Thursday, April 8, 2010

How To Do It ALL

Dude, let it be known that I'm busy. I'm sure you are too, right? I mean, how many of us are just lazing around the house in our pj's while someone else cleans the toilets and pays the bills? (And if you are, just...yeah just.)

So here's how to do it all.

Listen to this song called "Breathe (2AM)" by Anna Nalick.

Here's my favorite part:
Life's like an hourglass glued to the table
No one can find the rewind button, girl
So cradle your head in your hands


Just breathe

And then later:
2 AM and I'm still awake writing a song (book/blog/whatev)
If I get it all down on paper
It's no longer inside of me
Threatening the life it belongs to

And I feel like I'm naked in front of the crowd
Cause these words are my diary screaming out loud
And I know you'll use them however you want to


And breathe
Just breathe

So how do I do it all? I breathe.

How's your breathing going? Are you gasping for air right now? Or enjoying some time on the beach with one of those umbrella drinks? It's my spring break, that's what I should be doing. But no! It's been snowing here. SNOWING.

Just breathe.


  1. Thanks for the reminder! I totally forget to breathe... Can I snatch this idea, this song for my blog? (I'll link to you, of course.)

  2. That's one of my favorite songs...

  3. Great song. Great post... hey, if breathing is good enough for the Zen masters and every other living's good enough for me ;)

  4. Still snowing?! Gah.

    My breath has kinda been sucked out this week.

    Hope you get some warm weather and flowers soon :)

  5. LOL See everyone. Even Elana is human.

  6. I got to breath and sleep in (7 am instead of 5 am) while on spring break last week. Or at least while we were in Sausalito. As soon as we returned, the breathing ended, even though the kids weren't back to school yet. I had to make up for lost time on editing my ms. ;)

  7. Snowing? Wow, I can't decide what to think about that. I suppose if you live in some beautiful mountains ... then lucky you!

    Breathing is so important but rarely focused on. If you concentrate on it even only every once in a while and meditate a bit it can make a big difference.


  8. I'm taking a break from writing and going to Istanbul with my husband and kids this weekend. We're trying to get some traveling in before he deploys this summer.

    And the sun is shining...which is a miracle here in Germany:)

  9. It seems no matter how much I breathe, I inevitably find myself gasping...
    Love that song, though.

  10. You know what's funny? When I scrolled down my endless blogger board and saw your title, the first word that came to my mind was BREATH! Great minds think alike, but apparently you're ahead of me. ";-)

  11. Thanks Elana. I'm trying to breathe. I think I'm getting there.
    Great post--I needed that!

  12. I think I will definitely be finding that song - wow. Breathing is a great tip. I should have tried that sooner. Ha ha ha. :-)

  13. Spring break.... no fair. I want to be on Spring break. Lol.

  14. My breathing is shallow and sounds funny... stupid allergies! ;-)

  15. Ugh.
    I got up two hours early this morning because the breathing was getting a little labored.

    I don't mind the snow dust. I just planted some seeds that need a cold snap to germinate.

  16. I make a practice of breathing as often as possible.

  17. I'm too obsessive to trust anyone else to pay my bills or clean my house -- nutty, huh? Also, I think there's something to be said for being crazy busy because it makes me focus when it's time to write. If I had all day, I might whittle away my time on other things.

    Sorry about the snow, but hope you're enjoying your break anyway! You can still have one of those fruity, umbrella drinks and pretend you're on the beach. :)

  18. Breathing is overrated. I prefer to run myself into the ground. Between being a mom, a teacher, a wife and a writer, breathing is not really an option.

    Although maybe if it was, I wouldn't be so starved for oxygen and cranky all the time. But unlike Kristi-- I never clean my house. My family lives in filth... until my husband snaps and starts to clean. Then it's a win/win for everyone.

    Great post!

  19. Breathing, yes, in and out slowly. There, now I feel so much better. Thanks for that.

  20. Want me to throw you a rubber ring?

    ~ Rayna

  21. i'm panting. running a writing marathon is hard work.

