Friday, March 12, 2010

Poll, Opinion, Whatever

Hey everyone!

Okay, so I'm sort of addicted to StatCounter like it's crack. I didn't used to get this phenom, but now it's all I can do to only check it once a day.

And it got me thinking.

I get quite a few hits on my blog. Lots of you are coming to read. I don't know if your finger is accidentally slipping or what. Some of you leave comments, which I appreciate very much. I try to respond to every person, whether through email (which, BTW, if you don't allow blogger to know your email, I can't respond to you. It makes it go to -- and that's lame) or in the comments section.

But here's the thing. There are many (many many) more people reading than leaving comments.

So here's the question for today.

What makes you decide to leave a comment? Why don't you leave one? I saw this great article because Danyelle posted it on Facebook. It's old - from like, 2006 - but I really liked it. And now I'm wondering why some of you come, but don't leave a comment. Not that I expect every person who reads to have something to say. It's just something that's been bouncing around in my head this week.

So what about a blog post or a blog or a blog author inspires you to leave your mark?


  1. I normally leave comments just to let the blogger know 'hey, I was here' and 'you're doing a great job'.

    More lengthy comments are left when something about the post really hits me, in a good way, not a bad way.

    Then, if a question is asked on the blog, well, it's hard to refuse to answer. It's an OCD thing! Ha!


  2. I comment only when I have something valuable to say. If something has caught my eye and I want to say I like it, or hate it, I might leave a comment. I'm quiet by nature.

  3. I comment when something particular about the post jumps out at me or if I have a running dialogue going with an author/friend.

    Here is one area of my life I can say I let my feelings rule. I comment when I feel like it.
    ~ Wendy

  4. I am more likely to leave a comment on a blog that doesn't get lots and lost of comments. I guess because I'm shy and it seems safer to say something possibly idiotic when 13 people will read it instead of 83 (obviously I need to get over this,seeing as I'm trying to be published and all).

    But I'll also comment if something was said that really touched me, or made me think, or was something I was searching for and really needed to hear.

    And if they ask a question :) I usually always respond.

  5. I'm addicted to StatCounter too! I've had it on my blog for a couple years but never checked it until I started working on the blog for Backspace. Now I can't stop. I think I started my haiku blog partially so I'd have another stat to check.

    Anyway, to answer your question. I reply to blogs if they strike me and I immediately think of a response. For example, today I would have replied about statcounter even if you hadn't asked a question. There are some blogs that I reply to every post because I'm close friends with the person, others that I reply occassionally, and some I never/rarely reply to. I like what you do here. :)

  6. I comment if something really tugs at me or if I feel like I have something say. But, usually I keep quiet and lurk. Sometimes others have already said what I'm thinking, and sometimes I just get intimidated for various reasons and delete my comment before posting it. :D

  7. This is why I am failing at blogging. I just can't believe that people want to know what I'm thinking. I don't usually leave a comment because I say to myself 'No one wants to read that!'

  8. I generally leave comments because I like sharing my thoughts with the author of the post. I like to mention something that has particularly struck me in the post.
    But if I don't,it might be because I am browsing in a hurry...

  9. I'll respond more if a question was asked, or if I feel like I've got something to say - and if I've got the time to comment :) Most of the time when I'm reading, it's during breakfast or lunch or something and it depends on what's going on around me. And sometimes what I was thinking about saying has already been said, so I'll either give it a "ditto" or just let it go :)

  10. Thanks for asking this, I've been wondering the same thing.

    And everyone else here has said it better than I could. I comment when I am affected by the post.

  11. I leave comments because I connect with what is written and because of how good it feels to know when people stop by my own blog. I failed in installing a stat-counter...I'm clueless when it comes to inserting code, so the only readers I know about are those who take the time to comment. I know that many more people stop by my blog and don't comment, because they tell me. I think I am of a generation of folks who seem to feel that, heaven forbid they leave a comment, because it might come back and crash their computer or something worse. Anyway, I comment on your blog because you make me think.

  12. Don't laugh, but I usually leave comments because I have something to say. :) Other times I'll leave a comment to show my support and appreciation for the blogger's efforts even if I can't add anything to the discussion.

    Conversely, I don't leave a comment when I have nothing to add - say there's been thirty responses, my opinion is already well represented and I feel the blogger probably doesn't need to read one more 'Great post!' response. Also, if there are already tons of comments and I don't have time to read through them all, I'll read the post and move on. Often the comments shift the discussion and are as important as the original post. It feels wrong to add my comment without reading what others have said.

    This is a really long response, aren't you sorry you asked?

  13. I don't comment nearly enough, honestly. Part of this is because I read an awful lot of blogs, so when I go through them, I'm usually trying to do so fast. Part of it is that I don't always have something to say, and though I appreciate pretty much every kind of comment on my blog, I feel weird about leaving them. And part of it is my tendency to procrastinate. I have no idea why this is, but often I'll read something, go, "Hey! This is interesting! I should comment!" and then move on to other things and promptly forget.

    I read blogs either because they're informative or because I want to stay up-to-date with fellow writers - or in some cases (this blog right here!) both.

  14. It's mostly when I have something to say!

    Today I wanted to say that statcounter doesn't tell you all the readers: I read in my googlereader, and I've only popped in here to leave a comment. So most days you won't see me at all.

