Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bookanistas -- Cover Love!

So for our weekly installment of The Bookanistas (not sure what this is? Click on the words) today, I'm going to be giving out some major cover love to Carrie Harris and her debut novel (which comes out next spring), BAD TASTE IN BOYS.

Here it is:

Now tell me you don't want to stroke that. Breathe it in. Lick it. (I soooo want to taste that mouth, badly.)

I totally do. I cannot wait to read this book!! Which books have grabbed you by the cover alone? And while we're on it, do you judge books by their covers? (I do, just so you know. I'm very judgmental, as I divulged last week.)

Add BAD TASTE IN BOYS to your Goodreads list. Oh, and you better be following Carrie Harris. She's frawesome.

Need some more Bookanista love? Check out my fellow conspirators.
Christine Fonseca is dishing about TELL ME A SECRET
Scott Tracey is gushing over PARANORMALCY
Beth Revis is spreading some cover love with XVI
Carolina Valdez Miller is raving about FIRELIGHT
Myra McEntire is loving SIREN
Shannon Messenger is digging THE DUFF
Michelle Hodkin is embracing the awesome of THE REPLACEMENT
Shelli Johannes Wells is adding to the buzz about MATCHED
Lisa and Laura Roecker are grilling author Lee Bantle
Katie Anderson and Sarah Frances Hardy are tickled about THE HEALING SPELL


  1. The Replacement had me right away because of the cover. It's just so AWESOME SAUCE.

  2. Gorgeous cover! Let's face it, if covers didn't help sell books, they wouldn't have them. The covers of upcoming books like MATCHED and PARANORMALCY are vivid, drawing you in. Thanks for this one, Elana!

  3. that cover is beautiful!

  4. Very interesting cover. It certainly gets your attention.

  5. I LOVE this cover! I think it's very mischievous and cute! Really makes me want to buy the book and find out about this chick's bad taste!

    xoxo -- Hilary

  6. The cover of The Half Life of Planets was the reason why I read it... and It was the BEST book I read all SUMMER!!!!!!

    go forth and read this book:

  7. Is that sugar or salt? Regardless, great cover!!

  8. Carrie's the shizz. And the cover rocks.

  9. That is a cool cover!

    I wonder what it felt like to be the model. Do you think it's salt or sugar? If it's salt, I bet it burns. Must be sugar. I wonder if the model was tempted to lick her lips too.

  10. Carrie's cover totally intrigues. May be my monitor - I thought that was ice on her lips.

    I loved the cover of The Dark Devine, although I'm not sure it it was all that reflective of the book.

  11. Great cover. I picked up The Dragon Never Sleeps partly because of the cover; I loved the color theme and the illustration. :)

  12. Definitely PARANORMALCY and THE REPLACEMENT...delicious!

  13. I judge books by their covers. All the time. I have at least one full shelf of books that I bought entirely for the covers, without ever reading a word of them whilst in the book store.

    (LOVE that cover. It sucks you right in. :D)

  14. Holy catfish, that's an amazing cover. So sexy. I could slurp it up. Just brilliant.

  15. GREAT cover! Very seductive, which I'm assuming is the point. And interesting play with the "taste" from the title. Good choice!

  16. I'm with a couple other commenters. It's early here in Oregon, and at first I thought that was salt...

  17. I totally judge books by their covers - and I love this one!

  18. 've said it before on Carrie's blog, but that might just be the BEST. COVER. EVER.

  19. Elana, you are awesome for a lot of reasons. Posting my cover just adds to the awesomeness.

    Thanks, sunshine!

  20. That cover is AMAZING. I totally admit to judging a book by its cover sometimes. It's the first thing you see, you can't ignore it!

  21. That cover really does catch your attention. I loved the cover of A Great and Terrible Beauty. It had me hooked!

  22. Man, I looooooooooove the lips. I'm not as crazy about the font, but who was even looking at that?

    A book that I just bought recently on the cover alone (well, I did read the synopsis, but the cover SOLD ME): Sisters Red, by Jackson Pearce. Looooooooooooove that cover!

  23. I totally go for covers too. This one is awesome for sure. I'll have to think about which one's I love the best.

  24. Yay for Carrie! That cover is incredible!!!!!

  25. TOTALLY guilty of judging books by their cover, but come on, how can you not? I try not to let it talk me OUT of buying a book--since some books just do not have great covers. But I will totally let it make me buy something I might not have otherwise. And that one is definitely yummy. LOVE! :)

  26. Love Love Love that cover. Wow.

  27. Ah, in the supernatural world, the more tempting the lips, the sharper the teeth.

    Still fascinated by that cover, though, Roland

  28. Very striking cover! Beautiful. :) I don't usually go to books based on their cover. It's one of the last things I notice, especially if the books are turned spine out. Though, there is one book that I wanted to buy before I even heard what it was about because of its cover: HALO by Alexandra Adornetto.

  29. Oh, I LOVE that cover! It's making me salivate - all that sugar!

  30. That cover MADE me look! Excellent!

  31. Wow, those lips are something. The more I look at them, the more they seem to just POP right out of the cover. Kinda weird, and kinda cool.

    I thought Hush Hush and Fallen would be better than they were based on their covers. I liked them okay, but they didn't quite live up to the awesomeness of their covers, I don't think.

    And then there have been other books that turned out to be surprisingly good despite rather lame-ish covers. Sadly though, I usually don't read those books until someone else reads, and recommends them to me.

  32. Oh yeah, there is nothing like a good cover.

  33. Awesome. Freaking. Cover. I want to lick it too :-)

  34. this cover kinds spooky me out yet draws me in - its freaky! :) love it!

  35. I love the cover! I can't wait for her book! Yeay!!!

  36. That is an eye catching cover!

    I totally judge books by their cover. I mean, I always read the flap copy before deciding if I'll read/buy them, but covers do play a big role in whether I notice the books. Besides, I love a good cover, but it's always oddly disappointing when the story inside doesn't live up to it's awesome cover.

  37. I agree, the cover is breathtaking. It intrigues and ensues all sorts of wild chaos between the pages! Thanks Elana!

  38. AWESOME cover!

    I hope and pray that when my book finally gets published, that I have a fantastic cover, too.


    Cynde's Got The Write Stuff

  39. Wow, that is one eye-catching cover! Yep, I'd pick it up. In fact, I think I'll look for it…
