Thursday, December 2, 2010

MATCHED by Ally Condie

Okay, so I was lucky enough to get an ARC of MATCHED.


I don't even have words for how this book made me feel. You know how you read something and you can just feel the power? And all these chills are racing down your arms because you know you're in the hands of someone who knows how to use words to spark something? And you know you're never going to go gently because the story has gripped you that much?

Yeah, reading MATCHED is like that.

I could go on and on about the story, but you should just buy and read it. I found it pretty amazing in a "quiet" way. That is in no way a slam--in fact, I wish I could write quietly and have the impact MATCHED has. Sadly, I cannot.

I thought the writing was brilliant. It was the actual way Ally spun the words to create an emotional web that captured me most about MATCHED.

So yeah. Buy it. Read it. Love it. It's out now, and you can get it pretty much anywhere--so go!!

And hey! You could WIN IT right here! Ally lives just a few minutes from me, and I'm attending her book launch on Saturday. So leave a comment here, and you just might get a signed copy you can call your own!

Will you go gently??

Check out what the other Bookanistas are up to:
Christine Fonseca recommends JOEY FLY, PRIVATE EYE in BIG HAIRY DRAMA
Shannon Messenger loves on ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS and offers a Giveaway
Megan Miranda celebrates DESIRES OF THE DEAD
Lisa and Laura Roecker salute REVOLUTION
Suzette Saxton cheers for THE WRITER'S GUIDE TO PSYCHOLOGY


  1. You've convinced me. I'd love a chance to win a signed copy! I'm not sure if we're supposed to leave our email, so I will just in case. khashway(at)hotmail(dot)com
    Thanks, Elana!

  2. I bought MATCHED on the 30th and finished it yesterday. It was definitely amazing!

  3. Ooh, I can't wait to read this. I have it on reserve at the library. Lucky you that you get to meet Ally.

  4. I want a copy of this. It sounds so good. Great review!

  5. I don't think I've heard a single bad thing about this book. I have to wait until we recoup from Christmas spending to pick it up but I can't wait. :D

  6. I'm halfway through Matched and it is amazing!!! If I didn't have to work I'd be finished. Great review Elana!

  7. I shall have to add that to my list of Must-reads.

    Maybe I can win my own copy!

  8. Great review, can't wait to read it :)


  9. Good to hear you enjoyed it. Read another review two days ago and that reviewer gave it 3 out of 5. (Didn't connect with the two male characters.)

  10. Great review, Elana. I keep hearing awesome things about Matched. It's on my list!

  11. I've been waiting for Matched to come out for months! I can't wait to read it! Even better if I win it :)

  12. Oooo, pretty please?! I would love to get my hands on MATCHED (it's really cool that you get to meet Ally).

  13. I've heard such great things about Matched!!! Enjoy Ally's book launch! Fun!

  14. I would love to get a chance to read a book that's written quietly but emotionally. Sounds interesting. Thank you for the opportunity.

  15. I love your book reviews. Our bookstore here doesn't always carry some of the latest things...they have to offer what they know they can get off the shelf since we live overseas. Definitely one I will try to get!

  16. Elana I LOVE the new blog design. Love.


  17. Awesome. I'll add this to my list to read. Sounds like a great book!!

  18. *sings* new books, new books, new books!

  19. I just bought a copy the other day but haven't started it yet because I know when I do nothing else will get done!

  20. I loved this book. After reading some books I just couldn't LOVE the way I wanted to, this one reminded me why I love to read and write!

  21. Oh, I so want to read this! Please enter me, and I love, love, love your website's new header. It's classic.

  22. Ooh, this is definitely one I'd love to win!

  23. Ooh! Sign me up. :)

    And I love your new blog header. Great tie in.

  24. The cover for this is beautiful. I bought it Tuesday when it came out and I can't wait to start reading it. There's already so much love for it!

  25. I'd love to win a copy of MATCHED! And I LOVE the new header!

  26. I got to read an ARC of it as well and, wow! You sum it up so well. Talk about breathless tension throughout the whole thing. Such an awesome book! I can't wait for the rest to come out.

  27. I loved MATCHED! I would love another copy, too. I bought one for me, but I want one for my daughter, too. It's a totally amazing book.

  28. I can't wait to read this. Even the trailer gave me chills! I'm so glad you loved it - makes me want to read it even more. After reading some ARC reviews I thought it was out, went to B&N and sadly they told me I had to wait another month. I think I need to get myself and early Christmas gift....

  29. I just requested this at the library!!

  30. I would love to win this book. I've heard so many awesome things about it and I can't wait to read it. Thanks for the review.

  31. I've been looking forward to this book for a while! Now, if I could just find the time to make it to a bookstore!

  32. I met Ally last year, I've had this on my to read list for a while!

  33. Elana, I'd love to go to her launch. When and where is it this Sat.?

  34. cool. I'll have to check this one out. And I like your new look~ :o)

  35. I'd love a chance to win this book!

    This book sounds so good. I really want to read it. This is the best review I've read for it so far.

  36. I saw the review of this book in EW and planned on buying it. Just a present for my husband to give me for Christmas.

