Friday, September 17, 2010

*mumble* *wheeze* *gasp* COVER *cough* *choke* *dies*

Dude, you guys! The cover. MY cover!

I present *clears throat nervously* POSSESSION:

In the words of Stevie Wonder, isn't she lovely? Okay, I'm off to die now. Or maybe just smile a little more.

Have a fabulous weekend!


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Anonymous said...

Oh. My. God. Aaaaackkkk!!!!!

It's effing AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow! Definitely worth the wait!


Natalie Aguirre said...

I love your cover. How awesome! Isn't it beyond cool to see your name on it? So happy for you. Go celebrate this weekend.

Martina Boone said...

WOW!!! Stunning. Lovesit. Brill.

We approve!


Laura Pauling said...

A very powerful image! Awesome! You must be so excited!

Diane said...

Gorgeous! :O)

Anonymous said...

So much love it!
Congrats Elana. Keep smiling :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Congratulations. I can only imagine how you are feeling right now.

Golden Eagle said...

That is a GORGEOUS cover. I love it! The image matches the title, too. :)

Christina Lee said...


What an image! Can't wait to see it in person!!!!!!!!!!

oh, CONGRATS! I'll toast a glass of wine to you!

Loretta Nyhan said...

Elana, it's beautiful!!!!

Christine Fonseca said...


Christine Danek said...

I L-O-V-E it!!! How beautiful.

Theresa Milstein said...

Oooooooooo!!!! Possessing a butterfly - encasing it in ice or glass. What's more poetic and sad than that?

Now I REALLY want to win your signed book from Write On Con!

Congratulations. You've waited a long time for this. I'm so happy for you.

Emily White said...

YAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY! How exciting! Congratulations!!!!

And yes, this situation warrants MANY exclamation marks.


Stina said...

Sweet! I looooove it!!!!!!

I'm totally a cover girl (not the model kind, though that might be fun if it weren't for the starving yourself to be a size -4).

Katie O'Sullivan said...

Big Congratulations! Really Beautiful Cover! Eye Catching but Simple, and really really makes you want to read the book.

*yea for Elana*

Hope there's lots of celebrating lined up for your weekend!

Artemis Grey said...

SQUEEEE!!!!! I LOVE IT!!! OMG SUPER HUGE CONGRATS!!! So freaking exciting!!!

DL Hammons said...

Uber-Cool!!!!!!! (No pun intended)


Susanne Winnacker said...

It's so beautiful! Can't wait to see it on my shelf!

J.B. Chicoine said...

That is very exciting! There's nothing like a front cover to bring it all to life--and you're right--It Is Lovely!
Congratulations :)

Precious said...

Love it!! It's so pretty! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful, Elana! I saw a butterfly almost that color yesterday!

Liza said...

So many "yea's" and "squee's" and congrats I'll just say:
WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Best wishes as you continue your successful journey!

Fi-chan said...

woah I love the idea! :D

Frankie Diane Mallis said...

Congrats, Elana!!!! How super exciting! Yay for cover love!

TheCreativeMrsK said...



Thanks for letting us share in your AWESOMENESS. :)

I would totally want to call out of work... and jump up and down... and then take a nap from my exhaustive-happiness if I were you!

Oh, real world? Are you calling? SHHHHH! Elana is having a moment!

Candyland said...

Yay Congrats!

Ishta Mercurio said...

ELANA! Your cover is beautiful.

I love it. It's so evocative, and it says so much with such a simple image.


Kristie Cook said...

Wow!!! It's gorgeous, Elana!!! Total cover envy here. Eye-catching and quite intriguing. Have fun celebrating!

Anonymous said...

Oh my word. This is awesome. Love this. You must be so excited. Happy Friday.

Renae said...

Oh my Gosh!!!!!
That cover is simply amazing!!!!!!!!
I can't wait to get my hands on this gorgeous excited for you!

Weronika Janczuk said...

Elana, this must be one of my favorite covers ever, no kidding. I love the simplicity.

It's gorgeous.

Jade said...


You must be so excited. Especially the bit with your name on it!!!

Weronika Janczuk said...

Elana, this must be one of my favorite covers ever, no kidding. I love the simplicity.

It's gorgeous.

Creepy Query Girl said...

