Thursday, January 13, 2011


Holy icy frozen people, Captain Picard!

I could go on and on about how amazing Beth Revis's debut, ACROSS THE UNIVERSE, is. I could. I won't. I'm just gonna give you the basics.

1. Go buy it. Online somewhere. At your bookstore. Maybe at her launch party tonight (I hate you if you're there). Wherever. But GET IT.

2. Clear your schedule. Trust me when I say you'll need to block out a few hours. No distractions. Take a sick day if need be.

3. Begin reading.

4. Do this: 

5. Then this:

6. Then some more of this:

7. And finally this:

8. Enter to win amazing Across the Universe prize packages.

9. Start stalking Beth.
On twitter
Her blog
Across the Universe website
The League of Extraordinary Writers (where she blogs on Mondays)
Her website
The AtU Facebook Fanpage

10. Tell everyone you know that they need to read Across the Universe ASAP.

11. Discuss the awesomeness of AtU.

My Twitter Review: With strong storytelling, brilliant writing, creepy characters, and a budding romance, ACROSS THE UNIVERSE has everything to satisfy readers. (Okay, so sue me. I have one extra character.)

Have you read it yet? Ordered yours? If you have, without spoiling it for everyone, tell us what you thought.

If not...boy, do I have something for you.

1. A copy of Across the Universe
2. AtU bookmark
3. AtU pins, set of 3 (small)

All you have to do to enter this amazing giveaway for an amazing book is A) leave a comment here B) make sure you're following my blog and C) tell me my hair looks great. Ha!

Other Bookanista love today! Check 'em all out!


Miranda Hardy said...

Yes, your hair is fabulous! I've been dying to read this book. It's gotten great reviews.

Blog follower!

DreamyCowgirl @

Karen Baldwin said...

Ha! LOVE the pics. I'm gonna take my gift card across town this weekend to the book store and buy.

Suzie F. said...

Elana, your hair is gorgeous! I would love to win the AtU package.

I'm already a follower :)

Gail said...

Just added to my To Read list.

I admire your hair style, so much that I tried to cut mine the same way...mine doesn't look as good as yours!

Theresa Milstein said...

I'm reading it! On somewhere around 160+.

I wish my bookstore didn't put one of those theft stickers inside the cover. It's not on the ship - it's on the title. I'm afraid to rip it off.

Beth is awesome. I hope Across the Universe makes the NYT Bestseller List.

Christina Lee said...

I am on chapter four!!! Couldn't keep my peepers open last night! AND your hair always looks great! :D

Natalie Aguirre said...

This was a great creative review through your pictures. I loved it. And I can't wait to read this. Though I think my daughter will snag it first as soon as she sees it's in the house. I'd love to win.

Cass said...

Nice. It's refreshing to see the other cover being shown for once. :)

I'm in it for the swag. Already read it--awesome, and will giveaway my copy if I were to win, so someone else can read it in its awesomeness. Old follower.

And yes, genuinely, your hair is fabtastical.

cc932005 at hotmail dot com

Adam Heine said...

Love the hair. Entering the contest :-)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

This book has been making the rounds. Is it adult or YA?

Laura Pauling said...

Have you been taking vitamins or eating extra asparagus or something because you look different. I think it's your hair. It's gorgeous. :) I'm a follower.


Kristi said...

Love the photos of you reading...totally AWESOME! This is on my list of books to read in 2011 (along with yours) and I can't wait! I haven't picked up the book YET, so definitely enter me! ;)

Liza said...

Hooray for Beth and yea for your hair! Pick me! Pick me!

Jenna Wallace said...

Loving the hair.

Can't wait to read this book!

Kay said...

Since I'm waiting for the snowplows to do their job to clear a way to the bookstore, I'll hope to win a copy first! I am so looking forward to reading it. BTW, you hair is mah-va-lous!

Tracey Neithercott said...

Ever since I read the first chapter I've been dying to read this. I have a B&N gift card set aside specifically for Across the Universe. Of course, I'd love to win and use that card for another great book.

Also, I follow you.

Also, the hair's awesome.

Megan said...

I've been dying to read this book since I read a sample online several months ago. Would totally love to win. And might I say, your hair really is looking quite nice. Sadly my wavy locks can't pull off the short-do, causing me to live vicariously through those who can.

Anonymous said...

ROTFLOL--okay, this post had me in stitches. Thanks for helping me start out the day with a smile. I have not bought this book yet. It's on the list, though! Sounds interesting. And your pictures prove that. :)

Anonymous said...

Haha, awesome review!

