Tuesday, May 3, 2011


First, thanks for the great day yesterday! I enjoyed reading all your comment on Theresa's blog, and the excitement over the "Tag, You're It" contest was infectious.

Today, there are too. many. things.

1. MOONGLASS by Jessi Kirby is out today. You have to get this book. I'm doing a full Bookanistas review in a week or two, but I can't let today go by without mentioning MOONGLASS.

I *loved* this book. So go get a copy! You won't be sorry.

2. It is Dystopian Week on MTV's Hollywood Crush! I mean, what could be better? Oh, you want to know what my favorite dystopian reads are? Well, watch their blog--I'll be there at some point this week! (I know, I almost died too.)

3. Sarah Allen is giving me some blog space today. Go check it out! (This is not part of my official blog tour, but could be entertaining nonetheless. Who uses "nonetheless" in a sentence? And I totally spell out why you shouldn't start writing. Seriously. So click on over there.)

4. Have you iClued yet? You can win an iTouch with SIX NOVELS on it, including Beth Revis's Across the Universe and Lisa & Laura Roecker's The Liar Society. I totally know who Seth's secret admirer is...

5. I am out of sour patch kids. This is a tragedy, trust me.

6. The winner of the first ever Bookanistas Give Back event is: Jennifer Lamoureux.

Yay! Congrats! You won the Dystopian Trifecta of Awesome Books of Awesomeness from me. Email me your mailing address so I can get these in the mail. elanajohnson(at)gmail.com.

What's your random today?


  1. Your interview with Sarah was awesome. It's cool learning more about you and sharing in your debut. So excited for you!

  2. Great interview. And srsly, I understand that you can't outline. I tried to pants once and it was an epic failure of major proportions!

    And I didn't iclue b/c I have a Touch and already own 3 of the books! :)

  3. My random? The sun is coming out so I'll have coffee on the porch this morning! (This excites me because it's been pouring rain for weeks over here)
    My Blog

  4. My random is that even though it's raining, all my tulips are in bud, and they're going to be ready to bloom at the same time when the sun finally makes its reappearance. It's going to be beautiful.

    And no more Sour Patch Kids? *gasp* Get thee to a corner store!

  5. After today, I only have one final and one presentation, woohoo. That is after today, as in I need to get crackin!

  6. Congrats, Elana!

  7. My random is that we have way too much Easter candy left. I just had two kisses for breakfast and more to come...
    Have a great Tuesday, Elana!

  8. My random?


    I like Angelus more than Angel on Buffy. so far. I'm watching season two.

    This is my random because otherwise it'd be rambling about an email I'm waiting for.

  9. My random - there's isn't enough time today to get everything done.

    Wait a sec... that's every day. *sigh*

  10. Looking forward to checking out your interview!

    My random - windows are being replaced in my house today and I'll have a super clean glass until the little ones come home and put fingerprints all over. :)

  11. Eep - were we supposed to select the Bookanista winners. Yikes....Must. Do. This.

  12. Oh! And Dude - forgot to tell you. I totally mentioned my love for your blog in my tour stop today. HAHA!!!

  13. Mmmm....Sour Patch Kids. This is the second reference to the candy I've heard in 12 hours. It must be a sign.

    I'm excited for the release of Divergent, which I've been dying to read forever. Now if Amazon would just hurry up and send my copy...

  14. Yay! Congrats Jennifer!

    So sorry to hear about the sour patch kids. Really. That's just awful!


    Isn't that like, a crime?

  16. Running out your favorite candy is horrible. Mine is almond joy if I want chocolate or nerds rope if I want sugar.

  17. Great interview! Love the honesty and now I have a craving for sour patch kids...

  18. I was just looking at that MTV dystopian week thing!

    My randomosity: I've been steadily DESTROYING a 1 pound bag of Red Vines by myself. I'm kinda grossed out by the idea of this, but I can't just eat ONE!

  19. I spent two hours getting my snow tires switched to all season tires. ANd I'm worried I jumped the gun. :/

    Oh, and I'm sick. Really, winter can end anytime now. :P

    Oh, and I love little emoticons (or whatever the heck they are). ;)

  20. My random? The only chocolate in the house is a bag of semi sweet choc chips. But it'll do in a pinch. Oh, but we do have bacon. So pretty happy about that. :)

    (Tried to figure out how to work nonetheless into my comment but it just didn't happen. :)

  21. My random is that I'm home with 2 of my 3 kiddos--we all have the same NASTY COLD!! Argh! :-)

  22. My random: as a writer I’ve spent more time lately, deleting words instead of composing them.

    BTW: Congrats Jennifer.

  23. That's some awesome randomosity you've got going on here! So fun to see you blogging on MTV. That is just so weird and cool!

  24. All kinds of goodies!! :)

    My random? I've got my computer back and I'm so excited to be writing and visiting blogs again!

  25. wow, it looks like a fun book.

    fantastic book review.

  26. Dude, funniest thing I ever saw was when we gave a baby a sour patch kid. LOL! Best moment ever.

    I loved your interview at Theresa's and I'm off to read what's up at Sarah's!

  27. oh no. Go get the sour patch kids!

  28. E!!! I just saw this!!! Thank you so much!!! Off to cry now, for the millionth time today. :)
