Monday, May 24, 2010

Book Deal Giveaway! Day One

Yes, someone's going to publish my book. I can barely contain the tremors, trust me. Since you guys have been around for a lot of my journey, I'm giving away some epic stuff. At least I think it's epic (and we really need to come up with another word for epic).

My book is a young adult dystopian novel in the vein of The Giver and The Hunger Games. Therefore, my giveaways are young adult/middle grade dystopians.

Each day this week there will be two prize packages available. The rules to enter are super-simple.
1. Go to The League of Extraordinary Writers blog. (I'm a co-author.) Follow. Oh, and there's a little giveaway going on over there too...
2. Leave a comment ON THIS POST. Contest is open internationally!

Winners will be chosen from the comments of this post. I will check to make sure the winner has followed the League blog.

What can you win? What can you win? WHAT CAN YOU WIN??

CANDOR prize package:
1. Candor by Pam Bachorz (hardcover)
2. Matching bookmark created by Elana
3. A box of peanut butter patties -- Girl Scout Cookies!
4. $5 gift card to Barnes & Noble
5. Sweet shoulder bag - fits a trade paperback!
6. Copy of From the Query to the Call OR a query critique by Elana

AMONG THE HIDDEN prize package:
1. Among the Hidden by Margaret Peterson Haddix (paperback)
2. Matching bookmark created by Elana
3. A box of thin mints -- Girl Scout Cookies!
4. $5 gift card to Barnes & Noble
5. Handmade, personalized notebook for all your writing needs (6 x 9 inches)
6. Copy of From the Query to the Call OR a 10-page critique by Elana

Again, all you have to do to win is 1) Follow The League of Extraordinary Writers and 2) Leave a comment on THIS POST. (Tell me which prize package you'd like most. If possible, I'll give it to you.)

This giveaway will remain open for 24 hours! That's it. You snooze, you lose. Because tomorrow, I have TWO more prize packages to give away! Winners will be announced at 7:00 AM tomorrow. And the new giveaway will go live at 8:00 AM.

Thanks for celebrating with me!


  1. I am now following The League and would like the Candor package.

  2. Book deal and you give us a present. *SQEEZEEES*. The least we could do it offer a Starbucks or something. ";-)

    Following ur League, and proud of it.

    Girl Scout cookies....Whoa!! Thin Mints rock!!

  3. Oh wow! :) This is so cool, Elana you're so awesome

    I would love the Candor package if possible but they are both really cool! :D

  4. Again, congratulations! I'll take either package. I'm already a follower on the other blog. I have it on the blogroll listed on my sidebar.

  5. Congratulations! What a great give away:) Either package would be great!

  6. Absentminded me: either package. You choose.

  7. What a great way to celebrate! I'd love to read Candor! :)

  8. I'm following the league and am looking forward to reading your book!


  9. Great contest, Elana (or should I say Extraordianary)! I am already following The League. The Candor prize pack sounds cool.

  10. Ha, sounds like a no procrastination series of contests.

    Congrats again.

  11. Fun way to celebrate! :) I'm already following the League - congrats again!!! Oh, and I'd like the Among the Hidden prize :) (since both of those books are on my to-read list, my decision was solely based on the Girl Scout cookies LOL)

  12. Great contest. I am now following the League and the Candor package looks amazing.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Yea Elana! I loved what I read from Control Issues on Amazon and I cannot wait to get my hands on the whole book! Woo hoo! And what a fun way to celebrate! Among the Hidden if possible, but they both look great!

    Another word for epic? But... But...

  15. you go, girl! nice contest! of course I thought you were giving away a 'book deal'...ha ha!

  16. See? This is why you're so awesome, Elana! You land a book deal and you're still thinking of how you can make our days better. You rock!!!

    I'm excited Among the Hidden is one of your prizes. I'm on book six of the seven book series, and they are ALL awesome! My 10-yr-old daughter is on my heels, reading one book behind me. We're loving talking about the story and characters!

    Okay, off to visit the other blog and say hey there!

  17. You're almost more epic than the Iliad.

    (Peanut Butter Patties?!?! They are called TAGALONGS! What is this world coming to?)

  18. Thanks for the contest. And congrats again. I'd love a 10 page critique.

  19. What fantastic prize packages!

    (I like Colossal instead of Epic)

  20. I've been a follower of the League since I first heard about it! Congrats on your book, and I would like the Candor package.