  22. This song is on my WIP's soundtrack. Much wisdom in it. Thanks so much for the reminder--it's a good day for a reminder. Another way to do it all is to not feel like you have to do it all this moment. Just do one thing at a time... So basic, I know, but otherwise I get overwhelmed by the sheer weight of it all!

  23. Ah, Anna Nalick. Great song! I'm still working on learning when to breathe and when to gasp...

  24. This particular song is one that I have had in repertoire for a few years.

    She nails the concept of just taking it all in. Her words help me when I need to remember that life continues whether I breathe or not, but if I do then I can enjoy the ride. That cable car can take me for a spin and life can be the glorious journey its supposed to be.

    Thanks for reminding me twice this week with two of my favorite songs(Monday's post) that life is here, its a constant yet evolving creation. We can choose to let it drown us, gasping for air or we can relax, find our strength, embrace our talents and live.

    As always, wonderful post!

    Visit My Kingdom Anytime

  25. i love that song. And now i have it in my head. Is that a good thing? Only time will tell...

  26. That's one of my fav songs. I was singing it in my head as I read. I try to live that, breathe (kind of like lamaze!). Busy?! I'm off in a few min. to an overnight fieldtrip with my twin sons, 4th grade. Being the superman that I am, I packed a few pic books to read to my girl cabin at bedtime.

    Snow?! Geez, it's nicer here in northern MN.
    Enjoy at least 30 min. of R&R. K?

  27. I have this theory that we all think someone else is doing more than we are, and they must be doing it better, right? And that's the kind of thing that drives me nuts. Sometimes I think we should all take a picture of our full hampers and sinks full of dishes, un-mowed lawns ... you know, the stuff that falls apart when we must write.

  28. Elana, this weekend is supposed to be extremely pleasant, so maybe you'll luck out and get some nice weather for your spring break. I wasn't so lucky. It snowed on the first and last day of my spring break!

  29. Breathing would be easier if spring didn’t bring all that pollen! Spring has made it to my neck of the woods with sun, warm breezes, and daffodils. Hopefully it will find you soon too.

  30. Breathing. Always. Good.
    However, I have another theory on how you do it all, Elana. It is posted on my blog today. :D

  31. Do it all AND breathe? Now there's a concept! :-)

  32. I love that song- I have it on my iPod to remind me to breathe.

    And it's snowing here too. Let's just say I'm not impressed. On Sunday I was outside pulling out last year's dead flowers in my garden. Yeah, not so much now.

  33. Um... how did you know that was one of my FAVORITE songs ever??? When I hear it, it kinda brings tears to my eyes. The words are powerful--so then my breathing becomes jagged! ;-)

  34. So true, deep breathing, meditation, and exercise are all important in handling the stress of trying to juggle so much.

  35. Hey -- Elliot gave this advice to JD on Scrubs once, too! Yeah, you just gotta breathe in the moment and do it one step at a time. It all works out in the end, though it can be daunting when you first look at it. That's when the breathing helps!

  36. Thank you for reminding me to breathe. In and out, all my life. Breathe in, smile. Breathe out.

    Life is good.

  37. Love that song! I'm breathing easy right now, but I've been known to gasp. :)

  38. I hear you on the snow thing. I'm ready for spring in my neck of the woods, too.

    I'm actually really getting the balance thing down right now. In between everything else, I'm actually finding time for myself. Time to breathe. It's awesome!

  39. Take time to breathe, smell the roses, drink an extra cup of coffee while sitting out on the patio and enjoying the lovely weather we've been having lately. 6 days in the 80s, but back to normal temps in the 70s right now. Oh, did I mention that everything's currently covered in lovely yellow pollen. Everything!

    I try to find some 'me' time every single day, even if it's only 10 minutes on the couch in the morning, my cat in my lap, before I head off to work.

  40. Right now I slow strangled breaths, the anticipation of creating a climax in this story is daunting.

    I need to just breathe.