  15. I am more likely to comment if I can relate to what's been posted. Mostly I post comments because I want to encourage the blogger to keep posting. I mean, don't we all want readers and don't we want to KNOW they are reading?

  16. I write a blog for my paying job which people are REQUIRED to read and they still don't comment. When I posed the question, the response that came back to me was that they were consuming the information but I wasn't asking for any action. When I asked a specific question (e.g., why no comments?) they answered. I do read your site all the time and never comment. Until you've asked why not. How's that for irony. :)

  17. I leave comments when I have something intelligent to say that hasn't already been said by fifteen different people. :) Or something about the blog post really resonates with me.

  18. I read your blog everyday. I really enjoy your insights and style. I don't comment often, because by the time I usually read it, there are already 80 or so, and I feel like it might not be needed. Of course today, I'm up early so I decided to give my two cents.

  19. Elana, I suppose I will usually comment if I have something to say. If I don't, though, I personally do not feel any pressure to try and force it.

    Admittedly, I'm not the greatest at drawing comments to my blog (even though you have been kind enough to do so before... which I appreciate!!), but I don't have a large fellowship, either (which is fine and I'll explain that in a post later today...).

    Anyway, that's why I choose to either comment or not. Have a happy Friday!

  20. Elana--like others have mentioned, my commenting relates to whether I feel I have something to add to the discussion. This feeling of course corresponds to the type of post it is.

    If it's a funny (ha ha!) kind of post then that might draw more of a "great job" or "thanks for sharing" type of response. If the post is meatier, discussing issues or sharing concrete tips, then I am less likely to post unless I feel there is a solid contribution I can make.

  21. I comment to say hey I've came to visit. It's like going to your house for coffee. You don't drink and bolt do ya? No, you come in say hi and visit!

  22. I'm one of those lurkers who rarely leave comments. I sort of feel like Crystal above - I'm more tempted to comment on a new blog than one with tons of followers/comments already. It's like being the new kid in school - it's intimidating to break in.

  23. I comment when there is something I think I can add to the commentary, or if something just comes to mind quickly....sometimes my brain is fried and it just wants to read and be filled up, you know?


  24. If I have something vaguely intelligent to say I try to add a comment when I read a blog post. Sometimes, though, I have nothing to add to a conversation and so hold my tongue or at least keep my fingers in check.

  25. I'm usually a lurker I guess, but trying to leave more comments simply because I know how I live for comments on my blog.

    When I do comment it is usually to answer a question, or simply say thanks for an awesome post. I think the pressure is to post something different than what others have posted and most of the time I just agree with what has already been said.

  26. It is more of offering support to the writer, but if I don't have anything to add I won't take up space.

    I watch my stats too much as well and posted on a similar topic this morning.

  27. There are two factors for me:

    1) Time. When I leave a comment, I wat it to make sense. Sometimes it's just not possible to type when the 2 and 3 year old are yanking on my arm or there's a crash in the living room. I intend to come back most times, but sometimes I just don't get that chance and by then next time, there's a new post to comment on!

    2) Sometimes I am brain dead and have nothing intelligent to add, or it's all been said by other commenters.

    But Elana, fear not. I LOVE your blog and have passed it around to many, many friends who feel the same way. You may have lurkers, but people still love and appreciate your blog.

  28. I love StatCounter too! The article was great and I'll say that over a year ago, I started reading Nathan Bransford's blog. I was so intimidated and felt like such a newbie that I read for months before I left a single message -- and even then I posted as Anonymous. I comment all over the place now but I'm way more confident in my writing.

    Plus, I almost always comment on your blog because it's awesome!

  29. The more followers a blog has, the less likely I am to leave a comment. My logic is partly like Crystal--simple shyness--and partly feeling extraneous. Perhaps it's a residual hang-up from being the last born in a big family. Someone else is smarter, bigger, faster than me. No one really cares what the baby has to say.

  30. I'm a lover of Statcounter, too! No, actually, I'm addicted to it. I must check it numerous times throughout the day, to see who's coming, what keywords were used, etc. It just goes on and on and on.

    And, just like you, I've noticed and wondered about the same thing.

    Personally, I comment on just about every blog I read. But why do some read and not comment? Hmm... very good question. One I would love to know the answer to myself. : )

  31. 1. content and how it relates to me
    2. if I feel I have anything to contribute
    3. time
    4. brain matter (it changes daily)

  32. I think it's polite to offer something. When I visit here I always receive insight, laughs, and great tools which makes adding my thoughts exciting.

  33. I comment if I have something to say. Usually I comment, even if it's just to say 'great post'. It just means the writer pretty much said it all and I can't think of anything else to add.

    Have a great weekend, Elana!

  34. I'm totally going against my usual comment/no comment tendencies...I comment when the post resonates with me and/or when what I have to say hasn't been said 20 times already. So, yeah, basically what more than 20 people answered here. LOL

    I'm trying to get better about commenting because I have a fledgling blog and I know how exciting it is to get comments. I think I'm more likely to comment pointless input on those blogs that don't get a lot of comments to support the blogger and keep them going. But I also have so many blogs I try to keep up on, it's not always possible.