Stina said...

I'm planning to read it, but I have to catch up on my TBR pile first. Or at least some of it. I'm not a big SF fan, which is why it's not at the top of my list, but I am a huge fan of mystery and romance. ;)

Amparo Ortiz said...

Holy icy frozen people, indeed!! ATU has been on my to-read pile for ages, so it's great to finally see it out in the wild :D

And YES, your hair is uber-fabulous. Duh. :D

Angela said...

Honey, your hair always looks great. I can't tell you how many mornings I wake up, look at my hair, and think. Man, I wish it were Elana's. It's nice having short hair, huh? Not too much fuss.

Anyway, I love your pictures. They are adorable.

Jessie Harrell said...

read the first chapter on line and it was amazing. almost as cool as your hair. :) I'd love to win a copy.
<3, your blog follower

Cherie Reich said...

Great pics! And, I'm waiting for my copy to come. It should be soon...maybe today. Hopefully! *crosses fingers*

Unknown said...

Oh boy! I love giveaways... The genuine interest and joy you hav ein your pics while reading makes me want to run out and buy it, not wait for a freebie...but I love giveaways.

And OMG, I love what you did with you hair. Short, Smart and Sassy says it all.

I don't know what I'd do without your blog. I sure am glad I'm a follower. I mean, books, writing advice, bacon, and hairstylin' tips...what more can a follower ask for? (free stuff)

Christine Fonseca said...

Fabulousity defined - both your hair AND ATU!!!

Anonymous said...

Your hair looks great!!!!

Can't wait to read this book! :D

Stephanie Lorée said...

I bought 3 copies: one for me, and two as gifts. Mine is "in the mail" as I'm stingy with shipping charges. I can't wait to read it and post a review! WANT! NOW! MUST! READ!

Scribbler to Scribe

Nikki said...

Your hair looks great and I'm a blog follower, but I don't need to enter as I already have the ARC from ALA sitting right here. I'm just asking for the time to read it!!!! I'm so excited :)

Kulsuma said...

Your hair looks superb! Thanks for the chance!

larainydays said...

You are shameless but so am I. Nice hair, book sounds interesting, entering now.

Meredith said...

I want this one so badly! I love the books that suck you into the story, and this one looks amazing! Fabulous hair, by the way :)

Jenilyn Collings said...

Your hair is awesome! I've always been jealous of it. Also, I love the pictures of the reactions we'll have. Those are very fun!

Matthew MacNish said...

Dude! This is the main reason I've been so pissed about the weather down here lately. I had planned on grabbing my copy on Tuesday but the local B&N has been closed all week. Bastards.

Thank goodness for that excerpt on io9, I'm most of the way through it and I'm glad to see the first chapter wasn't the only amazing part.

Miriam Forster said...

I want! *waves hand*

Also, your hair does look good. Short hair rules! :)

Tere Kirkland said...

I'm about halfway through ATU right now, downloaded it to my nook, but I really love the hardcover and the reversible jacket, and the fact that it's an actual book...

Seriously, though, I'm in love with this book so far. It has just the right amount of tension, mystery, and adventure, with great writing and wonderful characters. What else could you ask for? A great ending, I guess. I'll find out soon!

Tere Kirkland said...

Crap, I forgot to tell you your hair looks great! Brilly!

Susan Kaye Quinn said...

I WANTS a pin! I already have the book, but I'll give it away to some lucky niece (I have two).

Yay Beth!javascript:void(0)

Bethany Wiggins said...

LOVE your book reading depiction. And what a wonderful review. Wish my hair looked half as great as yours, but all this darn curl... Anyhow, You rock.

Michelle Merrill said...

Here's my comment.

I'm an old follower.

Your hair...well, it ROCKS! I've always wanted to try the short look, but haven't been brave enough. You inspire.

Kate said...

I read the free preview on Tuesday (111 pages) and now I'm dying to finish this book. Will definitely be buying it if I don't win the contests I've been entering. I love short hair but for some reason it doesn't look good on me. Chin length is the shortest I'll go, but yours looks great. :-)

out of the wordwork said...

All three done with pleasure! The hair is fabulous darling! And your pic review was genius. I'm so looking forward to reading this book!!!!!

~Jamie said...

Your hair's fantastic.

(I don't need to win or anything... I just wanted to tell you, heh.)

Michelle McLean said...

Your hair looks great! :D hehe I was just about to buy the book but with all the giveaways I might wait a few days and see if I get lucky :D Happy Thursday! :D

Kayeleen Hamblin said...

