Wednesday, October 28, 2009

That's Right, You Guessed It

I've avoided the NaNo blog post for as long as humanly possible. In my defense, I did put the little participator badge up at the beginning of October.

The problem? I've been toying with the thought of editing in November instead of writing. It was a fickle dream though.

So I've decided to go all out. That's right. No holding back. See, when you (meaning: me) killed (and I mean KILLED) NaNo last year, there's nowhere to go but down. So I'm putting on my literary armor, storming the storybook castle and forging toward the tallest tower in the north corner.

I'm going NaNo.

Come buddy me.

And then come join us on RallyStorm. I made a separate board in the Writing Throwdown forum, (where some of us have been cheering each other on since April) just for NaNo. And who doesn't need cookies (provided by Danyelle on a regular basis), and encouragement, and hand-holding and a cool place to hang out while they're trying to pound out fifty-freaking-thousand words in only thirty days?? Yeah, you do. You know you need it.

It's free to join, and everyone is welcome.

Who's with me? I said: WHO'S WITH ME? *insert battle cry here*


  1. I'm in. Though I'm starting to think I may be crazy. :)

  2. I'm struggling with conflicting emotions here. Do I roll on the floor laughing, run screaming in terror or hold up my pitchfork and torch? I'll probably end up doing all three at some point, but I am with you! Really, I am!

  3. Gah! All of you are making me want to do it but I MUST EDIT! Good luck!

  4. Good luck with NaNo! I'd do it, but it'd just be setting myself up for failure.

  5. Okay, I added you as a buddy. My username is authoraubrie if you want to add me :)

  6. Though I am not doing NaNo this year ... I will for sure be cheering you on!!!!!! YEEEEAAAAAYYY!!!!

  7. I'm in! I've already got my blog posts ready ahead of time. The fun for me so far is that I have absolutely no clue what I am going to write about! I am just going to sit down and start....

  8. *raises hand* I totally need the distraction from real life! :D

  9. Lol. I'm in. My first year. Ahhhh! (That wasn't really a battle cry, more like a what-am-I-thinking? kind of wail).

  10. Thumbs up, as I cower away from you (and when you turn around I flee this battle field)

  11. I've been sitting on the fence so long I've got a really sore butt. I have revisions to do, but I can't stand watching this parade go by, so I expect to sign up later today and I'll check in your RallyStorm. Yikes. Eeek. Oh. Yeah.

    Ha: word verification is hilift (I expect to be doing a lot of that)

  12. Wow I think I'm over my head. I just want to get my story out, its about what happen to me as a child. I'm not a writer. please I would be humble if you would read my blog
    Thank you for your time

  13. We're just saying no to NaNo this year. We will participate at some point, but this November is all about polishing the WIP and getting to the agent. We're in the home stretch baby!

  14. AAARGH! Charge! First year, second novel, I'm in! (Quick! before my internal editor tells me I'm nuts!)

  15. I'm in but pretty terrified already. ;)

  16. I love all these battle cries! Yay NaNo-ers! (and others too.) I'll be on NaNo tonight to befriend all my new buddies!

  17. Everyone needs more cookies in my opinion. O:)

    Yay, Elana! I'm going crazy and do NaNo too.

    *stocking up on cookies as we speak* O:)

  18. I'm in too :) Still can't decide which idea to choose, but I'm in. I'll add you as a buddy - I'll be needing all the support I can get!

  19. I'm in! I wasn't going to do it this year, but a story popped up and is demanding to be told. Who am I to argue :) I'll add you to my buddies list! The more the merrier!

  20. I'm there baby!

    And yeah for going all out!

  21. I'm in polishing mode so I'll have to just cheer from the sidelines. Do I get cookies for that?

  22. OH my gosh! You're going NANO? Sweet! I've avoided making the decision. I guess it's time to choose! Good Luck! I want updates!=)

  23. The PRESSURE!!

    I've almost buckled. Almost.