  21. woo hoo!! Giveaways are awesome!!

  22. Congrats again, Elanna. And I would enter for the Girl Scout cookies alone since you can't get them here in the UK. It's a tough call between peanut butter and thin mints...

  23. I'd be happy with either prize:)

  24. So awesome Elena - so glad I can congratulate you publicly. Great prizes. I'm a follower of the other blog now and I really want prize package #1 - love peanut butter and I want to read Candor.
    You're awesome.

  25. Sorry I spelled your name wrong. I know how to spell, but I just forget because I have a friend who spells it that way.

  26. I am now following the "League" and would love to enter your give-away. I would like to read Candor (but would be happy with either)! Thanks so much!

  27. Among the Hidden, please :)
    I'm a follower at the Extraordinary blog. Hmmmm, I wonder who the 5th member is...:)
    Congrats again, Elana! Thanks for another generous contest!

  28. How very cool you are! Both prize packages look awesome and I hope that advance will cover the awesomeness all week. (Ha, ha!)

  29. When I saw the Publishers Marketplace blurb about your book, I did a happy dance for you. You should definitely print and frame it for your office :-)

  30. Amazing! I'm so extremley jealous that you got your book deal, I'm happy for you though! This is a wonderful contest, and I think it's really cool that your opening this for 24 hours only, haha.

    I follow The League of Extraordinary Writers!

  31. OMG! I'm in contest junkie heaven. :)

    I'm still glowing at your great news. I guess it'll be awhile before your feet touch ground again (take as long as you like). :D

  32. I thought I was the only one making my decision based on the girl scout cookie flavors, but obviously not!

    I'm going with the peanut butter... aka CANDOR package!

  33. I didn't get around to saying it earlier, but CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is so EPICLY awesome!! I can't wait to read your book :D And wow, great contest to celebrate!

    I'm following The League's blog! If I win I would love the Candor package ;)


  34. I'd just hit the follow button for the League as it came up on my dashboard just before this one. I didn't even know about the requirement. lol. So, I am a follower. Hmmm...peanut butter or thin mints. Tough choice, but I'm more a peanut butter kind of gal.

  35. Ooooh! 10-pg. critique vs. Peanut-butter patties.

    You make it so hard to choose!!!

    But *deep breath* package 2 is my choice should I (hope! hope! hope!) win. :)

    Congrats again! SO wonderful. :)

  36. I want the peanut butter Candor prize pack! ;) I following the League....never heard of it.... ;)


  37. Yay, Elana! I'm so excited for you. Saw this news on another blog and just had to stop by to say congratulations. Can't wait to hear more about it in the future :)

  38. Ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!! *jumps up and down*

  39. Sounds great! (and I already follow the other blog) I'd pick package #2...I think!

  40. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What wonderful news! Here's my comment. Either package is great with me, though I have a slight preference toward CANDOR.

  41. This is so awesome! I even blogged about you today before I knew the news, funny.

    I am so happy for you! This is great news!

    If I happen to win I would love Among the Hidden but either package would be fine with me.

  42. I'd love the Among the Hidden package. Thin mints AND a 10-page critique? No contest. Congrats again - I was so happy I blogged about you!

  43. I'd love the Among the Hidden package. Thin mints AND a 10-page critique? No contest. Congrats again - I was so happy I blogged about you!

  44. It's EPIC and FANTASTICAL!!!

    Congrats with your book!!!

  45. I'm following. Congratulations! And...

    I want the bag, but I want the thin mints, but I want both books, and definitely the orange bookmark...oh let's go with the Candor package.

  46. Elana I'm so happy for you! Congratulations, and I'm a follower of both blogs. ;)

  47. Congrats on your book deal and thanks for the contest.

    I follow in League Blog, any blog named after an Alan Moore comic book is pretty frakking awesome in my mind.

    Candor package sounds great, mostly because I'm sort of craving peanut butter right now.

    Have a great day.

  48. Mmm, Girl Scout cookies. My mouth is already watering! :) I'd be interested in the Candor package.

  49. Congrats again on the book deal! I would love to get my hands on a copy of Candor (and some candy...)

  50. Elena,
    Congratulations! I found your blog from the League of Extraordinary Writers, so I guess I'm already a follower with Google Reader.
    Which prize pack? That's a tough one. Candor is a new book to me and I love peanut butter patties, but since I want to be in your shoes one day, the critique would be awesome. I can't go wrong with another copy of Haddix (mine wear out quickly in my classroom) and who can go wrong with Thin Mints. Either is wonderful!