It's beeeaaauuutiful!!! Congrats Elana!

Samantha Vérant said...

So freaking beautiful! Congrats!

Jackee said...

So very cool! Congrats!

Angie Smibert said...

It's gorgeous!

Nomes said...

Wahoo! I love it. Really intriguing and beautiful and compelling and unique for the YA genre.

and how pumped must you be!

Congrats :)

Amie McCracken said...

Oh my goodness...soooooo gorgeous. I don't want to read it, I want to eat it!!! (Well, maybe just lick it, and then read it.)

Amie McCracken said...

P.S. I put it on my sidebar since it's just so beautiful.

Kerri Cuev said...

Holy black and white spotted cows!!!

It totally ROCKS!!!

Love it love it! Congrats!!!

Jennifer Shirk said...

It's beauitful and cool at the same time. :) CONGRATS!

Lola Sharp said...


I love everything about it. EVERYTHING.


Lola Sharp said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lola Sharp said...


I love everything about it. EVERYTHING.


Lola Sharp said...

Grrr...blogger is being buggy. Sorry.

Jenna Wallace said...

I've never seen so many capitals and exclamation points in one place. But that won't stop me from adding to them.


Absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!

Bish Denham said...


Anonymous said...

It's absolutely stunning. Wow. That may just be my favorite 2011 cover.

Jared Larson said...

Nothing is as cool as a butterfly in an ice cube.

erica m. chapman said...

It's beautiful!! Congrats, Elana!! What a nice Friday post. Just gorgeous ;o) Have a great weekend! Celebrate!!

Connie Keller said...

I'm doing the happy dance for you. It's perfect!!

Natasha said...

Incredible. The best cover I have seen in a long long time.

Elana Johnson said...

Oh, you guys, I'm getting all weepy. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Julie said...

Gorgeous cover!!! Congrats! :)

Crystal Cook said...

It's awesome!!! Really beautiful :) Congrats!!

Jonathon Arntson said...

It's perfect. Could it be any more perfect? No. I was afraid they were going to make it all grimy, nice work design team.

Sonia Gensler said...


And so unique.

JE said...

Freaking awesome! I don't normally pick up books by covers alone, but this one? I totally would! There's something so rich about the white background--you hardly ever see that!



Linda Kage said...

What a lovely cover!!

Sarah Ahiers said...

holy hell...
that is AWESOME!!

storyqueen said...

It's stark.
And Important.

And very lovely.

I would pick up this book in a heartbeat.


Jessica Ann Hill said...

Oh man, it's gorgeous. Simple but elegant and beautiful. I LOVE it!

Melissa Sarno said...

Elana, this is incredible! Congratulations!

Kim Harrington said...


Lisa Potts said...

Beautiful. Just like the author.
Heartfelt congrats to you, Elana!

Valerie Kemp said...

Wow! That's gorgeous and also so intriguing!

Anonymous said...

That is beautiful! Congratulations!

Amanda Gaume said...

Wow. That has to be one of the most awesome covers I've ever seen. Congratulation!

Jaydee Morgan said...

Absolutely amazing! Congrats :)

Mary E Campbell said...

It's so beautiful and awesome. Congrats Elana!!!

Abby Annis said...

It's beautiful!!! Congratulations! :)

Zoe C. Courtman said...

Breathtaking! Congratulations, Elana!! Strong work!

Linda G. said...

SOOOO lovely. :)


Anonymous said...

That's one of the most beautiful covers I've ever seen, if not THE most beautiful. I absolutely love it.

Meredith said...

Oh my goodness, it's AMAZING! Congratulations!!!

Angela Ackerman said...

Oh Congrats! You must be so happy! :)

Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

Jodi Meadows said...

Oooooo, it's beautiful!!!

Meradeth Houston said...

*loves* Totally an awesome cover--can't wait to read it :)

Carol Kilgore said...

LOVE your cover. Absolutely.

Summer Ross said...

Congrats its elegant and beautiful!

Veronica Roth said...

So gorgeous! Congrats! I love how simple and clean it is. Very eye-catching.

Unknown said...

She's very cool! Congrats!

Abby Stevens said...

Oh, it's lovely, Elana! Simple yet striking! It seems like they created this cover fast, doesn't it? Seems like just yesterday you were announcing it had sold!

Kara said...