  41. I'm breathing fine at the moment. But I'm certainly not enjoying snow!

  42. I'm breathing.

    And drinking

    Coffee...of course, but it is my Friday...
    And it's cold but no snow.

  43. I so forget to breathe...I want to do everything and do it now...There are never enough hours in the day or night...I think I need some inner peace. ;)

    Sorry about the snow! I hope it doesn't ruin your spring break...

  44. Love that song, those are also my favorite lines. I was just remarking last night that I can't believe it's already April, and we're deep into it. Time isn't flying anymore, it's wormholing.

  45. There are times I need reminding to just breathe, that's for sure. Right now I'm holding my breath, in waiting mode... Thank heavens it's supposed to be warmer today, maybe some of the snow will melt! ;-)

  46. You're lucky that you're successful at breathing.

    Me, I don't do it enough. Basically, once a week. During yoga.

    But when I do, it's MAGNIFICENT! I think how I should be doing the breathing thing all the time.

  47. Arena also has a song that states don't forget to breathe.
    Over the next two crazy weeks, I'll try to remember to breathe!

  48. Breathe? What's that?

    Nice post. Great reminder to do just that, breathe.

    I got a new story idea on Friday of last week, so my keyboard has been smoking and I've been pushing the "to do" list off while the story's I'm kinda feeling the panting begin. . . so much to do, but I must finish this story before it burns a hole in my head! LOL.

    Great post!

  49. Trying to ** breathe . . . !

    Thanks for the reminder. :)

  50. LOVE that song. I take similar advice from Ever After when Drew Barrymore is about to enter the ball and she pauses and tells herself to breathe. Breathing is good.

    As for me...well...I'm actually being bad and leaving for Arizona today so I can go to a Muse concert tomorrow--which I AM TOTALLY EXCITED ABOUT but also totally stressed because, um, I'M ON A DEADLINE AND I'M SUPPOSED TO BE REVISING! So...I'm breathing. And packing my laptop and a printed up version of the Email of Doom so I can work in the evenings. :)

  51. Great post, Elana. The thing that helps me "breath" this time of year got taken away, and I haven't found anything to replace it. I'm kind of floundering.

  52. Maybe if I get myself a paper bag, I will be able to breathe again. Man, life sure does like to get away from me. So many things piling on top of each!!! Oh wait, you already have. Breathe. Just Breathe! Thanks!

  53. I do forget to breathe! That's what I like about yoga - forcing myself to relax and let go. We can't do it all, but we can take care of ourselves for our own sanity.

  54. This is such an appropriate post, Elana. Do you know I had the lyrics of this song sitting in a draft in Blogger? I've had it there for months but wasn't sure what to do with it.

    Breathe. Yeah, if I can master that, I'll be doing great. Sometimes I do better than others, but it's progress.

  55. Fantastic. This post was perfect. Thank you.

  56. I have asthma so it's hard for me to breathe when it's snowing. (I know, sucks to my asthmar.)


    I can breathe a lot better now that it's nice. I can get outside, take walks and air-out the old idea-maker.

  57. Snowing?!?! Deep breaths, and snow go away!

  58. It's spitting snow here too. Cold icy breaths today.

  59. Sigh... love this song. Now I have to go listen to it. Way to distract me! :D

  60. That's one of my favorite songs--especially the hourglass part. And the middle verse about the boy.

    Right now, I've been gasping but I'm finally finding a rhythm. I hope it stays with me.

  61. Snow! That's horrible!

    I was gasping for the past three days. Now I think I've finally come down (or up?) for air!

  62. I'm definitely gasping for air right now hoping someone will come clean those toilets for me. Your awesome Elana - great post.

  63. I still have snow too!!! ::Cries::

    I do things a step at a time. I've had to learn patience, I've had to learn what I can and can't do over the course of the past two years. When to stop, take a break and when to keep plugging through.

    I can't get it ALL done, but I can certainly keep making a dent, doing what I can and pausing every so often to do just that. Breathe.

