Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tell the Truth Tuesday: So Sue Me Edition

So it's Tuesday and I've been buried under like, forty thousand pounds of whatever. Edits, laundry, cleaning out the garage, we've been doing it all here at my house. So I'm feeling a tad snarky, which means today's version of Tell the Truth Tuesday is going to be extra-entertaining. Yeah, entertaining.

The Truth:
1. I jump to conclusions, even in situations where I know I shouldn't. So sue me. Twice.

2. I have two tubs of red vines. One is 5.5 pounds, the other 4. So sue me.

3. I have not showered before 3 PM in like, a week. So sue me.

4. I tend to drama-queen everything up. Even though I hate drama. So sue me.

5. I totally watched Jake and Vienna duke it out after The Bachelorette last night. Yes...I watch The Bachelorette too. So sue me.

6. I've been under a self-imposed no-forum rule, but I can't stay off WriteOnCon. It's amazing -- and anyone can register! I mean, it's free, so why wouldn't you?? So yeah. I'm on the forum there, I can't help myself. So sue me.

What do you need to get off your chest today? Tell the truth now...I promise I won't file any lawsuits. O:)

Oh, and do you like free stuff? Enter to win a signed copy of The Healing Spell by Kimberley Griffiths Little, and a sweet gator too! (And she's giving away two more gators at her signing on Thursday night, so if you're near Salt Lake City, come on over to the King's English!)

And today on the QueryTracker blog, literary agent Suzie Townsend is taking your pitch -- twitter style. Click here for all the deets, and the contest opens at noon, EST.


  1. I am going to sue you for watching The Bachelorette. Dude.


  2. Now that's putting twitter to good use.

    Let's see. I would prefer to watch the Tour de France than do anything else right now. You know, because I have four hours of leisure time in the middle of the morning. :)

    I have given up running this week, because it's TOO HOT here. When did I become such a wimp?

    I think that's really all I've got. :) Thanks for the venting.

  3. Shoot my days are all screwed up because of the long weekend so I forgot about Bachelorette. Darn.

    I like your snarkiness ;-)

  4. I watched the whole Jake and Vienna thing last night... bickering back in forth with one another and I couldn't help myself!!! What's wrong with me?!

  5. I think the heat has something to do with the snarky flare. No?? I have way too much to get off my chest, right now. Not enough room. But I can say that I used to be an organization queen. Now I don't think I could find my way through a paper towel roll. Maybe not even a toilet paper roll. Must. Organize. Trying desperately to be ready for WriteOnCon, but the kids are not cooperating. Ugg.

  6. Thanks for telling the truth Elana. Admission is the first step to letting go ...

  7. I'm not going to sue you. I do too much of that for work.

    My tell the truth: I get really crabby when I'm tired, like now when my in-laws are visiting and I'm in the kitchen all day. The other one: I'm kind of looking forward to going to work. I'll actually get a little time to myself.

  8. Even your "snarky" truths are kind of nice. I love that about you, E! Happy editing! Ooh, and enjoy the red vines. YUM!

  9. um... To Tell the Truth? I am eating peanut M&Ms for breakfast right now. So Sue Me ;)


  10. I got home at 3 pm yesterday, slept from 4-6, ate, slept from 7 pm - 12 am (potty break) 12 am- 8 am....

    there, I admitted it. so sue me. :)

  11. Oh E...even you're truths make me want to give you hugs.

    My truth today: I'm trying really hard to finish writing lessons from this course I'll be teaching and my husband isn't super supportive with how much time it's taking and I'm about to lose it. So sue me.

  12. Wow, Elana, I feel purged just reading this post! In fact, I'm so inspired, I'm going to Costco for a tub of red vines even though I'm a gummi bear addict. And who needs a shower? The dog and cats don't care.

    Me? I'm sick and tired of people implying how easy writing is. "When you get four or five books under your belt..." Um, that's like five years of my life.

  13. at least you're showering...

    I haven't ran/biked/swam in four days...it's not like I'm signed up for a triathlon first week of August or anything.

  14. Mmmmm...red vines. Your tweet about those the other day totally made me crave them. Had to go buy a pack before work. Ate the whole thing too. And it tasted good.

  15. #TeamRedVine!! I hate the plastic Twizzler crap. Okay, so here's what's on my chest:
    1. I have ten critiques due, haven't started them, working on my own writing/homework.
    2. My room is an effing trash dump.
    3. I ate an entire bag of Ruffles Cheddar and Sour Cream last night.
    4. ugh.

  16. I need to clean out my garage BIG TIME! At least our cars fit. Thanks for your truths to remind me that we are all human and dealing with life.

  17. I stayed up too late reading Catching Fire which is so ridiculous because I've read it before. How does she suck me into starting a new chapter, over and over and over, when I'VE READ IT BEFORE? This is why I'm dragging even though it's 7:30--much later than the 5 AM you posted. (Though you probably pre-posted it for 5 and you're sleeping in.:))

    So anyway, sue me family, I'm TIRED!