  35. I only comment when something about the post impresses me and I feel like I can add to the conversation. Sometimes I like a post but the 50 people ahead of me have already said what I was going to say so my additional comment seems kind of pointless.

    I love sitemeter, too. And I also have a LOT more people visiting than I have commenting. Whatever :)

  36. I always leave a comment when I visit, unless I disagree with or dislike the subject and can't find anything even remotely positive to say. I don't believe scathing, nasty comments are productive. Okay, and I wouldn't leave that kind anyway. My Mom taught me to be a nice person.

    If I don't visit a favorite blog (much like this one) it's because I'm swamped and have run out of time.
    Have a great weekend!

  37. I have to admit I’m one of those lurkers who reads way more than I comment, usually for reasons 1, 2 & 7. Much of the time, my choice to comment hinges on how articulate I feel at that moment. And I hate to admit it, but sometimes I feel like a guppy in a pool of gold fish (you know, the little fishy cowering behind the ornament, down there in the corner…)
    …and here’s another thing, comments can’t be discretely edited, which means I must obsessively double-check my wording, spelling, etc. (I mean, this is a writer’s blog after all). That takes a lot of time.

  38. I forget that I can check Statcounter from the back end - I always look at my post, which then adds another number to my counter, so I'm artificially padding it. Oh well.

    Most of the time, if I don't comment, it's because I just have a few minutes to sit and read (and I follow A LOT of blogs) or because I've been so busy that I don't get caught up on my reading until the weekend and I fell like I'm "out of time" to comment.

    If I had my druthers, I'druther sit, read and comment on blogs all day, but that doesn't pay my bills. So rest assured, I do read, even if I'm not commenting.

  39. It depends on the post, how much time I have, my mood, the weather, how much coffee I've had that day...I think it's pretty normal to have more readers than comments. :)

  40. If I LOVE the blogger, I comment more often than not. Also, if there's a question I have a ready answer for.

    Mostly, I visit for inspiration, and for solidarity: to see where other writers are in the process, and how they are keeping their chins up.

    You're fab!

    Do you use Google Anayltics?

    I have a gaping hole in the Southeast.

    Any suggestions for getting there?

  41. I comment because I love it when people comment on my blog. It's the whole "do unto others" idea. And it makes me feel like I'm actually part of this whole kidlitosphere.

  42. I adore Statcounter also!

    Like so many others, I only comment if I have something to contribute which hasn't been said. Of course, if your post says everything that I would say, I might comment that you took the words right out of my mouth, too. I'm not really a big commenter kind of person, I guess.

  43. I read probably 50 more blogs than I comment on regularly...I think I only leave a comment when I feel connected personally to the post (if that makes sense)

  44. I generally leave a comment on every blog I read. Well, except for the agent/editor blogs I follow. I figure if I've been interested enough to read it, it's probably worth a comment of some kind :)

  45. I comment when something to say pops in my mind, or if I have the time to comment. I read blogs as my reward in between chasing children around like a crazed maniac so there isn't always time--but I try!

  46. StatCounter's your crack? Mine's menthol. You just can't beat a Fisherman's Friend.

    Ahem. Thing is, I'm pretty new here, and usually end up reading all the blogs I follow via Google Reader anyway.

    Yeah it's lazy but hey, that's me all over.

    Besides, I don't usually comment because there's always some smarty out there, who's said it better and shorter than I would've.

    Since you've asked and now you've got me on here, can I say - great blog, even if I haven't said it before - I've thought it and surely that counts for something.

  47. I follow way too many blogs to comment on each and every single post. So I'll only comment when I have something worthwhile to add to the conversation or if something on the blog strikes me as particularly funny or unique.

  48. Hi, I usually won't leave a comment if I see that alot of people already made comments and I really don't have anything to add to it.

  49. i used to comment on everything, but now i have too many blogs to do that.
    So insetad, i just comment on posts that ring true to me or that i have something funny or positive to add.

    I used to be addicted to statcounter too, until it started to fill me with anxiety

  50. I would say I comment on about half of the posts I read. And like most of the people who've already commented, I leave something when I have something to say, or when a post really resonates with me. I found I like it when there's a specific question directed (like you did with this post), kind of something to generate discussion. I saw it on another blog, and I noticed that I almost always commented, so I started doing it on mine. I think my comments have gone up. I don't get bothered when people don't comment, though. I know some of my posts are stronger than others, and I have Google Analytics so I can see that way which of my posts are really the most popular.

  51. That's a curiosity. If I read a blog, I take the time to comment 99.9% of the time. But I'm one of those few writers out there that considers themselves an extrovert. For people who are more shy, perhaps it's just fear that keeps them from commenting. I'll have to go read that article now.

    How in the world do you figure out all those settings? Blogger really confuses me. I wonder how many comments I've missed because I don't have it sent to send them to my email...

  52. I comment when I feel like:

    A) I have something interesting and useful to contribute to the discussion.

    B) I can comment and actually come off as having at least half a brain.

