Saturday, June 18, 2011

FAIRY BAD DAY by Amanda Ashby

Today, I'm thrilled to have Amanda Ashby here on the blog! She's here to give us a little more information about her new book, FAIRY BAD DAY.

It’s going to be a fairy bad day.

First, my rightful designation of dragon slayer is STOLEN right out from under me by Curtis Green. Sure, he’s really cute, but that doesn’t give him an excuse.

On top of that, I am assigned to slay fairies. I know what you’re thinking—how hard could it be, right? Wrong! These menacing beasts with their tiny hipster clothes and mocking sarcasm love taunting me. And they won’t STOP!

But the thing that tops my list of stuff to ruin my day? That would be the GIANT KILLER FAIRY that I have to hunt down and slay because I am the only one who can see it. There is someone who can help me. Unfortunately…it’s Curtis.

The Twitter version: tell us about your book in 140 characters or less:
When Emma's dragon slaying spot is stolen from her, she's pretty sure that thing can't possibly get worse. Emma’s wrong!

What people are saying:
"Teens with a taste for the paranormal school story and a tolerance for raucous humor will be involved with and amused by this romantic fantasy. The exciting plot, humor throughout—often provided by the little fairies—and relatively innocent romance between characters will grab readers and keep them involved. " Kirkus Reviews

"In a fun mashup of the modern and the magical, Ashby (Zombie Queen of Newbury High) creates nicely developed characters and supports them with strong plotting and zippy writing. Laced with humor, danger, and romance, this book will have readers smiling all the way to the last page." Publisher's Weekly

“Great fairy fun from page one! If Buffy and Harry Potter got together and threw a magical slayer party, it would be the world Amanda Ashby created in Fairy Bad Day. With plenty of laugh-out-loud humor, emotional depth, and cute boy romance, reading this book will guarantee your day is fairy awesome.” Tera Lynn Childs, award-winning author of Oh. My. Gods. and Forgive My Fins

"Fairy Bad Day is fairy awesome supernatural slaying fun." Stacey Jay author of You are So Undead to Me and Undead Much

"I really liked that no matter how mad Emma wanted to be at Curtis, she just couldn't stay mad—not with those beautiful brown eyes and that lopsided grin. I loved the cover design, it really drew me in. This was a very good book and I would highly recommend it." School Library Journal Vanessa, age 12

Have you always wanted to be a writer?
No. I have always loved reading and I’ve always been good at creative writing but I honestly didn’t know that regular people could become authors so I actually studied journalism but I knew fairly early on that it wasn’t a good fit (the essence of journalism is to be concise and factual. So. Not. Going. To. Happen). Every now and then it would bother me about what would happen if my favorite authors hadn’t written my favorite books and I finally had an epiphany and realized that I wanted to write a book. It all felt quite sudden and the moment I said it, I sat down and wrote my first novel in a month. It was completely awful but, as most writers know, once the seeds are planted, we don’t tend to leave them alone!

What made you decide to go that “extra step” and seek publication?
From the moment I had my epiphany I’ve always chased publication. In fact it amazes me the number of hopeful authors who write books and then don’t try and submit them anywhere. I guess some of it is fear, but I never felt like that. I just wanted to get it out there!

Quick! You’ve been chosen to go on Survivor. What luxury item do you take?
MP3 player (I don’t watch Survivor so I’m hoping that this is allowed because I will play dirty if my MP3 player is taken off me!)

And the most important of all: bacon or chocolate?

Thanks for stopping by Amanda--and I can't wait to read FAIRY BAD DAY.


  1. This is the kind of book that makes me wish I were twelve again...I'll read it anyway...but I still wish I was twelve.

  2. What a wonderful book idea! I'm glad someone thought so too and published it. Thank you for sharing tidbits about yourself, Amanda. I relate to you on so many levels. Congrats!

  3. The book sounds like a kick. Good for you Amanda for treading the author road.

  4. right up my alley :)

    and wanted to pop over and tell you how wonderful your launch party was. I was grinning from ear to ear seeing you behind that signing table. So, so happy for you :D

  5. Great. Now my TBR pile is even bigger.

    Sounds really fun!

  6. The premise of this book is so much fun. And what a voice! I'm going to read this book!

  7. Wonderful answers to the questions! The book sounds funny and interesting, but killing fairies? LOL That's a twist I have not seen since Labyrinth with David Bowe. Very curious- thanks so much for posting information about this book Elana

  8. Yes! I am adding this to my GoodReads list now! Thanks!
