Tuesday, April 6, 2010

525,600 Minutes

I began querying my novel one year ago.

525,600 minutes ago.

From the musical Rent:

525,600 minutes, 525,000 moments so dear. 525,600 minutes - how do you measure, measure a year?

In daylights? In sunsets? In midnights? In cups of coffee? In inches? In miles? In laughter? In strife?

In 525,600 minutes - how do you measure a year in the life?

I've done a lot in a year. I've tried to put those 525,600 minutes to good use. Sure, I farmed virtually. Who doesn't? I slept in too much on weekends. I taught 700 students for 180 days. I enjoyed 365 nature moments. I've probably listened to 525,600 minutes of Pandora.

I lived. Loved. Wrote. Laughed. Deleted. Cried. Breathed. Tried again and again and again.

What have you done in the last 525,600 minutes? Has it been a good year for you? Why or why not?


Unknown said...

Love that you added Rent in there!! It makes this post rock even more!!

Gosh I've never thought about it before but I've loved my husband, worked hard, enjoyed nature, wrote my first draft ever, started to revise... definitely listened to that obscene amount of Pandora!!!

Lola Sharp said...

Yeah, add me to the bazillion minutes of pandora.

I've had a year full of awesome. No regrets, full throttle, lots of love.

Here's to the next 525,600 minutes!

Candyland said...

I've re-written on ms FOUR times, celebrated my daughter's life every second of every day, had a few downers but never let it slow me down.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Rent!! Yay! Now you're talking, Elana. Broadway, babe.

Hmm...how have I spent 525,600 minutes? Writing, cleaning, building cyber friendships, creating, (mowing the lawn-grrr...still can't get the kids to do it), cooking, paying bills (finger down my throat), blogging, dancing, spending cherished moments horse-playing with my kids...& my husband, singing in the shower (poorly), re-working my current WIP twice and starting three new manuscripts, and freezing at a hockey rink x800.

Phew!! And breathing...thanks for the reminder. Kudos!!

Unknown said...

I love that song and will probably be singing it for the REST of the morning.

The last year has been very good to me. And I'm convinced this coming year will be even better!!! (tears and all)

Jonathon Arntson said...

I believe this coming year will be great...

Kimberly Franklin said...

It has been a great year and sleeping extra on weekends is practically a requirement. I'm looking forward to a new year of fun and the journey it will bring.

Kristine Asselin said...

Great post, Elana. It's spring and I can't believe I've spent the last year finishing my novel! A year ago, it barely existed! I'm a member of a strong critique group, re-imagined my blog (and increased my followers from 0 to 22 as of today!), published my first non-fiction book (and wrote two more to be published in 2011), and have little tiny bites of interest from two agents on my WIP. Oh, yeah, and regular life too - dh and dd factor heavily in there! It has been a great year! Next year will be even better, I predict -- for all of us!

Matthew MacNish said...

Wow great post as usual Elana, I love how you put things in perspective.

Last year I was in my old department at work, afraid my position would go away when we lost the client. Thankfully they hired me into a new division and I can still blog ... during lunch of course.

Shameless self promotion:

If you have time please stop by, read and comment on my guest post for today over at Justine Dell's blog:


It's an interesting topic that will hopefully spark some discussion.


Tara said...

"Sure, I farmed virtually." So glad I'd swallowed my mouthful of coffee before that.

The year's been good. Same as always, ups and downs. More ups. Bigger kids. Lots of writing. It's all good.

Emily J. Griffin said...

Oh RENT, I love you. Seeing you on Broadway was one of the most amazing experienes of my life.

Thanks for the perspective, Elana.

Tina Lynn said...

This year has sucked grass! I do have to say, I started blogging within the last 365 days and it has been one of the most rewarding and fulfilling experiences I've ever had. And I joined/fathered a crit group. Okay...so I guess it hasn't been THAT bad for the "Author Tina" but "Day Job Tina" is unhappy. Just sayin'.

Jessica Ann Hill said...

This last year I finished my first manuscript, started to rewrite it and shelved it because it wasn't the type of thing I really wanted to write. I've started a new manuscript and entered the blogosphere. I've spent lots of time with my family. Worked hard. Had fun. Learned lots.

It's been a fairly good year, but I think (or at least I hope!) this year will be even better than the last. :]

Summer Frey said...

it's been quite the year. My husband finally got a good job, I sustained a severe injury and had my first surgery, graduated from college, finished my first manuscript, read a ton of books, broke my addiction to coffee, rescued the most amazing cat in the world, and found the wide world of blogging...