    I do admit to not commenting sometimes when I've seen you have like 24billion responses (mostly because I'm late in reading the post), because I figure that point you probably didn't want to read through ANOTHER comment. I can honestly say though that I do read every single post you put up. As I've said too many times, you are one of the most inspiring bloggers/writers/authors I know. And sometimes what you post is just what I need to

  53. I am comment shy. Especially when many others have said what I am thinking. I also dislike being the first to comment. Must be related to the empty page syndrome. Yes, I do need to get a spine. Questions do help me get involved. I need to remember that for my own blogging.

  54. I've been told by some people that they don't leave comments because they fear that they have nothing of value to say. Usually, if I don't comment, it's because I'm trying to minimize my blogging time.

  55. I comment on the Blog Chain posts because I'm supposed to. ;)

    I read blogs on a feeder (Bloglines), so a post has to really resonate with me to make me click through and comment. I want to feel I'm contributing something to the discussion, and I don't want to repeat what everyone else has already said.

  56. Mostly I have to have the time! Or something to contribute! I try to leave a comment because I think it's part of the communication of blogging, but if I don't it's usually for the two reasons I mentioned.

  57. Well, this post sure got people commenting. I don't have enough time to read posts from everyone I follow, but when I do read them, I simply can't always leave a comment. That would take too much time and would mean I'd have to read even less posts than I already do. So, for me, it's strictly a time issue.

    Lynnette Labelle

  58. I never even knew you had your own blog, stupid me, I don't know what I was thinking. But now that I do, I'll leave some comments.

    And in answer to your question about whether or not I leave a comment, if there are more than 10 people who've left theirs, I don't bother. Unless the person is one of my dearest followers.

  59. Honestly, most of the time I don't leave comments because there are so many comments I know mine will get lost in the shuffle, or whatever thing I had to say has already been said by several commenters before me.

    Like right now, there are 57 comments ahead of me so I normally woudln't bother to comment, but given the nature of the blog post, I am today =)

  60. I ususally only comment if I feel like I have something good enough to say. Also, I read a lot of blogs and don't have much time to leave comments. And then when I see that a blogger has several hundred followers and 55 of them have already left comments I figure some one else has already said what I was thinking anyway. :)

    So it's not that I don't want to comment, but that what I might have to say isn't important enough to merit my time to post or your time to read. Does that make sense?

  61. I'm the kind of person that responds to direct questions more often than if a blog post simply states things and ends. I can't help but answer!

    I'll also comment if I have some personal experience that relates to the topic, or more rarely, if I am moved by the post or genuinely learned something from it.

    Lots of people head to my blog as well, but don't leave comments, so... I think in some ways it's just a random and rough road to comment-ville!

  62. Can I just say thanks a lot? You got me thinking about my StatCounter, so off I went to have the reports sent to my email every week. I had added a counter to my two "newest" blogs, but not to my main blog (until today). Wish I'd done it earlier, but I didn't because it was mostly just my family following. Now that I've got more followers, it will be interesting to see how many hits I get. Now, if I can just find my IP address, I can exclude those from my counts and stop self-inflating them.

  63. Thanks for the mention. :)

    Mine is a brain issue, as well as time. I haven't had a full night's sleep since last November, so my head is like a murky swamp a lot of the time. I also have a tot that's jealous of the laptop, so I can only do things on the computer at certain times.

    Time+murkey brain= a flat line >.<
    I do try to read most posts. And, like you, I try to comment to everyone who comments and visit their blogs in return. :)

  64. Hmm., I have asked myself this question before, but not totally sure what the answer is? I try to comment on every post I read, but sometimes I just draw a blank. Depends on blog content, my mood, timing, etc

  65. I try to respond as often as I can, but sometimes I just have nothing to say. I'm like that in life too... I don't speak unless I have something to say. It leaves people wondering why I am so quiet.

  66. Part of my reasoning is similar to other people: When I have something to say, or I think will inspire someone, I'll share it.

    Part of it is the second grader in me that wants attention, so I shoot my hand up saying, "oo! I know! I know!"

    Part of it is networking...I tend to comment on people who are doing cool things worthy of congrats, or who have shared something useful, or, as someone else said, commenting on some people who probably don't get the number of comments they Should.

  67. I comment when I feel I have something to add to the conversation or if something in the post strikes more than an 'oh yeah' type reaction. I read a lot of blogs every day and if I commented on every one, I might run out of my own writing time. But like you, I do respond to every post on my blog. I think some of the things we blog about interest some readers more than others.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. I leave a comment when I'm drawn to the post, the overall tone of the blog, or the blogger's personality. Commenting is how we connect and build friendships with one another. It makes blogging reciprocal and therefore, more rewarding.

  70. There's a couple things that lead me to comment on blogs. 1) time. Sometimes I have a few free minutes, so I'll pop online and checkout a few blogs, usually skimming to see if there's anything I have to say. If so, I mark it unread in my Google Reader and go back later. 2) something to say. Sometimes, I just don't have anything to add. I know, it's weird right? Me, not have anything to say? But it does happen. :)

  71. I leave comments because I've been active on internet message boards since the early 90s. I long ago lost any shyness about commenting. :-) Plus, I just *know* everyone wants to read what I have to say. ;-)

  72. When I have time I try to leave a comment on every blog I read. But I try not to leave a comment if I don't' have anything productive to say. Which generally means I don't comment much on agent/editor blogs because I don't want to come across as a babbling fool.

