Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sometimes I Don't Wanna Use A Comma

Take--that--Grammar--Girl. I like me some em-dashes.


  1. Did i miss some announcement that it is brevity week? :)

  2. *raises hand*

    I am an em dash abuser. I blame my day job as a graphic designer and my habit of interrupting myself.

  3. dashes rock -- totally.

    and, thanks for the comment on my blog. your story about the book your reading led to one thought that led to another that morphed to another and now I have a hilarious (and yet somehow intense) scene idea for my novel. How cool is that?

    and, as I've been following your whole Query Ninja persona I have to say how talented you are. Have you ever considered editing?

  4. I fully admit that I have no idea how they're using em dashes these days. I use them sparingly but I hear their in vogue right now.

  5. I'm unabashedly in love with em-dashes. They make stuff pop.

    Umm, here is my word verification. Anyone care to take it on?

  6. Count me in. I'm pretty sure I overuse em-dashes.

  7. I love em-dashes, too. They are so fun to use (much better than a comma).

  8. Oh my gosh, your posts this week have been an absolute gem! Sorry that your revisions are being so yucky!

  9. Lol, you are too funny. Yes, I'm a fan of the ol' em dash.

  10. I'm with you on the em-dashes. I love them and I'm not giving them up. No way.

  11. I love - absolutely, positively - me some em dashes. Like how I put them in my comment??? I'm so clever sometimes it's frightening! : )

  12. Corey, no announcement. Just for fun. :)

    Melanie, phew. I'm so glad I'm not the only one that interrupts herself.

    Tess, I'm so glad you got something out of it!! Yay for you!

    L.T. Well, vogue or not, the em-dash rulez.

    Casey, Wait. One can overuse em-dashes? Oh, crap...

    Scott, you are--so--clever!

    I'm glad you all like em-dashes as much as I do. Spread the <3!!

  13. Em-dashes rule and commas drool! ;)

  14. I hate the comma. I was recently reprimanded for misuse of the hideous creature.

  15. A comment on dashes - I hate, absolutely HATE (yes, I love all caps too) (and parenthetical remarks as well - does that make me a LISP programmer?)

    Ummm, where was I? Oh, yes - I HATE how MS Word tries to use it's 'smart quotes to point the WRONG way when I end a quote with a dash.

    Ex: "You've got to be kidding! Paul is coming here right-"
    Paul came storming into the room, interrupting the unnamed character above.

    Wassup with that? Why can't it figure out that you can end an interruption with a dash? I end up using an ellipsis...

    (and why doesn't an ellipsis look like an ellipse, anyway?)

  16. I tend to abuse the ever wonderful ellipsis more than the em-dash...but I'm always open to new punctuation marks :D

  17. I am a dash person- my WIP was littered with them and it was hard to sweep them away. :)

    It's like one thought- that just keeps going!

  18. I don't use em dashes all that much...well at all really. I'll admit that I'd really rather use commas than the em dash, or a parenthetical comment. Sorry:(

  19. I'm more of a parenthetical girl myself.

  20. And semi-colons! All em-dashes and semi-colons rise up.

  21. Oh, I parenthetical with the best of them. I'm all over that.

    And MisterChris, you've just gotta put a letter there and then delete it. I've discovered all the ways to trick Word so I can keep my own sanity.

  22. run on sentences are nice dont you think they really get the point across at least in my mind.

  23. I love em-dashes! Perhaps a little too much...

  24. I'm an em-dasher and not ashamed one bit because I know the rules (comma v. semi-colon v. period). I just get tired of using them. Bad? Maybe because I suppose everyone should know the rules before they break them and I may not be helping in that "learning" effort. Hmmm. Maybe I'll edit my latest ms and see about being more traditional. Maybe not.

  25. Thanks, Elana!

    Seems to me that a dash works better than an ellipsis, when attempting to communicate an interruption.

    Traditionally, the ellipsis is used to... sorta... fade away...


    Word Verification - audath. Doeth the word verification prothethor have a lithp? I have the audathity to uthe m-datheth...

  26. I am a fan of em dashes also—they're just so right when you want to showcase an interruption in thought.
