Friday, October 1, 2010

Emotional Intensity!

Okay, so Christine Fonseca is one of my most fabulous friends. She brutally lovingly reads all my stuff, even in first draft form, and doesn't tell me how badly I suck. She talks me off the ledge, or just sets up a party out there.

And she's an amazing author. Her book, EMOTIONAL INTENSITY in Gifted Students: Helping Kids Deal with Explosive Feelings hits shelves TODAY!!

I've read this book, and let me tell you: It. Is. Fabulous. Everyone who has a child should buy and read this book. Everyone who has a niece or nephew should buy and read this book. Everyone who teaches children (of any age) should buy and read this book.

I strongarmed Christine into a few questions. Take it away Christine!


The Twitter version: tell us about your book in 140 characters or less:

You are trying to kill me, aren’t you? Okay – here it is:

Helping parents and educators embrace intensity and teach life-long coping and behavior management strategies to gifted children. (11 characters to spare. Nicely done.)

Have you always wanted to be a writer?

A month ago I would have said “NO”. But as I was cleaning out some things recently, I discovered an old journal from elementary school in which I recounted my fantasies of living in NYC and being a full-time writer. So, I guess I really did plan on writing books when I was young. I do remember writing stories and myths as far back as kindergarten (and no, I will NEVER share them! Just sayin’)

What made you decide to go that “extra step” and seek publication?

HA! YOU did!!! No serious, seeing EMOTIONAL INTENSITY in print was always the goal for that book. I wanted to be able to help more families than I could by teaching my classes within my school district. Publishing a book seemed the most logical next step. Given the fact that I had NO IDEA how to go about that process, I focused on writing a great book and finding an agent who could help show me the ropes. I found that in Krista Goering.

Now, my YA fiction writing…I blame my passion for that ALL of that on YOU! (and BTW, thank you for that!) (Well, we all have flaws...I take no responsibility for turning you to the dark side. *wink*)

What else are you working on? Secrets? Inside scoops? Give us the juicy stuff!

My second nonfiction book, 101 SUCCESS SECRETS FOR GIFTED KIDS comes out in late Spring. So, getting that one ready for publication is my first priority. Otherwise, I am working on several other NF projects that I can’t quite talk about right now.

Being a fiction author as well, I have my YA gothic novel A BEAUTIFUL MESS that I am seeking representation for, and a couple of other WiPs in various stages of completion.

Never a dull moment in Christine-land!


Quick! You’ve been chosen to be a contestant on Survivor. What luxury item do you take?

Way to ask a hard question! Hmmm…I guess I’d take my wand. After all, it’s all Harry needed when facing a dragon – maybe it’s all I’ll need when facing a whole team of them!!!

Tell us something about yourself we don’t know.

Something you don’t know??? I once cage-snorkeled with sharks. No dude, really!!! About 40 of them. Coolest experience of my life. Wanna see the video? (Um, heck yeah. Sharks? Why haven't I seen this video before?? *pouts*)

And the most important of all: bacon or chocolate?

Dude, no question –CHOCOLATE!!! (Wrong answer, but whatever. We don't hold grudges here.)

Find Christine around the web:

So there you have it. Any questions for Christine? Are you Emotionally Intense? (Dude, I so am.)

Oh! You want more? Of course you do. Today, one lucky commenter on this post gets a FREE signed (SIGNED) copy of Emotional Intensity! Suh-weet! Comment to enter. Cross your fingers to win. Embrace the crazy to...uh, yeah. Just embrace the crazy.


  1. I found out about this book on YALITCHAT. It looks great! Thanks for giving us some more info on it, Elana.

  2. Thanks for the interview Elana...and for so much more!

  3. Congrats Christine on your new book. It sounds great. I'd pick the wand too any day.

    Elana, you should go to The Last Word-C.J.'s blog. She just got her referral & posted an adorable picture of her baby. Oh, it brings back so many memories.

  4. Christine sure is awesome, and that sounds like an amazing book!

    Why not just dip your bacon on a stick in chocolate fondue?

  5. Ooooh, I'd love to win a copy! I have two emotionally intense boys. Thank God my daughter isn't like that . . . yet. I'm sure I'll be in for a surprise when she hits her teens. Yep, this book is so on my list. :D

    Great interview, girls!

