Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tell the Truth Tuesday: I Was Done

Okay, so wow. I feel like we should just bask in yesterday's awesomeness. I read every single comment, and who knew the crowd outside was so big?

I *heart* you all, into tiny bits and pieces. Thank you.

Okay, sappy stuff over. So I seriously spent the weekend off-line. It was one of the best weekends of my life. I read a book. I watched like, four movies. I did a whole bunch of stuff that's been sitting on the back burner for a while.

I felt productive, people!

I think I was just done. Like stick-a-fork-in-me done. I feel better now. Rejuvenated or something. Ready for the month of February to kick me to the curb and back. Bring it on February. Bring. It. On.

How are you feeling? Are you done? Just gearing up? Ready for the shortest month of the year to blow by you?

Oh, and the winner of The Lost Saint book and nail polish is Kelly Bryson! Sorry I forgot to do it yesterday. Email me, Kelly, so I can get your addy! (elanajohnson(at)gmail.com


  1. I feel that way all the time. You just have to give yourself some time for yourself. Maybe it's really unprofessional of me, but I try to never force it.

  2. I have a month to survive. Too many swim meets and volunteer opportunities this month. But things will be better in March. I'm trying not to expect too much writing wise until the next three weeks are over. But kids are worth it so I don't mind.

    Glad you had such an awesome weekend.

  3. Yeah, last month was a rough one. Not sure if it's the stinking cold up here. Man, it's freezing. I'm hoping for a better February. I'm stumped, right now, with both my WIPs and still in limbo with a few agents/publishers. Hopeful, though...

    Go get'em, Ms. February.

  4. I'm glad your'e fired up. Go, girl!

    This is going to be an odd month. 1 week vacation, end of my job, maybe being in an anthology (I'm on the longlist!), and who knows what else the month will bring?

  5. Yay! I love feeling refreshed! That being said I'm currently playing the waiting game. I sent out the manuscript to the publishing house on Saturday and now I wait. I count down the days, the minutes, the itty bitty seconds. I'm talking crazy talk.

    So for now I am still trying to stay calm and productive. Trying to find things that make me seem less crazy. So far it isn't working.

  6. I can't figure out how to "like" your page that you mentioned on FB???

    And i have been waffling in a weird spot of not being motivated. Or maybe I was motivated, but couldn't concentrate? Meh. I really just think I'm tired of waiting.


  7. Even though so many authors say write every day, I don't. You want to love it, not feel like I have to do this. Taking a break from it all is good, even a day a week. I do need to unplug my computer more though!

  8. Welcome back to us from a weekend of productive "nothingness".

    How do I feel right now? I think I should get off this d***n Internet and start writing. Yeah!!! I think that's what I should do. Now.

    Thanks for giving me that push.

  9. I've been tied up with family matters so getting back into the groove. Read some posts I missed. Great stuff! Happy you're back on form after a break. I've got to pull away to keep the mojo humming.

  10. I'm not exactly "done" but some days lately I feel almost there LOL. Since I refuse to completely give up however, I'll keep from throwin' in the towel. Besides, I have you to look up to :)

  11. I'm wondering why the shortest month of the year feels like the longest...

  12. It's beene a hard winter so far. Here's hoping February offers a lot of inspiration. Glad you had a good rest.

  13. One of the snowiest winter on record....yup soooo done! Did the same thing this weekend. Netflix and I had a blast!

  14. I won something? That's awesome. I loved The Dark Divine! Thanks! And thanks to the people who wandered over to my blog yesterday to share their blurb and look for crit partners. I'll email you, Elana.

  15. I think I'm done and I'm gearing up, or something like that. I missed yesterday's post. I was travelling all day. I'm gonna go read--from what you've said above, it sounds like a classic :-)

  16. I so want that Lost Saint book. I must get to the bookstore.
    Anyway, the whole month of January has been totally suck month for me. I think you need to just step back and breathe. I'm known not to do this, but I'm trying.
    You go in February. Go Elana!

  17. Recently I've been feeling like I'm done, but I know I have to gear up. I'd like to try and finish my first draft of my new wip by the end of this month...however, the story isn't coming to me at all like I thought it would! Ugh. So frustrating! This time around, I even did a bit (just a little bit) of plotting and character profiles.

  18. After six weeks of vaca and guests I'm cherishing getting back to a regular schedule of writing.

  19. I'm done and just gearing up. Assuming this thing that's happened pans out, this month will mark a huge change in my life that I am excited, nervous, and overall happy about.

    Too bad it's not writing related.

  20. Glad you're feeling better. I'm just gearing up. Ready to face a new & short month. Lots going on and I love it. :)

    Have a great day, Elana.

  21. I'm ready and in gear! Hope you have a great February!

  22. That's why I don't go online during the weekend. I have two blogs but I won't touch either on my "days off." I don't read blogs, either. Being able to have some time away from the Internet definitely recharges me.

    And as for this month? Bring it on, February, bring it on.

  23. I took an extra long weekend off of the internet myself, and therefore didn't see your post from yesterday, but really wanted to weigh in on that.

    I am always one who feels on the outside looking in. When I was a kid I always stayted up latest at the slumber party because I didn't want to miss anything (or have people talk about me, freeze my bra, whatever). This progressed to being the last one to leave a party in HS/College, book club, whatever.

    Now I'm the same way online. I'm so afraid if I miss a day of blogging I'll miss out on something. I lack the confidence to just "leave the party early".

    So blah blah blah, I decided what the heck, I'm going to take the weekend off. I got some major work done on my WIP and feel much better about it. And I finished ATU! Yeah, what a great read.

    Here's to being confident enough to take a weekend off!

  24. I just read your yesterday's post. I'm glad you had a rejuvenating weekend. Sometimes that's all it takes, just a couple of days to find yourself again. I'm geared up. I met January goals and I'm ready to tear into February.