  51. Beyond awesome, Elana! <3

    I have followed ze League blog, and I comment with this:

    OMG THE THIN MINT ONE PLEASE. <333333 *ahem* If I should win, of course. >.>

    Unless you feel like giving it to me regardless, because, y'know, that's cool too. ^_^


  52. Massive congratulations on being published!


  53. Please enter me. I would like the Candor prize package. =)If this shows up twice, I didn't mean for it to. It said there was an error the first time.

  54. Wow, Elana, thanks for so much awesomeness! I'd love the Candor package, please.

    Wishing you all the best on the edits coming your way.

  55. I don't know how you do it all. You are amazing! If I should be so lucky as to win, I'd like either package - but probably choose the second if I had to.

  56. I'm so excited for you! You've already got all the marketing stuff down. You'll be in great shape by the time Control Issues comes out.

    I'd love to win the Candor package, mostly because I love peanut butter girl scout cookies!

  57. Wow Elana, great giveaway! I'd love the Candor package, though they're both great! (Already have and love Among the Hidden).

    Can't wait til I can read yours! :)

  58. i already follow the league..Either package is ok!Congratulations again!

  59. Whoo-hoo! I'm now following The League of Extraordinary Writers blog. CANDOR! CANDOR!

  60. Elana, I am so excited for you! I can't wait to read your book!

    If I win, I don't care which package I get (both are fabulous). Just surprise me. :)

  61. Candor package! And I'm almost positive I already congratulated you on Facebook or Twitter, possibly both, but congrats again, it couldn't have happened to a more deserving soul:)

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Still celebrating for you. I am a follower of The League. I wouldn't mind either package.
    Congrats again!

  64. WHAT? I took a few days off and missed your big announce? Congrats, Elana!!!!! Squeee.....

  65. FOLLOWING!!!

    Elana--you're awesome! Congrats again! I'm so excited, and can't wait for your book to come out--I love dystopia. And I would take anything that you would let me win. I'm easy that way!!

  66. OMG CONGRATS!!!!!

    I'm so happy for you.

    Also, those handmade bookmarks look amazing!

  67. Congrats on the book deal!! I'd love the Candor prize package.

  68. wooo hoo!!!!!I would choose the second (Among the Hidden).

  69. Congrats again, Elana! I've been following the League since it started, because I saw Beth Revis was a member. I really like the Among the Hidden pack.

    Love that you got a book deal, but are giving a gift to us!

  70. Girl, I have tremors for you!

    I LOVE the Giver and am picking up Hunger Games from the library today.

  71. I love a good contest! Now let's see if I'm lucky! I'm really diggin' the Candor package, but I also have my eye on that saw-weet personalized notebook in the Hidden package as well! (LOVE IT!)
    Congrats on the book deal! :D

  72. Wow! Congratulations! *throws confetti in the air for you*

    Follower of The League. : )
    I'm most interested in Prize Pack 1 - Candor.
    Thanks for the celebratory contest.
    ambience.of.rain [at}

  73. Congrats! Yeah, why isn't there another word for epic? I have to use it way too often, nothing quite compares. I'm off to go follow The League! So excited for you, and the giveaways are both great. You get a publishing deal and your giving us prizes how epic are you! I had to find a way to use it =D

  74. Elana, you are too generous! :)
    And I don't really know which one to pick! I've never read Candor...but I LOVE Among the Hidden. So - you pick.

  75. HE HE!
    YEP - I'm a follower of that new knockout blog....PRIZE PREFERENCE: I'm also very easy -as my high school boyfriend used to say....

    And there will be MORE prizes...?


  76. Congrats Elana!! Excellent contest as well :)

  77. Ooo! Ooo! The Candor package. Congrats again on your book deal!!

  78. I'm going with HIDDEN and fyi, your interview is up, on blogger and LJ. whoot!

  79. Congrats on the book deal!! I'd love the Candor prize package.

  80. Okay, I'm a follower! Please enter me!

  81. Congrats again. Either prize pack looks awesome!

  82. 1. Follow TLoEW
    2. Comment ;)
    Prize pack: Candor!!