  6. This book sounds amazing! Thanks for the great interview ladies!

  7. AWWWW YA! I am SOOOOO excited for her! Christine is such a lovely person!! I wish her all the best success!

  8. Thanks for the interview. Congratulations Christina. Oh, and Elana, don't you think bacon dipped in chocolate would solve the whole dilemma?

  9. Excellent all-in-one post! I am ordering the book now.

    So excited to read it, Christine!

  10. Congratulations Christine. If I win this book, after reading it, I will donate it to my local library.

  11. Christine's books look like need to owns especially with gifted children.
    Thanks for having her, Elana, and shedding light on this.
    I'm with Matthew -- bacon dipped in chocolate, I'm drooling already!

  12. Congrats on publishing what looks like a terrific book! Great interview.

  13. Awesome Q&A!

    This one's on my list to buy, and not just to support Christine, but because I know it'll be a great resource as my gifted daughter grows. I'll need help!

  14. Great interview. Wish I'd thought of the wand.

  15. So happy for Christine and beyond proud of her. CONGRATS CONGRATS CONGRATS!!!!!!

  16. Thanks for a great interview. I would love to read this book.

  17. wonderful interview. And that's a great first chapter!

  18. How exciting - both for you, Christine, and for the parents and kids who will benefit from this book. Wish it had been around when mine were little.

  19. Great interview, and this giveaway sounds AWESOME! Crossing fingers while embracing the crazy! (And yes, I am emotionally intense - and so is my gifted/high anxiety/slightly antisocial 7-year-old.)

  20. Thanks you guys...I love that we are all embracing our emotional intensity today! hehe

  21. I read the first chapter, and wow! I so plan to get this book.

    And Elana, I'd totally choose Bacon. ;)

  22. Congratulations Christine and great interview! Your book sounds like a must have not only for the people Elana listed but for writers, too. Many of us were that child (me included) and it will help us in writing characters.

    Great post! that rebel, Olivia

  23. Oh I would love this! I am a writer who is also a homeschool Mama of a gifted daughter and could REALLY use this tool in my toolbox. What a wonderful platform she has!!

  24. Love Christine! LOVE LOVE LOVE her!! I'm so happy for her today. And I absolutely must go out and buy this book today and probably several more for my friends.

    How about bacon-wrapped chocolate?

  25. Great interview. I've seen this book before and I thought at the time I really need this book. My 3 boys are very emotionally intense especially my oldest and I don't always - okay I never know how to deal with it.

  26. Thanks for addressing this often misunderstood issue! When I read your first chapter, I felt like I was reading a page right out of my son's life. I wish more writers like you would create awareness about wonderfully gifted children!

    BTW, a recipe DOES exist for homemade chocolate-covered bacon, and all I can say is OMG:

  27. Yay Christine!!! Congratulations! I totally need that book. =D

  28. Christine, this sounds wonderful. For a couple of years PARENTING YOUR SPIRITED CHILD was my go-to book. This sounds very similar and even more relevant to me with a gifted child at home.


  29. I just got out of a meeting with the school principal regarding the emotions of one of my girls. OMG I need this book!

  30. I'm so excited for Christine! And seriously, chocolate over bacon? *shakes head* ... I thought I knew her.

  31. Christine, I'm not sure we can be friends if you're going to choose chocolate over bacon. ;D

    Great interview, Christine and Elana. Congratulations, Christine!

  32. Congrats on the new release, Christine. Great interview, Elana!

  33. Dang guys! The PRESSURE!!! How about that amazing chocolate-covered bacon recipe...sound good? Yes, I thought so!

    Thanks you guys. You make me feel so very special!

  34. Love Christine!! Congrats on your book b-day ;o) Sounds like a great, helpful one for sure!

    Great interview, both of you!! Bacon rules, I'm with you Elana ;o)

    Have a great weekend!

  35. Holy cow, guys! Christine's book has sold out on Amazon!! I wish I could say I've touched her--I'd never wash my hands again.

  36. Cool! I have a friend who totally needs to read this!

  37. Yay, Christine! The book sounds amazing and if I'm not lucky enough to win one, I'll definitely buy.

    Both my son and daughter are in gifted programs at their respective schools so this book is of particular interest to me.

  38. Yeah! Congrats on your release day. That's so exciting!!

    Have a great day!

