Friday, December 11, 2009

My Agent Is Like...

...The best birthday present ever. That's right, it's my birthday today. I' year older than I was last year. And apparently I like ellipses.

Anyway, I'm dedicating my birthday post to my agent, Michelle Andelman aka Booksta (Dawg, don't remember the gangsta names? Check 'em out, yo).

In fact, today a bunch of agented authors are dedicating their posts to their agents (a great idea generated by the fabulous Kody Keplinger). Because they're A) people too and B) work pretty dang hard in behalf of their authors and C) get trashed pretty much everywhere.

But not today, my feathered friends. Not. Today. Because it's Unofficially Official Agent Day. (Try to wrap your head around that.)

So in keeping with my lists this week, I've compiled a few things that make Michelle Andelman worthy to have an agent gangsta name.

1. In the month we've been working together, she's already made me laugh out loud three times. And just through email. And that's impressive, my friends. I'm not just handing out laughs for free. Oh, no.

2. She's got her finger on the pulse of publishing. So really, I have like, this IV I can tap into anytime I want. And I love that. Because, frankly, sometimes I have to check myself and make sure I haven't flatlined yet.

3. Her positivity is infectious. And I mean "infectious" in a good way, not the H1N1 kind.

4. She is lightning fast in both reading and responding. And when you have lightning on your side, what else do you need?? Srsly. That's like commanding the universe or something.

So give it up for Booksta! (Or should I call her The Paperback Kid? Oooh, I kinda like that... Thoughts?)

And then go check out what my agency sisters have to say about Michelle.
Kirsten Hubbard
Kristin Botts
Shari Green

Jennifer Chen

Check out these other authors who have shown the love.
Lisa and Laura Roecker adore Catherine Drayton
Kody Keplinger and Sarah Frances Hardy show the love for Joanna Stampfel-Volpe
Christine Fonseca high-fives Krista Goering
Mary Lindsey dishes about Joan Paquette
Suzette Saxton tells us about Brendan Deneen
Bethany Wiggins gives it up for Marlene Stringer
Gretchen McNeil is infatuated with Ginger Clark
Shelli Johannes-Wells and Kristina McBride write sweet nothings about Alyssa Eisner Henken
Katie Anderson gushes about Cheryl Pientka
Julia Karr and Carrie Harris and Kiki Hamilton are hilariously in love with Kate Shafer Testerman
Scott Tracey sings the praises of Colleen Lindsay
Kiersten White tells us why Michelle Wolfson rules
Susan Adrian relishes in the joy with Janet Reid
Stephanie Burgis buddies up to Barry Goldblatt
Irene Latham hands out the hugs to Rosemary Stimola
Victoria Schwab presents the trophy to Amy Tipton
Andrea Cremer hands out the love to Charlie Olsen
Tabitha Olson brags about Andrea Cascardi
Jennifer Hubbard makes it all about Nathan Bransford
Kristin Miller types the praises of Suzie Townsend

And Lisa and Laura are compiling the whole list over on their blog (check the comments). So go check that out.

Yo. EJ-Jamma, out.


  1. And this is why I'm so glad I stumbled into this community. What an awesome idea. Kudos to all who are celebrating their agents today!

    I like the paperback kid myself. It has a nice ring to it.

  2. Happy Birthday! And truly, what better present to have gotten than an agent? It's only right to say thanks.

  3. Booksta!!! LOL I love it. I want to give my agent a gangsta name! When I get one, that is. LOL

    Thanks for all those links. Don't have time to check them out now, but maybe later! I love hearing positive stuff. :-) Happy birthday!!!

  4. It's really refreshing to see the positive side of the agent. And not just the hunt for the agent but seeing them 'in action'. Fun post!

  5. Wow that is some list. thanks for the links.

    I shouted you out on my blog today. Just wanted to let you know:)

  6. Congrats to all the agents and the agented authors! Enjoy the day :)

  7. Happy birthday! I'd sing, but that would be too silly. ;) What a gift for a birthday, huh?

  8. Love it! I just commented on your agent sista Kristin's blog :-)

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Whoa! That's a lot of love! (and a lot of new blogs for me to follow)

    Happy birthday!

  10. Happy birthday!

    Here's hoping that next year I can participate in the Unofficial Official Agent Day.

  11. Happy Birthday Elana!

    And a shout out to my future agent. I know your out there somewhere. :)

  12. Happy Birthday! I hope you laugh out loud twelve times today.

    My goal is to have an agent to hoot hoot about this time next year. Not actively querying now...editing is enough.
    ~ Wendy

  13. Wow, that's a lot of lovin going on... Happy Birthday Elana...

  14. Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone! Make sure you go to Lisa and Laura's blog, because they have the true writer porn list. This was all I could do with my email address deciphering and Googling skillz.

    :) E

  15. Happy B-Day Elana! I'm so glad to see the Agent Appreciation Day - I love agents and hope to have one of my very own someday :)

  16. Yay for agents!! WOOT!!

    And Happy Birthday, Elana!!

  17. We DO have lightning on our side! :D That's the best metaphor EVER. And happy birthday!!!

  18. I love agents so much I want one for Christmas!!!

  19. Happy birthday! And yay for agents! I'm so happy you have one:) She sounds like she truly deserves the gangsta name.

  20. Happy Birthday!!!!!!

    So glad you found an agent!!!!!!

  21. Awesome, Elana!!! Thanks for the link lurve :)

  22. happy to be your agent sister!

    michelle makes me laugh out loud too, and I was going to share one joke in particular, and then I realized it involved stealing jackalopes and that it won't make any sense until you read my book.

  23. That WOULD be an awesome birthday present!! happy happy all around!

  24. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ELANA! :D And happy Unofficial Official Agent Day to everyone!

    I love these lists :). They are seriously making me feel all warm and fuzzy today. I'm so happy that you <3 your agent, and tell her so!

  25. Happy Birthday!

    Now make a list of all us unagented folks ;)

  26. Happy birthday, Elana! Looks like you've got lots to celebrate.

  27. You are freaking hilarious! I was trying to keep my laughter down here at my office. (Yes I check blogger at work... shhhh don't tell my boss)

    I loved the post and though I don't know the dedicated agent, I'm sure she's honored by this.

    Hoorah for them and their much merited gangsta name yo!

  28. I had NO idea today was unofficially offically agent day! I wish I woulda known, cuz I would have given Rachelle Garnder a shout out!

  29. "Booksta." Perfect!

    Congrats to both you and Michelle. What a team you will be!!!

  30. Sounds like you two are a good match! Congrats and happy birthday!!

  31. What a perfect agent for you. A definite match made in heaven.

  32. Happy B'day from one Sag to another (mine was December 9). And I hope the gifts keep coming!


    I'm so glad you love your Booksta. She sounds wonderful! And could you get a better b-day gift?

  34. Waist-deep-in-holidays+neck-deep-in-manuscript=I don't think I said Congrats on your agent yet! So...Congrats and Happy Birthday!! It's been a very good news season, hooray for that.


  35. congrats on such a great agent!

  36. For your birthday I became your 300th follower. Happy Birthday!

  37. Happy birthday! And that is some list. Glad you are happy with your agent!!

  38. Happy Birthday (belatedly now, but still with the same heartfelt sentiment).
    Great post, btw...lots of new blogs for me to (try to) keep up with.

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  40. An oldie but a goodie! Loved reading this post. You were on a roll with your humor:)
