Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Beth Revis: "Yeah...I Don't Think So"

Seriously, that's my favorite line in this video. Heck, everything about Beth Revis is my favorite. Can you hear "I love a girl who loves her some milk." *cue the laughter*

Are you on Beth's side? Do you have access to a paint program so you can pinkify your hair? You might wanna get on that...

And dude! Make sure you check out an excerpt from Christine Fonseca's new book, 101 Success Secrets for Gifted Kids, which comes out on May 1!


  1. "Pinkify" hair? Love it! Hmm? I just might try it.

  2. You guys are all so creative. This is great.

  3. Love the pink hair on all of you!

  4. You guys are really going out of your way to promote this book. So cool.

    How does one find a program to pinkify hair?

  5. Love the pink hair book promoting. You guys are so creative.

  6. This has been way cooler than the usually blog tours.

    Um, Elana, how are you going to top this? I can't wait to see (as long as no nude authors are used in the making of it. Unless they are super hot looking guys. Heck. They won't even have to be nude. Just super hot.) ;)

    PS I love milk (as long as it's skimmed. It HAS to be skim milk or I refuse to touch it.). Of course, I prefer Diet Dr Pepper and Diet Coke more. ;)

  7. How is it that these keep getting better?

  8. I love these videos and I have gone pink on my blog! Can't wait to be 'in the know' with Kate and Liam and I'm totally in the mood for a full on milk frappacino right now.

  9. hahaha! LOVE these. I think I dig Beth's color of pink! And thanks for the shout out.

  10. I pinked my hair for real in college (not on purpose). Don't know if I can go back to the look again without giving myself nightmares.

  11. AHH! This week is seriously the best. And...we'd be happy to pinkify peeps. Just attach a pic and send us an email at THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR ALL THE SUPPORT!

  12. These are great. I love the "I love a girl who loves her some milk." Beth's so cute with that wig. :)

  13. Dude, I love it!! and the "Pretty in Pink" song at the end was so totally boss for us 80's girls!!

  14. The "I love a girl who loves her milk" line had me cracking up!

  15. Yeah, I still need to pinkify my hair. =)

  16. I have that same wi... I mean... yeah guys. very creative video!

  17. Let Beth in! Let Beth in! (picture a Woodstock amount of people chanting this)

  18. Gotta love Beth Revis! And pinkified hair? Dude! I love it! :-)

  19. Ya'll are such awesome friends to do this for LiLa. I love you all in pink hair!

  20. Haha, too cute! I love a girl who loves her some milk, too! :)

  21. It's very cool how you guys are so devoted to promoting books. God bless you for your kind and creative efforts. All authors should have book buddies like you.

  22. Loving all these videos and the pink hair! I'm going to have to read this book.

  23. Beth obviously possesses more than one creative talent!

  24. How fun. I'm going to have to give that a try!

  25. Dude, I so need to pinkify my hair. lol You ladies are always so great.
    Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

  26. Tried many colors...but never pink. Hmmmm.

  27. "I love a girl who loves her some milk..." THAT'S the best!!!

  28. What a fun campaign and group of supporters for the liar society! Can't wait to read it. Beth is adorable-:)

  29. I'm loving these videos!! Liar Society, here I come...
    My Blog

  30. Love it! I've pinkified my rose, but twitter won't let me change the avatar!!! :(

  31. I'm working on some pinkification for when my copy arrives :)

    Love these videos!