    When I don't have time, I skim the blog posts and move through as quick as I can so I don't get overwhelmed by the load.

  73. LOL! I guess because we've always heard leaving 'great post' is lame!

    If I visit a blog, I usually comment. Usually there's enough info in the Dashboard for me to decide if a blog's post is interesting or relevant.

  74. I usually comment because I know how great it is to get comments.

    Also, your blog is helpful because you leave open ended questions & that makes it easier to respond with something other than "awesome!" Which I'll admit I sometimes do.

  75. I try to only comment if I have something important to say about the subject. I don't like to comment just to comment ... at least usually. :) Kind of like talking just to talk....

  76. I usually leave a comment if the topic is interesting to me or has helped me in some way. I also relate to 'real' people. Be yourself: my motto.

  77. Okay, yeah. I'm not reading all those comments before I leave mine. So, here it is:

    I usually leave comments if I have time, to participate in the discussion or to support the author. But if there are already lots and lots of, 70, ahem, sometimes I don't take the time.

    But you're right, I should be better about that.

    I will say, though, that there are times when I'm unable to leave comments, like I'm reading on my iPhone or my browser keeps kicking me off (yes, this is a regular occurrence)and when this happens, I don't always remember to go back and say what I had in mind to say.

  78. You don't think you're getting enough comments. Now, come on, Elana...


    I leave a comment if I have time, if there's something I want to say, and if I feel like the post merits it. Really, it could be any number of reasons.

  79. You have posed too difficult of a question for me to provide an adequate response.

    Actually, this is just a test to see if my e-mail settings are correct.


  80. I feel lame commenting “Nice post” or “Read it, thanks.” When I leave a comment, I want it to add something more useful or pull out part of the post that hit home.

    PS. love Kat's comment.

  81. Before I set up my google account and was anonymous, I found that I lurked more and didn't post much, perhaps because I'm shy. Once I set up my account, I started responded more. Sometimes I don't because I read most blogs at the end of the day after talking at work all day and am just too tired or I see so many other comments that I feel mine at the end is too late or wouldn't matter. I probably would never comment on any that already have 100 comments or more. If I see a blog post with no comments, I do try to comment no matter how tired I am so the blogger knows someone is reading the blog.

    I appreciate how much time you must spend commenting on all your blog comments with working, taking care of your kids, and writing. I know because I'm doing it all except blogging and sometimes it's exhausting.

  82. Usually, I always leave comments when I read. But that's usually, not always.

    I don't comment when:
    1. I'm in a super big hurry, but just HAD to read the post even though I'm already running late.

    2. The post didn't invite comments. Whether the poster didn't ask a question at the end, or the post itself is just hard to reply to...either way.

    I know you asked what makes people comment....but I decided to go with why I don't comment.

    Happy Friday Elana!

    When is your spring break?

  83. I leave a comment if I feel like I have something relevant and semi-intelligent sounding to say. If my brain is just mush, then I don't usually comment. Love your blog, though! (And you.)

  84. I'm addicted to statcounter as well and have been wondering the same thing. Why don't folks leave comments. I admit I lurk a lot which is why I use the google reader. When something resonates with me I will comment. Sometimes I don't comment on posts, because 1) my time is limited and 2) the questions asked - takes brain power and I have to think, really think about the answer. And in my rush to get through my google reader, figure I'll come back to it later and forget about it.

    Which made me realize the other day, I need to slow down, not rush through everyone's posts. Give a select few each day my undivided attention and respond to their posts. If we are all rushing through our days, reading but not giving feedback or our opinions or ever just saying 'great post' (which I don't expect a response to) then the other person is left wondering - what did I say? Why aren't they commenting.

    I'm vowing to become a better commenter rather than just a statistic in statcounter.

  85. I often read and lurk without leaving a comment because there are already so many great things being said. I'm moved to comment if the subject matter applies to my current situation, if the humor cannot be ignored, or if the blogger asks for help. Have a wonderful weekend, Elana!

  86. I read because your blog is awesome. I don't leave comments, because you already have so dang many comments I want to spare you from responding to one more.

  87. By the time I get to a post and want to leave a comment - atleast 12 others have said what I wanted to say!

    But I'm here ... reading ... digesting (sometimes I wish you'd offer more chocolate) and applying :)

  88. I am so incredibly addicted to StatCounter. We might need a help group or something. : )

    I only comment if something pops into my head to say. A lot of times I just click over to read comments. If I think of something to add, I will, but if not... I save the time.

  89. Cathy - LOL! I tried emailing you, but you're a no reply'er. Trust me, you're never a commenter that I wouldn't respond to!

    Thanks everyone, for weighing in. You know how much I like charts and stuff. Wait. You didn't know that?? Well, expect a chart soon. I'm taking notes on what you said. I think it's going to be valuable for me, and hopefully others too.

    You guys are just too awesome! I hope we all have a fabulouso weekend!

  90. I leave a comment when I feel I have something to add or to let the blogger know I was there. It depends. The problem these days is that the more blogs I follow the harder it is to comment and get anything else done. Plus, now that I read more in Google Reader it's a few more clicks away, so I need more incentive to put my oar in.