This year's shaping up similarly!

Sara {Rhapsody and Chaos} said...

aaaaand now I'll have that song in my head for a week! (Thank goodness I love it!)

It's been a pretty good year for me! Lots of writing, LOTS of new writing friends, lots of learning about the publishing industry... Um yes, and lots of cups of coffee =)

Liza said...

It's been a great year. I had two essays published, one in a major daily paper, kept my blog going, figured out a way to make a little cash doing what I love, found a volunteer gig that gives me joy, met some people who are fanstastic and started a bigger project. 525,600 minutes indeed...
Congratulations on your good year.

Unknown said...

I've done a lot in one year. One year of relaxing into the idea that I CAN be a mom. One year of learning I CAN be a writer. One year of acknowledging that there IS more for me than a cube a paycheck. I can be me (and get away with it). LOL!

Mary E Campbell said...

So much has happened this year. It was just a little over a year ago that I started writing. I took some writing classes, started a crit group, started two blogs, attended two writing conferences and one workshop, became part of an on-line crit group, met tons of amazing blogger friends, put my marriage back together, lived, laughed, loved.
Thank you for your comment about verbs on my post - I've never thought about it that way and I think your advice will be very helpful to my writing.

Stina said...

Boy, you must love math, Elana!

I spent the last year reading, writing, voluteering in my kids' classrooms, being a mother, cleaning the house, exercising.

I had a happy year and look forward to the rest of this one. :D

Karen Jones Gowen said...

I'm a chronic time waster and day dreamer. Putting the year passing in zillions of minutes haunts me with guilt. Gulp.

Lindsay said...

A year. Wow, so much has happened to me in the last year.Became a godmother. Joined a writing class and began my MS. Joined QT and discovered the fab bloggers and writers out there on the same journey I am. Started my blog. Read your ebook to help with my query (reminds me I need to email you queryninja,lol). Oh yeah and all the life stuff too.
Congrats on your year. It's amazing what we can cram into 525,600 minutes.

Aubrie said...

Wow, what a great year for you! I queried a novel that didn't catch anyone's attention this year, and am half way through a new one. I'll keep at it. :)

Janna Leadbetter said...

It's such a moving song, and now you've got me singing it! :)

All in all, I think my year as been productive, in lots of areas. But I'd rather look forward, making things happen for the next 525,600 minutes...

Unknown said...

One year ago this month, I began my manuscript, Wind. I completed it in early September. I started a blog & virtually met many wonderful, talented people from the U.S. and England. I have a new dream. There are two things I am certain about: Always expected the unexpected, and there are angels among us.

You are one of them!

Carol Kilgore said...

It's been quite a year. I've made many new friends. Learned a lot. Laughed and cried. A year of life.

Zoe C. Courtman said...

Wow, let's see: I continued building the freelance copywriting/editing biz, which also spawned a nifty little side gig writing author press kits for some big pub houses :) I shed an old MS that was just a hot mess and was making a bigger mess of my talent. I also began a literary horror novel that is so much dark fun to write. Joined the blogosphere, connected with kick-butt writers and bloggers like you! Raising my kid, made my hub's eyes glaze over with my endless MS chatter, still refused to cook dinner, and wasted way too much time on the Sims 3. Whew!

Christine Fonseca said...

What an amazing rollercoaster of a year. The highest of highs and the lowest of lows - and all the time, great friends to share it with!

Jessica Bell said...

That's a lot of minutes. Hmm, let's see. To make a long story short ... I've been trying to get an agent! :)

Kelly Polark said...

Actually the past year has been a tougher one than usual with my hubby being laid off last year(plus my mom's company just closed) and my mil having cancer. But thankfully my mil is recovered, and we have just had to make do with less. Family is always first, so we are just that much tighter.
On the writing front, I completed one manuscript in the past year and had some magazine acceptances.
Plus met more wonderful blogging friends.
I'm a glass half full person, so I'm thinking 2010 will be great!

Natalie said...

I started querying a year ago too! A few months later I met my writing group. Then I got an agent, started a blog, wrote another book (that still isn't done) and did a lot of other stuff. It's been a great year. Next year should be even better.

Georgiana Daniels said...

Time is so valuable and can't be recouped--so like you, I try to put it to good use. Not sure I can say I've accomplished a ton in the past year, but there's been a highlight here and there. Mostly with teaching the kidlets and starting a workout regimen.

