Sunday, November 16, 2008

My First Blog Award!

I'm all a twitter. Seriously. The uber-fantastic Kate over at the lovers, the dreamers and me just gave me the "I Love Your Blog" award! Holy brown cows! I've never won anything! Well...unless you count those 50 Jazz tickets (I took 20 of my third graders and their parents.) Oh and the Agriculture Teacher of the Year (no laughing). Or maybe the cool stuff I won during Jess's HOLLOW-een contest...

But this is HUGE! Huger than all of that. I mean, who would have thunk that someone actually reads my Mindless Musings? But here it is, and it's no lie.

Like Kate, I have so many people to thank. Well, not really. My husband thinks blogging is the biggest waste of time on the planet. I endure endless hours of teasing from him and his brother. At least my sister-in-law supports my blogging. And all of you...

So here's the deal. I now get to pass the "I *heart* your blog" award along to five worthy recipients. There are so many to choose from...

1. My sister Jess's cooking blog, No Measurements. She's a big blogger and has been blogging every single day in November here (careful, not for the faint of heart, body, or mind kenyit ). This cooking blog is just another way for her to spend time blogging. Love ya, sis!

2. Jennifer Wilks' Confessions of a Lifelong Bookworm deserves a nod. She's awesome and always has something insightful to say about life, love, writing, whatevah. Love it, read it, blog it, award it. (Plus, she tagged me, something I was dying inside for, so...yeah. Thanks Jen!)

3. The Martin Family blog maintained by the queen herself, Megan. Even after that post on bleeding red, I'm still gonna give them this award. I may have to retract later, but...for now they deserve it.

4. Fellow blog chainer, Leah Clifford over at Ghostwriting the WIP. Her wonderfully entertaining posts about writing, life, politics (well, only that one time kenyit ), and anything else you can imagine provide a ray of sunshine in my day. She's the only one who's ever made me spurt Sprite out my nose while reading a blog entry. Seriously. She's that good.

5. And last, but certainly not least, is Authoress over at Miss Snark's First Victim. She is beyond awesome with her Secret Agent Contests, her ebook about Demystifying Agents, and everything in between. Go check it out if you haven't.

Thus ends the blog award post.


  1. Yea - I'm so glad you are enjoying the award! I also love having new blogs to check out!

  2. you picked me??? I HEART YOUR BLOG TOO!!!

    yay!! and i'd like to point out that MOST of what i write is PG, pg-13 at MOST. it's the other two authors you have to worry about. /wink, wink!

  3. I'm so flattered! I've never gotten a blog award before. :) And I can see why you were picked - your blog is awesome. (And don't get me started on hubbies and blogs. They just don't mix.)

  4. awww! I just found this! THANK YOU!
