Thursday, February 3, 2011

DELIRIUM by Lauren Oliver

Okay, so up today on this shiny Bookanista Thursday, I present Delirium by Laruen Oliver.

Here's the blurb: Ninety-five days, and then I'll be safe. I wonder whether the procedure will hurt. I want to get it over with. It's hard to be patient. It's hard not to be afraid while I'm still uncured, though so far the deliria hasn't touched me yet. Still, I worry. They say that in the old days, love drove people to madness. The deadliest of all deadly things: It kills you both when you have it and when you don't.

So basically Oliver has stolen the show with this amazing idea. Love can be surgically removed from your brain. And if you fall in love? Well, you're obviously infected with delirium.

Score one for her. I sort of hate her for this amazing concept (that was totally written in my sarcastic font. I don't hate Lauren Oliver at all. In fact, all the "hate" in this post is really "love"). See, my book is also a dystopian with a completely changed society. Sure, there's no overt signs of brainwashing here (like there is in my book), but it's clear that it's been done over time, through lessons and school and whatnot.

So yeah. Gorgeous dystopian setting = a small iota of hate.

And I wish that was all I hated her for. But no! She has to go and top this fabulous idea with superb writing. It's got that kind of literary bent to it that I l-o-v-e and strive for in my own writing, but it's also a very commercial style.

Which is just brilliant. Dangitall.

As if a mind-blowing concept and fexcellent writing weren't enough, she actually wrote an ending in the way that I deeply admire. I won't spill it all for you, because that would just be rude, but when (when, not if) you read Delirium, you'll know what kind of endings I like.

Oliver: 3.
Me: 0.

In addition to all that, there is also a fence. Now this isn't significant by itself, but I love fences. I love what they symbolize. A barrier. Something bad out there. I like thinking about the fences in my own life. Physical ones, and then social things also. The whole concept of a fence is fascinating to me, in many ways. (I've never been this deep on a Bookanista post before. I know I'm shocked too.)

One last thing that I really liked about this book is the abandoned house the characters sneak off to. I don't know why, but I just really like abandoned houses and the possibilities that can come from them. Or maybe it was the sneaking I liked... Or the boy the sneaking happened with...

Who knows? All I know is that Delirium was a fabulous read. I do sort of hate Lauren Oliver because she is just so brilliant.

So, there you go. What books have you read lately that you've started adding up the "hate points" because they're just so good?

Go check out what the other Bookanistas are talking about today:
LiLa Roecker falls for Between Shades of Grey
Christine Fonseca soars Across the Universe
Shannon Messenger is hosting an epic Invasion giveaway
Shelli Johannes Wells is giving some Liar Society lovin'
Myra McEntire is spreading some cover love for Siren and Undercurrent
Beth Revis is thanking her fellow Bookanistas
Carolina Valdez Miller swoons for Scrawl
Megan Miranda falls for Dark Goddess
Bethany Wiggins is Entice(d)
Jen Hayley and Shana Silver ignite for Angelfire
Matt Blackstone convinces us That Someday This Pain Will Be Useful to You
Carrie Harris marvels over The Mockingbirds


  1. oh my goodness, am i actually the first commentor on this post? whoo-hoo!
    i love this review, elana, and im sure your book's just as awesome. i canNOT wait to read it.
    and delirium--the idea behind the book fasicnates me too. and i love oliver's prose. beautiful.

  2. I can't wait to read this one! I have to say I don't think you are a fair judge of these points though. 0? Come on, Elena. Come June, we'll be adjusting that number for you!

    Books/authors I love/hate because they are so amazing...anything by Kelley Armstrong.

  3. Fexcellent = freaking excellent? Cool.

    And man, you guys have got to stop adding Bookanistas. I can't keep up!

  4. I called you DEEP yesterday, and you denied it!

    The concept for this is amazing, and I'm totally buying the book.

    Beth Revis's book impressed me. Normally I see plot holes or character actions don't make sense. I'm usually disappointed in some way. But she painted a complete picture of the world and the characters. It made me consider writing something science fiction. Maybe.

  5. I can't wait to read this too. I'm embarrassed to say I haven't read Before I Fall yet.

    And you're a 3 too. Can't wait to read your book. I have a feeling my daughter will snag it first.

  6. I can't wait for this. I loved Before I Fall, so I've been dying to get my hands on Delirium ever since. Books that add up the "hate points"? Can I just say anything by John Green? I love, love, love that man (author crush?) but every time I read his books I'm tempted to give up writing because I will never be as brilliant or funny or awesome as he is.

  7. I love Lauren Oliver! Cannot wait to read this. :)

  8. I cannot WAIT for this one (her writing in Before I Fall is to be admired as well)! So yeah, hate and extreme admiration rolled into one ;D

  9. The cover is very Valley of the Dolls. I love it. Also, what an awesome premise. I'm jealous and I haven't even read it!

    I finished the Marbury Lens last week. I'm more than jealous, I'm ready to steal Smith's identity.

  10. I'm definitely reading this one. I fell in love with Before I Fall (even if I didn't love the ending), so this one's a no-brainer. :D

  11. Obviously you are capable of writing about far more than kissing and making choices! :)

  12. Great review Elana. And, yes, a great surgically removed? Wow!!!

    (You're right...why didn't I think about it...too)?