  91. I usually comment when I have something to say. When I first start reading a blog, I sort of ease into the commenting unless there's a post that strikes me at once and I just can't help myself. Sometimes it also depends on how I feel or how much time I have.

  92. Posts like this one that make you pause for a moment in thought. Great post.


  93. For me, it depends on the topic and if I have anything to say. I like to post and hope someday my own blog starts to get more comments.

  94. I leave comments when I can contribute to the conversation, when there is a question to answer, when some one has commented on my blog, when I feel like I'm experiencing the same thing they blog about. I try to comment frequently, on all the blogs I read.

  95. More now then in the past, I've been using my google reader to shift through all the new blog posts on my list. This makes it harder to comment but less apparent to my professor that I'm not actually paying attention.

    And then there are the handful of posts that blow me away, making me forget I have words in my head.

  96. Questions like this one make me want to leave a comment:))

  97. I like to comment on every post I read, but there isn't always time. And there are a few blogs I read on my phone (like yours) while I sit on the couch nudging my kids to get ready for school in the morning.

    My attempts to comment through my phone are not always successful. Half the time they're eaten by the internet and typing everything twice on that tiny keyboard can be just a little annoying. So I've given up on commenting that way.

    If I get a chance, and it's a topic I'm interested in, I'll try to add something later in the day, but it doesn't always happen. I do read your blog everyday, though. :)

    And being a numbers girl myself, I completely understand the crack-like obsession with Statcounter. ;)

  98. well you are almost in the triple digits with that question! :) as with everything, sometimes you just run out of things to say... I pretty much always try to leave a comment on the things that I read, but sometimes I just show up blank and absorbing.

  99. I used to be the sort of reader who always leaves a comment on every single post of every single blog she reads. Now with three small children and a novel in embryo, the time factor just isn't there. That said, there isn't a single blog I read that I don't comment on fairly often...I just sometimes skip commenting on posts I don't have anything to say about (like your last, because I am SO far away from the looking for an agent stage - need to finish the book first!).

  100. I don't leave comments when I can't think of something to say or I'm too busy. Sometimes I'll have enough time to read, but not enough to try to formulate my thoughts into words.

    On some people's blogs, the posts are about information that doesn't apply to me at the time, so commenting just doesn't make sense.

  101. normally, I'll leave comments because I like reading them on my own blog. but when a post has a huge amount of comments already, I don't because I think that blogger can't have that much time to read 100 comments!

  102. I only comment when I feel like I have something worthwhile to say.

    I also tend to not comment on posts with a lot of comments already. I don't want to repeat something that's already been said, but I don't have time to read that many comments. (I'm making an exception in this case because I didn't want to be mean.) LOL.

  103. I JUST discovered statcounter like monday.

    OMG seriously... I want to like permanently attach it to my brain so I can check it like when I am driving and stuff... I want to ALWAYS be staring at statcounter...


  104. I try to comment on most everything I read. Because most of it interests me.

    I don't comment when I'm tired and worn out and can't think of something that I don't think sounds stupid or condescending.

    And I usually don't comment when I see a ton of replies because I think the blogger won't miss me commenting and I don't want to just parrot or repeat a lot of earlier replies.

  105. I use Google Reader to scan the daily posts of all the blogs I follow...which is a *lot* (I do have a "shortlist" for busy days - your blog is included in that). Posts that resonate with me in some way get "starred" for follow-up when I have time to go through and read them thoughtfully. By then, I either have a comment in mind or I don't (based on content), and whether I leave it depends on:

    1. How many other people have already commented. A post with...say....99 comments already probably means someone already said what I was going to (making an exception here due to topic, obviously), and I don't bother.

    2. If I know the person tries to respond to every comment, or is a "reciprocal commenter" who will feel obligated to comment on my blog if I comment on theirs...I comment less. I hate feeling like I'm creating more work for anyone. I still comment, I just pace myself, and try to let others know that I'm not expecting a direct response or comment in return.

    3. If someone seems to need a kind or positive word, or a motivational shove, I'll add my comment regardless of the other conditions. I like to support other bloggers whenever possible, and one can never get too many encouraging comments on those days.

    4. If it's something I don't necessarily agree with, I'll start writing out a comment if I feel strongly about it. If I can't make it sound non-confrontational or if I think it will be misunderstood and cause offense, I delete it and move on.

    So...content matters first, and then it all just kind of depends from there. :-)

  106. I try to leave comments on blogs when I feel I have something to say or add to the discussion.

    But, when the comments reach the 80+ I feel that I can't possibly add anything else that would be any different.

  107. yeah I agree with the smart people above me! Sometimes i just don't have time to write a comment! I am happy I have enough time to just read what is new in all of my favorite blogs!

    But if the subject is interesting and I have something uplifting, inspirational or intelligent to add, I will!

    And also I leave thank you comments, so THANK YOU for checking out my blog, really happy to see you there Elana!

  108. Time management and preventative maintenance. That's why I comment sometimes and not others. Reading all of the blogs we follow is a large enough task by itself, but I can only afford to post when the content really grabs my attention, or if I need to be heard. I'll always post a comment if the blogger is struggling in some way and needs some support. But trying to comment on every blog I read would consume all of my time and leave none for my WIP.

