Thursday, September 2, 2010


Dude, you guys. If you want to read a book that you've never read before, get this one: The Replacement by Brenna Yovanoff.

Things I Loved That You Will Too:
1. Mackie. At first I was like, really? That's your main character's name? Mackie? But after about 50 pages, I was like, Duuude, Mackie. He's fantastic. Insecure. Likeable. Fiercely loyal. Strong, even when he's dying.

A fantastically imagined character, well-written.

Don't we all dream of writing like that? Even better, don't we all dream of reading about people like that?

I do. And I found him in The Replacement.

2. What Happens. You know how you've read that every book is one of seven plots? Well, make room for an eighth. I loved this story. From the fact that Mackie can't touch metal, to the idea that he's dying, that he's "something else" but still loveable, to, to, to. I could name a million things.

But this plot doesn't feel copycatted from someone else. It isn't a remake of a book I've already read.

It is fresh.

So if you're looking for fresh and unique, and interesting and wow, you'll find it in The Replacement. This book is due out September 21, so pre-order your copy today!! You so won't be sorry.

It occurs to me that every week when I do these reviews, I'm gushing about likeable characters and intriguing plots. That makes me realize that in order to write an amazing book, I need a unique, interesting character and a well-written plot. *note to self*

Check out what the other Bookanistas are up to this week!

Lisa and Laura Roecker are giving us the scoop on THE SECRET SOCIETY OF THE PINK CRYSTAL BALL
Myra McEntire is dishing on PARANORMALCY
Shannon Messenger is praising THE BRIMSTONE KEY
Christine Fonseca is celebrating AMAZING AUGUST RELEASES
Shelli Johannes-Wells is recommending PARANORMALCY
Carolina Valdez Miller is gushing about JANE


  1. Elana, you're enthusiasm for this one is coming through. Mackie sounds awesome and I love that the MC is a guy. I just bookmarked this book from the library and was shocked no one else had put in a request for it. Being first for a library book is ALMOST like buying it, right? ;) Thanks, Elana!


  2. It sounds like an amazing book! I love novels with a good plot and characters.

  3. I've been wanting to read this book ever since I saw the cover. B/c it's original, haunting, and I can't help but ask, why are their knives over a carriage!

  4. I've seen the cover and was curious. Now I added it to my list. Thanks.

  5. I've heard great things about this novel, and once again it was just confirmed that it's really great.

    Haha I love when you have those moments and you realize what makes you REALLY enjoy a book. Definitely write the tidbit of knowledge down, you never know when you'll need a refresher!

  6. I just started this one! LOVE LOVE LOVE it

  7. Can't not want to read this one now, with such an enthusiastic endorsement--thanks for the heads up!

  8. It's been on my to read list for a few weeks now. I just wasn't sure when it was coming out.

  9. This does sound like a good book! I hope they have it at my local shop :) I'm going to have to check it out.

  10. I can't wait to read The Replacement. I've heard so many great things about it.

    I'll be the one in the corner who reads it in a day. lol.

  11. That cover looks so creepy....and intriguing!!!

  12. You're so right! The main character has to have that "it factor," or the book just won't be good. *scribbling note to myself, too*

  13. I have The Replacement and Paranormalcy on my wishlist.

  14. I got a peek at the first chapter of that book last week and wanted to run out and buy it! I can't wait to read it!

  15. It sounds like a worthwile read. Thanks for the tip.

  16. I've never heard of it. INteresting cover.

  17. Oh man, there's just nothing like an original!! So hard to find nowadays. Love the concept behind this. Great review, Elana!

  18. I love finding out about great new books~ thanks Elana!

    The cover is hauntingly beautiful:)

  19. Was there anything you didn't like about the book?

  20. Thank you for the recommend! That cover has always gotten me!

    What's the very best book you've read lately?

  21. What an intriguing cover. It makes me think of a Tim Burton movie. :-)

  22. I've been waiting not very patiently for this one. Thank goodness it's finally September!

    Thanks for the great review!

  23. I can't wait to get my hands on this book! Great review as always! Thanks Elana

  24. Honestly, I wasn't sure about this one. But, since you are so fond of it, you've given me the urge to give it a go. Thanks!

  25. I have this one staring at me from my TBR pile. Sounds like I need to move it up a few notches. :)

  26. I have been wondering about this one! Thanks for the review. I think there's someone giving away an ARC of this....hmmm, I hope I win.

  27. Taffy, I think all things about this book came together to make it whole. There were a few times where I was like, "I get it already," but that didn't detract from the overall love.

  28. I loved Mackie so. Totally unique, I agree.

  29. I have got to read this before too long. Great review! Thanks. :)
    Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

  30. I absolutely love the cover of this book, and the concept sound amazing, even if the name Mackie is a slight bit jarring! Thanks!

  31. Wow, what a review. I'll definitely be picking this one up! Thanks!

  32. Sounds like an interesting read, though the inability to touch metal is a a fairly common trait amongst stories using Fae characters.
    I will have to check it out.

  33. I can't wait to read this one! It looks like such a great book! And your mental note will be mine, as well: create interesting characters and a good plot. Good word. :)

  34. Glad you enjoyed it. It's already on my wishlist :)

  35. This cover is so fantastic - and the inside sounds even better. :)

  36. I'm so glad to read your review on this, because I really liked the reviews I've read, but ... I worried that what people weren't saying was that it was just another fairy story. Since, I uh, know how you feel about fairy stories, I'll take your word and read The Replacement. Thanks E!

  37. Sounds like a winner for sure. I have such mixed feelings when I read something so great like that. Between 'oh, this is awesome' and 'why didn't I think of something like that'. Plus total admiration for the author.

  38. Oo..I love the sounds of this one. I'll definitely have to add it to my TBR list :)

  39. Well, I'll sure say this: Brenna got lucky with that incredible and haunting cover.

    I keep hearing great things about it, so I'm eager to get my eager claws on it.

  40. This is on my to-be-read list ... the cover looks freaky!

  41. This is on my to-be-read list ... the cover looks freaky!

  42. I love the cover of this book. It's a real hook. Plus, your review makes me want to buy it. Thanks for the lead on another great read.

  43. I've heard SO many good things about this one!!!

  44. Wow, that cover is amazing! I love it, and the book sounds awesome. I hadn't really heard anything about it before, but it's on my TBR list now. Thanks for the recommend!

  45. Woah - you changed your picture! It's very professional-looking now. Nice! (Did you read Rachelle Gardner's post on headshots today, by any chance? If not, then that's a seriously freaky-cool coincidence.)

    And LOL about your note to self - I think I need to read the same note!

  46. Just the cover makes me want it, but your gushing means that now I MUST have it! :)

    Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

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