Friday, May 7, 2010

What You Should Know: Writers

Okay, so last week we dished about Non-writers. We know we're a separate breed, and we're totally going to be making more dinner and applying more makeup, right Writers? Right.

So today, I'm going to give you some insight into Writers.

We're made of awesomesauce. Don't believe me? Feeling less than awesome? Maybe you're wallowing in your freakin' freaker mess of lamesauce and not feelin' the love. Dude, get thee hence. And by hence, I mean here: Do the Write Thing for Nashville.

Writers got the word out. Writers donated. People who work with writers donated. And I have it on good authority -- Facebook -- that over $2000 has already been raised. In one day.


Writers know how to party. Don't believe me? Did you, uh, miss the Awesome on Monday? All those contests and free books and authorly love? Sigh. It was a great party. And I have another one coming very soon. And I've got something else up my sleeve that is going to be so epic I'm going to have to make up a new word for it. I'm taking suggestions for the new epic.

In case you still don't believe me, you should play this game next week. I've never felt so stupid in my life -- and I enjoyed every minute of it. Here's a description of the game: A cross between cribbage, Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego, and the New York Times, if the NYT had a scavenger hunt.

If that doesn't make you want to play, maybe you need more awesomesauce.

Writers practice hard. You need proof? I submit the entire month of November. I mean, come on. We go crazy in November. And I bet we could get to like 50,000 words for the week just from the writers that read and comment here. Let's try it, shall we? Leave your weekly word count with your comment. Can we get to 50K?

I'm pretty sure we can. We're like, Michael Phelps or something.

Writers are smart. Who else could come up with the crazy entertaining things we do? And then we write a bajillion words and rewrite them to get all the threads in just the right place. Guess what? Brain surgeons do the same thing -- except they don't get multiple tries. So who's smarter? Yup. Writers.

Yeah, you might not get the creds you deserve from Non-writers. But you'll always get them from me. I think you guys rawk the house!

All the way down.


  1. Hah what fun! Thanks as always Elana. Great news about the Do the Write Thing action too.

    That WIBIJ game looks so much fun I keep hoping to find the time to play. I know I will soon.

    Can't wait for your next dose of awesomesauce either, the wealth of your ideas is amazing.

    Today's guest bloggers are Lisa and Laura Roecker!

  2. Dudette - thanks . . . for spreading the word about Nashville, for always being positive, and for making me snarf even when I don't really feel like snarfing!

  3. We do know how to partrrtayy. And the game, uh, I felt stupid too so don't feel bad.

  4. I love that game! And you did great, come on of course you did! :)

    Have I told you how much I love your posts? I'm sure you know, but well I'll just say it again, cuz I do.

  5. Love coming over here for a pat on the back, Queen of Awesomesauce.

  6. Wonderful news about Nashville! I hope we can raise more money than that too.

    Great post, though I can't commit to making more meals. I really can't. *grin*

  7. Thanks for this. Made me smile and its all true. :)

  8. So basically writers are just the best people around, huh? :)

  9. I feel for the folks in Nashville. It looks like a repeat of Cedar Rapids 2 years ago. I don't live in CR, but I live close enough I go there often. It was beyond devastating.

    So many people lost everything. And these are the people who were barely making it to begin with. I checked the auctions out yesterday...there's some awesome stuff out there and it's a great cause!

  10. Seriously. We are the rock stars of the literary world. ;) Or maybe country music stars.

  11. Woohoo you said it like it is! Rock on writers! Oh, I like a good party! Bring on the chocolate.

  12. I've been feeling especially un-awesome of late, actually. Thanks, Elana. You're a positive force in Cyberland.

  13. Just in the few months of frequenting writer sites, I'd agree--especially the hard-working and smart thing (I need Google reference often myself).

  14. Yes, we're so hardworking, often squeezing in writing and social networking between work and family.

    I won't have a word count this week. I'm using your fabulous advice on editing a manuscript in a month to cut my word count. So far over 4000 words & 50 pages to go.

  15. This is SWEET! I'm all motivated now!! Thanks.

    Happy FRIDAY!

  16. Wow... Elana you know how to motivate us!!! I'm getting off blogger now to go and write! Thanks for the inspiration!

  17. Yeah! Writers Wrock! :)
    WIBIJ is awesomesauce with an extra side of awesome.

  18. I thought I was the only one under 80 years old who loves cribbage! I love this post. :)

  19. How can a Friday be any better? Read Elana's blog! Your posts always make me smile. And writers rock!!!

  20. Excellent post and all true! What a great feeling to start the weekend with :)

  21. Right now I'm picturing two surgeons standing next to each other...

    "Come on, just finish it already!"

    "I'm trying."

    "Dude, how hard can it be? You're performing brain surgery - not writing!"

    Of course, this goes off my long-standing assumption that surgeons often refer to each other as "Dude." I mean, it does seem like the logical career choice for surfers who no longer heed the ocean's siren songs...

  22. I like the plug, AFTER the playing. We got our bases covered. And you are so smart! Proof is in the punch (or here anyway). Thanks for your take on things!

  23. Aw, great post! What a nice way to start a Friday.

    I totally agree, writers are some of the most generous, strange, creative, sweet people I've met ;o)

  24. We are a great bunch! Love your term 'awesomesauce'; I may have to borrow it sometime:) Have a wonderful weekend!

  25. Thanks for the pet talk! :-) I agree. We have to be awesome to put ourselves through the torture that is writing.

  26. We are pretty awesome, aren't we? Thanks for the confidence injection. :)

  27. Thanks, Elana! Writers do rock, present company included!

  28. Writers are awesome. I know from first-hand experience. And here's the thing...everyone thinks they can be a writer, but does everyone think they can be a brain surgeon? That's why those who stick it out and find success writing are awesome!!!