    BTW...most of the time I read your blog in my google reader, so I don't show as a hit on your counter. You have many more readers then you imagine.

  109. I almost always leave a comment and I suppose that's because I'm a loud mouth. ;)

    I try to let the bloggist know that I'm there and that I'm interested in connecting and learning more about them. I'd like that relationship to be reciprocal, so I comment. Plus, you're just awesome, Elana and I like to remind you about that.

  110. I am addicted to statcounter too and I hardly have a reason since I just started blogging two weeks ago! But I do try to leave comments now as opposed to before I started blogging because I just appreciate blogs so much more now.

    To be honest, I'm more prone to comment when there are very few comments posted. I want to let the blogger know I was there and I enjoyed the post, and i know how it feels to have (0) comments on a new post.

  111. With large amounts of commentary comes the feeling that what we say is not important. Or at least not as important as what has already been said. For that reason I shy away from commenting when tons of others have already done so.

    Conversely, I enjoy commenting when I feel a connection with a blogger. Needless to say, my connection can be one sided--in an almost stalkerish kind of way! If I like your blog, I'll let ya know. Even if you don't know I exist.

  112. I comment mostly if I have the time, think of something cogent or just can't help myself. When I don't comment it's usually lack of time.

  113. Well, if I'm like 115th on the comment list, I might be less inclined to leave a comment because who am I to leave a comment on someone's blog who is so immensely popular, and would I have anything original to say after all that? I have no idea about that because I did not take the time to read the first 114 comments.

    In a normal blog that doesn't have nearly 900 followers and 115 comments a day, I leave a comment most of the time because I'm responding to the words the way I would if we were having coffee together.

    I don't leave a comment (and that's rare) if I have to think too long about a response.

    Happy comment collecting!

  114. I do try to comment, because I love to talk. :) But sometimes I don't only because of lack of time. I will make lengthier comments or raving comments on posts that I really connect to.

  115. Good question. I usually try to comment as much as I can on blogs if I have something to say. The two main factors in not commenting are 1) lack of time and 2) how many comments the post already has.

    I always skim the comments of a popular blog (such as yours) and if I feel like I can't really contribute anything that hasn't been said before, I just don't say anything. Maybe it's a self esteem thing? I feel like, if there are already 116 comments, what does my opinion matter? That's lame, I know.

    Of course, this comment is an exception, because that's what this post is all about, right?

    P.S. I *always* read your blog, Elana, even if I don't comment. It's one of the most helpful in the blog world.

  116. Hi Elana! :)
    I wanted to jump on over here to say THANK YOU for following my blog! I don't have a clue how you stumbled upon me, but I'm so glad you did. You seem like such a talented and interesting person - that's so cool! And I think I'd about die if I ever checked my blog and there were over 100 comments! LOL!

    Meg @wild child

  117. Whatever it is you're doing, 118 people have something to say about it. Holy crap, E! And I'm the type where if I click on a blog, I always comment. I mean, I'm already there, I might as well let the writer know that I visited and read their words. I remember being so excited about every comment we got when we first started blogging, so I remember that and like to try to share the love. I'll never forget the first time you commented on our blog, E! I called Laura and told her that someone famous commented! Too funny.

  118. I follow a LOT of blogs and I keep updated on all of them each post. I only usually post a comment if I have something helpful to add, like a link, if I feel the writer could use support (if no one else has commented) or... if the blog post directly asks me to answer a question - like this one!

  119. I've already commented on this post, but I thought of another factor for me. (Look at me! Making two comments on one post. Now that is unheard of.)

    To me it seems that Mondays are a little heavier on posts than, say, Fridays. My Mondays are also busy, anyway. So I'm in a bigger hurry to get through reading on Mondays than at other times. Right now it's Friday night, and this is my third or fourth comment on blogs. But if it was Monday morning, I wouldn't have had as much time.

  120. HOLY CRAP ELANA! I am in awe of the number of comments you got with this!!!

    Because...usually I don't comment. Not unless I have something truly extraordinary to say, and usually when I see that someone has more than 15 or so comments, I figure there's nothing really extraordinary for me to add :)

  121. If I feel I have something to add I'll leave a comment. Or if I can relate to something you are writing about. ;-j

  122. Most times I comment if I can relate to what is posted or it teaches me something, or I have a good answer. Sometimes I draw a blank, or what I wanted to say has already been said a number of times by other commentators, or, like on this post, their are a bajillion comments and I just think, "Really, can I add to this? Will Elana even READ this?" and so I just let it lie. but I thought I'd answer this one. Thanks!

  123. I hear you, Krista! And yes, I'm going to read it. All comments go to my email. And I tried to email you back, but you're one of the noreply people. ;-)

    I do read every comment. I make a valiant attempt to respond to every commenter. You are valuable to me! So thanks for coming by and having something to say.

    :) :) :) Elana

  124. Time is a major factor and since you have so many comments I don't want to end up saying the same thing that a 100 other people said already.

  125. Looks like you got you some holy batman status amount of comments today! :)

    Time constraints leave me to not write comments every time.

    If something jumps out at me, then I most always do.

  126. I comment for different reasons. Sometimes just to let the author of the post know I dig their thoughts/advice/humor. Sometimes it is to answer any questions they have posed in the post. But if I I struggle to think of something to come up with to say in a short time frame I just decide to leave it until next post.

