Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Author Success Story: Jamie Harrington

This week I'm bringing in the big guns: People who've traveled down this long and winding road toward publication. Some of them already have book deals. Some have agents. Some have both. They've "made" it.

I want to spotlight someone each day this week to hopefully inspire you, provide a beam of hope along your way, and really prove that you CAN succeed in this crazy business.

But I'm not the only one on-board this positivity wagon. Join us this week for 75 (yes 75!) success stories! Then dream big. Go forth and query. Conquer.

Click here for more inspiration: Lisa and Laura Roecker, Beth Revis, Leah Clifford, Victoria Schwab, Kirsten Hubbard, Susan Adrian, Dawn Metcalf, Kim Harrington, Carrie Harris, Amy Holder, Kathy McCullough, Suzette Saxton and Bethany Wiggins, Gretchen McNeil and Tiffany Schmidt.

I will be featured on Lisa and Laura Roecker's blog this Friday (and just so you know, I asked LiLa to do an interview and they had the idea to spread it across the Interwebz. They are genius personified. So yeah). Please go check out all the posts this week, because you never know who's going to say exactly what you need to hear to keep moving forward.

Today? The amazing Jamie Harrington.

SKETCH MCGEE in a tweet: Sketch McGee's a 16yo SuperVillain that changes the future w/ her drawings. But, she's also a band geek in love. Watch those worlds collide.

(And, I may or may not have spent extra time getting that to equal exactly 140 characters just to prove I am the ultimate twitter queen, but whatevs.)

Was there ever a time you felt like giving up? Why didn't you?

So many, many times Elana. In fact, let me illustrate this with a handy dandy little time line:

Yeah, it’s pretty much like that. The thing is, I kind of feel like if there weren’t times I wanted to give up, then the wins and successes wouldn’t matter as much, ya know? [Elana interrupts to say that Jamie received like, five offers from agents. She is repped by Victoria Horn at Liza Dawson Associates.]

What has been the hardest part of your road to publication so far? And why?

I don’t even have to think about this one. It’s the waiting. That’s hands down, without a doubt the hardest part. It’s worse than rejection, it’s worse than wrestling with a difficult chapter, it’s worse than running out of snacks mid-edit, it’s the WORST.

What's your best advice to aspiring authors?

I wordled them for you! (ALWAYS put your book through wordle--it’s the bomb!)

Super Secret: If you could meet anyone, alive or dead, who would it be?

I want to say something profound here, really I do—but I think I’m going with the Ask A Ninja Guy:

Find Jamie online:
Jamie's blog
Jamie tweets!
Read Jamie's journey--and her query letter--on QT.


  1. Jamie, you are kewl. Elana, you are too.

    That's all. ;)

  2. Very thoughtful and nice idea here, I would ask, who's interviewing you???? :)

  3. I love the timeline. Only I think I would have a star by every single spot along the way:)

  4. Totally agree on waiting being the hardest part. I'm currently in query hell, myself. (tick-tock, tick-tock) I try to busy myself with the new book, but I can't help thinking all those queries and partials have slipped through a portal at the bottom of my neighborhood mailbox and are sitting on top of the pile of notebooks near the PEARL STATION. ;)

  5. Good on ya Jamie! I still can't get your feed btw :( for some odd reason. Congrats for getting this far. I'm waiting on replies to queries at the mo too. Yes, I have to agree, this IS the hardest part. But never EVER give up. I'll personally travel to the other side of the world and kick some physical sense into you if you do. :)

  6. Thanks Elana (and Jamie)! As usual another uplifting story. It helps with finding the motivation to keep plugging away.

  7. GREAT interview. Love this story!

  8. Heehee! I love that you SO didn't mention how you like to procrastinate by making pictures when you're supposed to be writing. But there's the evidence right there: Your timeline and Wordle.
    You make me laugh and you're pretty awesome. Plus, you have pink hair.