    Congrats, Elana!!! And thank you so much for your generosity. :)

  83. Follower TLoEW and Comment ;)
    Congrats and nice contest!^^

  84. Hi, E!

    I'm already following the awesomesauce League, and would like the Candor package :D

  85. Hi, E!

    I'm already following the awesomesauce League, and would like the Candor package :D

  86. You rock, Elana!

    I'm already a follower of the League.

    I'd love the Candor package. This book is on my wishlist.

    I'd also love the Among the Hidden package :) This is one of my favourite books to read out loud in my classroom.

  87. I'm in! Thanks for the contest and CONGRATS!

  88. - A Follower of The League of Extraordinary Writers

    - This is great ! i would love to have CANDOR prize package :)

  89. This is so amazing. :) Thanks for doing this and again, congrats!

    Either prize pack would be wonderful, but I think I'd prefer the Among the Hidden, simply because I've never read either book but I KNOW I love thin mints. :) And the personalized notebook is beautiful.

  90. What a great contest, Elana...and congratulations again on the book deal. I remember Control Issues from ABNA that year, so I'm especially excited.

  91. I've been a follower! Yay! I'd love either prize pack, but if it came down to it, I might prefer the first. :)

    - Rebecca

  92. OOOOOh yippy! Congrats! Delicioso! Need I say more? I'm following all right. I would love the Candor package if possible. Lovely!

  93. yay! I'm already a follower of The League.
    Also both these prize packs are awesome so i flipped a coin and it said prize pack 2!

  94. Congrats again, Elana!! Prize package? Either one:-)

  95. I'm in!! Fo' sheeeez.
    Yay! (= Following other blog--as of now!

  96. Wow, what a celebration! Congrats, Elana!!!!! Woot!!

  97. Hey Elana, congratulations on your book that is such awesome news! I just joined the league and all your packages sound amazing!

  98. Congrats again on the deal, Elana!

  99. I am so friggin happy for you. I was in the dark most of last week trying to finish out my current WIP, and when I finally sign in this morning what do I see? That I should have at least CHECKED IN last week! Congratulations to the millionth power, you definitely deserve it! And I'm looking forward to reading more about the League. The Candor pack sounds awesome, but your homemade bookmarks look even more awesome than anything else. You truly rock, Elana.

  100. Great I'm happy for you... either package would be worth winning... thx

  101. Yay, Elana!!!!! Great prizes. I'd love the Candor pack. Been really wanting to read that!

  102. Thanks for sharing the awesome, Elana! I'd love Candor if possible...

  103. Yay Elana! You've made sure to cover all bases on the prize packs! Would love the Candor one!

  104. I'm already a follower of 'The League'. (Thanks for the great name by the way--it makes me feel like a super hero to say I follow 'The League').
    I'm not picky. Both packages look awesome.
    Once again, Congrats on publishing. I will be one the first ones buying it. :-)

  105. How did you hide the GS cookies long enough in order to give them away? Or, are they not your faves? I noticed that the coconut caramels aren't in the package. Congrats and enjoy all the fun of celebrating!

  106. Congratulations on your book deal! I am now following The League of Extraordinary Writers blog. I can't decide which package I want more so if I win, whichever is fine.

  107. Books and Girl Scout Cookies! That's awesome!

    Very big congratulations on your book deal. I can't wait to read it!

  108. Congrats Elena on the book deal!I am looking forward to reading your book.
    I follow The League of Extraordinary Writers.
    I would like to be entered for the Candor prize pack.Thanks!

  109. Fantastic giveaway, Elana, wow! Both packs look amazing, though I'm intrigued by CANDOR, so that would be my #1 choice!
    My dystopian novel was published by Random House in April (THE OWL KEEPER) and I'm a huge fan of dystopian literature! Congrats on your forthcoming book; can't wait to read CONTROL ISSUES! Yay for post-apocalyptic! (:
    Thanks for introducing me to the League of Extraordinary Writers - terrific site - I enjoyed reading your interview!

  110. Yanno, it's stuff like this that makes me happy I've chosen to be a writer :D Consider me entered (already a follower of TLoEW) - and I'm all about the CANDOR gift pack!

  111. And THANKS. (Where are my manners??)

  112. I am SO psyched for you! Cannot wait to buy your book. Srsly. And what a great contest!

    I've been following the League for a little while now

    And I would prefer the Candor pack I think, but both are awesomesauce!

