Tuesday, May 18, 2010

League of Extraordinary Writers

Okay, okay. Don't hate me. But I'm giving you another blog. This one is near and dear to my heart because it's all about YA science fiction/dystopian! (FYI, my book is YA dystopian...)

I mean, how could you get better than that?? (You can't.)

Plus, when Beth Revis is involved with something, you know it's going to be made of epicsauce. (Seriously.) So you go. Besides, you can win signed books and swag and such. (Win = win.)

The League of Extraordinary Writers is run by (almost) five debut YA sci fi/dystopian authors. I know it's going to take the blogosphere to a whole new level of freakishly-awesome.

Oh, and can you tell I started writing again? No? (How can you not?)

I bet you can't guess what I'm doing in my new novel. (Take a guess. Just guess. Um, parentheticals, anyone? Ha!)

(Missed the launch of What Writers Read? Go here to enter to win books!)


  1. Elana I love to see all the support! I'm a follower of the wonderful site you just pimped!

    I wonder what kind of book you're working on now... I don't think anyone who follows you has any idea!!! LOL

  2. What'cha workin' on??? (I won't tell....)

    Already a follower of your pick for today. Love to see all the support!!

  3. I can't guess what you're working on, but know it's awesome if it's anything like your query and blog posts. Glad you're writing again. I'm just getting back into my second book too. Good luck.

  4. Following both sites and looking forward to all the fabulosity you'll be dishing out.

  5. Beth pretty much rocks so I'm glad to see the awareness spreading, and these group blogs are always of the highest quality.

    I already have it open in another tab.

  6. Elana, you rock. That's all for today.

  7. Um, are you bungy jumping naked?

    And why are you in your book? Is it a memoir?

    Something tells me it isn't. I think my brain is fried from reading too many blogs this morning. ;)

  8. I can't wait to see what you're doing in your new novel! You go!

  9. Yay for you! I'm glad you started writing again. :)

  10. Glad to hear about the writing and thanks for the link!

  11. Just checked the League out - awesome blog. Definitely following that sucker :D

  12. Will check out the links, thanks:) Have a great day!

  13. good luck with the new blog. never
    sure how one keeps up with more
    than one!

  14. Good luck with keeping up the writing streak! You're doing great! I don't know how you keep up with it all. I struggle and I've not got near as much on my plate. You're amazing, is all that can be said.

  15. Glad to hear that you're not longer in a funk and writing again. And thanks for the awesome linkage.

    Have a great day.

  16. I'm already a follower of Beth's new blog! I'm so happy that you're writing again. :)

  17. I love Beth and the other four blogger/authors. I love YA dystopian. (I WANT to read your book!) I love free stuff. been there, done that! :-)

  18. Thanks for the great links! So glad you're out of your funk and writing!

  19. Such energy! Happy writing Elana! Can't wait to read your stuff!

  20. Thanks for sharing. The Extraordinary Writers blog looks like it'll be fun and informative so I decided to follow it. :)

  21. Looking forward to the blog. Thanks for sharing :-)

  22. Ooo, epicsauce. I think I like that better than awesomesauce. And I've been meaning to hop over there and follow. Thanks for the reminder! :)

  23. Hi Elana,

    I invited you to follow my blog and you were so awesome to do it. However, somehow you got on my old defunct blog instead of new one.

    Here's the new blog url:


    Also, great blog link. Love it.

  24. I know! It's so awesome...Go Beth (and LOEWs).

    Glad to hear you are writing a new wip! Can't wait to hear what it is about! =)

  25. Sounds cool. I'm going to check it out now. Oh, I saw the video of you and Dan Wells dancing. LOL!

  26. I'm glad you're writing again. Does this mean you're out on parole? :)

  27. Yay, glad you writing again.
    And I am a follower of both sites, woot woot.:)

  28. I can't believe I followed the blog, but forgot to enter the contest. I'll have to fix that.

    You're writing again? Awesome. I just started a new piece on Mother's Day, but with the conference and all, I haven't gotten past page six.

  29. Wow, guys, thanks for all the love. You have NO IDEA how much I need it today. My day job is the pits today. 'Nuff said.

  30. Hang in there, Elana! Yay for new WIPs!

  31. fabulous! i love it! and congrats to you for writing again!! woo hoo!!


  32. I love this new dystopian blog so far (yeah it's only been a few posts) - great writers, great topic.

  33. Elana,

    Thanks for continually supporting other writers. You are such an inspiration to us all. I love the new link.


  34. Great links. Great post as usual. Now about that WIP. It wouldn't have a touch of dystopia, would it? Can you have a touch of dystopia?

  35. Elana, congrats on getting back into it. I'm counting on you to inspire me to do the same. (The pressure continues...) :)

  36. I will definitely check it out. thanks.

    Have fun writing!!

  37. Boo...I mean, yay another blog!! :P