I love short, spunky hair like yours!

I read the first 111 pages of AtU online on Tuesday, and now I'm stuck waiting for a copy! Can I win one, please?

Shari said...

Where DO you get your hair done? I LOVE it! I am a follower and I would love to win a copy of her book. I read the first few chapters and I'm hooked!

Holly said...

Haha I love the pictures!!Everyone that read ATU seems to have the same reaction and it makes me want to read it even more!
BTW you're hair really does look fabulous!:) Plus it's easier to take care of!lol

Unknown said...

gosh i want this book so bad lol, love your hair it looks great on you but wouldn't look good on me lol <3

Brigitte said...

i'm broke again but i'd love to own this book. sounds amazing! everyone seems to be talking about it. seriously! this is the third post i read this morning mentioning Across the Universe!
btw, your hair is flawless~ ;)

Sara B. Larson said...

I love, love, loved this book!!! And your hair is fabulous as always! ;)

Ben Spendlove said...

Your hair looks so great I'd love to have it on my head. I'm not quite Captain Picard, but it's getting chillier, if you know what I mean. Speaking of which, what's with the pictures? I see the spaceship blueprint cover (which I love), but all anyone posts online is the one of two people in close proximity. I don't think I could be seen with a book with that cover. Is that just a promo poster, or are there guys and gals covers?

Melody said...

Your hair is epically usual! :)

Yes, I'm a follower, and here I am commenting, so...viola! :)

Deni Krueger said...

I am a follower:)

I love your hair and I'm jealous. Got mine cut today in the hopes it would look good before my hubby came home for mid tour leave and... BAH! It still lays flat on my head.

Colene Murphy said...

HA! You're so funny. Beth Revis did a really amazing job! I loved it!! Awesome job giving her a great shout out too!

John Sankovich said...

Sounds like a good book. I can't really see your hair from the picture, but I preferred it spikey.

I will have to read it soon after my back log of other YA books on my shelf, can you believe I haven't read the Hunger Games series yet.

C. Michael Fontes said...

Your hair is Faaaaaaab-ulous!

Katie Anderson said...

You are too cute!

Meradeth Houston said...

This books looks awesome. Along with your hair :) Please drop my name in the hat!!

Margo Berendsen said...

Not just your hair, but all those photos were way cute! I am so looking forward to this book! If I win, I promise to pass it on, if I don't, I'm buying and passing it on too.

Curious: is it okay to do giveaways on books that you've bought and very carefully read (e.g. managed to keep it safe from bacon grease and coffee stains and dog ears?) I know it wouldn't bother me a bit to receive a "used book" from a contest, but maybe others feel differently?

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Girl, your hair is ALL THAT!

Steps 1-11 complete, Captain Elana! Shannon O. reporting for, I mean that copy of ATU.

It is a must-read, must-have book for anyone wanting to be part of the in-crowd of cool people. And I only have a Kindle copy now, cuz I gave away my ARC. :-)

nutschell said...

I've definitely been stalking your blog for awhile (since last year), but I"m the silent type so haven't left comments.

And your hair does look great. I especially love those facial expressions you make while reading your copy of Across the Universe. I probably go through the same expressions when I'm reading my favorite books.:)

LTM said...

you're so funny. Oh, and gee, your hair looks terrific... :D

I have ATU in my TBR pile--and now I'm not sure which cover I like better~ :o) <3

Elana Johnson said...

Ben, the cover is reversible. REVERSIBLE. I put it on the blue side, because I don't think it's been getting as much love and it is AWESOME.

Melissa Gill said...

Love the hair!

I was #1 on the list of people to get to check this out from the library. (That's how long I've been waiting for this.) I get to pick it up TONIGHT!!!! I wish I could afford to buy it (and I might do when I get my income tax refund).

I may wait until Friday night to start reading though, because my poor broke self can't afford to take off work tomorrow.

Lisa Potts said...

You always look gorgeous, but your hair is particularly awesome today!

Can't wait to read AtU! Fingers crossed that I win. Thanks, Elana.

Carrie Harris said...

I'm reading this right now! (Well, NOW I'm commenting on your blog, but you get the picture.)

Allison said...

Your hair really does look great! I'm not just saying that to get a free book. (Well, I'm MOSTLY saying it to get a free book, but it's true regardless of my motives.)

joebob1379 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Kristin Rae said...

Definitely want to read this!! Enter me please!!


And your hair always looks great! I wish I could pull off such a short style!

I'm a follower from way back :)

Lisa_Gibson said...