  39. Thanks for sharing this wonderful book with us! Congratulations on your debut, Christina. I look forward to reading this-- your opening sentence described my son to a T.

    Oh, and I agree with the bacon dipped in chocolate!

  40. Congrats on your book, Christine! And I agree about the chocolate. Mmmm.... Not that I don't love bacon, I do, but there's just something about chocolate.

  41. YAY Christine! Congrats on selling out on Amazon. I'm so happy for you!

  42. Thank you for this! I have a gifted and emotionally intense daughter and a shiny new Borders gift card, so I'm off to look for this!

  43. I am so delighted for Christine! And as a high school teacher, mother of three, and auntie of 5, I am SO going to buy it!! LOL.

    Sharks, Christine? Really? Are you crazy?!!! :-)

  44. Great interview! Congrats on the book release, Christine. And, Elana, between me and you, you're right about the chocolate/bacon question. :)

  45. Yay--congrats Christine!

    Too bad I have no kids. Any chance for a companion book on Emotional Intensity in Gifted Cats--cause one of my cats is way smarter than any cat should have a right to be and I could use some help in that area.

    No takers?

  46. Great interview! I'm excited to read this book. My kids definitely have some intense emotions at times. Does that mean they're gifted? Um, not sure. I think they're pretty darn smart, but I am a bit biased I suppose. ;)

  47. 40 sharks? Brave girl!

    And if I get 'error 503' one more time...

  48. I've now linked to Christine and will surely be getting her book! :) Thanks for this post, Elana! :)

    BTW, I have a blog award for you on my blog.

  49. We agree on chocolate. German preferably. Sounds like an amazing book by an amazing person. Fingers and toes and eyes crossed.

  50. wonderful interview and as always marvelous to visit!

    so would bacon & chocolate chip cookies be uncalled for? yes? ahhh...well they are yummy ;o)

    Visit My Kingdom Anytime

  51. I'm so intrigued by this book! I think it would be a great gift for teachers, too.

  52. Personally, I would have gone with chocolate covered bacon. :)
    I'll have to check this book out for sure. Sounds wonderful.
    Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

  53. Are you using any particular model of temperment for intensity? Very interested in your book.

  54. As an emotionally intense person and now mom of two young gifted boys who share my intensity (one more than the other), I'd love to read this book!
    All the Best,

  55. Chocolate is so the wrong answer, but I won't hold it against Christine either.

  56. This was great. Elana and Christin--this was great!! You guys had me laughing and smiling and all the while I learned all this cool stuff about Christine.

    Congrats again on the book release!!
    And swimming with sharks--sounds pretty intense:-0

  57. Thanks you guys! And Paul...swimming with sharks is CO DARN COOL!!! I totally would do it again, but I'd rather DIVE wih them. I've gotta dig up the video and post it...

  58. Yay for Christine! Congratulations!

  59. Awesome interview!!! Congrats, Christine! :D

  60. Congrats, Christine! Wish I could have been on the other coast for your book launch!!! :)

  61. Sounds like a cool book! *crosses fingers*

  62. Congratulations to Christine on the release of Emotional Intensity! Girl, cage snorkeling with sharks?! Really?! You rock.

  63. What a fun interview and what a great non-fiction book. It was great to chat with Christine on YALitChat last Wed. I look forward to reading her books and passing them on to family and friends with kids. Thanks

  64. This osunds like a wonderful book - I'll definitely be picking it up! Congrats Christine :)

  65. Thanks everyone for the great comments! I hope you visit the other stops on the tour too.

  66. Congrats to Christine! I don't have kids but I have so many friends who would love to get their hands on this book. Mmm . . . great gift idea, eh?

  67. Huge asset to education, those books!

    (Emotional intensity is the only way to go!)

  68. Me = Emotionally Intense.
    My Children = Emotionally Intense.
    We All = Need to Read This Book. :o)

    Thanks for the great interview, and good luck with all your upcoming projects, Christine!

  69. Yay for Christine! Yay for her books! I'm very glad to see this one hit the shelves!

  70. I know I'm late weighing in here, Elana, but I wanted to thank you for this post! Coincidentally I just heard about this book on another blog, and I can't wait to pick it up. I've been struggling with a very emotional (I usually call it "drama" LOL) 2nd grader and the descriptions of this book sound like it might help us. Thank you! and thanks to Christine!