  113. Congratulations! You're too sweet to give something away to US when YOU are celebrating! :)

    Following the League and I'd love the Candor pack! What a great giveaway!

  114. Elana, I'm thrilled for you! Congratulations!
    I'm following "the league" now. And I think the second package sounds fabulous! You're so kind.

  115. I am followin' and commentin' and would prefer the "Among the Hidden" package. ;)
    I'm so happy for you!!

  116. How do you find the time to contribute to so many groups? ;)

    I just became a follower.

    Among the Hidden sounds awesome!

  117. I imagine half the world has congratulated you *because I've read at least 75% of those congratulations* but, one more won't hurt: CONGRATULATIONS ELANAAAAAA =D!

    It's a well deserved deal =)!

    Now, on to business. I follow the League's blog so enter meee :D!

  118. congratulations on your soon to be published book. :)

  119. Congrats again!

    I'm a follower of the blog, and while I'd be happy with either package, I'd prefer the "Among the Hidden" one.

    Epic giveaway for sure!

  120. Congratulations on the book deal! you certainly deserve it, for being an amazing blogger/commenter on MULTIPLE BLOGS.

    I'm a follower on all your blogs and I'd be thrilled to win either package.

  121. Congrats Elana!!! I would love to read your book :)
    I'm following the League and I wouldn't mind either package. Surprise me with the best! :) Thank you!

  122. Still happy dancing for you Elana. I really hope you spent the whole weekend celebrating! :)

    And hm...replacing epic. I'll have to think on that. Right now all I can think of are Mean Girls lines (stop trying to make Fetch happen!) :)

  123. Following and would take what is offered. Thanks for the great blogs on both sites.

  124. Congratulations! Your novel sounds FIERCE! I know it's gonna make a bang, and I'm gonna read it when it breaks into the public! The giver was a fave of mine in middle school! Any prize is fine, I'm not picky. Just happy to hear the good news about your accomplishment :)

  125. Congrats to your well deserved publishing deal!

    I'd like Among the Hidden and am a follower of both sites!

  126. I love Among the Hidden, but I already have it,so I want the Candor package pretty please!

  127. Whoops, signed in with wrong google account. Here's the right one. Congrats again and be sure to get me an ARC so I can review it on Teens Read and Write!

  128. Okay, I have not read Candor yet, so I'd go for that one. Plus, peanut butter patties? Yes. I'll take them.

    Not that I expect to win or anything. Just sayin.

    Fun, fun contests!

  129. Elana - I was telling my hubby about you. He's not a fiction reader and suffers through my 'will you read this for me?' requests - but he was pretty impressed by you ;0) He's the type - see it to believe it - and he said that he's believing :) Way to go girly. Very happy for you!

  130. Congratulations again, Elana! And pls put me down for the Hidden package. Thanks!

  131. CONGRATS AGAIN! :) Am following, and either package is great. It's impossible to choose really with those Girl Scout cookies, though I guess I'm more partial to Thin Mints...

  132. Hey there! Just came back from a bloggy break and found out your book sold! Congratulations. So, so, so awesome!!!!!! Anyhow, pick me. Pick me. Pick me. I want the Candor prize package.

  133. Shoot, I started following the League of Extraordinary Writers blog as soon as I found out it existed. I loooove reading dystopian even though I don't write it (yet). Congrats again on your book. It sounds as delicious as Girl Scout cookies.

    Although both packages sound awesome, I'll choose the Hidden one.

  134. I have a little giveaway on your behalf at my blog today, too. This is MAJOR party time, girl, and parties need presents! I am BEYOND ecstatic for you - way beyond! Congratulations, Elana! :-)

    Oh, and I'd prefer Candor, but they are both woo-hoo!

  135. Congrats!!!! I'm so happy for you :) I like the Candor pack but both sound wonderful. Once again, congrats and let the celebration continue.

  136. Congrats, Elana! I know you are thrilled! {does happy dance} I am following both blogs. I would love either prize pack, but I just ever so slightly prefer the Candor pack. Thank so much! :)

  137. I'm a follower! I'd love the Candor package!

  138. I can't wait to read your book! I'm like that annoying kid - is it out yet? Is it out yet? How about now?

    Also, now I want thin mints. Thanks a lot! ;)

  139. Ooo, cool. I think I'm already following the other blog, but I'll go make sure. I'd take the Candor package.

  140. I'm a follower of The League.

    I'd love the Among the Hidden prize package. :)

  141. Such great prizes!! I'm a follower of the LOEW (LEW??) blog, and I'd love the AMONG THE HIDDEN package. (How can you say no to thin mints?!)