Holy. Freaking. GORGEOUS!

Sara B. Larson said...

I LOVE love LOVE it!!!!!! (As you know ha ha) So gorgeous. Woohoo!! :D

Anonymous said...

VERY lovely! That girl's a hottie. ;)

Congratulations, Elana! How exciting!!!

Tere Kirkland said...


Isn't she won...der...FUL!

Also, please don't die.

Nicole Settle said...

I love it! It's amazingly beautiful!

Mara Nash said...

Beautiful cover. Bee-yoo-tee-ful. Makes me wanna read it.

Katrina L. Lantz said...

Oh wow!! That is beautiful!! There aren't enough exclamation marks in the world. Seriously, I did not expect something so heart-wrenching. It makes me even more excited to read this book. Must. blog. about this. *runs off to share the awesome*

Michelle Merrill said...

I LOVE it! And I can't wait to read it!

Margo Rowder said...

Holy beautiful, Elana. You must be beside yourself. Who could blame you?
Gotta read. Gotta!

Michelle D. Argyle said...

Lovely, Elana. :) Do you have Monarch butterflies in your book?

Sandy said...

Oh, that's so simple and yet absolutely GORGEOUS! I can't wait for it to come out in book form!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful cover, Elana!! Can't wait to read your book!!

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

Oh that is just beautiful. How much better can it get? Congrats and huge woo-hoo to you!

Casey McCormick said...

YAY! I lurves it! Gorgeous. Can't wait to have it on my shelf! : )

Valerie Geary said...

Love! It's simple and pretty and love love love.

Lynsey Newton said...

WOW, that's really nice, the cover Gods have been kind to you ;-)

Tara Martin said...

It's beautiful! Congratulations.

Laura S. said...

Love the cover!!! So exciting! Congrats, Elana!

lotusgirl said...

I'd totally pick that up in a bookstore and read the blurb. Fab.u.lous!

Elana Johnson said...

Lynsey, well, I've been sacrificing things to the cover gods for months now. So yay!

And Michelle, monarch butterflies. It's iconic. Supposed to be haunting. You know, like a something so lovely is all trapped in there... A POSSESSION.

And thank you everyone! I have all your emails, and I hope to get back to you today!

I *heart* you all to bits and pieces!

Sarah Nicolas said...

I don't if I can say anything that hasn't already been said, but this is an AWESOME cover! Very intriguing :-)

Angie said...

I'm fainting with delight on your behalf. It's beautiful! I hope you are partying hard! Love you.

Elana Johnson said...

Er, that should say NO monarch butterflies...

Katie Anderson said...

Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!! This is so crazy REAL!!!! And it's gorgeous!!! I was just telling SF yesterday that I love a stark white cover with a small image in the middle. I SWEAR. I said this YESTERDAY!

Elana, it is too cool.

Love it!

Lisa_Gibson said...

Monkey, banana, pumpkin pie! It's totally gorgeous dude!! I love it! Thanks for showing us. :)
Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

Melissa Hurst said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Melissa Hurst said...

Elana! It's gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't wait to have this on my shelf!

Bidisha said...

It's so lovely, Elana! I love the stark whiteness of it..and oh my, your name's on it *SQUEE*

Valerie Ipson said...

Simply beautiful!

Did you have any idea of what it would be or do they just surprise you with it?

Claire Dawn said...

Yes she is. Lovely.

Bast said...

Beautiful! I love your cover. Congrats!

Julia said...

This cover is fabulous! It makes me want to read the book right now!!

*can't wait*

-Julia G.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Elana, beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Congrats. It looks awesome.

Nicole Zoltack said...

Awesome cover. That's breathtaking!

Jessie Harrell said...

holy awesome, Batman! love the cover.

VR Barkowski said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
VR Barkowski said...

OMG, that is one of the most beautiful covers I've ever seen. Elegant, evocative and just plain awe inspiring!

Unknown said...

Chills up and down my arms. Congratulations. I'm so excited for you.

Aubrey said...

Elana! It was so great to meet you the other day at Kiersten's Book signing, and I just have to say I LOVE LOVE LOVE your cover!!!!!!!!!!!

Can't wait for it!

Belle Wong said...

That's such a gorgeous cover!

Michelle McLean said...