Corey Schwartz said...

Did I ever tell you my hubby and I walked down the aisle to the song Without You? Yup! We are big fans of the Rent soundtrack :)

IanBontems said...

Loving my children, writing, learning and looking for work - that's my 2009.

Jessica Nelson said...

It's been a good year for me, definitely. I think watching my kids grow up, go into kindergarten, it's all very exciting and milestonish. :-)

Unknown said...

Thanks for sticking that song straight into my temple. :)

I grew up this year. Truth.

Elisa Dane said...

What a fun post! This past year has been a roller coaster of good and bad. But that's how life usually is, right? It's all those experiences both good and bad combined that help us grow. In which case, I should have grown a lot, hahaha!

John Sankovich said...

In the past year, I would have to say that I have expanded my family by one, gotten closer to getting an agent and learned that patience is a virtue in more ways that I thought possible.

Christi Goddard said...

I fell in love, got sick, had company from Poland, got sicker, had surgery, had another surgery, finished my book. This year has been full of poverty, and lots of ups and really low downs.

Janet Johnson said...

Fun to reminisce.

Had a baby, moved out, drove A LOT, moved in, wrote, played, shoveled snow, shoveled more snow, shoveled even more snow, watched the cherry trees bloom, . . . really, too much to include.

This next year I plan to have "started querying" on my list. :)

VR Barkowski said...

Finished editing my first mss, nearly completed a second. Sent out my first queries. Transformed my blog from flash fiction to a discussion site (I hope!). Had my first fiction short story accepted for publication. Moved across country to a new state, new city, new home, sight unseen. Lost several loved ones and friends. Made new friends and many, many memories.

Anita Saxena said...

Great post. Love that song too!
I've written. Rewritten. Had two agent critiques. Rewritten again. Still rewriting. Tore an ACL in the process. Had surgery. And get to learn how to walk again today! This past year has been something else.

Unknown said...

Now that song is stuck in my head. Mission accomplished. Hehe!

Thought provoking post. What have I done this year? A lot of adventuring, nursing people back to health (including myself) and a lot of time wasted on worry and wanting. Time to change my ways. :)

Krystalyn Drown said...

I've become a mom (that's the big one), worked a little, written two novels, nearly finished a third, and made it to round 3 of the Amazon Novel competition. Pretty nifty.

Amy Jo said...

I love that Rent song. Excellent choice! One year ago I never would have imagined that I'd have written a novel and that I'd be working on my second one. To me, writing a novel was only a far-fetched dream. Wow, it's amazing how much can change in one year!

L. E. Neighbour said...

Eek I'm trying not to think about it right this minute. But I'm sure it was good! I just wish I had spent a couple more writing... ^_^

Stephanie Thornton said...

Eep! Now that song is stuck in my head!

I finished a novel, traveled to five countries, started a new book, watched my daughter grow, taught 200 students, and ate way too many chocolate pretzels.

Stephanie Faris said...

I landed an agent this year. But we won't count the number of minutes that have passed since I very first began querying in 1994. EEEK!!!

Kerri Cuev said...

Oh that is such a good song! Yes, a good year it was :) Plenty of ups and downs and lots of chocolate!

Kara said...

"I farmed virtually." LMAO!

Deni Krueger said...

I worked at school; I made new friends
Saw Egypt, Paris, Netherlands

Took care of kids, saw family
Wrote picture books one, two and three.

I said goodbye and moved away
We move a lot…so it’s ok.

I finished novels one and two
Including rewrites. Yea! Woo Hoo!

And now…I must go back and write
Before my day turns into night!

Stephanie McGee said...

So much can happen in a year. It's really weird. But, here's hoping the years to come are even better.

Unknown said...

This last year has been good. I finished my novel and have kept busy working on my second. I've made some good friends online and that's always a bonus.

Valerie Ipson said...

And you've accrued followers, lots and lots of followers.

Christina Lee said...

Framed virtually ??? LOL!

That is one of my favorite songs -EVER!!!! Especially when heard live, right?

This year has been filled with lots of growth in the writerly department as well as in the mom/wife department!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

There's been some Pandora minutes for me as well - plus NetFlix minutes, gaming minutes...
I don't know about last year, but this year will be interesting with so much to accomplish.

Creative A said...

This is such a fun song. The "in cups of coffee" lyric is probably more along what my year was like, hah!

