Friday, April 17, 2009

Holy Coolness That Is The Hollow

That's right, peeps, I've read a book that isn't even out yet! One of my online buddies is Jessica Verday. Her book, THE HOLLOW, comes out on October 6. You have to get it, so put it on your list right now and make sure you have an extra 15 bucks that week. Oh, and about 4 hours to read it, cuz you're gonna get sucked in from page one.

Wait! You can pre-order it now from Amazon. I have a thingy in my sidebar. You should. Do it. Now.

<---A few of my favorite things...

7. I also started The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan this week (thanks Leah). I am in the well of shame. The woman writes with a beauty I can only hope to achieve one day. I'm about 75 pages in and I've already been doing the sad head-shaking. I absolutely love it, the way she describes the emotion of love...gorgeous. You have to read it.

So I'm up to seven books for 2009. Not great, but not terrible either. My husband took me to the bookstore and I was able to buy two books. I bought City of Bones by Cassandra Clare and The Dust of 100 Dogs by A.S. King. I can't wait to read them and report in. And if you look really closely at that picture above, behind the ginger ale is a stack of books I have yet to read. And that's the short stack.

What have you been reading?


  1. First off, gotta love the Dove choco. Great stuff. Unfortunately I rarely have time to read these days, since I'm 6 classes away from graduating with my BS. But I am working through Evensong by M.L. St. Sure, a thoroughly enjoyable book I highly recommend. I am planning on writing a review on it, in fact. I'm also reading Angels & Demons by Dan Brown. I love his writing, particularly this jaunt through conspiracy-theory religious cults.

  2. I reread a Tamora Pierce book in preparation for her new book released this week. I'm also looking to read a few whatever catches my fancy at the library. Can't afford books right now. -.-

  3. I just picked up "Dust of 100 Dogs" and love it so far, but I'm also trying to finish up "Fledgling". Yeah, books are expensive when you're trying to compile a list you ought to read before you submit your final draft to agents.
    I only just discovered the writing of Octavia Butler and wonder how I made it through my youth without reading a single one of her books!

  4. Those books sound great! I'm reading the second book in The 13th Reality by Dashner, and the Hunger Games by Collins. I'm looking forward to being able to read the Princess and the Bear by Harrison when it comes out next month.

  5. You're ahead of me. I'm only on book No. 5 for 2009.

    I can't wait for Jessica's book to come out. I've been telling everyone I know to keep their eye out for it.

  6. Okay, Elana, so I'm totally intrigued by The Forest of Hands and Teeth (what a title!), but can I handle it? I looked at some reviews and am a bit hesitant about possible gore-age, but it sounds so interesting! What say you?


  7. Raven, I didn't find it a gore fest at all. I read the whole thing today. From page 70 to the end. It is just that compelling. There are some descriptions, of course, but I didn't think it was anything that you wouldn't be able to handle. You seriously, seriously need to read it. I am devastated about my own writing now, it's that good.

  8. Oooh, how jealous am I of your early reading adventures? Love the title of the 2nd book - loved it when I saw it on GG's blog as well.

  9. Mmm! Now I wish I had some chocolate in the house! The Hollow sounds so good! I can't wait to read it!

    Right now I'm reading the third book in Terry Brooks' series "The Voyage of the Jerle Shanara" and my husband and I are reading the third book in the Leven Thump series by Obert Skye (sp?) together. I read "Tantalize" courtesy of you and a few non-fictions dealing with the Great Depression and one called "A Slobbering Love Affair" about liberal media. I had to read it just for the title. It cracked me up. Sad to say, but that's the whole list for the year. Tamora Pierce and Mary Higgins Clark both have books out or coming out soon, which I can't wait to get my hot little hands on! I just need to find more time to read! Can we get an upgrade in the number of hours in the day, please?

  10. Nice book list...I am reading City of Bones as we speak...LOVE IT. And the Forest of Hands and Teeth is next on my list...Too bad we don't live close, we could switch books :) (LOL)
    (And ps - the way you feel about the writing in the book you are reading, that's how I feel about the Hunger Games....)

  11. SO glad you liked THE HOLLOW! (And you are such a sweetie! Thanks!) I have a little sample boolet thingy of FHT and it IS gorgeous!!
