Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Love-Hate Relationship

I love the Christmas holiday. The lights and snow. Well, maybe not the snow, but definitely the lights. And presents. And decorating and watching my kids get excited. That's all good.

It's the movies that have me on the hate side of the fence. Don't get me wrong, I love holiday movies, but I wish, wish, wish I wasn't such a baby. Here's the run-down of tear-jerkers this holiday season. You've been warned.

Home Alone. I despise this movie, yet there I was, watching it. Mostly so I could be doing something with my family. And guess what? I started bawling. Gah. When the mom comes in and hugs the boy and they're reunited...choking up. Embarrassed. Because I hate this movie, and yet I'm touched. There is no justice in the world.

Elf. I wish, wish, wish I were kidding. I mean, come on. Elf? Have you seen the movie? It's not exactly a touching rendition of Christmas. So I'm sitting on the couch watching the stupid human-who-thinks-he's-an-elf help Santa with his sleigh and his dad who hates the human elf is helping. Tears well up. Then they start singing...and the dad sings... *sniff* I need prozac or something.

Fred Claus. This is the worst one I think. I refused to watch it last year because I don't like the guy who plays Fred. My husband watched it late at night and insisted that I would like it. I was thinking it must have been really late at night and there was no way I was going to like it. Well, I did. A lot. And then I started bawling. When Santa gives that guy the Superman cape? Holy kryptonite, Batman. I realize that's the wrong superhero, but neither one of them can stop my bawl babyitis, so it doesn't really matter. I'm not ashamed. I cried during Fred Claus.

So I've developed a love-hate relationship with the Christmas season. I don't like feeling like a bawl baby, and yet I can't stop the tears that seem to come more abundantly during December. At least it hasn't snowed yet. That is just a hate-hate relationship because all that white stuff cost me $700 in new tires last year. But that is another post for another day.


  1. I like the old Christmas movies...
    White Christmas, Holiday Inn, It;s A Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street, The Bishop's Wife... but tear jerkers all of them. :)

  2. Oh thank god I am not the only Christmas crybaby. It is seriously bad. Over Thanksgiving went to see A Christmas Carol on stage and had tears rolling down my cheeks when they carried Tiny Tim's casket out. Then I watched the new Muppets Christmas special and everytime Kermit, Gonzo, and Fonzi start singing - the tears start flowing.

    If anyone asks though I say it's just allergies from all the dusty Christmas decorations;)

  3. Dusty Christmas decor - I'm going to go with that from now on!

    Abi, I haven't seen The Bishop's Wife...I see another weekend of bawling in my future.