Lots of good stuff has happened to me this year. I switched majors, and fell in love with my choice. I wrote and finished an entire novel. I learned of my first publication. I made a couple awesome new friends. I resurrected my blog from limbo. I learned that if you promise someone home-made cookies, you better deliver.

Good stuff!

Amalia Dillin said...

I am happy and proud to admit that I did NO virtual farming! I do however lose hours to other things, so I probably shouldn't be too proud :) In the last year I wrote 5 books, so I think I did pretty well for myself. And I definitely came close to running out of my free forty hours of Pandora a month on more than one occasion!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

"I lived. Loved. Wrote. Laughed. Deleted. Cried. Breathed. Tried again and again and again."

Add in a few more cries, a lot of kids sports games, trying to sell a house for 11 of those months, and a gazillion revisions. :-)

Melissa Hurst said...

Lol, this past year has been a wild ride! I was finally able to leave my day job to be a stay-at-home mom, which in turn helped me to be more involved with my family instead of rushing through the day, trying to get things done. I finally got the nerve to start writing after wanting to be a writer for too many years and it has made me a happier person. Started blogging, joined a crit group and made tons of writerly friends. Yeah, it's been a good year:)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

At this point, it's what haven't I done? I got on the rollercoaster and never got off.

Kathryn Hupp-Harris said...

I've spent a large chunk of that 525,600 minutes avoiding housework.


Conda Douglas said...

A different way of looking at a year...and the only moments I regret are the ones I spent feeling guilty about wasting moments...wait, did I just waste a moment feeling guilty?!

Steph Schmidt said...

The year of hell I like to call it. Cursed University is attempting to make all seniors have grey hair from stress before they graduate. Thank goodness for the wip! It kept me treading water and I still can't believe it was finished in six months. Horrible days were a little less awful when I thought of my wip.

Heather Zundel said...

This reminds me so much of Diana Wynne Jones' Howl's Moving Castle with the poem "ride ten-thousand days and nights" (I added that up once. It ended up being like 28 years. Thus I figured out how old Howl was). :)

Oh. Speaking of which, have you heard that she is really sick? She has lung cancer. There's been a semi-call to write her letters to help cheer her up. I have a quick post about it on my blog right now if you are interested in helping spread the word.

And kudos with those minutes this past year!

Unknown said...

I love this post! Each year seems to get better for me. This last year, I wrote my first YA novel. I'm hoping to have a post next year where I say I got an agent. I can't wait until your post says you sold your book. It's fun to dream big! :)

B. Miller said...

"How about... looooooooooove?"

A year ago I was... sleeping. Biding my time. Waiting for something. And it came in August. The book took hold of me. I've spent the last eight months in a creative free fall, and it's exhilarating.

Good luck on your queries... hope you get some good news soon.

Jamie D. said...

Kudos on your well-used minutes. :-)

In the last 12 months I've written my 4th, 5th & 6th drafts...ones I finally feel are good enough to edit. That gave me the confidence to pursue publication.

We went through a rough spot with my husband's job situation, and made it out on the other side not too much worse for the wear.

I re-learned how to take care of one of my dogs when she developed a chronic genetic disease.

I made a *ton* of new writer friends...joined social networks, and have really benefited from the support and sense of community.

A good year, to be sure - with the next looking even more promising. :-)

Natalie Aguirre said...

Like you, I've mostly tried to be productive. Though once in awhile, it's okay to be lazy and sleep in too late. We all need a little down time.

Scott said...

First - love, love, love Rent. The play, the movie, whatever. Love. It.

In the last year - revised like crazy, wrote a new novel, read a bunch of books, spent time with family, created a new tradition with friends, drank plenty of margaritas, made new friends through blogging, but an ebook about querying (grin), and did so much else. Let's hope the next year is just as much fun.


Jennie Englund said...

So now, this song is stuck in my head. It will get me through almost an hour of downward facing dog and sun salutations: 60 minutes of sweat and shaking and hopefully some writing revelations.

Seasons of love...

Theresa Milstein said...

What a great question. A year ago, I was only a couple of weeks into subbing. In this year, I took a big vacation. Many hours were spent writing and rewriting. I began a blog. I joined a critique group when it was clear that my manuscript exchange partner wasn't writing anymore. My husband and I had huge stresses, grew closer, had more stresses. I'm amazed over how my kids keep growing in length and mind. I've spent a lot of time trying to become a better writer and a better writer of queries.

Kristi said...

Loved this post and just wanted to stop by and say hi!!! :-)

* said...

