Tuesday, September 21, 2010

[Insert Lame Title Here]

Yeah, I can't even title this post. Moving on.

Okay, so I attended the League of Utah Writers Annual Roundup over the weekend. It was pretty dang exciting, if I do say so myself (and not just because I was presenting). My brain is fried, and therefore I'm sure most of my posts this week will be subpar. You've been warned. Like today, I give you a random mishmash on conferences, writing, and life in general. #getexcited

1. James Dashner (best-selling author of The Maze Runner) is pretty awesome to hang out with. Even if he does hog all the horseradish. ;-)

2. I like to chew gum. A lot. I usually chew gum for about 6 hours every day. No lie. Guuummmm.

3. Meeting other authors is awesome. Driving 100 feet to a convenience store is even awesomer. Yeah, walking is totally overrated. And sodas are needed for sanity.

4. I've used awesome four times in this post already. Is that a problem?

5. I randomly pull up my cover just to look at it, even though I know what it looks like. In my defense, this is a step down from just having it open permanently.

6. This "break" I'm taking from writing? It's not a good fit for me. I'm going insane. Remember yesterday's post and why I write? Well, yeah. I'm on edge, almost to the snapping point, so clearly this separation isn't working for me.

7. I wish this school year were over. And in case you didn't know, it's September. And we get out in June. Le sigh.

8. I hate getting my picture taken. More than slow drivers. More than going to Wal-mart, more than just about anything. In fact, I'd rather trudge uphill through snow--both ways--to school than get my picture taken. Again.

9. Finally, some good TV is going to be on this week!! Dancing with the Stars, Survivor, Glee. Man, I love TV.

What's weighing on your mind today? Got some opinions you gotta unload? Lay 'em on me. And what would you have titled this post??


  1. I'll spare you the insanity that is my head at the moment.

    I'd have titled this post "Tuesday Random." But that's just me.

  2. Post title would be "Insanity You're Just Going to Have to Deal With" or something similar.

    And no, there's no problem with using awesome four times in such a short span. So long as you don't make a habit of it. :)

  3. You totally crack me up. I'm with you on #2, 6 & 7. And, when I finally have a cover of my very own, I know it'll become wallpaper, and probably not just for my computer...I'm sure it would be beautiful all over my walls, too!

    My fave gum is Extra Peppermint. The medium blue colored box. Yummers. Flavor lasts through two whole classes!

  4. You have made my day Elana! I was afraid I was the only person ready for the school year to be over! My mom gave me a lecture about it just last night!

    Oh and the book cover...I'd be looking at it and drooling all day so don't even worry about it!

  5. I chew gum constantly! I take one piece out because it's lost its flavor and I instantly pop another. I'm addicted.

    I also hate having my picture taken. I look at the picture and think, "That's what I look like?" Awful!

    As far as taking a break, I couldn't even imagine that. I take breaks from one project and work on another. But take a break from writing in general? I couldn't do it. So having said that, I'd title this "Why I shouldn't take a break from writing." It follows your "Why I..." pattern you started with "Why I Write YA" and it explains the random thoughts in your head!

  6. I chew gum constantly! I take one piece out because it's lost its flavor and I instantly pop another. I'm addicted.

    I also hate having my picture taken. I look at the picture and think, "That's what I look like?" Awful!

    As far as taking a break, I couldn't even imagine that. I take breaks from one project and work on another. But take a break from writing in general? I couldn't do it. So having said that, I'd title this "Why I shouldn't take a break from writing." It follows your "Why I..." pattern you started with "Why I Write YA" and it explains the random thoughts in your head!

  7. Nothing can inspire one to write like a writer's conference! You really chew gum six hours a day? Don't your jaws get sore?

  8. I'm assuming you're not writing because you're waiting for feedback from your outlines. Maybe write ahead your blog posts or plan your awesome marketing not to go crazy. Or enjoy that you only have one job instead of two for a breather and watch TV.

  9. Pumps and Glumps and Not Enough Sugar

    Do you count it as a break if you're not enjoying it? I did the same thing recently...thought I was taking one...and then I actually did:)

  10. Wait - did I miss a post? Why the break from writing, Elana? Just wondering. :) And totally understandable to keep looking at your cover. It's GORGEOUS, and it must be so exciting to see!

