Thursday, November 4, 2010


Okay, I have the best thing planned for today! The Mockingbirds by Daisy Whitney is a book you must all add to your TBR piles and read like, yesterday.

About the book:

The Twitter version: tell us about your book in 140 characters or less: THE MOCKINGBIRDS is the story of an underground student-run justice system at a prestigious boarding school and the date rape case they try. (Ooh, right on. Nicely played, Whitney, nicely played.)

The official blurb: Some schools have honor codes.
Others have handbooks.
Themis Academy has the Mockingbirds.

Themis Academy is a quiet boarding school with an exceptional student body that the administration trusts to always behave the honorable way--the Themis Way. So when Alex is date raped during her junior year, she has two options: stay silent and hope someone helps her, or enlist the Mockingbirds--a secret society of students dedicated to righting the wrongs of their fellow peers.

In this honest, page-turning account of a teen girl's struggle to stand up for herself, debut author Daisy Whitney reminds readers that if you love something or someone--especially yourself--you fight for it.
(Ahh! I must read this now! Good thing I have a copy in my hands! Woot! Get yours here.)

Follow all The Mockingbird action on the Facebook page.

About Daisy:

Have you always wanted to be a writer? When I was younger I wanted to be a Broadway star, a ski jumper and an environmental scientist.

What made you decide to go that “extra step” and seek publication? Ah, that’s where the whole pursuit of dreams comes in. I have to say, NOT seeking an agent and NOT seeking publication was never an option. If I was writing a book (or several as I have three unpubbed novels) I was writing until I got it right and landed a book deal.

Quick! You’ve been chosen to go on Survivor. What luxury item do you take? I don’t even watch the show! But I would for sure want some good shampoo and body lotion. I don’t want dry skin!

And the most important of all: bacon or chocolate? Chocolate all the way. (I can tell I need to revamp this question. Humph.)

Click here to check out Daisy's website.

Other features in the Bookanista blogosphere:
Lisa and Laura Roecker dish about The Love Goddess' Cooking School
Christine Fonseca is nostalgic over books she loved growing up
Shannon Messenger is excited about the Ninth Ward
Megan Miranda adores The Adoration of Jenna Fox
Myra McEntire raves about NetGalley
Kirsten Hubbard considers the good, the bad and the ugly impact of reviews
Bethany Wiggins can't get enough of Black Hole Sun
Jamie Harrington is thrilled about The Secret Society of the Pink Crystal Ball


  1. I like that she takes a different approach to the whole date rape story and brings in the secret justice system. Very appealing!

  2. Great review. I've heard so many good things about this book. It's definitely going to the top of my list.

  3. This sounds like a great book - definitely one I'll be picking up. :) Love the twitter version!

  4. This really is an amazing read. I LOVED it.

  5. I have this book sitting in my pile right now... I'm stuck between The Hunger Games or The Mockingbirds... looks like you won my heart and I'll read The Mockingbirds first!

  6. Cool :-) I don't think I've read a story like this one before, and that's GREAT!

  7. Great review and interview. This sounds like a great book and will add it to my list.

  8. This sounds like the strangest and the coolest premise for a story at the same time. I actually went to boarding school, so I will have to check this out.

  9. I've heard great things about this book!
    Wonderful interview, ladies!
    (chocolate or bacon is a very tough choice, btw)

  10. definitely going on my TBR pile, btw black pepper cured bacon is a deal breaker for me i might be tempted to eat it.

  11. wow! this book sounds AWESOME. will pick up a copy and move this high on my list!

  12. hi miss elana! im thinking this book is sorta old for me so im gonna tell my sister and my brothers about it cause its something i think they could like. i like book reviews cause they help me know whats a good book for me or one of my family. yikes! bacon or chocolate? ha ha chocolate for sure!!!
    ...hugs from lenny

  13. It's in the mail as I type. And it's the next book I'm going to read (yep, it just jumped the TBR queue). :D

  14. Oooh. I want to read this! Thanks for the blurb.

  15. that really does sound like a fantastic premise... I'll have to check it out. Thanks, Elana! :o)

  16. this book sounds so good. So does she! Wow, great interview.

  17. Sounds like an intersting book. Reminds me of a movie from the late 80's or 90's with Michael Douglas.

  18. This book sounds SO good. I need to order this ASAP. I keep seeing it and lusting after it.

    I'm going to amazon right now.

    Thanks Elana! Also, love the mini interview.

  19. I am SOOOO reading this one. But I already planned to because Daisy rocks!!!

  20. Yes!!! Chocolate. A girl after my own heart. (I really want this book!)

  21. I am currently reading the Mockingbirds and *loving it*. It's not a FUN read, but it is a GOOD one.

    And I have big loves for Daisy. She is a rock star.

  22. I already wanted to read this, but she seems super cool too.

  23. This sounds interesting! I'll have to pick it up. I'm ready for a good, serious read!

  24. I've been waiting for this to arrive... (C'mon, Barnes & Noble!)

    Thanks for sharing the interview!:)

  25. I really want to read this book; it sounds great. Good interview.

  26. *adds to TBR pile* *makes note to self that the Tina clone project needs to expedite processing*

  27. I"ve been looking forward to this book since I first heard about it, but I LOVE that you did the Twitter version of a synopsis. Those "elevator" pitches get me everytime!

  28. This looks like a fabulous book and a strong topic to tackle.
    Thanks for both Elana and Daisy!

  29. LOVE Daisy and I LOVED this book. Seriously people, if you haven't read it yet you need to.

    Great interview, Elana! :)

  30. This book sounds fascinating. I'll be sure to get my own copy!

    And what's with bacon lagging in the polls. Come on, Porky! I'm rooting for you! ;)

  31. I totally want this book!

    Your interview questions are so fun. I love the shampoo/body lotion answer. :-)

  32. I've been hearing great buzz about this book. I've got to get it on m list right away.

  33. Very interesting...adding to my list.

  34. Aw, great interview, Elana! I love hearing especially what authors will take as their luxury item.

    P.S. Does anyone answer bacon? Just curious. I mean, I like bacon a lot, but, hm...

  35. I can't wait to read this. Great interview.

  36. I think everyone picks chocolate.

    I look forward to reading this novel.