  142. Love book give-aways and I'm not picky, I'd take either. I'm going to make sure I'm a follower of League of Extraordinary Writers...

  143. I'm excited for your new blog endeavor, but even more excited for your book deal. I really can't wait to see your book on the shelf!

    And I'd love to win the second prize package!

    Happy Monday!

  144. I'm following the new amazing blog! Sounds like so much fun. And as for the prize package, I would love #2 with the thin mints. :-D

  145. haha!!! Already a follower. Take that!

    Ok yeah I'm a dork! Can I have both packages? No...ok I like peanut butter better. #1 wins

  146. Many congrats! I have to say "The Giver" is one of my favorite books. I'd love to win the AMONG THE HIDDEN prize package. Awesome prizes, for an awesome occasion. :-D

  147. Holy comments, Batman! There's a lot of Elana love going on here!

    I've already read Among the Hidden, so Candor for me. Although, Thin Mints are my favorite.

  148. Those are some sweet prizes. Congratulations on the happily ever after ending to your fairy tale.

  149. Congratulations!! I'm now a follower at the League (and hope some of that extraordinary writing love will fly through internet bandwidths to me). And, Among the Hidden is a lovely package, complete with my favorite cookie.


  150. I'm so happy for you. Now finish the next one :)

  151. I'm still so excited for you!! I became a follower and I'm good with either package. Though I do love thinmints... ;-) Congrats again! (PS I also gave you a shout out on my blog) ;-)

  152. I'm now a follower of the League. :) Nice site! Would you put my name in the hat for Among the Hidden?

    Congrat's on your book (again). :)

  153. I'm soooo excited for you and your book! YIPPEE!

  154. Congrats! So excited to read it and read more of your blog. What awesome prizes!

  155. Congratulations on your book! Can't wait to see it.

  156. Congratulations!

    I'm a follower of the League, and I'll throwm my hat in for the Candor package....Thanks!

  157. I have just tagged you! You're it!!! NO TAG BACKS! SHA-LA-LA-LA Oxen Free!! ok I don't remember how that goes but I just tagged you! I tagged a bunch of people I don't know very well because I want to get to know you better! Check out my blog to find out how to play!!!

    I hope you play! It will be awesome to read some more about you Elana! and again, CONGRATULATIONS AWE-SO-TACULAR!!! ;)

  158. I'm now a "League" follower...and would be over the moon to win either of the great gifts you're offering up (though 'Among the Hidden' would be the best due to that awesome personalized notebook!)

    And congratulations on your upcoming publication...can't wait to read it!

  159. Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!

    And congrats on the book deal. Awsome! Here's some virtual confetti thrown your way (lots easier to clean up, huh?).

  160. Wow, so much love and congrats and thin mint coveting going on here. Woot!

    Thanks everyone -- and Feywriter, wait for Wednesday to see The Giver...


  161. Hi, Elana!

    I'm a "follower" of The League of Extraordinary Writers


    I would like the "AMONG THE HIDDEN" prize package, please.

    Also, "CONGRATULATIONS" on your book deal!

    Cynde's Got The Write Stuff

  162. Gotta Love free stuff! -Cassie

  163. This comment has been removed by the author.

  164. Congrats on the book deal. :)

  165. Congratulations!

    I would love the AMONG THE HIDDEN prize pack.

    BTW: In the beginning of the post, where you said your book is something like The Giver and The Hunger Games, that's exactly what The forest of hands and teeth reminded me of.

    I'm following the League blog!

  166. Ooo, I've been following the League and I'm all about prize pack #1. More of a peanut butter girl that a thin mint girl. :) How fun!

  167. Ooh, let the fun begin. I'm definitely a follower of the league and certainly can't wait to read your book. How exciting.

  168. Woo hoo! Been following The League.


  169. I am so incredibly happy for you! I can't wait t read your book when it comes out!

  170. OK, I admit it. I'll tell everyone I want the book for my kids, but I'll read it before I tell them I got it for them.

  171. OK, I admit it. I'll tell everyone I want the book for my kids, but I'll read it before I tell them I got it for them.

