Wednesday, June 15, 2011

WiP Wednesday

So I answer a lot of interview questions. One I get quite often is "What are you working on now?"

Well. Remember that post a couple of months ago where I had a dream about a guitar-playing, resistance-inspiring Beth Revis?

Yeah, I'm writing that.

Sans Beth, of course, but still.

I'M WRITING THAT. It's dystopian. It's fantasy. It's YA. It's fun to be writing again.

Who knew? Here's a little WIPpet:
I finger the scrap of paper in my dress pocket. It speaks of something I’ve heard rumors of. Whispers. I’ve seen a pamphlet once or twice, and immediately torn it up or tossed it in the incinerator.

This time, though, I kept the paper. Sure, I was about to throw it aside when my eyes caught the word “music.”

I’ve been carrying it for days. Tonight’s the night of something called a sing-in. I still haven’t decided if I’ll go or not. A deep gulf inside of me desperately wants to. The sensible girl inside says, Forget about it, Echo.

I listen to her too much.

But I don’t have the strength to override her.

What are you working on right now?


  1. Sounds great! I'm finishing up my current draft of my YA fantasy. Can't wait to start the editing process.

  2. Ooo, sounds goooood :)
    I just finished my YA (contemporary?) WiP yesterday, so I'll be editing today!

  3. Can't wait to read the rest of the words that go with it. :D

    I'm rewriting the second half of my WIP. I didn't mean to. This is what you get for reading Save The Cat and using a corkboard. It's so much fun removing scenes (index cards) and moving others around (when you are bored one night), but it comes with a consequence. Hopefully that consequence will be worth it. :D

  4. Sounds great. I'm doing a revision for voice and am about 1/2 through. I'm hoping this will be one of my last revisions before finally querying. And I'm starting to outline a new YA urban fantasy.

  5. Still the same novel. Been 2 years now. Probably be another 2 before it's done, but I'm okay with it.

  6. That looks good!

    I'm currently working on a romantic comedy with a coming-of-age feel (even though my MC is 30...). I'm 45K in and hoping to have it finished and ready for first edits next month.

  7. Thank you for sharing the WIPpet! I'm so close to the end of my first draft for my YA fantasy. Just got to keep chugging along.

  8. I'm pretending to work on a YA dystopic. But in reality I'm in a slump. Matthew's comment up there gave me heart. :)

  9. It's amazing where our dreams can take us.

    I like the idea of paper and music being banned. And how cool is the name Echo?

  10. Oh, I love this!

    I finished my WIP finally and am waiting to send it to an editor. I'm thinking about the characters, making notes, thinking about the plot, making notes for my next project. I have a title. I know a lot. It's almost time to write some of it down and letting more ideas flow.

  11. I'm currently between projects (aka procrastinating). But this has inspired me to get my butt in gear, go to the coffee shop with my notebook and do some brainstorming on some of my pet ideas. Maybe I'll have a WIP by the time I get home. :)

  12. Oh my gosh! Did you make up WIPpet??? Can I steal that!!! It's awesome. LOL
    I'm working on revisions. Contractual revisions. *grin*

  13. WIPpet. Love it.

    Yay for writing! Hope this one turns out as well or better than you hoped!

  14. I'm revising my middle grade fantasy and working on a horror short story. I can never just work on one thing at a time.

  15. Hi, Elana,

    How funny that you're writing your new novel about a dream.

    I normally write m/g and y/a fantasy. I had a dream about six months ago about a blind gardener and soon wrote my novel THE BLINDED GARDENER. It is currently in its final edit now. It is a Y/A edgy contemporary.

    I currently have a small publishing house interested in reading the full, but I need to add 10,000 plus words. They have a 70,000 min. Odd, huh?

    I plan to shop it around as soon as I finish the final edit. Hopefully by the beginning of next week.

  16. NICE!! I bet it feels nice to be writing again. I have to get through this last round of edits on my novel then I can start in on a new one that's been swirling around in my head. Can't wait!! :) LOVE the rush of starting a new novel.

  17. First, HUGE CONGRATS!!! I can't wait to read POSSESSION.

    As for me, I'm waiting on agent edits to come in, which has become the story of my life. ;)

  18. Yay! The WIP sounds great and congrats on the release!!! Will check out your virtual launch party tomorrow.

  19. Ooo, sounds great, Elana! Good luck with your new wip and have fun!

  20. WHAT DO YOU MEAN SANS BETH?!!?!?!?!?!?!!!


  21. WHAT DO YOU MEAN SANS BETH?!!?!?!?!?!?!!!


  22. WHAT DO YOU MEAN SANS BETH?!!?!?!?!?!?!!!


  23. WHAT DO YOU MEAN SANS BETH?!!?!?!?!?!?!!!


  24. Very intriguing. I'm getting ready for revisions and starting to write a query. yikes.

  25. WHAT DO YOU MEAN SANS BETH?!!?!?!?!?!?!!!


  26. More please! :D

    I am working on... *sigh* nothing really. I have like 3 projects whispering to me and I keep procrastinating.

    *runs away and hides*

  27. I love dystopian stories. Thanks for the little teaser! It sounds great.

  28. I really hope Echo doesn't listen to her sensible side ;D

  29. LOVE the name Echo and the voice in this. Can't wait to read it - hint, hint. :) Still working on the companion novel to my third book - I've made a lot more progress on it the last couple weeks.

  30. I love it. But I think you may have disturbed Beth by your

    I am still working on my awesome ghost story, I like to call it my b-nip (bestselling novel in progress). It helps to be positive.

  31. LOVE IT! You are so full of awesome, Elana.

  32. Sounds great. I'm currently working on a YA SciFi

  33. What a fun idea! And I love the name Echo--that's perfect! Have a great time getting back to writing!

  34. A project that's gone through about a million drafts but is finally clicking! It's a loose little mermaid retelling. Without the turning into dust. Or the mermaids.

  35. I'm hooked!

    I'm finishing the last edits before I submit (squealing) and working on a YA thriller.

    How are you, Elana? If you need a break from reality, come on over to my house and we'll talk over Oreos. :)

  36. LOVE the name Echo!

    Just finished my edits on my YA Fantasy Novel, and trying to get my query ready to seek out an agent, (butterflies in stomach).

    I also have an adult romantic comedy that I am developing. Should be interesting, I’ve never written something completely based in reality.

  37. Oooh, music and a girl named Echo? Is this going to be a theme? I like it!

    I'm working on this fantasy sorta steampunk thing, but it is slow going without my partner in crime. Chipping away at it though!

  38. And you're off and running again!
    I'm finishing final revisions on the sequel to my book, then it's of to my publisher with fingers crossed.

  39. I've got a new wip now, too. Doesn't it feel good to be drafting again?

    Best of luck!

  40. Oooh, intriguing! :D Also, love the name Echo.

    I'm excited!

  41. Love, love, LOVE the excerpt, Elana! And the name! *swoon* Echo is such a GREAT name!

  42. Great WIPpet!

    I'm working on an earthquake novel and it's slowly draining the life from me. I think I might need to find something to intersperse with it before it kills me.

  43. How cool that the idea for your story came from a dream. I like the premise for it, and agree that Echo is a great name.
    Just finished answering answers for an interview. Whew!

  44. I'm more wiped out than I thought. That should be finished answering questions! Sheesh!