    Elana- this was a great idea. Extremely inspirational and another reason why we shouldn't give up. Ever. Thanks!

  9. that was the best graph, ever. EVER.

  10. Cute interview! I love how she answered all her questions visually.

    Thanks, ladies.

  11. Great interview! Love the timeline. Congratulations on landing the agent.

  12. Awesome interview. That time line is perfect!

  13. Great interview! And I love Wordles. They make life complete.

  14. As always, I'm really impressed by Elana. Even doubly so today, since she chose to interview the awesomeness that is Jamie. I love that Jamie KNEW she was being interviewed, sat next to me all morning at the coffee shop, and never mentioned it once. Cracks me up! She's a sneaky one...

  15. I agree...WAITING sucks! I have an agent and all I do is wait. And write. And wonder what the heck I'm supposed to be doing with myself! Nobody really prepares you for that period of time after landing an agent but before getting a book deal. It's a strange limbo where you feel lost.

  16. HAHAHA! Love the timeline and Ask A Ninja says it all. I can't wait for this book & props to another successful author!

    -- Dawn

  17. HAHAHA! Love the timeline and Ask A Ninja says it all. I can't wait for this book & props to another successful author!

    -- Dawn

  18. Hi, Jamie! LOVE your illustrations. Can't wait to read your book. :)

  19. Ahhh! This interview was SO much fun. Thanks Elana for doing this--without YOU I'd still be stuck in queryville for sure.

  20. That's the best graph ever! Congrats to Jamie and thanks to Elana for a great interview!

  21. Another top interview and that Wordle thing really does work.

    Loved the ask a ninja too!

  22. Great illustrations, Jamie! I'm so excited for you :D

  23. Dear Queen of MS Paint,

    I LOFF you.

    AHAHAHA!! Love. Your timeline is awesome amazingness.

  24. Oh, LOVE the Handy Dandy Timeline!!!!

  25. Great visuals as well as good advice. Thanks for the inspiring posts. Keep 'em coming! Look forward to reading her book!

    I love the Ninja guy!

  26. Hilarious! The illustrated interview! I loved it!

  27. I love the timeline, and the wordle. (Is that how you spell that?) Another inspiring story! Thanks Jamie! (and Elana!)

  28. I love that Ninja guy! He is awesome!

    Congrats Jamie! =)

  29. YEAH Jamie-- I adore your wordle and timeline!
    And I agree that you both are KEWL!

  30. Jamie and Elana, thanks for posting today! I'm hungry to hear the experiences of other authors so this is a really great topic for you to cover in your blog this week (for me, at least, heh). So glad other people feel like giving up too. But I refuse! I WILL get my words out there!

    Have a great Tuesday!

  31. Jamie rocks!!! Elana you guys are wonderful! Thanks for posting this, how much fun!!! I love hearing about others who feel the same way I do about writing!

    Happy Tuesday!

  32. LOL, love that you can't even make it through an interview w/o whipping out the illustrations :)

    Great interview!


  33. Great graphics. The wordle is cool.

  34. Thanks for the inspiration. I can use it this week. I love the timeline and the points when you wanted to give up. I can relate to that.

  35. I am loving all of these author interviews! They are so inspiring:)

  36. Very cool timeline, and so true. Love, love your pink stars! In fact, getting pubbed wasn't the magic innoculation I thought it would be. I still have pink star days.

    Oops. This was supposed to be an INSPIRING blog post and comment trail, wasn't it? Bad, bad, me. :-) Congrats on your successes! Looks to me you've earned them!

  37. Jamie, that graph was the best! You are hilarious and your twitter-fitting description totally rox. I will be stealing your graph and not giving you credit. Consider this my confession.

