucked in!

Thanks for the contest. It'd be super fun to win a signed copy!! :)

Have a great day!!

Theresa Milstein said...

I've been meaning to read The Dark Divine. It's on my to-read list, but I haven't bought it yet. This is a perfect opportunity.

Unknown said...

Oooh, I loved TDD! I'm looking forward to this one even more.

AWESOME giveaway!

Riv Re said...

Nice review style. I really want to read this!
I love the titles of these books. I didn't even fully enjoy the meaning of "The Dark Divine" until I finished the book. Yeah, it's a cool title, but it's like saying, "The Awesome Johnson" and referring to you, Elana. It's referring to Grace (Jude?) Divine, the dark one in her family.
And "The Lost Saint"? Don't get me started. *swoon*
Thanks for the giveaway. Calling you awesome won't get me an extra entry, will it?

Riv Re said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hannah said...

I have wondered about this series and now I wonder no longer. Thanks for the write up as usual!

Leigh Caron said...

Great review...and eh hem? Is that your nail polish? So monochromatic of you.

Kelly Lyman said...

Yeah! I've been dying to read the sequel ever since I finished The Dark Divine last year! I"m thinking of rereading it before reading The Lost Saint. Great giveaway!

Matthew MacNish said...

It seems like there are a lot of covers with zero gravity lately. Like floating dresses, flower petals and stuff like that. Still, it looks really cool, so why not?

Great review Elana, thanks as always!

JEM said...

How can a girl resist a book with matching nail polish color? Sign me up!

Jonathon Arntson said...

Blue nails would so suit me!

Jenilyn Collings said...

Oh, I've been wanting to read this! I planned to go to the book signing and it fell through last minute. I'm still disappointed.

Thanks for the review and the contest!

Michelle McLean said...

Oooo sounds awesome, count me in :D

Kay said...

Sounds like a book my 8th graders will gobble up. I love it when they fight over books!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

I loved the first book. I want the second book. I want the nail polish. Yes, I sound like a two-year-old. :-)

Carolyn V. said...

Woo hoo! I'm so excited for Bree's book! I totally want the second!

Windy Aphayrath said...

yay! if i didn't have my own signed copy, i'd totally enter! .... though word of warning: sending nail polish through the postal service is illegal. Just thought you should know. Not that I have any personal experience or anything.

Christine Fonseca said...

Awesome! That is all....

Shari said...

I have the first book, but my to-be-read shelf is a bit large, so I haven't gotten to it yet. I'd love to have the second to join it!

Jennie Englund said...

Incredible cover!

The color!

JenWriter said...

I LOVE kicking butt books!! I still haven't read the first book in this series, but now I'm thinking I need to.

Tracey Neithercott said...

Sounds great...I'm in!

Nicole Zoltack said...

I love the cover! The blue is brilliant.

Colene Murphy said...

Wondered about this series. Sounds great! Thanks Elana!

Lisa Potts said...

Swooning and chillz and nail polish? Count me in! I'll be adding them both to my list. Thanks, Elana.

Krispy said...

I've been curious about this series, so thanks for the review! I think it's so cute they have their own nail polishes. :)

Carrie Harris said...

How can I resist this after you've repeatedly swooned and yummed over it? :)

Martha Ramirez said...

Another cool cover. So colorful:)

Anonymous said...

Sound interesting. I must read The Dark Divine.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I'm adding this, along with the first one to my TBR pile! Fo Sho.

June G said...

I liked The Dark Divine and loved The Lost Saint even more. I think I screamed at the couldn't believe it! Nice touch. Can't wait to see how things get resolved in book three. Each book in the series is better than the last.

Shauna Leigh Atkinson said...

I loved TDD and can't wait to read this book. A signed copy and polish would be awesome!!! Wow! :-)

Great blog too, I'll have to stop by more. I heart YA!!!


Shelli (srjohannes) said...

love love love swoon love :)

Sara B. Larson said...

I loved this one, too! Thanks for the review. ;) Btw, did you get my email back to you yesterday?

LTM said...

gorgeous cover. I'm feeling a bit paranormaled out at the moment, but this one sounds interesting~ :o) <3

Shannon Messenger said...

Ahhhh---WANT. Love Bree. Need blue toenails. Yes...want. ;)

Melissa Gill said...

That sounds like a good one. Thanks for sharing.

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Gotta love a good demon-butt-kicking book!! Sounds swoonalicious! And a signed book on top of that? Perfection!

Bethany Wiggins said...

Must read this one!

Anonymous said...

I have to admit, I REALLY want that nail polish. Well, I REALLY want the book, too. Loved TDD, but I'm on a no-buying-books-until-I-finish-the-novel-I'm-writing diet and... *flails*

Anonymous said...

Want the book. Will wear the nail polish while I read it.


A. B. Keuser said...

Oh my gosh! That nail polish is perfect! I wouldn't want it to leave the house either. And I've been dying to get my hands on this book!

So excited for monday! :D

Anonymous said...

Woot! Looks like a great the nail polish too!!

ali cross said...

Sweet! Great review Elana!

Elise said...

Thanks, I would love to read this book!

Yamile said...

Great review! And that's my favorite shade of blue right there!

Meredith said...

Another swoon-worthy boy? Count me in! I loved the first one.

ashley said...



Bookish in a Box said...

I loved The Dark Divine, and I can't wait to read the sequel. Thanks for the giveaway!

whatinabox at gmail dot com

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