Friday, August 27, 2010

Odds and Yeah, Odds

Okay, so I decided that maybe I should let you know if you won Paranormalcy earlier than September 10, then you can buy it if you don't win it. So I'll draw the winner on Monday night and announce in Tuesday's post, okay? Okay. You can still enter by clicking here.

I don't really have anything interesting to say today. I'm Mockingjay-ed out and I've taught the same lesson at school, like, 23 times, and my brain is uber-taxed to try to come up with something besides muhnnnhumm.

So today, I open the floor. What's interesting in your life?


  1. Sweet! I have a copy on it's way...preordered it forever ago...but another wouldn't hurt. ";-)

    Hope your first week at school wasn't too hectic. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. I can so relate to a hectic week. I have one more hectic day and then I'm off work until Labor Day. Thank God. I'm so tired today, even with coffee.

  3. Well, an email from my publisher stating I'd have a review in Library Journal's September issue has me terrified. I guess one could call that interesting!

  4. We're flying to Minnesota tomorrow with the kids to visit Kelly's grandma for her 80th which should be fun. It's going to be nice to get out of the heat for a bit.

  5. Hmmm, interesting in my life? I want to change one of the cupcakes I described in my WIP (yes, I have one!)to a brown butter apple cupcake filled with dulce de leche and frosted in chocolate like the one that I served this week at the gourmet cheese and food shop where I started working part-time on Monday. Would that be too obvious?

  6. Hmmm, interesting in my life? I want to change one of the cupcakes I described in my WIP (yes, I have one!)to a brown butter apple cupcake filled with dulce de leche and frosted in chocolate like the one that I served this week at the gourmet cheese and food shop where I started working part-time on Monday. Would that be too obvious?

  7. I'm doing my first ever blogfest on Monday and I'm excited and nervous. What if I suck?

    in other news I plan on eating myself into an early grave on Sunday...

  8. I'm doing my first ever blogfest on Monday and I'm excited and nervous. What if I suck?

    in other news I plan on eating myself into an early grave on Sunday...


  9. We're doing rain dances on the lawn as we could use some of the wet stuff right about now.

  10. I can't wait to get to read Mockingjay and Paranormalcy. God, what was I thinking ordering Mockingjay with The Duff? Groans. At least the kids will be at school, and my wip will be out with the next round of beta readers.

    So I was trying to come up with some more conflict for a scene I'm writing. In the end, I decided to try the QT blog post idea of dreaming. Didn't work. I woke up dreaming about pirates (like those on The Pirates of the Carribean), and my book has nothing to do with pirates. Darn it! ;)

  11. Working on construction plans for my Writer/Spiritual retreat I'm going to build in Akumal, Mexico on the Rivera Maya.

  12. I think I'll get to type "The End" on my WIP today! It's only the rough draft so there's still a ton of work ahead, but it's still nice/weird to cross that finish line :)

  13. Nice job, Lynn Colt! Typing THE END is a great feeling. Enjoy it!

    Elana...I hope you get some rest this weekend. Happy FRIDAY!

  14. I'm getting ready to head back to school - so planning and organizing are the words for the week :)

  15. Planning, organizing, and work are in my head. School starts in less than 2 weeks and next weekend I have a marathon orientation that is 4 days long. Can we say holy orientation Batman? Yeah.

    Hope your weekend's a relaxing one.

  16. Attempting to write a query--emphasis on attempting.

  17. Camping out in the backyard with the kiddies this weekend. Am hoping (probably in vain) that they will actually go to sleep early and stay that way until a decently late hour. We shall see.

  18. I hear you about being all teached out with the same lesson! I have all tenth grade this year and there is only so many times I can hear them read "The Crucible" out loud. UGH! At least it's almost the weekend!

  19. Back to school for my kiddo, so I've been meeting new teachers. Discovering who's on our learning team this year. Woo hoo! I really dig the Lang Arts teacher too. He's quite a character, a total blast. :)
    Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

  20. Not too much. Just starting to get back working on some short stories after giving birth 3 weeks ago yesterday. Just can't stay away from writing!

    And I posted the opening scene of my paranormal romance novel on my blog. I think I've tweaked the query letter enough to send it out to agents. God I hate query letters!

  21. My roof has a hole in it and it's hurricane season. My husband's not very excited about that because he doesn't like walking in the rain, but I say sweet!