    (ok, really I won't, but I like to think that I'm brave and smart enough that I would). :)

  38. I love Jamie! Her sketches are the best and she always cracks me up!

  39. Awesome interview! You ladies are truly a blessing!

  40. Had a lot of fun going through the post.
    Elana,congrats on 1000 followers :)

  41. Great interview. Loved your graph. And I agree, waiting is the worst!

  42. Love this interview! The visuals are awesome! I definitely agree that the waiting is the toughest part.

    Sketch McGee sounds irresistibly fabulous! I'm looking forward to reading it. :)

  43. Another awesome interview--I am LOVING this week! Can't wait to read what's to come.

    Oh, and, btw, did you see? You reached 1000 followers! SQUEEEEEEEE! Is it lame that the OCD part of me hopes you stop right there? It's such a nice, pretty, round number. 1001 will be so ugly. I say block 'em. :P

  44. Yay for Jamie! She is TOTALLY the bomb :)

    Also: Ohmahgah, Elana, you have a 1000 followers!!! KICK@$$!!!!!!

  45. HEY-I can't keep up with you woman! I just chased you over from Casey McCormick's Tues Tip...phew , you sure do sprint around..Wanted...gasp...to say
    a) Congrats! - I see that you have reached the SUPER AMAZING total of
    1000 FOLLOWERS!!! OBAMA watch out in the next elections
    b) Enjoying your posts IMMENSELY....even if I'm finding it difficult sprinting around after you in the infinite blogosphere...gasp..there is a (c) but you have to catch me over at Casey's. See Ya!

  46. I love the tweet and the twitter comment! I think this whole tour is cool!

  47. Jamie, you are adorable! I love all the visuals in your interview -- how appropriate for a book about an artist! I can't wait to read it!

  48. I will definitely try the Wordle next time.

    And thank you Elana for following my blog!

  49. Yes! I always do better with visuals. Sounds like a killer premise.

    Great concept, Elana. Paying it forward is the bomb.

    (Do people still say that? If not, substitute something equally cool and, you know, not passé.)

  50. Love it! Wordle is one of my favourite tools for finding those over-used words :)

    Elana - I left an award for you over at my blog - I know you don't always 'do' awards - no problem - just wanted you to know I appreciate your bloggy friendship and overall greatness :)

  51. great event - thanks for sharing and inspiring!

    not too serious i hope

  52. Thanks for starting this wonderful series. It is very inspiring. I am now going to procrastinate by putting my novel into wordle. Much appreciated.

  53. Um, this is freaking hilarious. Jamie you crack me up. Thanks for the interview Elana!

  54. I like the handy dandy timeline. Can I get one of those?

    Oh, that's right, I can make my own!

  55. Very nice, Ladies! I love the timeline. Very fun and showed the ups and downs in a cool way.

  56. So proud to call Jamie a friend IRL-- She really is TOTALLY the BOMB!

    P.S. SKETCH is an amazing read. Can't wait to see it on the shelves.

  57. Way cool.

    I'm so with the giving up timeline. I haven't queried in . . well nobody need to know.

    Congratulations to both of you for an awesome interview. Good luck Jamie for future publications.


  58. I tried the Wordle thing. It is awesome! Thanks for the tip. :)

  59. You are both too cool. What a great interview! Nice job - Love the timeline and the wordle ;o)

  60. okay, Jamie ... Maybe it's just REALLY late, but I'm laughing out-freaking loud at the ninja video. Sheer awesomeness!

    So is you having an agent, of course. Woot!

  61. HeeHee. I vote this the interview with best illustrations! It was terrific.

  62. It's like the Coldplay song - waiting is the hardest part. While I'm writing and editing, I think I've got something. Then it goes out and self-doubt overtakes me. Then the rejections...

    I love these interviews because it's a reminder that if plow through the self-doubt, we can make it to the other side.

  63. Oh my, she's hilarious! LOve it. And five offers? YIKES! lol

    btw, Elana, you don't have to pray that I get a job. ;-) If you want to pray my husband sells a mult-million dollar house, that would be awesome. :P

  64. This was awesome and the diagram helped immensely.

  65. I love the tweet and the twitter comment! I think this whole tour is cool!
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