Wednesday, April 15, 2009

WiP It, WiP It Good

And I have, my friends, I have. Thanks to my Throwdown Challenge, I have been writing every day since we last talked!

I have been amazed by the snarftastic people out there. They've set their goals with me, and together, we're going to get some serious writing done. It's so fun to celebrate with other people who "get" you. So thanks to all my new friends (and several old ones) in the Writing Throwdown.

You thought that's all there would be, didn't ya? *scoff* Hardly.

This is Work In Progress Wednesday, after all.

I've written an additional 4000 words in Elemental Hunger. Here are some highlights:
  • Two people have died.
  • Winter is finally over.
  • A mysterious tattoo has reappeared.
  • Adam Lambert helped me through a particularly emotional scene with his rendition of "Tracks of my Tears" on repeat.
  • The resolution is still hiding in my brain.

But, in the back of my mind, I'm thinking of my next project. I know I shouldn't be. The football team always focuses on the game at hand. But I know I'm nearing the curing stage of EH, and I'm not going to have anything new to write. Well, that just won't do with my new Throwdown challenge. I must write 500 words every day.

So I asked Christine. She suggested that I write the sequel to Control Issues. I'm thinking about it. Jag sort of has control (with a capital C) over me, so he might get his way. He usually does.kenyit

But I'm also stewing over a chick lit idea I had a few weeks (months?) ago. Can't you guys see me writing chick lit? It would basically be like writing the blog, only chickier. Littier. Or something.

Oh, and if you like the LOL cats, thank Michelle. She stayed up late with me last night captioning them for me. Oh and you can pull them from here and use them in your own WiP or Throwdown posts. Spread the love, baby. Spread the love.

How's your work in progress coming? Are you WiP-ing it? Or is it WiP-ing you?


  1. Love the lolcats! ;-) The throwdown was such a great idea. I can't believe how much I've gotten done. It's always so much more fun to work toward your goals with other people. And major congrats on the wordage this week!!!

    Oh, I have to throw in my vote for a sequel to CI :D I'd love anything you write, but I gotta know what happens to Vi and Jag!!!

  2. Love the pics! Good job on the writing an dmeeting your goals. :)

    My character just got kidnapped by an evil fairy godmother. ;)

  3. Congrats on moving right along. I'm really WIP-ing it up when it comes to my revisions. Great teaser, by the way. I think I shall participate next week. I really like the bits and pieces I've read of Control Issues.

  4. Thanks again for the Throwdown! It has caused me to write *something* this past week, though I have to admit, my project is WiP-ing me.

    I would be interested in some chick lit from you. You have a great voice, and I bet the story would be hilarious!

  5. Um, you also have a knack for getting songs stuck in my head...

  6. You know, if you finish the book, I think it's a great idea to move on to the next something or other. However, if you're prone to big rewrites, then I'd pass on the second book.

    Sorry your ABNA didn't make it - I looked for you this morning. :(

    Your enthusiasm helps. I got pulled into some mega projects at work - I'm a grants administrator, and both of these new grants are gonna be in the millions (one around 2ish, the other around 40). I hope to keep your level of enthusiasm. The next month is gonna be rough around here. LOL.

  7. Annie, whatever I can do to help you with your musical stuckage, I'm willing to do.

    Thanks for looking for me, M. Dunham. It's okay I didn't make it. I was happy for the first ride. :)

  8. Oh, it's WiP-ing me. No doubt about it. But we did have a baptism, 2 birthday parties, Easter, and my in-laws staying with us since Thursday. Not really good excuses--those cats never would have let it stop them. :o)

    Really, though, I'm just feeling 110% un-inspired. Blah. WiP-ed.

    I need a serious fire lit under my butt. And no one's going to light it for me. I think it's time to get out the matches.

  9. HAHA...LOVE the title for this week...might have to steal it (and the picture!!! - good one Michelle!)

    You know Chick Lit or CI-2 would be a A+ in my book...but I have to admit, I *heart* JAG - - - so of course I want a sequel!!!

  10. Oooh, I vote for a chick lit!! I love me some chick lit:)

    Awesome lolcat/dog too!

  11. Ooh! Love the cat pic. That is awesome! I'm also loving throwdown and it's keeping me so motivated so thank you!! I still wonder how you do it all! I feel like I've got one finger attached to the top of the cliff while the rest of me dangles of the abyss. It's not such a bad feeling... I like being busy, but maybe an entire hand holding me up instead of a single finger might be preferable! Okay, I'll stop ranting and get to work.

  12. Love the lolcats!

    I totally understand about being torn between sequels or new works. I can only every focus on one project at a time, so new project or sequel can be a tough decision.

  13. So far, we're all WIP'ing it, and good. Gotta love the lolcats though. I need to do a WIP it Wednesday post probably. Be a good tradition to get going. since so many others do it.
