Friday, January 21, 2011

Seven Mind-Blowing Things

1. This is fabulous:

2. And this is frawesome:

3. Then there's this that made me smile all over. It epitomizes my WiP:

4. And this sort of made me weepy:

5. This is freaking me out at Kayla Olson's house:

6. And this I loved more than I want to admit:

7. And finally, best of all, Beth Revis, author of ACROSS THE UNIVERSE, debuted at #7 on the NYT list! Congrats Beth!

What things have you seen this week that blew your mind?


  1. I didn't watch the first American Idol - little nervous about the new judges. But I'll probably tune in eventually. But really, after Adam set the bar so high, I can't help but compare!

  2. I just had my mind blown.

    In a dream world I would be wearing pink hair (complete with pearls) while reading Possession at Beth's party (for her new your times Bestseller news). Oh how I love to day dream.

  3. I like Jen's response, though I'm not sure Beth would be overly impressed with me taking over her party with someone else's book. But I have a feeling she'd forgive me if it were your book. Or even better, if it were you in the pink hair and pearls. :D

  4. Beth's adventure, to begin with. So amazing! You: ur patience with that interview I'm suppose to do like a century ago. (Almost written. I had to do it in two parts. U are that amazing.) And, I had an amazing AG ask for my work, yesterday. Yup...mindblowing.

    Oh, and we've had so much freaking snow up here in Maine I don't think it will ever melt!!

  5. What blew my mind? That my husband actually agreed to write a piece for today's "Significant Other" blogfest! (And it was really sweet.)

  6. So much mind-blowing news there! Congrats to Beth that is amazing news! And those covers? Gorgeous! And I am loving American Idol!

  7. Wow. All of that just blew my mind and inspired me to get crackin'.
    HAve a great weekend!

  8. I'll check out those two books. Thanks!

    What blew my mind this week?

    Beth Revis's book being at #7!

    My daughter's friend is recovering from a burst appendix. We visited her at the hospital last night, and she was a sad little thing. But she went to the children's room and played Wii. What a cool children's room - they let you borrow DVD and lots of books.

    I'm in the middle of Uglies by Scott Westerfeld. It's really good.

    Today is a SNOW DAY!

  9. I'm with ya on #6 and #7. Such great news about Beth!

    What blew my mind this week?
    That I can work survive on 4 hours of sleep each night. o.O

  10. I see what you did there. Nice. Very nice.

  11. What blew my mind? The 1,000 bookmarks for my upcoming PB book that arrived on my doorstep yesterday!

  12. I kind of love steven tyler and j.lo. and randy all together. They make me feel happy, they way they interact and all....

  13. The word "frawesome" blew my mind ... I cannot believe that I teach at a high school and have never heard it ;)

    Also, Beth at #7 is pretty mind-blowing ... so exciting : )

  14. While not a vampire/werewolf/zombie fan, I actually liked the new show, BEING HUMAN. It had just the right amount of snark to hold my attention.

  15. Count me in the ashamed to admit their rekindled love for AI. I really dig the new judges/vibe.

  16. Um, your newsletter. I just read it this morning and had a huge smile on my face. I am so freaking proud of you and love watching you and LiLa take this journey. I want to throw you a party with cupcakes and rainbows, unicorns and such. Congrats on all the success!

  17. Most of what you've posted here, actually. ATU hitting #six-hundred-and-something in Amazon's sales rankings is pretty frickin' awesome. And your book is going to be out soon. And I am going to be in NEW YORK with hundreds of other writer-types in LESS THAN A WEEK, which is pretty mind-blowing on its own.

    I'm having a hard time sleeping with all the excitement these days.

  18. Great list of awesome stuff! I'm so psyched for Beth, what fab news!

  19. SO happy for Beth! So happy for you! As for Idol...I promised, promised, promised myself I'd watch just once to see Steven Tyler and J.Lo. Then I laughed and laughed through it. I thought it was much more enjoyable then the last few now am deciding whether or not to break my promise. I DON'T want to become addicted, again, this year...but...

  20. #7 was a definite high point of my week! Is that the best thing ever or what?! I totally heart LiLa's cover, and I won an awesome book from Tales of Whimsy for my 6 yo daughter. :-)

  21. Such a great list! So many good books to watch out for this year :)

  22. Oooooh! I love this whole list! Of course, I'm partial to #5…for obvious reasons…but, seriously! Awesome list. YAAAAYYY for Beth! And I love that "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" picture (where did you get that, by the way? SO cool!)! And I want to read #1…and #2…

    :) Kayla Olson

  23. American Idol was surprisingly good. I didn't think I'd like Jennifer Lopez, but she wasn't bad.

    Still trying to find Beth's book. I guess that's a good sign that books are sold out at every book store I go to.

  24. I am SERIOUSLY so bummed that my ARC of Liar Society never showed up. :( :( :( Can I borrow yours when I return your ARC to you? Because I finished reading it... and WTFreak was that cliffhanger ending girlie?!?!?! I must tie you down and torture answers from you immediately. :D

  25. Truly an awesome lineup, except for #6 which I can't speak to as I've never had the slightest inclination to watch American Idol.

    Congratulations to Beth!!!!

  26. I'm dying to hold POSSESSION in my hot little hands! Soon, soon... Congrats to Beth that is fantastic news for not only her but sci-fi fans everywhere!

  27. Wgat blew my mind? I can't remember...hoping it was really really good though! hahaha.

  28. Dangit! I missed AI (i knew something felt "off" this week...). I'm so happy for Beth with a debut novel in the top ten! So frawesome! (I can steal that phrase, right?) :)

  29. That I had it in me to sit and write 4,000 words in two hours. I rocked it and it felt great. My mind is blown and I am still at it. Thanks for your great advice and motivational posts.

