Friday, December 10, 2010

Stripping Down

Dude, get your mind out of the gutter. Totally not that kind of stripping down. But today, I'm doing something I swore I'd never do. And I'm terrified.

See, I participated in the Debutante Ball, and several people said they were glad to get to know more about me. I was like, "Wha--? Everyone knows everything about me!"

I mean, it's not exactly like I hold back here on the blog. So yeah.

But then I realized that there are probably many things that my blog readers don't know about me. (The world doesn't only revolve around bacon. True fact.)

So today, one chance only, you can ask me a question. Or two. Or whatever. And in the future, I'll answer it.

Questions can be about me personally, or about Possession, or about writing, blogging, or whatever you want. I reserve the right to pretend like I didn't see your question if I don't want to give away things about my book and/or how much I weigh.


Ooo-kaaay. *cringes* This is so like stripping down to your bare bones and having people really see inside you. Really, really see inside.

But the comments are open...

Ask away.

And holy squee! You can win some Possession-related things on The League blog today. (Surely you've entered to win ALL FIVE of our books, right?) And Holy Mother of All Contests! Have you been to Beth Revis's blog? No? GO NOW.


  1. Be prepared! I did this a few weeks ago and was deluged with questions.

    My question - besides YA, what genres do you enjoy?

  2. Did you originally want to call your group blog "League of Robots", but Futurama had beaten you to it? You all write futuristics, after all... ;-)

  3. Um ... How messy does you house get when you are on a roll with writing? You know, coz I just need some company here ;o)

  4. What are your top five-ten author blogs and book review blogs that you read and recommend I follow. I'm a middle grade, maybe someday YA, fantasy writer. I'm feeling like that's where I should be focusing my blog reading to make more friends.

  5. What do you feel you need to sacrifice in order to work and to make time to write? You may have more than one answer.

    Stripping? I was thinking of home improvements.

  6. How do you keep up with everything? I mean, really? Do you forget things? Or is your day all planned in Outlook??

  7. LOL I'm about to delve into a genre where stripping is the norm, but I still didn't think it THAT way when I saw your title. I must be still asleep. ;)

    Hmmm. Questions. Are you going to the LA SCBWI conference next year? (I'm going to you better be.) ;)

    What's the one thing you can't live without in the morning?

  8. How do find the time, energy, skill, extra arms to do all of the things you do? I imagine you're like a Tasmanian devil just spinning and drooling in front of mutiple computers. Am I close? I mean, I want to see an actual daily plan.

  9. WAIT...Let's go back to the real meat of the story here... You were in a debutante ball? LORDY MISS ELANA! I tried to write a southern love story and actually went to a debutante ball and wow... can you put up pictures? This I would really love to see!

  10. Okay, here goes. You're at your local Dungeons and Dragons group and you are getting ready to play an adventure. You need to pick a character to play with.

    Do you pull out you Wizard, your Warrior, your Cleric, or your Rogue?

  11. How the heck do you manage kids, writing, and being a social web butterfly? You must be superwoman! Yup, gotta be.

    Regular bacon, thick slicked or maple? I go for maple lol!

  12. No question from me, but I just saw an article on that I think you might's about bacon gifts!

    Enjoy :)

  13. This is not what I came to the blog to see! False advertising, I say. :)

    Fact: Some us WISH the world revolved around bacon. Think of how the wind would smell of smoked apples, and the raindrops would be salty! Mmmmmmm .... bacon.

  14. What's your sign?

    Also, what is one thing you wish (for real, now) that you could change about the publishing industry?

  15. Hope this is not too personal but I always love to hear about people's childhoods and where they grew up and what they were into. So, what were you like as a little kid?

  16. You're so funny. Your blog tag lines crack me up! Most of the questions I would have asked have been asked about schedule and time and genre.

    But then, I did think of one....

    I like to wear one of my most favorite sweatshirts while I write. It's totally old and faded, but it's just something I love to wear while writing. Anyway, do you do anything like that? Like clothing, or maybe a special spot to write, or whatever. . .


  17. So my mind was in the gutter--sorry! Do you write more than one genre?

  18. I totally came here because of the title. Go me.

    Ok, so here's a question.Feel free to ignore me. (If you don't like this one you can answer, "what's you're favorite way to eat bacon?")

    Have you quit? I mean, have you ever just said, "I can't do this anymore," and stopped writing? At least for a while?

  19. It's like a contest-a-palooza these days. Wow. It's like presents all around for Christmas.

    My question: What's your favorite time of day and why?

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I can't really think of a real question, so here goes:

    If some virus or something caused all the pigs in the world to die -- meaning, no more bacon -- what would you do?

  22. okay, I didn't look at the other questions, so sorry if I'm repeating...

    Do you have a book(s) that you absolutely loved and had to shelve to move on to the one you are publishing? How did that feel and why did you end up coming to that decision? Do you think you will ever go back to that/those books?

    Thanks! I was actually thinking of asking you that question anyway, so I'm glad you are doing this.

  23. ok, here's a question i stole from Kiersten White. It's a great question, though, and i wish more authors were asked it.

    Did you always know you would end up a published author? I mean, i know you've been trying and working hard, but did you know it would pay off for you?

  24. When you need some peace from your crazy life, what do you do?

  25. Brave, brave woman.

    Question: On an average day, how much time do you spend blogging and how much time do you spend writing?

    Have a fun weekend.

