Monday, April 14, 2008

Spring Break!

Status of my Life: It's Spring Break! And all the snow is gone and it actually feels like spring. Revising SHADOWS, going to get back to work on ELITE. It's unavoidable now that FREEBIES is done...

Janet Reid has a very interesting post on her blog. She reviewed my query for me, so I just love her to pieces. This post gives me new hope. I haven't queried yet, but I make at least a thousand mistakes a day, so it's good to know that mistakes are accepted, even in the publishing world. Thanks Ms. Reid!

I also submitted my first chapter of SHADOWS to Ray Rhamey on Flogging the Quill. He said to be patient, but I can't wait to be flogged!

I'm very tired today because I stayed up until midnight going through my revised and edited chapters of SHADOWS to get ready to submit the next chapter this week. As soon as I laid down, my mind thought about Jag and Vi, my Free-Thinkers in FREEBIES. I attempted a query letter earlier in the day, but suddenly a hook sentence occurred to me. I tried to ignore it. It was already Monday, and although it is Spring Break, I wanted to sleep. I knew the words wouldn't be there in the morning, so I dragged my sorry self out of bed and typed up the query. It reeks, but it's a start, and it didn't look too bad this morning. That's saying something as I usually delete everything that's written after 10 PM. I don't know why I bother staying up...crazy, maybe?

Reading: GREGOR AND THE CODE OF THE CLAW by Suzanne Collins

I'm out.

1 comment:

  1. Woo Hoo! I hereby dub you Official Jibberings Blog Reader #4. Your membership card is in the mail. And did I mention the updated uniforms...? Thanks for the congrats! I hope you enjoy The Hollow when it hits the shelves. Also? I went around all day yesterday telling Mr. V. "You know what I am? I'm fabulous." :)