  29. While I've been in the midst of the edit frenzy, today is the day I plan to begin something new. It will feel good to start something from scratch too. I'm anxious to begin.

    I agree, writers are awesome.

  30. Brain surgeons are so overrated :)

  31. Only you could put us in with brain surgeons and make us come out on top. BAM. We are that awesome and we get it from you!

  32. Proud member of Writers Anonymous!

  33. Take that brain surgeons (and maybe even rocket scientists...somehow).

    Fun, funny post, Elana! THANKS.

    [No, you RAWK!]

  34. Great voice in this post as usual. Thanks, Elana! This will propel me into the weekend.
    Happy Writing!

  35. I'd have to say a lot of my favorite people are band geeks, dramies, and writers. :) Of course, I am a band geek, a dramie, and a writer, so that may just be because those are the people I know. Anyway, great post! Writers ARE awesome. :D

  36. GO writers!! ;D Are we supposed to be telling you how many words we usually write in a week? or am I the only one who read that wrong... Since no one else posted that, I guess I won't either. Anyway, thanks for the awesome post! I can't wait to find out what your next epic "thing" is. :-)

  37. Thanks for am uplifting post! We need it every once in a while. It is so easy to get discouraged in this industry/hobby.

  38. I submit for your approval: epinomics, the study of things that are EPIC.

    If anyone questions my desire to write, I'll just point them in the direction of this blog post. Exhibit A: Elana.

  39. This was great - thanks Elana! We are pretty awesome.

  40. Woo hoo! I'm totally feeling the awesomeness! Yes.

    I'm revising, can I could those as written words? =)

  41. Well, dang, I am made of awesomesauce! :)

    Great post, Elana. Very encouraging. :)

  42. Wow - totally needed to hear this today. Thanks for the constant basting of awesomesauce!!

  43. Awesome post about the awesomness of writers. You're awe-inspiring.

  44. Awesome post for Friday! Please let me know once you have the new "epic" because I really need a new one too. That word's been much abused.

  45. Yes--awesome! Writers definitely rule all! :)

    As for replacing epic, I've always been a fan of ginormous (I love invented words). Or maybe colossal?

    And dude--what's the new party? You better not have lost my invitation! :)

  46. Live journal really doesn't like me. I couldn't comment on a couple blogs during Wibij and then I couldn't figure out the last clue. :)

  47. Live journal really doesn't like me. I couldn't comment on a couple blogs during Wibij and then I couldn't figure out the last clue. :)

  48. The perfect Friday post!! I say back at ya - YOU rawk! :-)

  49. Awesomesauce. I like that word.

    Writers be fabulous. ;)

    I think my word count on this week is 2.4K. I have to agree with you, the collective writing of followers of this blog must exceed 50k. Probably even 75k.

  50. Great post. Can't wait for the next dose of awesomesauce. :)

  51. We are a privileged group. What community. Great post, Elana.

  52. Writers are the best of friends too! Who else would listen to you going on and on about your projects? Who else can you "spyke" you at night when you need someone to tell you their opinion on a particular phrase? Writers!
    Thanks for this post Elana, and have a great mother's day!

  53. I love the Nashville aid idea - so glad to see everyone chipping in to help those poor people. It's truly heart breaking to see the photos and the videos.

  54. Great post, Elana! I can't give a weekly word count because I've been taking a little break from serious writing. Hopefully I'll be getting back into it this weekend. *Fingers crossed*

    Thanks for this awesome post. I'm so happy that I'm part of the writing community.

  55. Awesomesauce post, Elana! Love it! I don't have a weekly word count because I spent this week critiquing pages for my lovely betas. But this weekend, I'm back on the WIP train.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  56. Feeling the awesome, Elana. Thanks! Can't wait to see what new epic awesomesauce you come up with.

  57. I so need to check out this Carmen Sandiego game. I've read about it on like five blogs. Sounds freaking genius.

    Happy Mother's Day, E!!!!

  58. Ur awesome!
    Epic=prodigious, ginormous, astronomical, colossal,
    My word count yesterday (after deciding maybe I should give up writing) 6000!

  59. Thanks, Elana. I needed to hear this today. I need to repeat to myself "I am a writer." And keep saying it on some days until I do believe it.

  60. My word count this week is about 4,200 but I might add some more tonight. Writers are awesomesauce. Thanks for telling me as I'm feeling very unawesomesaucish tonight.

  61. Your blog never fails to bring a smile to my face.
    Thanks, Elena!
    : )

  62. I know, right? Writers know how to spread the love, fer-shur.

    I have a word for the new epic. I'll email it to ya.

  63. Best line: "We're like, Michael Phelps or something."


  64. Sweet. You rock. Enough said.

  65. Were you a cheerleader in your former life? Thanks for the support and encouragement. Happy Mom's Day! Do something wild and crazy!

  66. THAT was an awesomesauce post. Happy Mother's Day!

  67. Writers also form supportive communities like this one. Thanks!

  68. We writers are fabutastic (fabulous + fantastic). It's fun to say. LOL. We care about eachother and the world. We're proving it by helping out the people in Tennessee and even in the little things we do daily (shower or no shower). Woot. Woot.
    1000k words so far.
    The game - I'm ascared *shivers*
    Elana, thanks for your posts!!! You rock.:D
    ps: Thanks for following me.

  69. You never fail to give me encouragement with a side of humor. YOU are awesomesauce!
    How about a gigabyte of epic? Maybe gigamassive?

  70. Thanks for the great pep talk. Great way to start my day.