    :D Here is hoping your snow melts.

  64. You are so smart, Elana. Although Laura and I have talked about it and we've decided that you must be some kind of robot hybrid who doesn't sleep. Sorry for outing you in the comments, but it had to be said.

  65. I'm sorry about the snow, Elana.

    Thanks for the reminder. It all works out, even if some things don't happen as quickly as I'd like them to. Right? I think my toilets are overdue. ;)

  66. LOVE that song, and its message and your blog post are just what I need to hear today. (*takes a deep breath, lets it out slowly*) And, I've just come from Summer's blog (...And This Time Concentrate for anyone reading this and who doesn't know her, go visit today!) and Summer talked about CO2 emissions from computers and I thought, Eureka! I need a plant or two in my office! Then I'll breath easier and it can breath back at me :))

    Hope you're breathing easy today too :)

  67. Meh. I was *totally* breathing and having some relaxing me time over spring break. Then I get home and a ton of freelance projects elbowed me in the freakin head. So now all that relaxin' is just...gone. But the weekend, it's a comin. And my MS takes my mind off things, so that's what I'm planning on doing come Saturday. Hey, here's hoping, right?

  68. Great song pick! I try to listen to another called Learning to Breathe. I like the line "I'm learning to breathe in these abundant skies." It's a good reminder I have it all now without having to rush around to get more!

  69. Great song and a much needed reminder to just breathe!!

    Thanks Elana

  70. love that song... i needed the reminder... just inhaled, and it felt fantastic.

  71. Aahh..breathing... how do you do that again?

  72. Great lyrics! I am crazy-busy too, but it's fun crazy-busy. After all, if I'm not enjoying it, what in the world am I doing it for??? Breathe!

    We got slammed back into winter too - 6 inches of snow last night *sigh*

  73. How ironic - it's sunny & warm in The Great White North!

    As an expert on living with snow, just remember, there's beauty in it too, you just have to look for it.

    Have a great break - you deserve it!

  74. I breathe too. I love that song. I just got back from some R and R. It was nice. It's been pouring here today though. There's been talk of a tornado warning. Super. I just hope we don't lose power.

  75. That's a great song.

    I do find myself holding my breath during stressful times. But at least, I notice it now and can take several deep calming breaths.

  76. I actually catch myself not breathing. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea when I was a that helps. I rarely breath and then when I do its eratic...
    Im always busy with something and there is rarely time for me to do silly things like breath.

    by the the post and that song!

  77. Great song! Love it. A lot like love is a great movie too - it's on the soundtrack ;o)

    Breathe, yeah, lately I think the personal stuff is taking over. So yeah, I need to stop and breathe. Thanks for this post ;o) Have a great weekend!

  78. Yes, breathing is important. I shouldn't forget that. No fun to have snow on your spring break! I think that would make me stop breathing.

  79. Oh man, I just LOVE that song. But back up -- it's snowing on you guys? Damn! It's freaking April! We were collecting shells yesterday on the beach in North Carolina. It was chilly, but still. I hope you're going to a conference somewhere WARM!!

  80. Okay, I love this song! LOVE IT. Listen to it all the time. It's like, my motto. Moving on. I'm so behind in my blog reading because, well, took the kids on a little trip and all.

    Had to get out of the snow.

    But I gave you an award on my blog today. You make me smile regularly, so I wanted to celebrate that.

    And since I'm only leaving one comment today because I'm short on time, I'll say that a query letter should whet the agent/editor's appetite just enough that they have to find out more about your book--get them to want to read page one. Use that if you want.

  81. Funny you should post that. I posted a blog titled Gasp, about almost the same thing. I was supposed to post the G topic Thursday, but didn't have a chance.

    Oh, and I love that song. I have it on my writing playlist.

  82. Love that song. And if we don't breathe, we can't write.

  83. Great song! Love it. A lot like love is a great movie too - it's on the soundtrack
    data entry work from home

  84. That made me laugh out loud! Thanks - I needed a good laugh!