  37. LOVED MATCHED! You're right, it is quiet--and somehow that makes it even more powerful. NO idea how she did that, but I'm totally impressed. :)

  38. I've been hearing lots of good things about this book. I'd love to win a signed copy.

  39. I saw this at Costco the other day and almost bought it. Now that black Friday is over, I may actually be able to get it! :-)

  40. I swear, there are so many great writers that live close to you. It's like there's a writing epidemic in your neck of the state.

  41. hi miss elana! i like all you said about that book. im thinking is maybe too old for me. but for sure im gonna tell my brothers and my sister about it cause their lots more old than me. i hope you have fun at that book launch.
    ...hugs from lenny

  42. Don't enter me because I recently won a copy. Just wanted to pop in and say I am SO EXCITED to get my hands on this book and see what all the fuss is!

  43. Loved this book as well! I also totally <3 the new look of the blog. Very, very pretty. :)
    Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

  44. I can't wait to read this book! Now if I can just find the time to go pick it up!

    I read the first chapter in an arc sampler and when it ended I was like...NOOOOOOO. It was that good.

  45. Wow, really? That good? I'm blown away that you were so blown away. Now I have to read it.

  46. I'm so excitd to read Matched. I've heard nothing but good things about it. :)

  47. Dude, yeah, I loved this book. And Shannon, I so wish I could write in this quiet, powerful way. I would KILL to be able to do that, actually.

    Kristen -- I emailed you!

    Thank you all for the blog love! <3

  48. It is so good, isn't it? I'm excited to see you on saturday!

  49. Another one to add to my list! Yes - I love to find books that make me pause, just for a second, so I can say out loud, "Oh my gosh, this is SOOO good!"

    Would love a signed copy! (she's not launching at KE, is she?) Thanks for the opportunity!

  50. Oh, I want to win! I've been waiting for this book forever!

  51. I agree wholeheartedly, I LOVED this book so much that it quickly became one of my favourite books of the year! Would love a signed copy, thank you for the contest :)


  52. I'm sorry. I can't promise to go gently. Will you ask that of us readers when your book comes out?? :)

    I need to read this book.


  53. I love it when a book takes hold of you and won't let go. Sadly it doesn't happen as often now that I know more about writing, but happily when it does it's that much more powerful.

    Luckily ... well you know.

  54. I've heard so many amazing things about this book, too! Winning it would be awesome, but if I don't, at least it's in stores. :) Thanks for holding this contest!

    Here's my email, in the lucky event I actually win:

    olsonkayla (at) gmail (dot) com


  55. Oh, nice! I'm looking forward to getting my hands on this.

    reignofstars AT

  56. Looking forward to reading this book! I've heard nothing but great things about it.

  57. I've read great things about this book and I love a good dystopian. I have this on my wish list.

  58. I would LOVE to read Matched--it's on my wish list :)

  59. I asked for a copy for Christmas, but I figure if I leave a comment here, my odds of actually getting a copy go up. That and being struck by lightning, right?

  60. I've heard this book is great, now I want to read it more than ever. Thanks for the review.

  61. Interesting! I would really like to have the chance to own the signed copy ;)

    uniquas at ymail dot com

  62. I've been dying to read this for months. I tried every blog contest, but sadly - EPIC FAIL. Now I'm too guilty to buy it because I'm spending all this holiday money. But it's on my wish list. And after this post, I'm longing to read it more than ever. Pick me! ; )

  63. How aewsome you live so close and get to see her! I would LOVE to have this book! Thanks so much for the chance!

  64. I saw this one a while back and I've wanted it ever since.I love her cover--ya Ally!

    Sign me up. I wanna win it!

  65. this would be the BEST christmas present!! sign me up :)


  66. I'd love a chance to win this book! I've read a couple reviews already and they're all so good. Please count me in! Thanks

  67. Dying to read this so I'd love a chance to win!

    (Of course, the last time I entered a giveaway, I was lusting after the book—Shipbreaker—so hard I just gave up and downloaded it to my nook the next day. It was worth it!)

  68. I keep hearing about this book! I want to READ IT... :D


  69. ooooh, I love a good quiet novel in the winter. Thanks!!

  70. Would love a chance to win this book!

  71. I would love a signed copy! I really want to read Matched!


  72. I've heard SO many good things about this book! I can't wait to read it.

    My writing style is more gentle than I'd like. I want to have an edgier vibe - but it comes off as fake when I try it! Gotta go with what's honest and true I guess. :)

  73. Oh I was already convinced before you posted! This one has been on my goodreads list for a while now but I'm trying to read them in order of when I listed them too. Thanks for this opportunity! I started reading it at the store!


  74. I can't wait to read this, I have heard good things every time I have stumbled across reviews. The way some authors can truly spin words into gold is what draws me in, I'm a sucker for language!

  75. I bought my copy today! I'm about to dive into it right now, and I'm so excited!

  76. I've wanted to read this for so long. Thoroughly enjoying the distopian YA's coming out these days :D

  77. Ooh.. I ordered it on the 30th, but it hasn't arrived yet. I'm on the edge of my seat awaiting its arrival!

  78. I've been looking forward to this book for months! And I'll bet here on Saturday too, so see you there!

  79. I'm looking forward to reading this--and to the signing on Saturday! I bet it will rock! =D

  80. The book has great buzz and I'd love to read it!

  81. Another book I've been looking forward to for a long, long time. As soon as my brain is unscrambled.

  82. Not sure if the contest is still running, but I've been so excited for Matched!T Thanks so much for this contest!