  13. 'that was totally written in my sarcastic font'


  14. Right now I'm starting to hate you a little - and not just for your writing either. Like I need another book on my to-buy list. Quit reviewing awesome books, dang it all, before I go broke and have to resort to selling body parts on eBay to fund my book purchases. =op

    Sometimes, I so totally hate Seanan McGuire (aka Mira Grant - as if she wasn't awesome enough as herself, she had to be two different writers). Her writing makes me curl up in a ball with writerly self-loathing, she's so dratted good. And then I get over it, and want to write better so someday people will hate me, too. ;o)

  15. So if I didn't already want to read this, I totally would now!

  16. I can't wait to read this! As for the book(s) that I've been "hating" on lately, hmm, pretty much all of them. I honestly haven't read a book in the past couple months that I didn't like. I love the idea of fences too. In my wip, it's a wall that plays an important role.

  17. Brilliant review, Elana. I like a more serious you, too. We need to do a video: All the Sides of Elana.

    I've really been wanting to read this book. All the more so now.

  18. "Fexcellent." Love that word! I'll be adding this book to my growing to-read list.

  19. LOL. You know I'm totally with you on every. single. thing... except the ending. He he.

    Reckless by Cornelia Funke had me green with envy. :-)

  20. Can't wait to read it!!! Amazing idea!!

  21. I can't wait to read this! It sounds so good.

    I like abandoned houses and buildings as well. You know those urban exploration photographs? I look at them and imagine what kind of stories can take place there.

  22. Woo hoo! On my list! Sounds great.

  23. This one has been on my radar for a while. Excited to read it, and the cover is so gorgeous!

  24. I am so psyched about reading this book! I didn't read BIF b/c I didn't think I'd like it, but THIS I think I'd like~ Thanks, E! xoxo

    I hate her a little, too. That is a freakin brilliant premise. ;p

  25. I was planning on seeing her tonight at my local bookshop but the ugly weather seems to have something against us meeting. So I'm bummed.

    That being said it gives me time to read it and see her again when she revisits to make up for the lost tour time.

  26. That is an original concept! Very cool! Thanks for the heads up!

  27. Sounds like an awesome, awesome book!

  28. LOVE this post, you're funny, which make me "hate" you (the hate that means love) and now cant wait to read POSSESSION!

  29. Sounds a bit like the concepts in Orwell's 1984 except I don't think love was surgically removed in that book, just repressed and against the law. Sounds like an interesting concept.

    No recent absolute knock out books for me. I need to read more books.

    Tossing It Out and the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2011

  30. Oh I can't wait to read this one AND yours of course!!! Lisa has already read both :( Lisa 2, Laura 0.

  31. I have to say, I really like the concept of Delirium--it's quite intriguing.

    One book that I've been forced to ratchet up hate points for is The Comet's Curse but Dom Testa. (Read: I loved it.)

  32. Delirium sounds just fabulous the way you describe it, darling.

    I've read a couple of wonderful books that have caused the ol' hate-o-meter to skyrocket; Across The Universe by Beth Revis and Anna And The French Kiss by Steph Perkins. Ugh. Will I ever be that good?

  33. Loved this review! It was like Elana with a little side of hate. Tasted kinda good actually!

  34. This sounds so good! I just ordered 'Before I Fall' so I am going to read that one first. I know...I'm like the last person to read it.

    In my own defense, my 'to be read' list is freakin' huge.

  35. I love hanging out with brilliant people. Great review. Thanks, Elana!

  36. I really enjoyed Matched by Ally Condie. Maybe I'm hating her awesome skills a little. Thanks for today's review, Elana. Book sounds great!

  37. TENDER MORSELS by Margo Lanagan is one of the few books I've checked out from the library and then absolutely had to buy.

  38. It's weird, I know, but I think it's the best compliment you can give someone to tell them you read their stuff and now you hate them. ;)

    I'll definitely be reading this one. Just on your recc. of the ending. =D

  39. I never consider a good—if not great books as one I hate, sure, they make me feel incompetent, and they drive home the point, that I have a long way to go… yet they offer inspiration, and give me a path-way to follow if I ever want to be that good.

  40. Yet another book to add to my "to-read" list. Thanks for the heads up.

  41. Okay. You and your sarcasm and deepness (depth?) totally sold me on this one. I'll be signing up now.

  42. 1. The idea of this book is awesome. 2. Your review is the most interesting review I've read! I am now going to read this book.

  43. Love the cover - love the concept - gotta get me this book! :)

  44. The concept is brilliant and I totally get what you mean by "hating" her for it. Recent books that make me "hate"? I hate Michael Cunningham for his gorgeous prose. I hate Suzanne Collins and Laurie Halse Anderson for their writing and their themes and the authenticity that shines through.

    I want to grow up to be like them.

  45. Love can really be like delirium sometimes. I have a Barnes & Noble gift card burning a hole in my pocket. I am definitely going to put this on my to purchase list.

  46. I just got this in the mail today! Squeal! And I hated Lauren Oliver when I read Before I Fall because it was AMAZING!

  47. Great premise and nice love story. Unearthly and XVI are a couple of my new favs!