  127. I try to comment semi-regularly on the various blogs I visit, but sometimes I just don't have time, or can't think of anything in particular I want to comment on that particular post. And I admit, I tend to comment more on people's blogs when they have visited and commented on mine.

    But I know I love getting comments, so I try to comment when I can :)

  128. I leave a comment if I have time (which, I usually don't!), and/or if the subject matter is of intense interest to me. Or as a courtesy "hello" type of comment to a blogger who is newly following my blog, etc.

  129. When I see lots of comments already, I figure that whatever it was I had to say, has already been said, probably a few times.

  130. We bloggers always look for comments, so if I bother to read a post and like anything about it, I comment. The only exception is if I've visited a blog a bunch of times and commented, but the person never bothers to respond even once on my blog. Then I'll stop commenting and may stop following or reading, but this only happens when someone has a manageable amount of followers. We all like feedback.

  131. Like the precious 130 or so people said before me, I leave a comment when I'm not too pressed for time or when I really think I can add to the discussion. Sometimes, when I want to say is too controversial, I choose not to comment at all.
    Also, there are awesome blogs, like Nathan Bransford's, that by the time I want to make a comment, there already are 900 before mine. What's the point?

  132. I leave a comment when I feel compelled to share my thoughts with the author, or if I can relate to the topic and want to share it, or just feel I have something to contribute.

    I'm new to your blog, but I like your style and how it feels like conversation with your readers. :)

  133. Holy comment trail, Batman!

    Whether I leave a comment is largely based on how much time I have. I follow a LOT of blogs. Sometimes I just don't have time to leave comments everywhere I go.

    Other times I'll leave a comment when I feel like I want to contribute to the conversation in some way. And sometimes it's just to let a friend know I was there.

  134. Elana--I only leave a comment when I think I have a comment that might be of interest to the blogger. Sometimes I just say congratulations and best wishes if they have some good news that has been posted.

    I love stat counter too! But you are right, it makes you wonder...I have visits from countries all over the world...I wonder how they cound me and why they spent time to stop in, but didn't leave a comment.

    I posted about blogging yesterday...How do people who get a hundred comments a day keep it personal?

  135. Holy crud this is a long list of comments! But I'll still add mine:

    I comment on blogs because either a) I actually have something to input or b) the person is a friend and I want them to know I stopped by, or c) both.

    (And in your case it's c, of course, Elana. Ha, ha.)

  136. 1. time or lack of...
    2. the volume of comments already present -
    3. lack of witty thoughts in head.

    not too serious i hope

  137. I am going to post a comment to say that I rarely post comments on blogs. I am a lurker and mainly go for input (not necessarily for output.) I also have this strange compulsion to read all the previous comments so that I don't repeat something someone else said and many of the blogs I follow get an insane number of comments. (Kind of like this one! lol!) I usually just run out of time or I forget what I was going to say by the time I read everything.

  138. Sharon, keeping it personal is one of the hardest things. I respond to everyone who says something that strikes me personally through email. If possible. I couldn't respond to you, because it said So then I try to either get to your blog or leave you a comment back here.

    I'll admit that that doesn't always happen. Time is my biggest enemy in this regard.

    Aimee - I can't believe you read all the comments! *ducks* I don't do that if there are a lot of them. I may skim the first few and the last few and then put in my two cents. And I guess I'm like super egotistical, because I just don't care if someone else has already said what I think. I say it anyway. I figure there's strength in numbers, and if the blog author knows how I feel, maybe we can make a personal connection. If I don't comment, that won't happen. Even if my opinion is the same as someone else's or I say what someone else has already said.

    And for me, that's the point of commenting. To make personal connections.

    You are all lovely for dropping by AND commenting, despite the large numbers!

    <3 <3 <3

  139. Holy crap you have a lot of followers & commenters!! First time to your blog, Elana, and I'm a compulsive commenter. If I read a post I will almost always comment, even if I'm not a regular.

  140. Well, today I'm leaving a comment because I read Theresa Milstein's blog and she was encouraging us to go and comment on other people she follows... that's all going to get quite recursive if I think about it too much :)

    Generally, I comment like I take part in real-life conversations - if I feel like there's something I can naturally say, I say it... if I haven't got anything to add or I'm afraid I'm just going to sound like an idiot, I'll keep my mouth shut :)

  141. One thing that moves me to comment are questions at the end of the blog post. They give me ideas of things I'd want to mention.

  142. I comment as often as I can. I want the blogger to know that their posts are being read. But sometimes life gets too hectic...

  143. When I first started blogging I had to really push myself to leave a comment, because my default reaction when online is to kind of be a quiet little lurker... which come to think of it is also my default reaction in real life too. However, once I started leaving comments I found it was easier, and I also always remind myself how happy getting comments on my own blog - even if they are not omg blow my mind insightful - makes me!

  144. I comment if I feel I have something to contribute that hasn't already been said. For some bloggers, I comment on almost every post, because we've been "friends" online for so long that its just a way of keeping in touch with their lives.

  145. Quick question: How am I a "no reply" person? I am SO a reply person, so what do I do to make that happen? Help me out of blog snobbery!
