Monday, March 7, 2011

The World of Possession

Okay, so today is March 7. It's the three-month mark until Possession comes out on June 7.

In honor of that, I'm going to be doing a monthly contest: One that launches on March 7th (that's today), one on April 7th, and one on May 6th.

All three contests will be run through the Possession Facebook fanpage. So you can comment here--and you know I love your comments--but if you want to enter and win, you have to do it on the FB fanpage.

Here's what we're doing this month: Your greatest POSSESSION.

In the dystopian society of Possession, everything is mandated by someone else. Someone smarter than you. A Thinker. What classes you take. What you wear. Who you get to hang out with. With that in mind, this contest is going to focus on one particular banned item.

From Possession, where Vi (the female MC) describes something Jag (the male MC) is wearing:

He wore a necklace. Jewelry is against the rules in the Goodgrounds.

But here was a boy. Wearing jewelry. The necklace didn’t hang down onto his chest, but barely encircled his throat. It looked like it choked him—almost. The white rocks were shaped like cylinders with different colored jewels alternating between them. Red, blue, purple, and orange. The gems sparkled even though there was no light source in the shelter. Almost like an internal light radiated from them.

And for this oh-my-heck-there's-only-three-months-until-Possession-comes-out contest you can win one of Jag's chokers!

This is not my sexy neck. But yowsa! That is a sexy necklace.

To enter:
1. Go to the Possession Facebook fanpage. Like it.
2. On the FB fanpage DISCUSSION tab, join the discussion and tell us your greatest possession.
3. Do this by Friday, March 25.
4. A winner will be drawn for this fabulous against-the-rules necklace and announced on the Facebook fanpage wall on Monday, March 28.

You can tweet or blog or facebook about the contest, but I'm not doing extra entries. Yeah, I am just that lazy (and not that smart).

Can you imagine living in a world where you can't even wear jewelry?

Also, get thee over to the WriteOnCon site! Major announcement today! MAY-JOR.

And winners! These five people have won signed copies of THE LIAR SOCIETY by Lisa and Laura Roecker. Please email me (elanajohnson(at)gmail(dot)com with your mailing address.)
1. Tere Kirkland
2. Gabrielle at Biased Book Reviews
3. Jennie Englund
4. Aik at The Bookaholics
5. Peggy Eddleman


  1. Yah! Only 3 more months till your book comes out. I can't wait. And I'll be watching how the social network guru here uses the Internet to market your book.

    And that's awesome that the dates for WriteOnCon. I've got them on my calendar.

  2. So much fun packed into such a small post. I cannot wait for June to come! It's too far away!!!!

  3. Wow! What a cool idea to have monthly contests up to your release date and be doing something original - like a necklace inspired by your book.

    I really can't imagine living in a place where I couldn't pick my own jewelry.... I can't wait to dip my toes into the world though!

  4. That is a great idea to make people remember your title. I'm going to have think about this one before I post something on the Facebook Fan page.

    And when I have a book coming out, I may have to pick your brain!

  5. I would have expected nothing less from your fabulous self! Love the necklace and that is one sexy neck!

    I'll make sure to let all my followers and twitterites know about this fab facebook contest!!!

    PS I downloaded Query to the Call last night. Eek! You're more amazing than I ever could imagine! Here's hoping I'm at least HALF as good as you at querying!

  6. Yay. It's getting closer and closer. How exciting!! Enjoy the journey.

  7. Very cool, and congrats to these lucky winners!

  8. For privacy reasons I don't facebook, but what a great contest idea! And a good way to look at writing Dystopian...I'll have to keep that in mind if I journey down that road!

  9. I'm getting excited. Three more months and I get to read the book. :D

  10. Nice contest! Is it open for foreigners?


  11. yay! I can't believe it's almost here! On my way to FB...;)

  12. love it!!! These 3 months are going to fly! :D

  13. A prize for one and a teaser about the story for the rest of us. Great idea, and the book sounds even better!

  14. 3 months? Wow, that's so soon! Congratulations :)

  15. Love the necklace! What a cool contest, Elana. :D

  16. 3 months? You must be so excited! :)

  17. Congratulations to the winners! And WOOT for the jewelry giveaway!

  18. Cool necklace! Three months, woohoo!

  19. Cool! That turned out awesome. Love.

  20. OMG, how awesome that a cool possession from you book became real!! The necklace is too cool!!
    Great contest! And three months will be here before you know it!

  21. Holy Cow - three months till release! And I love the Jag necklace.

  22. What? No jewelry?! I love jewelry, so I really can't even contemplate the thought. :P

    Yay, 3 months! Excited!

  23. Only three months until the release? Wow - time flies! Great contest!

  24. I am lapping this up and amazed at your marketing skills. I dont' normally read dystopian YA, but I tell ya are getting me excited Elana!!!

  25. as a reluctant jewelry-wearer, I might not mind that world so much... :D But I am so likin your FB page, and you must be SO SO SO excited! I can't even imagine!

    My most valued possession... hmm... hmm... hmm... wow. Tough one. My kindle maybe? With all the books on it, I mean! :D xoxo <3

  26. Ooh, monthly contests! That sounds like fun. Awesome idea to do the necklace!

  27. Oh goodness. I'm getting so PUMPED to read this!!! What an awesome idea for contests! (TOO CUTE NECKLACE!)

  28. Love the necklace and I cannot WAIT for your book!

  29. Looks fantastic E! Can't wait to see what you're going to do in the next months!

  30. So I've "discussed" over on the page but I kind of cheated. I'm a cheater. So sue me. But don't because I'm poor. Wait until I'm rich. And then sue me. But I'll probably pay you off in a settlement agreement so just fight tough enough to get the settle. ;)

  31. Looking forward to your book! So exciting. Fun necklace, too. =D

  32. Ahhh, three months! I can't believe it's coming out so soon. (And yet it feels like forever until we get to read it.)

  33. Congrats! Just 3 more months - that's so awesome. Love the choker. Congrats to the lucky signed-Liar-Society winners. And I'm headed over to writeoncon right now! Thanks, Elana! :)

  34. :)
    Congrats to the winners....

  35. I sent you an e-mail a few days ago. Did you receive it?