It's been a great year! My journey in writing is continually evolving. My blog is growing and changing. I have a new WIP I'm focusing on. And I've grown in every way as a mother, wife, and friend. And I've learned so much and looking forward to learning more.

PS: I had a question for you, maybe you could address this in a future blog post or already have?...here goes:

How do you organize your Google Reader? How do you cycle through (regularly, it seems) to all the blogs you're subscribed to? Folders? Robots? Hired help? :)

Thanks in advance,

Anonymous said...

Now I'm singing that song...and loving it. lots of life lived over the past year and just me to show for it. And, somehow, everything seems to have gotten smaller. :)

Robin M said...

Yes, I think my year of 525,600 minutes has been put to good use. I've grown as a mother, home educator, student and aspiring writing. I finished 3 more classes towards my liberal arts degree which is a big deal for me. I've learned much about the craft of writing and trying to do the best I can. I finally got a handle on how to teach math to my son and happy to say he's getting it now.

Krispy said...

I thought of RENT the second I read your post title! Love it! Also, congrats on your lovely year! :)

I've probably spent my last 525,600 minutes sleeping too much on weekends and not sleeping enough during the week, eating delicious foods, and spending waaaay too much time on the internet. There were definitely rough patches and lots of uncertainty, but those minutes also includes some epic times with friends and family. So overall, good!

Southpaw said...

I've done many of the things you have, but I have not farmed virtually.

Anonymous said...

I did the best I could to be the best person I can. That's all I ever aim for, year after year. Because, really, that's all that matters, in the end. :o)

And I did not farm virtually, though. I live in farm country - don't need to see it on my computer.

About Me said...

I've had a lot of wine and cheese, wait, and chocolate. One year ago, I was sending out the last batch of queries for a previous novel. I had queried off and on since October. By sending out that last batch I was able to move on to another novel.

Shannon Messenger said...

Hehe, it's funny, I was thinking of doing a "one year later" post too--but you did it SO much more elegantly. (it still may pop up this week though)

One year ago I didn't even have a draft. I had ten, horribly written, disconnected scenes that I was scared to string together and call a draft. I also went to my first author event, a fundraiser called Project Book Babe in Arizona where I met Brandon Mull and Shannon Hale and Stephenie Meyer and 7 other amazing authors and went home and decided, I have to start treating this like a draft!

One year later I have a complete draft, my dream agent, and a LONG list of revisions to tackle by a tight deadline. Still a long way to go, but wow. Ch-ch-changes. :)

Kayeleen Hamblin said...

I actually posted on this not too long ago. In my last year, I moved, wrote two first drafts, have edited a book to the point where I'll start submitting, and had hubby change jobs. It's been eventful and fulfilling and scary, all at once. I wouldn't change a thing.

Love that song from Rent, by the by. It was part of a mash-up my show choir did. I think of it often.

Unknown said...

So funny that you posted this today. I just added this song to my WIP playlist (yes, I'm a big dork who gives her unpublished novel a soundtrack).

Lori W. said...

Wonderful post. Writing wise, I went to an SCBWI writer's retreat, met lovely people, won a scholarship to a conf. in NYC and met still more fabulous writer friends. The icing on the cake is my new critique group. Don't know how I survived without them!

Anonymous said...

I've never seen rent... =[

The last year for me wasn't the best it could have been but I'm aiming to make this next year the best it can possibly be. I'm so glad to see that your year was successful and full of life. You're an inspiration to me, Elana. Always.

PJ Hoover said...

I've loved the last year. I adore the family. I adore the writing. I adore my blogging friends and writing pals.
I wouldn't change a thing.

Talli Roland said...

Last year has been brilliant. The best year ever! Got engaged, got married three months later, had a non-fiction book published -- the only way it could have possibly been better would have been if I finally got my bl**dy fiction published!

Still, it was great!

kathrynjankowski said...

A year ago I was reeling from rejections for a story I now realize was simply not ready for publication. Now I'm immersed in a new story, revising the old, starting folders for stories to come, and feeling exceptionally grateful for the people who believe in me and the time to pursue my dream.

Lydia Kang said...

It's been a stellar year for me. I wrote two novels. Still sitting in my hard drive, but still, a huge accomplishment!

Christina Farley said...

What a great thing to think about. Started a different job at my school, bought a house, prepping to move back to the States, wrote 2 books, revised one, and watched my two boys get big!

Anonymous said...