  22. Another short story of mine --called Innocent & Young-- is being published in the online Teen Inkst Magazine on September 20th. I've gotten a new cover made for my second book in the Magicians series.... AND....
    I really have to force myself to write up chapter 18 of my book today or it will drive me crazy. Does not finishing a chapter on the date you planned to finish it bother you? For some reason it really gets to me, but I hope I'm not the only one who feels like this!

    Happy writing,

  23. Here you on the Mockingjay-ed out bit. This has been a tiring week at work because I've been getting less than the normal amount of sleep.

    My interesting thing: I've got a trip to NY planned! It's happening soon!

    Have a restful weekend!

  24. Painting my living room and getting a new sofa! Need something to lift me out of revision after revision after . . .

  25. So...I'm in my PJ's, it's cloudy outside and I am finding anything to distract me from finishing an outline. :0

  26. Starting a new WIP today! And then shelving it to study for the month of September, wah!

  27. Hope you are having a good day. Some interesting things in my life: My German sister-in-law became a US citizen yesterday. Good for her! Also, I got to meet a couple from Quebec. My husband taught the wife while he was on his mission. It was great to meet them. I wish I had some interesting writing things to share. But, no.

  28. Well, today's the city-wide 5 year Katrinaversay, so I guess that's interesting, but it's also very emotionally exhausting. All anyone is talking about is [fill in the blank] since Katrina; schools, the NOPD, unethically demolished housing projects.

    Despite all this, I think the majority of people are just trying to forget. So yeah, odds.

  29. Kids are back in school. My afternoons feel lonely with my kindergartener gone. I know I will get used to it soon and be more productive, but it currently makes me feel mopey. :)

  30. I've pre-ordered the book as well, but should I be lucky enough to win a signed one, then I will give away the one I bought to the school library or something...

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  31. Aw, see--I love posts like this because it reminds me that you are, in fact, human, and not the machine you sometimes appear to be. If there's anything I can do to help you, you know where to find me.

    And I hope you have a nice, relaxing weekend! :)

  32. It's my baby's 17th birthday today! Where has the time gone??

  33. I feel like the only person in the world who isn't reading Mockingjay. I still have to read Chasing Fire.


    I'm good. Almost 40k into my new wip. Trying to squash my inner editor until I just get the story down! GRRRR!

  34. I have huge-tastic wonking bruises on my elbows from a water slide that almost killed me.

    My kids and I are playing hookie from reality since school starts next week. Tomorrow is PlaymobileLand in Nurnberg.

  35. My brain still hasn't recovered from reading Mockingjay and The Duff in the same week. I can't get them out of my head! I'm thinking about rereading them both next week. Already.

  36. Yeah, I'm rather Mockingjayed out, too! Right now I'm to the point of 'who cares?!'

  37. Two more days until my kids are in school, full time, both of them....I'm a little excited LOL

  38. What do you teach Elana? I teach English as a Foreign language to Japanese students. I've only been back at school a week and my brain's fried. It was evena full week since yesterday was town festival!

  39. First week of school.

  40. Do you teach middle school? I do, and I am tired! First week of procedures always causes me to drown. I live for October when the kids have the rules down and are fun! Though I am at a school of improvement in Cali, so you know that isn't fun at all!

  41. I'm stuck between wanting to continue working on a long short story and writing a synopsis/second round of editing on a recently completed manuscript.

  42. Not much exciting stuff going on here. Cleaning and down time this weekend. Looking forward to the latter:) Have a great weekend!

  43. I'm getting ready to go to a conference.....I'm signed up for an editor critique and an agent/group critique (Hilary's agent). So I'm all wound up and can't wait to see how I can improve my writing....and move it to the next level.

  44. I completed Mockingjay yesterday, and feel like I'm still recovering from it.

    Today, I met Shaquille O'Neal in Harvard Square, so it's been a good day, so far.

    We're taking my son out for his 12th birthday tomorrow night. I'm looking forward to it. Tapas!

  45. Interesting in my life? Um, the fact that Elana Johnson is now following my blog!! Also, I wanted to pass this blog award to you: you will find it at the top post of my blog

    I TOTALLY HEAR YOU with the teaching the same lesson over and over at school, this first week has done a number on my sleep schedule. I am a zombie- literally- the animated dead.

    Thanks again chickie you are THE BEE'S KNEES!

  46. I finally finished my first draft. Exciting times!!

  47. Hi Elana, thanks for commenting on my blog-- I just saw it-- your daughter starting kindergarten? That's huge. Now it all begins-- the years of academia for your little one.

    My second-grader has truly become an independent reader; I think that's my favorite part of watching her grow up. Plus, she read a Henry and Mudge book to me yesterday-- sweet!
