Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Giveaway Week, Day Three of Like, Like

Up first: The winner of the signed ARC of FOREVER by Maggie Stiefvater is: Vivien!

Congrats! Please email me at elanajohnson(at)gmail(dot)com with your mailing address and I'll get this bad boy in the mail.

So I went to the pool again yesterday, and I felt all bad about it. To make myself feel better, I'm offering another prize today! Gotta spread the summer love where we can, right?


Be sure to check back every day--especially if you enter. If you don't claim your prize by the end of the week, I'll draw a new winner.

So today, I give you a signed ARC of THE FUTURE OF US by Jay Asher and Carolyn Mackler! That's right! Signed by both of them! This book doesn't come out until November 21, so yeah.

Here's a bit about it, since you might not know, since it's not out yet: It's 1996, and less than half of all American high school students have ever used the Internet.

Emma just got her first computer and an America Online CD-ROM.

Josh is her best friend. They power up and log on--and discover themselves on Facebook, fifteen years in the future.

Everybody wonders what their Destiny will be. Josh and Emma are about to find out.

Now you get why this post was titled with a "Like, like," don't you? ;)

To enter:
1. Leave a comment here by 10 PM Mountain time. (1 entry) Yes, it's that easy.*
2. Blog about this contest TODAY. (I am not doing twitter or facebook or Google+ or anything else. A blog post. You will get 1 entry for the blog post.)

That's all. I'm not doing a Google form or anything. Winners will be drawn from the comments of this post, and if you blogged about it, say so(!) so I can count you for 2 entries, okay?

Okay. The winner will be announced on Friday.

And since the title is THE FUTURE OF US, I have a "future" related question: If you could, would you want to see the future? Know what's coming to you, good or bad?

*All followers, old and new, will get an additional entry, but it is NOT required to follow my blog to win. Of course, I hope you do, because sometimes I say funny things, and give stuff away, and talk about books and bacon and any number of Adam Lambert hairstyles... So yeah.


  1. No, I don't think I would want to see the future; it would mess with the present.

    I'm a blog follower: Momo (Books Over Boys).

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. I'd love to win this. I loved Jay Asher's first book, Thirteen Reasons Why.

    I don't think I'd like to see the future. If it's unknown, hopefully it can be changed by our current actions.

  3. Nice concept. And thanks for making it easy on us! ;)

  4. I definitely wouldn't want to see the future. I would always be so worried about trying to change outcomes, I probably wouldn't enjoy myself.

  5. I love these easy contests. You rule EJ.

    And I can already see the future. In it: I'm awesome, which is pretty much the same as it ever was.

  6. I don't think I would want to know the future. It would completely change your life and every decision that you make. Too scary for me.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  7. If you could, would you want to see the future? Know what's coming to you, good or bad?

    I wouldn't. It would censor me. I'd live my life expecting the result or live my life trying to change the result, instead of just living my life (sorry, Rihanna moment!)

    TweetyB99 at aol dot com

  8. Oooh, this sounds good. Please enter me. Sorry I don't have my own blog.

  9. I stress enough about day to day things so I wouldn't want to know the future. Sure some of it might be good and would take away some of the stress but there's bound to be things that I'd just rather wait on learning about too.

    GFC: Ash

  10. Oh my gosh! You have no idea how much I want this book! Thanks so much for the giveaway! :)
    I wouldn't want to be able to see my future.. I wouldn't be able to live happily if I knew something bad was coming my way!

    I am a follower of this site, BTW! :)


  11. Interesting plot premise! Wonderful giveaway! :)

  12. I think I'd like to see the future. It may be a tricky thing to do but I'm curious. However, if things like time machines were possible I'd choose the option to go back in time instead.

  13. Interesting, sounds like a thought provoking book.

    I don't think I'd like to see the future. That way my life is always in suspense.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Nope, I wouldn't want to see the future. I might see something I don't like and I'd try to change it. It could alter a lot.

    I'm a follower

    twilightforever.edward at gmail dot co

  16. I would love to see the future..

  17. I'd only want to know the future if it was in my power to change it...if I didn't like it, of course.

    I would love to read this book!


  18. I'd rather face what is to come head on without knowing what will happen. Knowing the future has it's repercussions you know =)


    Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.

  19. I want to read this book so bad! About the future...nope. I'm fine not knowing.
    Awesome contests.

  20. I would definitely not want to know the future. To me, it seems like it would ruin the surprise that is life. Thanks for the giveaway!

