Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Work In Progress Wednesday - I Wrote THE END!

*panic face*

Now what?

No, seriously. I haven't been able to start writing anything else. I decided to type up the middle grade novel I wrote in January - March. It's been going pretty good when I can figure out what all the little stars, smiley faces, triple lines and other bizarre-o characters mean. Yeah, I probably should have typed that up as soon as I finished it.

But it's gone through a nice curing period. I'm reading it as I type, adding a second layer of details in the setting (something that is always missing from my first draft) and more emotion (also a missing component when I'm getting the story down). I'm finding that I have no idea what happens next. Like, no idea. It's sort of exciting to see what Jesse has to endure and how he's gonna get out of the situations he's in.

Meanwhile, I have invested all my extra income into an Unlimited Stewage Plan for the thinking about major plot points and character arcs for the big general ideas floating around in my head. I currently have three.

1. Chick lit novel. It actually has a title. Spa Survivor.
2. Control Issues, the sequel. Maybe something like "Voice Activated" for the title?
3. Goth YA paranormal. No title, no clue. The girl's name is Penelope, though. It's good to finally know her name.

My "notes" notebook is turning into a Federal Disaster Area with all the scribblings. I write a lot of them in the car--while driving--so I'm hoping I can make out the stoplight scratchings when I go to write.

What are you working on? How is it going?


  1. The picture of you, in the car, scrambling your notes down, is cracking me up....

    Great job finishing and lots of fun ideas to play with. Good luck figuring it all out!

  2. Working on something special right now. ;) Too special to talk about.

    I love your blog. Your wit and humor always shine through!

  3. Congrats on finishing! Now the "fun" begins. :)

  4. Plugging away at my chapter so I can post as done on our list! :)

  5. Control Issues... the sequel.

    Do I need to hold your hand or what? Write it so I can find out what happens next! :)

  6. Congrats. I so wish I could "think" writing constantly like you apparently do, but my mind is a disaster area most times.

  7. Congrats on reaching THE END!

    I love your new ideas too. Penelope is a great character name! Also, if you need some suggestions on some good chick lit novels for research, feel free to send an email my way.

    Finally, I think your vehicle needs some kind of warning bumper sticker on it. Something like, "Beware: Writer in Major Stewage Mode On Board."

  8. I'm with Jamie...though I like the Spa Survivor idea too! :D

    Ummm, remind me never to drive next to you ;-) j/k :D that image is cracking me up too!!

  9. I love the idea of a Work in Progress Wednesday. Can I shamelessly copy? I think I'd heard about this weeks ago when I was in a fog of other obligations. I'm currently just stewing about my next WIP while continuing the hunt for an agent. I need to get started on the next thing soon.

  10. Thanks everyone! Kate, I totally need that bumper sticker. Totally. I'm a good driver, when I'm focused. Which I never am. Ha ha! I must have forgotten to pay the bill on my Stewage plan because I've got nuthin'. I mean nuthin' for the past few days. Oh well, it'll come eventually.

  11. Yay for reaching The End! Urk. You mean we have to choose one of them? They all sound great. >.<

  12. You're too funny! I can totally relate to the scribblings.

    Currently working on the sequel to my first steampunk/romance/mystery. Because who needs one genre when you can have three? ;)

  13. Ha! Good to know I'm not the only one making redlight scribbles.

    As for extra income into stewage ... haha my husband found a bunch of awesome notebooks on clearance @ B & N and now I can't leave home without them!

    Great job on all the stuff going...sounds like your brain's buzzing... good thing ... or could be driving you crazy... But crazy's good too! (I should know, I'm pretty sure I am! Lol!)

  14. Glad to see I'm not the only one who writes like mad at the stop lights.

  15. i love the feeling of gettin gall the way thru the book once - ah!

  16. Congratulations! :) The writing while you drive is so going to be me in a couple years.

  17. Maybe you could start all three projects and see which one you love the best.
    Congrats on reaching "the end"!