My internet crashed in the middle of me gushing LOL I LOVE IT!!!! Beautiful :D (and I especially like the part under the title) ;-D Congrats!!!

Megan said...

That's the prettiest book cover I have EVER seen.

Colene Murphy said...

That is SO Beautiful!!! Congrats!!

Olivia Carter said...

AH! Congrats! It's GORGEOUS! i mean.... just freaking LOVELY!


Oh! How gorgeous! So simple, yet powerful!!!!


Jessica Bell said...

That is one AWESOME cover! I love how it's got Control or be controlled in really small font. It's like the book is already controlling the reader to move in an take a closer look! Wonderful! I'm SOOOOOO happy for you!!!!! :o)

Jessica Bell said...

That is one AWESOME cover! I love how it's got Control or be controlled in really small font. It's like the book is already controlling the reader to move in and take a closer look! Wonderful! I'm SOOOOOO happy for you!!!!! :o)

Anonymous said...

It is BEAUTIFUL. Congratulations!

DL Curran said...

Oh, that's a beautiful cover! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Elana, it's beautiful! Absolutely gorgeous. Can't wait to read it. Congrats and do many happy dances!

Susan R. Mills said...

It's perfect! I can't wait until it comes out. Congratulations. Keep smiling as much as you want. You deserve it.

Anonymous said...

YAY! Good for you Elana. A much deserved victory. Can't wait to read.

Suzie F. said...

Oh Elana! It's gorgeous and chilling (that's not meant as a pun). You must be absolutely beaming! Thanks for sharing it with us :)

Kristen Knight said...

WOOO HOOOOO! I LOVE IT! Great image, classy, all the white space will really pop off a shelf. This completely inspires me!! SOOOOO happy for you. Congratulations!

Kirsten Hubbard said...

I emailed you because I couldn't contain my excitement but now I see this post -- that cover is absolutely stunning. it's so crossover, in that adults will pick it up in a second just as much as teens. lovely and intriguing and all of the above. congratulations elana, you deserve it!

Talei said...

Wow - she is beautiful! Congrats!! ;)

Amy Jo said...

Wow! I like it! Congratulations!

Shannon Messenger said...

Yay--everyone loves it as much as I do!!! It's so gorgeous Elana. Couldn't happen to a better book or a better writer! ;)

Krispy said...

OMG, I LOVE IT! It's simple but intriguing, and I love elegant designs like this. It kind of reminds me of the hardcover for The Adoration of Jenna Fox, and I loved that cover too. It was significant to the story but subtle.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

It'll definitely stand out on the bookshelf!

Janet Johnson said...

Yay! I love it. Simple elegance. :)

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Freaking fantastic! Absolutely gorgeous!!!!

ali cross said...


Melody said...

Elana, dear...'s beautiful.

Elizabeth Briggs said...

Gorgeous! It makes me want to pick it up and read the back flap. It reminds me a bit of the Matched cover, which is a good thing bc that cover is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Looks fab! There must be something so special about seeing your name in print and the words you worked so hard to get out right there - ink on paper!

Sara {Rhapsody and Chaos} said...


omg Elana! That cover is freaking AWESOME!!! I'd pick it up on the art alone, even if I hadn't already heard rave things about your story <3

Sara {Rhapsody and Chaos} said...


omg Elana! That cover is freaking AWESOME!!! I'd pick it up on the art alone, even if I hadn't already heard rave things about your story <3

Gretchen Griffith said...

Amazing how simplicity enhances beauty. Great cover.

Sarah Wylie said...

WOW! It is stunning! Congrats, Elana!!

Shallee said...

It's gorgeous, Elana! I'm happy for you. :)

Lindsay said...

Yay. It's going to be so pretty sat on my bookshelf once I've read it :)

Elena DeRosa said...

Congratulations!!! Way cool...

Jemi Fraser said...

Fabulous! I'm so glad - I think that must be one of the scariest things :) It really rocks!

Emilia Plater said...

It is so, so, so, so SO FRACKIN' GORGEOUS! Seriously. :D AMAZINGGG. Congratulations, girl!! <33

kathrynjankowski said...

Wow! So powerful!

Nichole Giles said...

LOVE IT! Congrats babe. So freaking exited for you.

Kate Avery Ellison said...

Absolutely beautiful!!