    Miss Lauren
    misslaurenwilk at gmail dot com

  21. No I wouldn't wanat to know the future!

    Old follower on gfc

    mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

  22. Ooh, this looks awesome :) That's a hard question, I don't know what I would pick...

    Sarah Allen
    (my creative writing blog)

  23. hi Elana :)
    I would love to win this book

  24. OOh! I love Jay Asher!

    Also, I would not want to know the future. It's too scary already; knowing it would freak me out ALL the TIME.

    sonshinemusic (at) gmail (dot) com

  25. In some aspects I would want to know my future, but at the same time it would be like reading a new book when you already know how it ends. Takes the surprise away.

    My blog post:

  26. Looking back, if I'd known then where I would be now, I would have screwed it up, so I do not want to know the future. Things have a way of working out! :)

  27. That sounds like a fabulous book! And I'd love to see the future-- but ONLY if I also had the power to change it. :)

  28. Sounds really great Elena!

  29. I probably would want to see the future. I have a tendency, a bad one at that, to think ahead instead of acknowledging the present. I'd like to know what's coming my way in the future.

    My blog post:

    Thanks for offering this, by the way!

  30. I think I'd like to leave the future a mystery, so I can always hope and try for the better rather than knowing what's coming and reacting accordingly.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  31. Nah, I wouldn't want to see the future. I would get too hung up on the bad things to come.
    Thanks for this AMAZING giveaway! I've been dying to get my hands on The Future of Us. :)

    Blog follower!

  32. Great giveaway! I would not want to see the future. I don't even try to see what my Christmas presents are even though I know where they are hidden. I like surprises too much!

  33. Knowing bad stuff about the future would be uber depressing, but I'd choose to see the good b/c it'd probably be a GREAT motivational tool.

  34. Umm...that's a hard question. I think it would be fun to see the future, but at the same time I think-like some of the other people said-it would make you worry too much about how to stop things from happening OR to try and make things happen which weren't meant to be...

    Thanks for the giveaway! I'm a new follower! :)

  35. I would definitely love to see the future!

  36. I'm so excited to read this book! I'd only want to see into the future if I could just see the good things...I think it'd be too depressing to know the bad things!

    I'm a follower. :)

  37. Wow, just think of all the crazy things that have happened since 1996 (the year I graduated high school) I agree with other comments you would want to stop things from happening. But the book still sounds fascinating!!! Oh and I blogged about the contest.

  38. My mom is a bit psychic, which scares me a little. I don't think I'd want to see the future, because it's hard enough dealing with everything else going on in my life. :)

    I'm an old follower of your blog, and I mentioned this contest in my newest blog entry!

    P.S. I just got your book from the library and am going to start it as soon as I close this window! :D

  39. I'll admit it, there are times I want to see the future. Times like, "Am I really going to marry that guy I like, or am I wasting all my emotional energy?" Those sort of life-threatening questions, you know? :)

    Old follower!

  40. I would never want to see the future. Well, maybe seeing the futures of others would be cool, but seeing my own? No way. I love not knowing what might happen and having tons of options open to me.

    Thanks for the giveaway, I'm a new follower! :)

  41. Sounds like an amazing book! Thanks again Elana!

    And as much as I'd like to know my future, I think it's better if I don't. Wouldn't want to ruin the surprise. :)

  42. Hard question, Elana. On one hand I like to be prepared, but I think I'd worry so much about the bad stuff that it would become a burden. I'll stick to the being prepared but hoping for the best.

  43. Ooo this book sounds interesting! And to answer the question I don't think I would want to see the future I would try to hard to change it if I saw something bad.

  44. I wouldn't want to know what's coming. I tend to run from problems, so I feel like I would be running for my entire life!
    Old GFC follower

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  45. Very interesting premise!!
    And no, I would not want to know what is coming.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. This book looks so cool! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

    I would love to get a sneak-peak at the future. I just want to know if everything works out for the better, in the end. :)

    Thanks again!
    +1 follower :D

  48. Sounds interesting!!! Thanks!!! :-)

  49. I'm a follower via GFC - taz

    I would love to know my future if i could. I'm not one of those people that likes surprises, i would rather just know stuff. I guess you could say I'm not a patient person at all lol!


  50. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

    GFC: Stephanie

  51. P.S. I would not want to view the future. I think it would completely mess up the present :)

  52. I am SHOCKED and THRILLED that you have a copy of this to give away! I love Carolyn Mackler so much and can't wait to read this book.

  53. Thanks Elana - I am really looking forward to reading this one!

    No, I don't think I would want to know my future.

