Thursday, December 31, 2009

They're Tagging Me Right Now

Final post! Check this post for cheating links. The questions are coming tomorrow!!

21) Where do you get your ideas for your characters?

Real life.

22)Do you ever write based on your dreams?

I deprive myself of sleep to the extent that I don’t remember any of my dreams.

23) Do you favor happy endings?

No way.

24) Are you concerned with spelling and grammar as you write?

Spelling, yes. Grammar – uh, what’s grammar?

25) Does music help you write?

“Help” isn’t the right word. I listen to music all the time. Writing, not writing, revising, editing, farming, cooking, cleaning, all of it. Silence smothers me. Except while sleeping, then if it's not silent, holy brown cows. Watch out. Dragon awakening.

26) Quote something you've written. Whatever pops in your head.

“What’s wrong with him?”
“How would I know?” I asked. “Do I look like a doctor?”

And thus ends the tag madness. Oh. My. Heck. I just realized something! I have Tags in my book! And they're capitalized and very, very Bad. But now I have a title for this post. It's a line from my book. *grin*

Ahem. Like you care. But it was a brainwave for me.

Anyway, questions up tomorrow. Comments today get you an extra entry.

Happy New Year's Eve!!


  1. lol! I love this post. I can't sleep unless it's pitch black and deathly silent as well...

  2. This was fun Elana! You are a character we will never forget girl!

    Have a Happy New Year!

  3. I'm intrigued by the tag lines. Am I going to have to close my eyes or get lots of Kleenex when I read the endings to your books??

  4. No happy endings?? :( And I can't sleep if there's much noise either, which kind of sucks since I live in a college dorm...

  5. These were fun to read over the last couple of days. Happy New Year Elana!

  6. I've loved reading all these!!! Can't wait for the questions....

  7. I love unhappy endings (if done well)... Happy New Year...

  8. Elana, I just found you in that meanderingish, bloggy kinda way and am very thankful I have.

    You have such energy and spunk. I love it.

    I read the first five pages of Control Issues and am hooked. Your writing is intriguing and right up my alley.

    Best wishes and happy new year!

  9. I am writing one of my dreams right now. I guess I get more sleep than you!

  10. I love your excerpt! Seriously, Elana, what I wouldn't do to get my hands on your writing.

    Happy New Years!

  11. I'm with you. Sleep requires complete silence - or else.

    Happy New Year, Elana!

  12. LOL about the sleep deprivation. I'm the opposite when it comes to writing and music. It's too much of a distraction. I'd be singing more than anything. :D

  13. Insightful. These were fun to read.
