Friday, July 25, 2008

11 Minutes Until Writing Time

Status of my Life: I've spent the last week out of town, borrowing bandwidth from neighbors, and then in a lodge in Park City on a family reunion. It's a good thing everyone goes to bed early around here. I still get my late-night writing (ahem, Internet-surfing) time. I'm down to ten minutes until it's time to write. Yikes!

Okay, so I had fun with the blog chain. It was exciting to read what other people had to say about their writing methods. I was totally justified by downloading that last iTunes song because of Leah's post. Thank you! Distractions do work.

I'm glad I've still been getting my writing time. Yesterday I wrote 1300 words between 11 and midnight. And then I got up and made breakfast for 30 people and went on a hike that had sweat dripping down my back well after I returned. So not fun. Hiking and Elana don't usually go in the same sentence, just so you know. Neither do Heights and Elana, but there I was, riding the chair lift to the bottom of the mountain. *sigh*

I've been reading a manuscript for a guy in my crit group. (Here's lookin' at you, Jeff!) It's wonderful! Sometimes I wonder if my stories will ever be as good as some that I read. Published ones as well as unpublished ones. I'm hoping they will be, and that someone will think they are too. I guess I'll never know unless I keep trying.

Dang, only six minutes left. I still have a couple blogs to check, a link to find for this post, and I need a drink. So...later!

Reading: MAXIMUM RIDE: SCHOOL'S OUT--FOREVER by James Patterson


  1. Hi Elana.

    I was just reading your blog when I saw you were reading Maximum Ride. Finished that two months ago. Loved it. Lots of action and supense.


  2. I think that your writing is probably much better than you give it credit for being. Aren't we always our own worst critics?

    PS. My husband grew up in the Park City area.