A great year for you, Elana! I'd add to your list the incredible growth of your blog!!

My year has been pretty good, some writing highlights: started my blog, found representation for my writing, won a writing contest, but most of all proved to myself that I could take a story that I twice thought was finished and turn it into something that people noticed--that I could stay the course thus far. No guarantees on the horizon, but there were none behind me either. The only guarantee I have is that I will continue to put forth effort. Okay, back to revision land. Thanks for the reflective thinking exercise. It was refreshing!

Leigh Hutchens Burch said...

I adore that song from RENT.

This past year, I got serious about writing again, discovered the joy of blogging, and started reading more.

So, these last 365 have been banner days. In the words of Jordin Sparks, This is my now!

Leigh Caron said...

Loved and laughed as much as humanly possible.

Kimberley Griffiths Little said...

Ooh, I've had a great 525,500 minutes. Hard, hard work. Stress. Angst. 18 hour days. But lots of great life moments, spirituality, and a great family.

I did not do any virtual Farming though . . . I mean, I have to draw the line somewhere, Elana. :-)

Sara B. Larson said...

Wow, in the last year? Had darling son #2, Survived Acute PPD, continued to write, queried two novels, got an agent, lost a Grandma, lost baby weight, hubby got a new job, moved, (will be moving again in the next 2 weeks)... I better stop thinking about it, I'm getting anxiety! ;-)

So much can change in a year, can't it? Great post. I can't wait to see where we are a year from now!

Kathi Oram Peterson said...

This last year has been a whirlwind. I had two books published, which was a dream come true. I met a lot of awesome people in person and on the blogosphere! I'm very grateful! :0)

Jemi Fraser said...

You've had a good year! Me too. My kids are getting older and showing independence & maturity in all kinds of new and exciting ways. My job is good (even if it's very time-consuming) and we're all healthy!

kah said...

Holy smokes that's a lot of minutes. I did a lot this year. I'm pretty proud of myself. Wrote a whole new novel. ;)

Melanie Hooyenga said...

The past year was a whole lot of awful for me, but I've started to pass the year mark on the truly awful things and I hope that means I'm putting them behind me.

On the good side, I got my puppy and wrote a novel. :)

Mary Aalgaard said...

At first, I thought, it wasn't a good year. Then, I reassessed. In all that time, I have done more than this space allows to describe. So, I'll just describe today. I posted a blog about all my awards and connections. YOU are mentioned and awarded. I don't know anymone more prolific than you. I typed up my piano recital program. Taught two lessons. Took care of four boys (mine), made them dinner AND cleaned up. Talked to a friend while taking a walk - walkin & talkin therapy. Then, I worked on my drama for about 45 min. And, I'm still not in bed. That's a typical day. (I did laundry yesterday.)

Molly Hall said...

I LOVE that song. Though I always get teary-eyed thinking about how Jonathan Larson didn't live long enough to see his show on Broadway. But we all have the benefit of his genius, so I suppose that's a comfort. What a great thing to think about the year gone by in terms of our writing, and how it intersects with how we lived. It's been a big year for me too. Hard to name all the steps that led me here. But I'm grateful!

Measure your life in love! (wish there was a symbol for a music note!)

G. B. Miller said...

Writing-wise, it was a very good year for me, as I managed to get my first short story published.

Also realized that my speed is more writing novels/novellas than short stories.

I do salute people who can write short stories, and write them well without turning people off (believe it or not, I think most people with MFA's write garbarge).

Goal for this year is to jump back into querying agents/publishers after a five year hiatus.

Glynis Peters said...

What a great post, how clever to work out your year.
I started a novel, my first. I self published my second poetry book. I married off D1 in the UK, flew back 6 wks later to marry off our son. I was published in a magazine in Cyprus. Walked the hills with DH, swam, wrote, ate, wrote, drank, wrote and made 100's of greetings cards. I redesigned and landscaped a friend's garden. I read, I wrote, I set up an author blog. Started final edits on manuscript.
I had fun...no I didn't do much this past year, just the same old, same old...LOL LOL LOL

Oh and I met you and many other great bloggers, Elana!

Gail said...

Love this post!! Really made me think :-)

Lily Cate said...

You farm?

Don said...

Thanks for prompting the reflection. Looking back, it really has been a good year. I pitched, revised, and queried my novel, eventually signing a contract a couple of months ago.

I'm certain the next 525,600 minutes are going to be an even greater adventure!

See Elana's recent blog posts

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