  25. OH my gosh! I forgot it was the shortest month of the year. I'd better get off my butt and get some work done!

    p.s. I'm so done with the snow. Really. Done.

  26. I'm sorry you were feeling that way yesterday. That's just plain sucky. But glad you are feelin' the love now!

    And I'm late to compliment you but I love the new blog header and set up.

  27. It sounds like you were smart to take a break. I did that last Saturday. I stayed in my jammies ALL DAY and read City of Glass until bedtime. :-)

  28. I feel like I've just finished resting and it's time to get back in the game! I took a bit of a break from "real" writing in January. Now it's time to kick some MS A$$

  29. Unfortunately, I have too much to do to be done. But, I'm glad you enjoyed your weekend and feel all rejuvenated so you can share with the rest of us.

  30. That's awesome that you got a break! After writing for hours and hours to finish my personal Jan-Nan-O, I took a break Sunday and felt so much better on Monday. I tackled the end of the book with a fresh mind and finished the whole thing! I believe scheduled breaks are a great thing!

  31. I'm glad you had a productive weekend. Aren't they wonderful? Sometimes it's enough to take a few days for "me time" to make yourself feel like a refreshed, living, human being again. :)

    I think I need one.

  32. Glad you are feeling refreshed. It's always nice to take a little time off from everything. I'm hoping to take February by the horns!

  33. I think we all get "done" occasionally. And nothing's better than taking a break every now and then to reboot. My fav is vegging out with the hubs while we watch some cheesy movie or just catching up with the fam. Glad you're feeling rejuvenated. Happy February.

  34. I kind of wish I were done. Done leads to a new beginning, and I'm all for that.

  35. I have SO MUCH backburner stuff I need to do (like cleaning, eep!), but I guess I'm mostly gearing up. Especially since Lunar New Year is like in two days. Woohoo! :)

  36. Is cruising an option?
    Four movies? Awesome!

  37. I hardly ever get on the internet on the weekends. I stay on almost all week so the weekend is to get more writing done and family time. Ok, that really means laundry time. It must be done.

  38. I'm really excited for February... thanks to your help with my query over on Matt's blog! I took a machete to the query and cut it down to 159 words. (159 words!!!) I feel so much lighter. :)

  39. I loved your post yesterday and totally get just being done. Today I'm glad that January is done and I'm really hoping this month will be better. Maybe I'll have to copy you and spend the weekend offline. I have to admit, it sounds appealing.

  40. Taking time for yourself is crucial. IMO, every writer needs to break away from the Internet at least once a week.

    So glad you're feeling better, Elana. Just remember: ebb and flow. ;-)

  41. ergh. I totally missed the love yesterday, and I could've used it. As it stands now, I thought I was done...

    sike! ;p (is that how that's spelled?)

  42. I'm a bit done myself. But fortunately, I woke up with a head cold this morning so I'm using it as an excuse to spend the entire day in bed.

    I'm glad you had a good weekend! Sometimes you just have to recharge...

  43. This is my least favorite part of the year, and for the last month, I was feeling pretty done. I found myself doing everything ... except writing. I took a little break, read a few books, and I'm now into a new project, which is a relief. Disconnecting is a necessary part of the whole thing, I think. As is reconnecting!

  44. I'm excited and am totally gearing up for a fabulous year now. I had the most amazing time at the conference I just got back from. Multiple requests from both a fantastic agent and unbelievably awesome editors!

  45. I try to take every weekend off from the intertubes -- it doesn't always work though ;)

  46. I’m ready to see my WIP to completion (weather than means getting it published or not) and look forward to growing my craft.

    The future never looked so bright.

  47. I love weekends like that! They renew my sense of optimism and confidence. Glad you're feeling happy and ready to tackle the days ahead.

  48. I think I love February...Valentine's Day...yummy chocolates...a tiny piece of jewelry...champagne...dinner out...and...why can't I Kindle your book? I would love to pre order it...but...it is not available for Kindle...

  49. Sometimes we all need a break,

    I'm supposed to only work on nonfiction articles to earn money to help the bills, but I'm sure I won't be able to last all month without writing any fiction. Sh, don't tell my husband that.

  50. Congrats to Kelly! :)

    I'm running on empty physically because life has taken a few odd twists and turns late. Strangely though I'm not down - the twists have been good ones - just tiring! :)

  51. Ah, hugs, hugs, hugs. You deserved the chance to regroup.

    Glad you're all happy and cheery now! Just in time for your craziest-month-yet but your just-gearing-up-month! Ha!

    Strap in baby! The ride's about to start .... !!!!!

  52. We're hibernating here as this is going to prove the next few days are going to be coldest yet for the Texas Hill Country.

    Oh brrrrrr.

  53. yes ready!! and eagerly waiting!

  54. I'm gearing up to make some personal changes that start in February. So...yep, I'm ready. :)
    Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

  55. i've been in a schlumpy funk lately and i'm not sure why. maybe the winter blahs...but i'm gearing up to FINALLY finish 2 books. i HAVE to. or my crit group will have my arsh.

  56. Going offline for a few days can be amazingly productive and refreshing. Personally, I'm feeling... up and down and all around. Some days I'm raring to go and write like my pants are on fire. Other days I mellow out and try to return the house to order. ;)

  57. I've actually been thinking about doing this very thing - chopping out beginnings of scenes and just jumping right in. So this is like my sign that I should definitely do that! Excellent advice, thanks :-)

  58. I just had to let you know that all that you do is really inspiring... I am starting out on this writing, platform, query adventure and your information has really helped. And I want February to blow by so spring gets here.

  59. Oh February. You are evil.

    I'm glad you're feeling better and that you had a nice weekend of youness. (Like of like newness.) *hugs*