    I think what's weighing on me is my editing. It normally takes some time to get me going, but lately I'm just tired. I'll get over it eventually, but right now I'm dragging my heels, and it's not a good thing.

  11. This post just made me laugh! Thanks for being you, nobody really wants anything else when they visit your blog. Idea for lame title: Elana being Herself. (Yeah that's pretty lame, I like yours better. Keep it.)

  12. Awesome!

    I get testy when I don't write.

    A horseradish hog?! That's been known to happen on Passover.

    What's weighing on me? Without swine flu this year, the teachers are too healthy to take off, so I keep being home. While it's great for writing, I don't think my husband is very happy with me.

  13. Post Title; "In My Head" ?? :)
    gum, I love it, can't chew it. Bad teeth.

    School: Yes, please be over, or at least start a decent hour like 9 instead of 7:45

    Book Covers: I'm just jealous. But, I'd probably have it everywhere if it were mine. You are totally normal.

    Awesome: Well, it's a great word.

    For me today, I'm trying to get in the mode to work with a bunch of negative, whiny servers and make some money. Le sigh, indeed.

  14. 'Chewing Gum Can Cause Writers to go Insane.'

    At least it's good to fight off the double chin. Does that theory work?

    Jessie Mac

  15. Who doesn't love the word awesome!

    If I had a cover ready for my novel I'd be all over that, in fact I think you should take it one step further, print it out and hang it next to your computer, then randomly open it on your computer too, you know, to make sure nothing has changed. :)

    I'm all for soda, and any means to get it! Drive On!

  16. Insanity Movers.

    I haven't even started to write yet. Part of me is scared to start something new. Part of me wonders if what I write is good enough. Part of me thinks 'why bother, there's so much sacrifice'. AUGH.
    Plus I'm up at a godawful time this morning for a new shift I start. Stop the insanity!

  17. Dude - love the randomness. And you know where I am in case you wanna go splunking with me or something :D

  18. Ha! When I first got my cover it was all I could do to keep from making it my desktop background and screen saver :D Give that cover some love!

    And number 9 - oh yes, life is good again. CASTLE!!! *happy sigh* :D And now I'm off to watch everything else I DVR'd last night as I fold a huge mountain of laundry :D

  19. Sorry to all green-minded people, but I hate cyclists. In my city there is this huge competition every and is therefor stuffed to above my (quite low) tolerance level with people riding side by side/in the middle of a dangerous road/slowly/STUPIDLY... Take your pick...

  20. You've got one on me then, because there's nothing I hate more than slow drivers.

  21. Your cover is so darn pretty, if I were you, I'd make it my desktop image and never do any work so I could stare at it. :)

    Oh, and number 6. I don't do that for that very reason. My writing keeps me happy and sane, so whether it's working on my newest story or a poem, I write something every day and the world is safer for it. :)

  22. I'd pull up your cover and stare at it as well. It's pretty. :)

  23. I agree. I loathe having my picture taken. I just don't like it or the outcome whatsoever.

    I wish that things were different for my husband --healthwise and that he didn't sustain injuries that were permanent and that he could drive and work and didn't suffer from short term memory loss.

    I wish that there were more hours in the day to read and write. I don't blame you for adoring that cover of yours...you are entitled.

    Now I'm wondering if I should poach and write my own unwind post about things that are on my mind, things I want to achieve, change or diminish...Thanks for the great post and sorry for unloading.:)

  24. Hey Elana- I was done with school when we got the school supply lists on the last day of school. How I hate homework. I feel more obligated to get my kids to do their homework than I ever did for my own.

    I took a week off recently, and I felt so very lost. I didn't like it at all. Unless we're on some awesome vacation, doing awesomely awesome feats of awesomeness, then writing is a necessary source of...you know. Awesomity.

  25. I would title that post, "Who's awesomer? You're awesomer." LOL!

    Yeah, when I tell myself not to write, I want to and then when I tell myself to write I forget how. Go figure.