Your hair looks fabulous! Seriously. :) I can't wait to get ATU. Unless I can win a copy first. Woo hoo!
Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

Patti said...

I read the first chapter on line and I'm officially hooked. Just need to get to a book store.

Shelli (srjohannes) said...

Loved it!

Krispy said...

Gargh! Alz picked up the book for me yesterday, and she already finished it! So jealous because I want it, and I'm stuck at work! Haha. Anyway, still excited to read it.

Don't enter me for the giveaway, but you should know your hair looks fab. :)

Heather said...

My copy just arrived yesterday! Whoo hoo! I'm so excited to start this. I won it from Kari at Under The Fairy Dust.

L. T. Host said...

I got an ARC at ALA last weekend and read almost all of it that night!

Can't wait to go buy my real copy so I can have that amazing reversible cover.

I was bummed, though-- I didn't realize S&S had your ARCs til they were already out :( Ah well. It will be out soon enough, right?

Jennie Englund said...

Your hair?

Better than EVER!

BK Mattingly said...

I've seen sooooo many awesome reviews of AtU! I can't wait to win it :) Sign me up for that and a lesson on how to get awesome hair like yours!

Gail said...

Your hair always looks great!!!!!

I sooo want to win this giveaway, I have the day set aside for reading the book!

Anonymous said...

Elana's hair being great is like delectable is to bacon. A given. =]

I'm so excited to read this book. Seriously! That first chapter about killed me all those months back. I almost FELT the blue goo and started yelling, "I want my year!"

Ishta Mercurio said...

Elana, I love the versatility of your hair. Of course it looks great.

And thanks for this awesome giveaway, and the fabulous (and hilarious) review. Excellent.

Paul Greci said...

I started reading Across the Universe last night. I'm loving it!!

ali cross said...

SuhWEET! I have been waiting for this!

-petit said...

I really want to read this book! And by the way, your hair looks great :P hahaha

Ben Spendlove said...

REVERSIBLE?! Someone's a genius. Why aren't all books like that?

Unknown said...

I just got this. Super excited when I got the parcel from the post office. Now, I can't wait to read it.

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

Haha! Cure pics.

I will grab the ebook. (= Cool.

Jen said...

It's been too, too, too long since I've stopped by. I'm excited to read this book as well. It sounds awesome!

Your hair looks great AND fabulous :D

And I follow.


Margo Kelly said...

Your hair looks great, now give me the book...uh...

I mean, please, I'd love to win the wonderful book. *SMILES*

Ghenet Myrthil said...

Of course your hair looks fab :)

I'd love to win! Thanks for hosting an awesome giveaway.

Steena Holmes said...

I read those pages online you tweeted about and found myself crying in the first chapter. She did a great job and I bought the book online just so I can finish it.

Jeff King said...

Of course you hair looks awesome—when doesn’t it?

Great giveaway… thx.

If I don’t win, I will definitely get it.

Roxy said...

Sounds like a great book that I will have to acquire soon. The pictures are very cute.

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Dude, the pictures say it all. Love it! And your hair looks fabulous ;)

Loved, loved this book. Beth is a marvel of an author. Such an inspiration.

Jessica Love said...

Your hair looks mah-velous, dah-ling!

I've already read (and LOVED) this I'm hoping to win a copy for my classroom library. I want to share the awesome with my students!

Jemi Fraser said...

Your hair ALWAYS looks good!

I LOVED the first chapter of the book and can't wait to read the rest!! :)

mariska said...

i'm chasing this book around the blogs !

And Your hair looks GREAT !

- a Gfc follower

A Canadian Girl said...

The pictures look great (duh, it's because of the hair which looks fabulous) and I really want to know what it is you were reading when you were taking those pictures! They alone would have convinced me to buy Across the Universe.

tabbylewis said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I can't to read this. Your hair looks beautiful! :)
I am a follower.
tabbylewis (AT)

Tez Miller said...

I can't read hardcovers with the jacket on - too awkward. But you're clearly made of stronger stuff than I ;-)

I'm one of 1734 people you subscribe to your blog via GoogleReader, so you can't verify my name as GoogleReader only lists numbers: You'll just have to trust me ;-)

And your hair does look great! Or at least it looks better than mine - humidity's done quite a number on my follicles, and it's not looking too good...

Carolyn V. said...

I can't wait for this book! =D

p.s. Your hair rocks! I've never seen it look bad...ever. You're so lucky! =D

Heather Zundel said...

I love your photo montage. Ain't that the truth. I love your last photo best of all. It seems to capture everything, especially if you were at the part I am thinking of. ;)

Mez said...

