Friday, May 14, 2010

What Writers Read

Okay, so like you don't have enough blogs to read or something. But, you guys, this one rules. And not just cuz I'm writing some of it.

Suzette Saxton, Bethany Wiggins (did you see her book sold to Walker/Bloomsbury??? Ahhh!) and I have teamed up and will be dishing on get this, books.

That's right. Most writers are voracious readers (or they should be). Well, we're no exception. We've each got a page to keep track of the books we read, and we need suggestions! (My page is here.)

Couple that with the fact that we're giving you a million plus one book review blogs so you can find even more amazing books, and this blog is already shaping up nicely. We're going to post about whatever strikes us (about reading and books) whenever we feel like it, so you'll get to see some of the crazy that is Elana, Suzy and Bethany.

And who doesn't want to see that??

I mean, really.

So hop on over to What Writers Read and follow us. You never know what we might come up with! And by that, I mean, if you go over there and follow us, you might could win a book...

And what have you read lately? You are reading, right? I just got The Iron King by Julie Kagawa! Squee!!


  1. I just visited the blog and I have to say I'm pretty excited about it! How great that you three are getting together! Fun forced joining together... it's going to be a hit!

    How funny that we are reading the same book! I just picked it up two days ago and will be reading it all this weekend! Yay for the Iron King!

  2. I will do that!
    And nice to see writers who read. I'm amazed at the ones who don't.

  3. What a great idea--I'll be watching the list. And reading!

  4. Hopping over now. What a great idea. :)

  5. Hopping over. I am reading LIAR next for the LiLa YA local book club we are doing. And Body Finder at the same time!

  6. Great idea. I added it to my favorites. I really enjoyed The Iron King. I'll be curious to hear what you think.

  7. I'll check the list and see if I have anything worthy to add. It's a great idea.

  8. Mostly educational reading for me right now. I'm finishing up a book on writing. I have books on my shelf calling my name.

  9. I like this. I'll be checking it out!

  10. I am reading the third MYSTERIOUS BENEDICT SOCIETY book. I just finished HERO and WILL GRAYSON, WILL GRAYSON. Next up: TELL ME WHAT YOU SEE.

  11. Sounds like its going to great! I have several to read book lists and it would be great to organize all in one. I'm reading Eve's Daughter's by Lynn Austin, my latest book club reading. But must say I enjoyed our prior book more-Ted Dekker's, A Blink of An Eye.

  12. That's great, Elana - I'll go over there right now.

  13. Thanks for the link! I'll cruise over and check it out. I just started The Secret Year by Jennifer Hubbard.

  14. I'm not sure how the three of you plan to keep up with yet another blog, but I'm all for it! Yay! I've already been there and am a new follower. :-)

  15. That sounds like a good idea. I've been reading the Percy Jackson series.

  16. I will be checking this out and adding it my my feed.
    I've recently been interested in the new Margaret Peterson Haddix series. 'Found' and 'Sent. Good.

  17. I will go check it out! I just read "Only Angels Are Bulletproof" by Emily Benedict and "The Art of War for Writers".

  18. I'll check it out! And what am I reading? "The Hole We're In" by Gabrielle Zevin. Looks like a goodie!

  19. *Creepy looks shamefully away. Someone gave me Dan Brown's newest book for christmas and its still sitting on the shelf! I've been to busy writing, critiquing, editing, and now blogging to read! But when they're a lull, i'll probably devoure a few that I've found through some awesome book reviews. Thanks for the sight!

  20. What a great idea!

    I just followed. Thanks!

  21. I challenged myself to read (at least) 50 books in 2010. That's about a book a week. I'm pleased to say I'm currently reading numbers 19 and 20 (simultaneously, 'cause that's how I roll), and so just about on target. I have my nose in book four of the Shadow series, Among the Barons, by Margaret Peterson Haddix, and The Town That Forgot How to Breath, by Kenneth J. Harvey. Both are rocking my world!!

    Have a great weekend!

  22. As if I don't already have too many books in my TBR pile and too little time! I hate reading more than 1 book at a time, but I've resorted to doing that in an attempt to whittle down my list! *sigh* But I will check out the book blog... (how can I resist?)

    Currently reading: The Body Finder and The Child Thief

  23. I'm reading Bride of the Living Dead by Lynne Murray. It's not one I would have picked up on my own - the publisher sent it to me. Good news is, it's a light, fun book.

    Straight From Hel

  24. Once again I'm left baffled by HOW you find time for all of these endeavors. Hopping over to the other blog right now.

    As for me, I just finished Will Grayson, Will Grayson (AWESOME) and now I'm swooning over Rick Riordan's The Red Pyramid. If ONLY I could write like him. :)

  25. Great, great idea, girls!

    I'm reading Book 4 of THE 39 CLUES to my 8 year-old son.

    On my own, I'm reading research papers...

  26. Sounds like fun. Will hop over there and check it out. Am doing some research on a novel, so reading a thesis on early American settlers, and also have started James Scott Bell's Plot and Structure.
    Have a great weekend!

  27. I recently went to the library and pulled around ten books off the shelves to go through. they're not books I would have purchased but I was curious enough to want to read them. Right now I'm on Edward Sawtelle.

  28. I have a personal goal this year on my blog - to read 100 books this year. So i'll keep my eye on these pages to get some great ideas!

  29. How very cool! I'm on my way to check out the blog. Thanks!

  30. OH MY GOSH!!! YAY!!! Congrats girls! =)
    My tbr list is out of control! I need something (someone) to help me out. =) Thanks.

  31. That is a fabu idea. Going to check it out!

  32. Very cool. I just found the goodreads site and was looking though it and saw a lot of familiar "faces" there.

  33. Awesome site! Thank you for enabling my addiction! :)

  34. Iron King has been on my wishlist for a while now.

    The blog sounds fabulous - you are 3 of my fave bloggy people - can't wait to pop on over!

  35. I actually write more than I read. I like reading but I'm very picky when choosing a book to actually indulge in. It has to take me on the ride of a lifetime, it has to be memorable... or it's not worth the read.

    Actually in my short story class I have become fond of some writers (granted some I read in high school) but a second read through makes them even better. I loved Woody Allen's The Kuglemass Episode. HILARIOUS! and then there was Isabelle Allende "an act of vengeance", and Gabriel Garcia Marquez, "A very old man with enormous wings" and Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper". It's funny how finicky my styles are. Usually I like urban fantasy/mystery/action/erotica type stuff.

  36. I already signed up as a follower...How could it not be a winning blog with you three running it???

  37. I've been dying to read The Iron King, can't wait to hear what you think of it. I'm reading Under My Skin by Judith Graves and am loving it! Next in line is Mistwood by Leah Cypess…

  38. Yes! More cool blogs!

  39. I'd be suspicious of a writer who didn't read. Like a cook who didn't eat or um... an engineer who didn't drive over bridges? Never mind. LOL

  40. I'm actually finding it difficult to find the time to read AND do all the writing I want to do. At the moment I'm - slowly - reading Kylie Chan's "Earth to Hell" and rereading "The Art of War for Writers"

  41. That's great! Who wouldn't want to know what Elana The Wise is reading? I'm on "The Beast of Noor" by Janet Lee Carey, "Tom Trueheart" by Ian Beck "Blackbringer" by Laini Taylor. That's the fiction.