  30. I watched Idol - entertaining as always.
    Mind's blown by the long list of participants in my music blogfest.

  31. Yeah, this has been an awesome week for books. I am SO glad you are doing the bookmark drop. I'll be signing up.

  32. I can totally see why Across the Universe hit the NYT List. I'm almost finished reading it. Amazing book!!

  33. I don't think I could pull off pink hair. Pearls, maybe. If hubby buys me some, lol

  34. I got something yesterday that blew me away! Something that made a cetain something I was waiting for MUCH more real!

    Love those covers!!

  35. AtU blew my mind. Freakin' Awesome.

  36. Hey, some of your awesome things are mine too! So happy for Beth and AtU and love LiLa's cover! Also I totally loved that Google doodle, and I reblogged that Over the Rainbow on my Tumblr. :)

    I see Possession ARC is out and about in the wilds!

  37. There are so many happy things going on lately. Thanks for posting about them.

  38. I loved that Google logo, too cool. I'm also freaking over this picture of the cat on Linda G's blog Sorta defines "so ugly it's cute".

  39. oh, that is so supercool and fun! Congrats to Beth!!! And yeah, that google made me a little misty, too~ :o) <3

  40. It blows my mind that the same things that blow your mind blow my mind...or something like that.

    All just awesome news!!!

  41. Yay for all the awesome. Double yay for Beth. So much awesome this week i can't think of anything. lol.

  42. Jeff King, your comment made me so sad...

    What blows my mind this moment is that we just got a fence (the kind you don't see. Didn't wanna name it cause the name is a brand), and for the first time in 8 years, I can say, "I love playing with my dogs!"
    I'm not a fanatical dog lover, but my dogs were always running away. Not anymore. My dogs are safe, my kids are safe because they don't chase the dogs across the street, and I get to write inside!

  43. Dude!!! LOVE this list hard! And can I just say that OBD is freakin BRILLIANT!

  44. All great things to see! Whew, I'm not sure what blew my mind this week. I'm with ya' on loving Idol. Man, it just seems...better (I know, dare I say it, but it just does).
    Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

  45. Well, I didn't see anything that blew my mind this week, but I've felt things that blew my mind and that is the love my husband has for me.

    Have a fantabulous weekend, Elana!!!


    ♥.•*¨ Elizabeth ¨*•.♥

  46. What blew my mind this week is that Alvina Ling, editor at Little Brown critiqued the first chapter of my manuscript last night. She pretty much told me, she only added in some commas and it was strong and off to a good start.

    Whether this particular story gets published or not, at least I know I've shown real growth as a writer and for that, I'm grateful.

  47. Bunch of awesome stuff! Thanks Elana! Put The Unbecoming on my list. Sounds great!

  48. So much awesome in such a small space!!! Love it! :) So many congratulations all around!

  49. I agree with everything! Well except maybe American Idol, but only because I haven't seen it yet this season.

  50. I'm so thrilled about Beth's news. I just posted some pictures from her launch party on my blog today.

  51. I'm zeroing in on YOUR cover (I just love it--simple but profound, that trapped butterfly) and the Unbecoming of Mara Dyer cover. Very arresting and striking.

    What was amazingly mind-blowing to me this week? I "discovered" this guy named Nick who plays the violin by EAR for his youtube postings. He obviously enjoys what he does because he smiles so sweetly while he plays. Try these:

    Bruno Mars: Just the Way You Are

    Chris Brown: Yeah

    He does I Gotta Feeling by the Black Eyed Peas that is cool, too.
    Have a great weekend, Elana!

  52. Love this post! Unfortunately the only mind-blowing things this week for me have been 3 trips to the Dr. and a very sick 2YO with RSV. But it has made me thankful for good health and I know that next week will be a new beginning.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. I read "The Miles Between" by Mary E. Pearson in one big gulp, loved every second of it!

  55. I can't wait to get my hot little hands on your novel....will you have a launch? it's almost here!

  56. Awesome list! LiLa's cover is so sassy! Love it. I'll admit I kind of liked American Idol too. I'm kinda crushin' on Steven Tyler... LOL. Who knew he'd be that funny and cute?

    And YAY about ATU ;o) Loved that one. Congrats to Beth!

    Oh and seeing your book. Awesome!!! Can't wait to read it ;o)

    Nothing mind blowing over here. Just same ol same ol ;o) Enjoy your weekend, E-dog ;o)

  57. I love number 3! Also, congrats to you and Beth Revis.

  58. I didn't want to like the new judges on Idol, but I DID! And shhh, I'm also a sucker for the Bachelor.

    These are all awesome things, and I got chills when I saw Possession. Sooooo cool!

  59. I really, really love the Somewhere Over the Rainbow picture! I want to stick it in my classroom to remind my kids to DREAM!

    Also, I was passing on the Stylish Blogger Award to some bloggers, and I remembered how much I like your new blog look, so I'm passing it on to you too :-)

    Stylish Blogger Award

  60. I can't wait to read The Liar Society and Unbecoming of Mara Dyer. The girl on the cover of The Liar's Society kind of reminds of Emma Watson. Loved the Google image of President Kennedy! Congrats to Beth Revis :) And I forgot to watch Idol...sham on me!

  61. I was stunned by Steven Tyler's unexpected hilarity on American Idol. This season is going to be interesting . . .

  62. I was so happy for Beth when I saw that! Those books look yummers!