A) Just checked this book out on Amazon. I've added it to my look-for-it-at-the-library list.
B) I'm a blog follower!
C) Your hair looks great; I wish mine looked half as good.

Magan said...

A.)This book was NOT available at my Barnes & Noble on Tuesday when I was trying to to buy it and screw up my book buying hiatus. I think I cried...I actually probably did cry and eat some Twizzlers.
B.) I kind of read this blog every morning while I eat cereal. It's my thing.
C.) You pull off short hair way better than I can. One time I had short hair and for some reason it got really curly, so someone told me I looked like one of the members of the Jewish Community Center's basketball team. That may sound anti-semitic, but then I actually saw this kid and we had the exact same white kid afro.

PK HREZO said...

Wow your hair looks great! :)

Crystal Cook said...

So I've been meaning to tell you that your hair looks great for a while. Your hair looks awesome woman! I totally wish I could rock short hair like you do. :)

Jessy said...

The cover looks like it is glowing. Thanks do much for the giveaway. And yes, Your hair style is fabulous! I just got mine cut and it doesn't look nearly as nice.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Looks like a fantastic read!

OF Cours, following....

Fabu hair girl .... WORKI IT!


Anonymous said...

Man. Your hair looks so great! Every pic of you reading I thought...I wish my hair looked that good. You are ROCKIN' it!

I'm a follower. And will for get it for my book clubbers (hoping it's at work today!) But winning a copy will be pretty darn cool, so thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm not a big SF fan so I did some research before I entered as not to take away from someone who is a fan. I read the first chapter and I'm hooked. I need to read this book. It has an interesting concept and I didn't want to stop reading. So please enter me and thank you for reviewing this book. Amazing.

Oh, fabulous hair:)

Kathryn Packer Roberts said...

I totally missed the contest portion of this post before. How did I do that??? And by the way, your hair looks AWESOME-GORGEOUS!!

I really really really really want to read this book. The first chapter blew me away. I loved it.

Windy Aphayrath said...

Dude, hair? Totally rockin. Book? Totally want it!

Gabriela Pereira said...

I'm totally psyched to read this book.

Oh, and I totally love the hair! :)

Sarah Ahiers said...

oh man, i want to read this book so bad! I read like the first 4 pages online and i was hooked! But it's on my b-day list so i can't buy it for myself until after then (in a few weeks)
if i win it, though...
Also, your hair is dead sexy. dead. sexy.

Unknown said...

I'd love to read ATU and man, your hair is fantastic!!!

Janet Johnson said...

I had this dream the other night . . . about your hair, except the way it used to be . . . and all I could think about when I woke up was that I needed to tell you how fantastic I think your hair is!


Anonymous said...

I've been dying to read this book! And for some reason, I haven't been able to get my hands on it. Sigh. This is the way of life . . .

Your hair is gorgeous, btw. ;D

ashelynnsanford at hotmail dot com.

Nicole Zoltack said...

I so want to read this book!

And your hair does look fab. :)

amber colleen said...

Your hair looks really cute! I wish mine would look like that. :)

I've been dying to read AtU. It looks sooo good!

Sylvia said...

Hah!:) You're hair looks really good! Especially because you are holding a copy of Across the Universe, which I am DYING to read! So thank you so much for this contest! I really hope I win:)


Natalie Aguirre said...

Elana, I won the book on another blog so please give it to someone else. Thanks for the contest.

Carol Riggs said...

Oh yes, your hair looks fab! HahaHA, love the reactions in the photos. That's so great. SURE! Enter me, enter me. I have this book on my list and wanna read/win it. :o) Thanks for the review!

Claire Dawn said...

Nice pics! Who'd even notice hte hair with your beautiful face in front of it? ;)

I'm halfway through AtU. I love Elder. And I'm totally hooked by Eldest. And I don't even like sci-fi. Wish I had a hard copy though (I'm reading on Kindle, because I live in the other hemisphere) because the cover is FAB!

PS, I already stalk Beth in every legal way possible.

throuthehaze said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I've been dying to read this. I am a follower...and yes, your hair looks great :)

throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Nichole Giles said...

Your hair is fantastic, as always. I'm not lying, you know. And hey, I totally want to read this so. Yeah.

Stephanie said...

Oh, I've been wanting to read this for so long (which sounds like a weird thing to say, considering it's been published less than a month, but I've been hearing about it forever). And your hair must be the reason for global warming because it's HOT!

bookwormoakes AT yahoo DOT com

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