  26. Funny Elana! But in regards to #6...you don't have to experience withdrawals from writing, you can journal! (And of course there's always blogging for the our entertainment.)

  27. Wow, even your lame titles are awesome. :D

    I don't blame you about your cover. It rocks. I'd been checking it out several times a day if it were mine. Heck, I've been checking it out several times a day even though it isn't. ;)

    Can't wait to see your new pics.

  28. You did a great job at the conference!! I'd call it 9 things that are weighing on my mind. The thing that is weighing on mind is editing 240 pages this week and going to school full time loads of fun (:

  29. I don't blame you for looking at your cover. It's so awesome, *I* look at it, and it's not even mine. :)

  30. Gum! YUM! What's your fav? Me? Dentyne. I'm notching right now.;#

  31. OH my. I haven't tried not writing yet. . . I bet I'd be pretty testy as well. If I were you, I'd just start writing again. Quick. Before someone gets hurt. . . :-)

    I love Double Bubble. I know it only lasts, like, five minutes before it's yucky, but still.....Double Bubble. YUM!!

  32. I totally relate to going crazy on enforced breaks from writing and to hating to have my photo taken. Bah-humbug to both.

  33. "Random Tidbits from My Life"

    And your post reminded me - I have to go to the grocery store later on today and I have to add gum to the list. :)

    Oh, and I get cranky if I go to long without writing. So when I get blockage, look out! (Poor hubby...)

  34. Awesome can NEVER be over used.

    You hung out with James Dashner? Jealous.

    Good luck with your break. Mine isn't going as cold turkey as planned. Feel your pain.

  35. I love that you speak in Twitter-ese now!!

  36. I wish the term were over. And it's only just started. Must be a teacher thing.

  37. TMJ means no gum for me...

    Love "Le sigh."

  38. I would call it "In My Head". Ha ha ha.

    Weighing on my mind is how desperately I want the agent who currently has my MS to love it. It would be my DREAM agency - scared to death! :-)

  39. Ah, so that's where Mr. Dashner was! I thought he was going to be at the B&N signing.

    Sounds like you had an awesome time. I'm glad your presentation went well!

    Good luck with everything. :)

  40. Counting the hours until Glee comes on tonight!!! :)

  41. I think it's AWESOME that you chew gum that much. I do too. If I didn't, it' might be another vice, like cigs. Awesomeawesomeawesome

  42. I'm so glad you are not afraid to admit you love TV. I want to shoot the writers who say TV is death. *pow* And um, is there a reason you're torturing yourself by not writing?


  43. James is hysterical, isn't he? Glad you had fun!

    And why are you getting more pictures taken?

    Wasn't Jennifer Grey gorgeous last night? I sure hope she wins. "Nobody puts Baby in a corner!" Yeah, I know it's going to get old, but I love that movie.

  44. Great list! I hate getting my picture taken about that much too. :)

  45. Elana, we love your randomness:)

    And Survivor is my ultimate TV drug!

  46. Wish I could chew lots of gum. My TMJ makes it a painful thing. :( I don't blame you about checking out your cover, often. It's lovely. Excited about Glee myself. TV is a wonderful invention. And pop...tough to live without for me. My fave is Diet Dr. Pepper. :) Have a fantastic day!
    Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

  47. Awesome.

    That pretty much answers all your questions.

  48. Okay, I'm laughing! Soda is necessary! I'm ready for the new tv season, myself.

    Oh, and your cover is divine! How excited are you??

  49. Aw, I want to have James Dashner hog my horseradish.

    Sounds like you had a fabulous gathering. And yeah, I'm ready for next summer already, too. How sad is that?

  50. I really liked this post, Elana. Not lame at all. I think Elana Johnson and lame blog post is a contradiction in terms :-)

  51. It's official. I should've labeled this post after the Cranberries song "In my head, In my heeeaaaad, Zombies, Zombies..."



    Dang it. A missed opportunity. *shucks*

  52. I hate having my photo taken as well. I think the lame shot I have on my blog is as good as it's going to get at this point.