  18. I haven't seriously written anything is almost two months. And I'm not sure I miss it. Yep...sue me.

  19. HA! I love it when you get a little snarky...

    1) I've been feeling a bit green of late. Stupid,riduluous even, but true

    2)I think I've taken on the jaded quirks of my MC. This could be a problem

    3) I am kinda happy about being w/o kids for two weeks - even though I know I'm going to miss them something fierce.

    Ahh, feels good to get that off my chest!

  20. Truth: I went to high school with Patrick Hammon, who is the dude supposedly getting booty-called by the new Bachelorette!
    He was topless on the cover of OK!, I could not believe it.

  21. Well, at least you work from home. Imagine if you were showering after 3, while working a 9 to 5!

  22. So I stayed up late reading fanfiction last night...so sue me.

    I had dark chocolate almond bark for breakfast.

  23. I am avoiding house chores right now...and ignoring my children...and thinking about lunch.

  24. Despite being a Colorado native, no I don't want to hike, bike, or be active all the $%*@ time! So sue me. :) Love your honesty.

  25. Mmm Red Vines.

    My truth: Good things are happening for other people in my life. I'm super happy for them, but also a tad jealous. And I hate that. XP

    I think that carton of chocolate ice cream at home should be effective against my gloominess though.

  26. Okay, truths time:

    I haven't haven't brushed my teeth yet this morning
    It's 10:49
    But I have a good reason
    I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth
    And there was a giant spider (we're talking the size of a freakin' quarter) in my sink.
    Took me 10 minutes to work up the courage to spray him with Raid.
    I screamed when I did it.
    A lot.
    I had also called my husband and asked if there were any way he could come home and do it.
    He laughed at me.
    When the beast finally stopped moving I turned on the water and let his body wash down the drain.
    But now I'm afraid of the sink.
    I'm afraid he's a mutant spider immune to poison and drowning and will come popping out of the drain to seek his ultimate revenge on me.
    So I'm avoiding my sink like the plague. Even if it means having morning breath.
    And no, I'm not joking.
    I'm THAT afraid of spiders.

  27. Your funny. Can't wait to see you next week.

  28. I haven't showered before 3:00 in over a year I bet! :)

  29. Love your list! I totally stole it and cuddled it and made one of my own on my blog, linking back here. :)

  30. The AC went out in our office this morning for a few hours which made all of us act like crazy.

    Have you seen the movie "The Crazies'? Like that...only sweatier.

    I daydreamed about smacking co-workers all morning. Now it's back on and I love them again.

  31. The wicked witch of the west eat your heart out. You have nothing on me when I'm sweltering in 100 plus degree weather. Yea, back off!

  32. I can't sue you. It's lovely to see proof that you're human, and not made of some writerly steel that I don't have!

  33. I love your snarky.

    And I agree with Lydia... I have no inclination to sue you for these truths because every time you tell them, I feel like you become more and more human.

    Which is encouraging, to me!

  34. LOL! At least you showered.

    Just signed up for WriteOnCon yesterday! Whoop! =D

  35. I know it's the summer, but sue me I WANT/NEED it to rain freaking buckets. It's close to 100 degrees in NY - What the freak?

    And worst, I can't think, let alone write when my brain is baked and slowly shriveling from the heat. (Hugs)Indigo

  36. It's as hot as Hell here (near Toronto)! No relief until Friday, apparently.

    The only silver lining is I've lost my appetite!

  37. I'm totally unorganized, lose everything, and tend to run about ten minutes late even when I leave half an hour early. So sue me.

    I get sick of my teenagers and their attitudes, so instead of grounding them (as they should be) I send them off with their friends. So sue me.

    Oh, and I also have a 5 lb tub of red vines. Don't sue me about that. I happen to like licorice, and I'm not terribly picky about the brand. You can probably sue me for that, though.(Twizzlers, Red Vines...it's a toss up.)

    I haven't written the thousand words a day I committed to on the first, because the holiday took over my life. But don't sue me yet, because I plan to make it all up in the next couple days. Ha! (I'll totally do it too.)

  38. I'm watching the Katherine Heigl series "Roswell" from start to finish to help me stay sane during a month of 60-hour work weeks while my work is going through an inspection. So sue me. (I've never mentioned that to anyone else, actually... maybe my husband.)

  39. Nothing to get off my chest today. But I may need to come back tomorrow if that's okay.

  40. HAH! I knew I was right...Twizzlers are a part of every published kidlit author's diet.

  41. LOL! That was awesome! And don't worry, it's better to go to bed clean than dirty so the post 3pm showers, not such a bad thing! I mean really, how dirty does one get while in bed? Um, okay, don't answer that... ;-)

  42. OH- This is the first season of Bachelorette I ever watched, because I worked with one guy, and man...laughing whole time...Love Frank...and Kirk- It's great time to veg out : )

  43. I wish I had time for forums. I don't even have time to read blogs. I'm so far behind. But, hey, I finally go to yours!