  26. Hmmm... this does leave so many, many options. What to pick. Okay, how about this:

    If you only had one week to live, what would you do and who with? (money is no issue)

  27. Why do I get the feeling that you are not answering these questions publicly? That is not my question by the way, but I would really like to know the answer 2 carol K's question.
    Now my question Will you do me the honor of being my first YA author in my interrogation room? (Wolf Blitzer won't be present)

  28. Do you think bacon flavored jelly bellies would be good? (I don't think they have them do they?) Would you try them if they made them? Or even bacon flavored Twizzlers (okay that's kinda too weird).
    Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

  29. Girl! I wanna know what's up with the Dove chocolates in your giveaway at the league? Where's the Bacos or Bacon-flavored toffee or something?! You aren't caving to chocolate peer pressure are you? *gasp* :-)

  30. LOL--I know exactly what you're feeling. I feel the same way when I put out a call for questions. So I'll go easy and refrain from asking about your most embarrassing experience. ;)

    Instead I'll go with a question where--in my opinion--there is no wrong answer: Captain Jack Sparrow or Will Turner? :)

  31. When did your love affair with bacon first begin? Could you explain it for us. Was it love at first site? More of a falling in lvoe as you get to know each other better type of thing? Have you ever gone through rough patches?

  32. You have courage to do this!

    My questions is: why do you use words as your way of getting out that creative energy, instead of something else, like another art medium?

  33. You're all trying to kill me, aren't you?


  34. Do you believe all writers are just a wee bit crazy?

    ~ Wendy

  35. My question? Someday, can we do lunch again? ;)

  36. Two questions (tricky, I know):
    1. What's your most embarassing moment?
    2. The world as we know it is ending, you can take one "thing" with you to live underground for the next who knows how long. What do you take?

  37. Okay, writing-wise, what is your biggest fear?

  38. Okay, so I'm dying to know... do you like your bacon burnt and crispy like I do?

  39. are you so amazing? Come on, confess. Launched here in an escape pod by your parents during a nuclear apocalypse? Bitten by a radioactive spider? Given a ring that gives you the power to create anything you can imagine? It's only fair that you tell us mere humans so we can stop beating ourselves up for being less know?

  40. What is the best thing you ever brought to show and tell as a kid?

  41. What book did you read that made you most want to become a writer?

  42. When you first started sending out queries for Possesion, did you get many requests for partials or fulls? I know you never gave up and sent out quite a few queries, so how did you keep from getting discouraged and going on to the next project?

    This is technically two questions. And I think you and your blog are totally awesome.

  43. I've noticed a trend on published, (and about to be published) author's blogs.

    They include everything: about me, what color socks they wear to the kind of ice cream they eat, and everything to do with writing and getting published, but one teeny tiny little thing...

    otherwise known as the BIGGEST obstical between an aspiring writer and getting an agetn...the query letter.

    So, did you keep a copy of the query that landed you an agent? and if so would you share it with all of us aspiring authors?

    I guess that's two questions, sorry.


  44. Oh, ugly. 'agetn' should be 'agent.' sorry

  45. do you ever get like crazy jealous of other authors who "seem" to have it easy with publishing? Don't name names. :) I get crazy jealous sometimes and wish I could stifle that evil part of my being.

  46. I apologize if someone else already asked this, but I can't read through all the comments right now...(eyes are giving me fits and telling me to get off the internet already...)

    What makes you so happy that you could, or do, cry over it?


  47. Question time...hmmmm....When you started your journey down the path to publication is there one or two big things you didn't know then that you wish you had known that would've made it less stressful or is it all water under the bridge? (I'm totally assuming there was some stress involved.)

  48. You're a brave one!

    I'd like to know 2 things...
    1 - what was the book that really hooked you into being a reader as a kid?

    2 - what is your favourite book to read aloud to kids?

  49. Okay, I need a better question that no one has asked.
    If you had to write a different genre what would it be? (That question is so much better than my last one.)

  50. This isn't a question so much as I implore you to give yourself the gift of the "Bacon of the Month" club through Zingerman's Deli (it's based in Ann Arbor, MI but they have a mail order catalog). It really is a must for every bacon lover. I gave it to my husband for Christmas one year, and we're still reeling. Expensive but worth it. Funny that when I went to college there I couldn't afford to put a toenail across the threshold of the actual, physical place. Now, however, I indulge from time to time. It's sort of me flipping the bird to my former poor self.

    But I digress... Just get the bacon of the month club for say 6 months. I promise you won't regret it. Then you can tell us about the experience on the blog! :-)

  51. Ok, I'm refraining from bacon-related questions... :)

    Hmmm...I would like to know this: What kind of sci-fi/futuristic/ dystopian novel or tv world could you see yourself living in?

  52. Elana I just have to say that I totally love the new look of your site. I also love how it goes with your book cover...which I think is so beautiful and can't wait to read! I am so excited about your book being published. I really look to you as an example in not giving up or giving in. It helps me hang on when I think that my goal to be published is just too big to come true. I then realize that you held on and it happened. thanks for being a beacon of hope! If you get over to colorado again soon, let me know... I would so love to take you to lunch!!!

  53. I know I'm late...but I have to know...

    Twizzlers or M & M's?

  54. Okay here is my question: with all the blogging, writing, emailing etc you do, how do you find a balance between that and your personal life?

  55. Thanks for joining up over at The Raisin Chronicles. My question has to do with that.

    I notice (with pea-green envy) that you have a boatload of followers. And not a small boat, either. A veritable cruise ship of followers.

    I know that publishers want authors to have blogs. I can check that box, but did it come up during negotiations that you have such a well-followed blog?

  56. Do you drink vino when writing in the evenings, and if so, what is your preference?

  57. Do you have a favorite brand of bacon?
    Which Oreo is your very favorite?
