Friday, December 4, 2009

'Fess Up Friday

Okay, so my inbox is cursed. Maybe yours is too. Mine's got this weird virus that's keeping all the important emails out. Like it's killing them off or something.

I've been standing in the shower for a few extra minutes lately, mentally pep-talking myself into checking my email. "This is it. You're gonna have the best email ever today. The best. Ev. Er. Get out of the shower already."

So I get out of the shower. Get dressed. Take a deep, cleansing breath and open the Internet browser.


I have 34 emails!

All from Facebook. It's how I get email.

Hey, it's better than nothing, right? At least that's what I've been telling myself.

My name is Elana Johnson, and I make sure my inbox is full by participating on Facebook. *cheers, applause, knowing looks from fellow Facebook Anonymous members*

What's your dirty little secret? I know you have one. Tell...tell...


  1. I put pepper on my mac and cheese...Please don't beat me!!!

  2. I do the same thing, sort of. When my inbox is depressingly empty, I get on facebook and try to cheer someone else up with comments. And then the favor is returned because I get messages in my inbox.

  3. I sing when I clean the kitchen. But I have to be alone, because I scare people away. Shhh. Don't tell anyone!

  4. I have way too many to start telling them here. ;)

  5. I charge groceries every week, because i can't stand to be cash.

  6. I, um, have all my blog comments come to my email on my phone. It's like a text message gift!!!

  7. That's hilarious!!!! I love it! I deleted my Facebook account because of those emails. I couldn't keep up with it.

  8. I secretly love a full inbox too. :-)

  9. I took all of the creamy milk chocolate w/toffee and almonds Hershey Nuggets out of the candy dish and work and put them in my desk. Yes. I. Did! HA! There's plenty of other chocolate left for my co-workers . . . but the toffee nuggets are mine, all mine! : )

  10. That's mine. That and I hide all the chocolate in the house from my kids. So selfish! I tell myself it's healthier for them that way, right? lol!

  11. Hi, my name is Stephanie and I use facebook and google alerts to pad my e-mail inbox.

    *sits back down*

  12. hehe, I do the Facebook comment thing too :) I also have my blog comments sent to my email. Another thing that works well....have the forums you particpate in email you when someone posts something new. Rallystorm is awesome for that :D Oooo and Google Alerts. And yahoo groups LOL

  13. Oh, I'm addicted to my email. I love it. (Sadly, it's been having issues.) I'm also addicted to reading. I read everywhere. Shampoo bottles if I have to.

  14. I too am addicted to email. But the one I want to read hasn't come yet. Still waiting...

  15. My inbox has never been empty! I wish:)

  16. I've watched so much Max and Ruby that within the first 10 seconds of an episode starting I can tell which actress is doing the voice of Ruby.

    And I'm so desperate for our agent to read the new manuscript we just sent her that I'm having dreams about it. Talk about pathetic...

  17. I'm addicted to Dubble Bubble even though I know the flavor fades quickly as a way to get me to consume more.

  18. My bit secret of late. I've been thinking about joining facebook. Sounds boring, but I'm actually a little excited about it.

  19. I make lists of things to do so that I can tick them off. It makes me feel so efficient. And I sing in the car. The windscreen is a great resonating board! That makes me very scary to other road users.

  20. Gotta say - full email inboxes scare me just a little bit! I haven't joined the facebook brigade yet, which is probably a good thing :)

  21. I'm really a nerd in disguise. >:)

  22. I am not addicted to getting emails. I use my cell phone as a phone and for nothing else. I don't have iPod and I don't get twitter.

  23. That I'm a really, really, really horrible singer. REally.

  24. Email gets so screwy sometimes. Mine likes to put addresses that have been fine forever into spam, just for giggles.

  25. If you were to look at my email program, you'd think I was super organized. I have 4 email accounts and filters set up so they are all organized by type (facebook, twitter, blogs, query responses, etc.) as soon as they hit my computer. That way I can subscribe to comment threads I contribute to and get lots of emails without worrying about sorting them. :)

    The rest of my life is highly unorganized. Though I seem to thrive in chaos.

  26. I have a hickie, hicky?(I'm not sure how to even spell it) on my neck right now. I'm 34 and I haven't had a hickie since I was 20. So embarrassing - at least everyone knows the hubbie still likes me.

  27. When I get ready to leave the house, I sing "I'm ready!" just like Spongebob.

  28. My main meals are chocolate (including chocolate chip waffles). And I snack on what most people eat as their main meals.
