Friday, October 2, 2009

From the Query to the Call Sale!

My ebook, From the Query to the Call, is now on sale for the weekend!

Here's how it works:
1. Add the ebook to your cart. (At the top of this blog. Or this one. Or the website. Or here: Add to Cart

2. Enter the code: 25hoursale (No spaces, no period at the end.)

3. You get the ebook for $7.50 - 25% off!

4. Sale lasts from now - midnight Sunday. Tell your writerly friends.

Easy, peasy.

And I'm sort of under a deadline of sorts. So I'm still AWOL. But I'll be back next week.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Happy unplugging! You'll be missed. :)

  2. Does this mean we can flog you if we see you? :P

  3. Yay for you! Have fun revising! (PS: Did you see my recent posts on revising? Great minds think alike!!)

  4. Oh, don't worry, you'll be gmailed. :D

    Good luck! We'll miss you.

  5. Have a great week. I was just wondering this morning where I can go and be plugged in without internet access. My computer battery is shot so I still need a plug :)

  6. GOOD LUCK! We should celebrate when you're done. :D

  7. Wow -- great price on the book!! I love how you're going to work to the bone and we benefit with a fantastic sale!

  8. Done and done!

    Have a great week of work and we'll see you when you get back!!

  9. Get to work! J/K... hey, I'm going to take advantage of that sale!

    Have a nice week of revising and I hope you get a ton done!

  10. Good luck with revisions. I was just about to buy the book anyway, and now I get it on sale! Woohoo!

  11. Good luck with the revisions, and have a great weekend!

  12. You'll be missed. Happy revising!

  13. Have fun stormin the castle, or revising. They are close enough activities so I guess you could say one works for both:)

  14. Have fun revising! See you when you get back. :)

  15. hey elana. I wanted to let you know about my blog address change. *sigh* If you're following me, my posts now won't show up in your feed, dashboard, sidebar, whatever. So please forgive me, but you'll have to change the address for my main writing blog, Where Romance Meets Therapy, to To do this, you have to "unfollow" me and follow me again. Sorry for the confusion!

    The Character Therapist