Riv Re said...

:) Congrats.

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

I'm so freaking jealous!!!! when am I goingto get mine???

Janna Leadbetter said...

It IS lovely! So lovely. Congrats, Elana!

Gail said...

I'm not a huge fan of distopic but I love your cover and it really makes me want to read your book!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

See how you are? I take a train trip, off the blog for the day, and you post your cover!! I almost missed it, and then I would have cried. LOL.

It's absolutely gorgeous, Elana. I love it! You must be so ecstatic. :-)

Michelle Walkenhorst said...

Stark and Stunning!!

Michelle Walkenhorst said...

Oh, and congrats! :)

TerryLynnJohnson said...

She is lovely indeed!! SO EXCITING!!! You must be thrilled!! YAY on a FAB cover!!!!

Melanie Hooyenga said...

I think we've effectively stolen all the capital Os, Ms, and Gs from the rest of the internet.

OMG!!!! I love it!!

Jamie Smith Hopkins said...

That's awesome -- great image, great use of white space and great hooky phrase.

Angela McCallister said...

This is so simplistically gorgeous! So many covers these days are dark, dark, dark. This is really gonna' stand out. Love the fonts, too.

Now, a question: how much input do you get, if any, for your cover and your title? Do they offer several options or leave you out of the loop? Do you get veto power?

Steena Holmes said...

WOW. Love it. The cover alone makes me want to read it. I'd for sure pick it up from the table at the bookstore!

Unknown said...

Oh, I love your book cover, Elana. Congratulations. You must be so thrilled.

Kelly Polark said...

Wow! She is lovely! Congrats! You must be so darn excited!

Rebecca Gomez said...

Very nice!

RaShelle Workman said...

I really, really L.O.V.E. it!!! You must be so excited. =D

Stephanie Humphreys said...

Wow! Your cover is so enticing. Congratulations!

Deb Salisbury, Magic Seeker and Mantua-Maker said...

Woot! She's gorgeous! Congrats!!!

Clara said...

Wow, powerful!!! =D

Unknown said...

It's beautiful!!!

Is it just me, or are things moving really fast?

So, awesome!

Anonymous said...

The cover looks beautiful! Congratulations.

Tina Lynn said...

I have no words...

Heather said...

Oh wow, wow. This is beautiful! I LOVE it!

Aimee said...

It is absolutely beautiful! Love it! I can't wait to buy it!

Aimee said...

It is absolutely beautiful! Love it! I can't wait to buy it!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! COngratulations. :)

Annette Lyon said...

As you would say, it's AWESOMESAUCE! With so many dark covers on shelves right now, this one will POP! Congratulations!

Kimberley Griffiths Little said...

I miss ONE day of reading your blog and miss THIS INCREDIBLY EXCITING AND THRILLED AND DELICIOUS AND GORGEOUS NEWS!!! I LOVE it, Elana, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!


Donea Lee said...

Hi Elana - I hope this is a decent way to contact you. I sat in on your last class at the LUW Round-up today (Killer Query letter), but had to duck out for a one-on-one with Katie Grimm. There was a sign-up sheet that went around that I didn't have a chance to sign, but VERY interested! Loved your personality :) and loved the premise of your book. Great cover - congrats! Looking forward to reading through your blog as well. Looks like some fun, informative tips and musings. If I can be added to that "list", I'd very much appreciate it. Thanks, much - Sincerely, Donea W.

Jessica Nelson said...

Yayaaaaayyyyyyyyy! It's beautiful. And kind of chilling. (in a great, I-want-to-read-this way)

Jess of All Trades said...

Okay I haven't commented in forever but I had to. It's so gorgeous! What a feeling, and congratulations!!!

Yamile said...

OMG Elana! I have been out of the blogosphere for so long, I can't believe I missed such wonderful news! Your cover is so lovely! Congratulations, you, awesome girl!

Myrna Foster said...

I love your cover. Congrats!

Mason Ian Bundschuh said...

Oohh, that's snazzy.

I bet it feels nice to see it finally. I'm sure the "cover horror stories" kept flitting around as you waited!


Julie Dao said...

LOVE IT. Congratulations!!

Julie Wright said...

I am just here to gush and oooh and ahhhh over your cover and your awesomeness in general. You are twenty shades of awesome.

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