  172. Okay, how did I miss the post where you announced your book deal? I mean, OMG...that's huge! It's EPIC! ;-)

    Good for you! Heck, that's GREAT!

    And now, I'm shooting over to the League. Don't want to miss out on the epic give-a-way.

    Again, congrats!


  173. Thanks so much for the fun contest! I subscribed to the League last week (GREAT idea for a blog, BTW) and I'd love to put my name in for the CANDOR package. MUST read it!

  174. oooh oooh I followed the League from the very first day!

    I'd love the Among the Hidden prize.

    Woo woo

  175. That is absolutely fantastic! I'm following The League of Extraordinary Writers. I'm open to any prize package, but more importantly is your deal! Thanks for sharing the event!

  176. I'm so excited for you! I'd love to win the Haddix package! Following the "League" as well...

  177. Once again, congratulations! I'm so excited for you!

    I'm following TLOEW and, as I already have a copy of CANDOR, I'd love to be entered for the 2nd package. :)

  178. I'm already following League! Would love to win Among The Hidden package! Got my fingers crossed :-)

  179. I know I remember you getting your book deal. I just didn't remember in the crazy life that I've embraced over the last couple weeks.

    Awfully rude of me, so I can't remember if I congratulated you or not. Well, not matter: CONGRATULATIONS! WOOOHOOO!!

    Thanks for the contest. I'll mention it on my post today. I don't read MG myself, but would mind a free book for my son. He needs something besides video games to occupy his mind over the summer.

    See ya later.


  180. I've been a follower (:
    I'd love the Candor prize pack (:

  181. Congrats on the contract! So excited for you.

    I'd love the Among the Hidden prize pkg. and I'm now a follower of the new blog!

  182. OMG OMG OMG!

    That is so awesome, Elana. Congrats big time. I am a follower here and there, so please include me in the fun :) I am so happy for you though. My wife says congrats too (since she's heard me talk about you all the time). Another book I'll have to pick up as soon as it comes out.

  183. Hi Elana! Congratulations on your fabulous news! Really just elated for you!!

    I am already a follower of the League, and very disappointed that I did not win the debut contest. *sniff*

    I would LOVE to win the Among the Hidden package. (although either would be fab!)

  184. Congrats! I am a follower and would like either package!

  185. Cool! I love contests and prizes. Count me in for the Among the Hidden package. I'm already a follower of the League. Thanks! Oh yeah...Congrats too!

  186. Woot! Many congrats for the book deal Elana!

    And wow, are you generous or what? You two packages are already great giveaways, but you have even more? Neat! heh

    So, I'm following the League and *finger crossed* I'd like the Candor package.

    Cheers! :D

  187. YAY! I love epic giveaways. :) I would chose CANDOR... you know, if I won.

  188. So excited for you:) Great giveaway too. Guess if I had to choose, I would lean toward the Among the Hidden package.
    Have a great week!

  189. Not entering the contest (I follow/subscribe to about 100 blogs, so I got my hands full) but I wanted to give you congrats on getting published.

    However, here is an idea: how about giving a matching prize to a deserving young (sub 18) writer at a school?

  190. I'm a follower of this blog!

    I'd love to win the Among The Hidden

  191. I love helping people celebrate!

    If I win, I think I would like the Among the Hidden package (the thin mints were the clincher).

  192. So cool! Thanks for letting us party with you. I would love to win either package! I think they both sound amazing.

  193. Congratulations!!! That's amazing news!

    I'm already following the league, because I <3 dystopian stuff. If I win, I have a slight preference toward the Candor package, though I love Thin Mints so really I'd be happy with either one. Woot!

  194. Congrats on your wonderful news!!

    I follow the League of Extraordinary Writers :D


  195. YAHOOOOOOO! I have been hearing your happy news all over. I am so excited for you! And YA dystopia is my favorite genre to read so I can't wait to see yours in print!

    I am a follower of the League and would really love your second prize pack... although they both sound amazing!


  196. Elana, congrats again (and again) (and again)!!!

    I loves me a contest where all you have to do is follow -- no +2 for this, +3 for that...

    Is some Johnson good luck included in the prize package?

  197. Congratulations on your upcoming release! How exciting!
    (Both prize packages look great to me!)

  198. Yay for dystopian YA! And yay for giveaways! I'd especially like the Candor pkg.... :)