  53. It's ok. I just came back from vacation and already wish I were back ON it.

    My Invoice Pile of Doom is still doomful, even though I thought it looked slightly smaller. There is no winning.

    Bright side, yay TV! I'm so excited for all my shows to be back this week!

    You got me on the title thing.

  54. I love your blog. Your posts always make me smile. :D

  55. Elana, you crack me up. I'm with you on #7 - why do we even bother with it, anyway? Oh, yeah - so our kids can go somewhere and be productive while we do our thing.

    I can't wait for Glee, either. :-)

  56. I used to chew gum a lot, but now it just makes me hungry. Is that weird?

    Did you see Dancing With The Stars? OMG, the Hoff was a total mess! Survivor might be good as long as it's not one-sided before the merge.

    And about school? I just got my kids into it. I don't want them back yet.

  57. butbutbut without your writing break my book would be LESS AWESOME. :)

  58. I love the gum too. I have to cut down on it, because my dentist told me it's bad for the jaw. Who knew?

  59. That's a lot of gum chewing. Not sure my mouth could handle it. Long as you enjoy it, though.

  60. I'm actually enjoying my break. And you should've done Alex's TV blogfest!

  61. I'm a gum chewer too. But I have the bad habit of swallowing it too. #notgood

  62. Love it! And, I'm with you on the gum thing!

  63. I used to chew gum every day for years until I accidentally chewed a tiny bit of the gum wrapper with it and the metal taste totally turned me off of it.
    Now I only chew gum like once a month! Sometimes I like refreshing peppermint and sometimes I can't resist a gumball in a gumball machine (even though the flavor lasts five minutes).

  64. I would have named it: A Little Bit of This and That.

    Everyone is invited to a Viking Blog BBQ...the directions to the site are on my blog in a post.
    N. R. Williams, fantasy author

  65. On my mind. Seems to be a constant anymore: Laundry is overrated. It just keeps getting dirty, so why bother??

    And your thoughts are never sub-par. You're much too interesting for that. :)

  66. I like a random mishmash. Most weeks, those two words describe my life. :)

  67. I am with ya on a good handful of these things you listed. Seriously. I HATE getting my picture taken too. Ugh...

  68. Extra Awesome is never a problem! I'm looking forward to the premiers of Bones and Fringe - can't wait!! :)

  69. I'm thinking I'd love to laugh with you for reals.

    I'm hoping my book gets picked up.

    I wish my kids didn't have so much homework, and that they could just play and draw and read after school.

    And I'm trying to write a whole new kind of book.

  70. Yeah, I hate getting my picture taken too. I wonder why that is? Hope your brain turns back to something other than mush soon. Still love you either way, though!

  71. I would title this post "Awesome." People will see it and wonder, "What is so awesome about the post? I must go see..." and then they'll get here, realize it's a reference to the word, but enjoy the post anyway. They won't be let down. I wasn't.
    My responses:
    Gum hurts my face.
    When I can't write, I get crazy. And I can't write right now because we're only in the 5th week of school and I still don't have a read on my class. I am also counting down to June.
    Walking is overrated. I hate pictures -- and just had to participate in school pics which means they'll gift me with the super-mega teacher package full of my big white face. Sigh

  72. Title idea "I love Gum." Simple to the point ;o) I like the random ones!

    I love TV, too. I'm so glad to have some of my shows back. And football!

    At my day job it's Christmas already. Yep. I work for a mall office, so I'm already dealing with Christmas in September. It's not right.

    Anyhoo... Love this post!!

  73. James Dashner is pretty fun to chill with. He's always funny. =]

    I wish I could have made it to roundup this year but sadly, my kids kept me away. I'd like to know who said duct tape wasn't a good babysitter. ;)

  74. I live in Utah… maybe I should look League up. Sounds like a wonderful place to grow, not to mention make connections.
    Thx for the tip, and great post.

  75. Having read this post, my twelve year old would say you've gone "totally random", but I kind of like the Cranberries inspired title idea, too.

    Love, love, LOVE Glee! Can't wait for the Brittney episode this week! As a fellow watcher of far too much tv - do you ever find yourself wondering if you could write a hit tv show? :)
