Monday, August 17, 2009

Blogging Vacay

I'll still stalk Facebook, let's not go all rash. But I'm taking a blogging vacay this week. See you on the other side!

Wanna know more about unplugging? Click the picture and it'll take you to B.J. Anderson's blog. Right sidebar, baby. Read all about it.


  1. Good for you! Have a great "vacation". ;)

  2. I'm seriously thinking about doing this unpluggy thing. Seriously. I mean it. *gulp*

    Really, though, things have been crazy the last few days trying to get my kids off to school today, so the house is a wreck. Like, even more than usual. It's scary-bad.

    And I'm gonna be gone all day for the next four days at Ed Week. I just can't be wasting tons of time on the 'puter when I am home, 'cuz I'm gonna be doing the mad get-homework-done-and-make-dinner-and-get-the-kids-in-bed-all-somehow-without-hurting-anyone thing when I do get home.

    So, yeah. I'm thinking about it . . . :o)

  3. Enjoy, I totally need to try it sometime! We'll miss your posts and comments but it's worth it. I haven't forgotten about the web site info for you. I'll email you this week.


  4. It's so cool that you unplug for a week every month. I wish I have the discipline to do that.

    P.S. When you get back from blog vacation, know that I have awarded you the Kreativ Blogger Award:

  5. I really should do this, but... but... I can't. Not yet. I'm not ready.

    Have a great vacay!

  6. Hope your blog vacay is awesome and relaxing.

    I see Lin Wang has already beat me to the punch, but there's an award for you at my place too:

  7. So, umm, you're not here right now but I gave you an award too. So yea... enjoy!

  8. Oh, you're going on a Vacay right as I'm going to honor you for being a follower? Sadness. I'll eat an oreo in your honor. And you graduated from SUU? SO cool!

  9. Yeah, I know you're not around ...

    But when you get back I have a blog award for ya!
