Tuesday, August 10, 2010

WriteOnCon Day One

Oh. My. Heck. The day is here! The day is here!

Today is the first day of the first WriteOnCon. Instead of giving you more to read over the next three days, I'm simply going to post the schedule for WriteOnCon. Each one is linked for your viewing pleasure. Be aware that only the events that have already happened will appear, all others will take you to a broken page.

And I've disabled comments here so you don't feel like you need to tell me how freaking awesome this is.

Just go. Read. Absorb. Bask in the deliciousness that is WriteOnCon.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010:

6:00 AM: Welcome Keynote by author Josh Berk

7:00 AM: Refining Your Craft with Each Book by author Janette Rallison

8:00 AM: Give Yourself Permission by editor Molly O’Neill

9:00 AM: Myths and Misconceptions by literary agent Holly Root, and editors Molly O’Neill and Martha Mihalick

10:00 AM: Illustrating Children’s Books by author/illustrator J.H. Everett and studio (series of 3, posted every 20 minutes, part 2, part 3)

11:00 AM: Bringing the Funny by author Rachel Hawkins

12:00 PM: Becoming a Career Author by literary agent Catherine Drayton

12:30 PM: Prize drawing #1!

1:00 PM: Writing Middle Grade by author Jon Lewis

2:00 PM: Voice by literary agent Elana Roth

2:30 PM: Live chat with literary agent Suzie Townsend

3:00 PM: Writing a Query Letter by author Jodi Meadows

3:30: Joanna Volpe’s query critique

4:00 PM: In Defense of Less Than a Huge Advance by literary agent Michelle Wolfson

5:00 PM: Questions to Ask Yourself Before a Revision by editor Kendra Levin

5:30 PM: Prize drawing #2!

6:00 PM: Pizza in the Face (how characters react to situations) by author Rosemary Clement-Moore

9:00 PM: Panel of Professionals chat LIVE (Elana Roth, Kathleen Ortiz, Martha Mihalick)

10:30 PM: Working with Agents and Editors, a live Workshop with literary agent Mark McVeigh