    Blogged at

  54. Also, your blog just congratulated me on becoming a follower, which I think is nice, instead of simply saying "Why weren't you a follower until NOW, idiot??"

    And I failed to finish reading your instructions, and in my haste did not notice the future dilemma. I think I'd want to know my future so I could find out how long I live. Then maybe I could make decisions according to how much time I had left. Hmm. This is an interesting question.

  55. I'm not sure I can answer this question- I'd say I wouldn't. However, if I had the chance, I think I would do it. Yet I don't think it's that good and I wish I wouldn't since I've sort of planned my life and I guess it would upset me to see they're not going by my plans.
    Great question, made me think about things (:

    I'd love to win this book. I hope it's international!


  56. 1. I commented.
    2. I blogged:
    3. I am now following! You can follow my blog too, if you want! =)
    4. I would NOT want to see into the future! Takes the excitement out of everything.

  57. I wouldn't want to see the future. I just want to live my life and see where it goes.

    And mans, I hope the lottery gods are with me today! I'm dying to read this book.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  58. I don't want to be able to see the future---I think a lot of people would give up if they knew what exactly was coming to them. Thanks for the giveaway--this book looks amazing!


  59. I would definitely like some hints on the future. At least for the good stuff. The bad stuff should remain a surprise.

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  60. What a fantastic book. Looks like a fantastic read. Thanks for you kindness this summer. We all love arcs and books signed....

  61. Sounds like a great book - I love time travel type ideas. :)

    I would NOT want to see the future - that would take away all the fun of getting there.

  62. No, I wouldn't want to see the future. I want it to be an adventure.

    GFC follower.


  63. Well, I was in high school and using Ameria Online in 1996. I don't think I could find out a whole lot about my future self from my current Facebook page. A whole bunch of people I don't know. Which of my high school friends are married to each other, perhaps. That one of them has a novel published and I don't. Grrr. ;)

    Now my blog, on the other hand, would be very interesting to me.

  64. I would definitely not want to see the future. It is what keeps life exiting. :).

  65. Like....awesome! (and I was on the net way before 96...)

  66. Just wanted to add that, obviously, I follow your blog. :-)

    You know, I got my first email account a couple years before '96... Brings back memories.

  67. Interesting book! I haven't heard of this one yet so THANKS!

  68. I would like to see the future, but like, not MY future personally. I'd love to see things like in Doctor Who, like, hundreds and hundreds of years into the future, or something that is not related to me.
    However, if I could see my future, I would LOVE to see me winning this book (see what I did there?). Seriously, though, this is one of the books I'm most looking forward to. As a matter of fact, I think there's only one book I want more than this one, and that would be "Why We Broke Up" by Daniel Handler (FAVORITE AUTHOR OF ALL TIME). So if you get an ARC of that one, give it away (TO ME TO ME!)
    So yeah, that's that :)
    oh, and I'm a follower (I want all the chances I can get. Too bad I don't have a blog)

  69. Jay Asher, you say? Yes please! Thank you so much for the giveaway! I'm in if it's international
    I'm an old blog follower :P

  70. I would definitely NOT like to see my future. Seeing the past is bad enough.

  71. Eeep! I remember the joy of getting those AOL CDs in the mail...what possibility in a mere 50 free hours! I didn't blog about it, but I'd LOVE a chance to snag this book. Mackler is one of my all-time heroes.

    Thanks for the contest, Elana!

  72. Oh, darn. I'm kicking myself because this is the third time I read your posts too late for the giveaway! Oh well. This book sounds so cool. I love time travel stories, and this is similar. Just the other day I was looking in the mirror and thought, "Thank God I had no clue in my 20s what my hubby and I would look like at this age because I would have been pretty bummed!" Gotta get used to aging gradually.

    So would I want to see the future if I had the chance? I know the right answer is, no, thanks, but I think it would be too tempting to turn down, especially as a writer. Might get a great story out of it. The hitch is, I might end up writing that story in a strait jacket. Uh, can't use your hands to write in a strait jacket,
    so the insanity would deepen. Maybe I'll pass on the peek into the future!

    Your turn, Elana. Would you want to see into the future?

  73. Oy, I didn't even answer the question, got too excited.
    Yeah, I'd love to see the future. I'm a spoiler-driven person; I like to see the end of books before starting them. I think by knowing how things work out, one's more free to enjoy the journey getting there.
    (Yes, I read the end of every Harry Potter book before even starting them. I have no regrets!)

  74. Oh and I wouldnt want to see the future! I mean, sometimes I do, but not really! That's not how it works! Would I base my present decisions trying to get to that future I saw or would I just live my life? That is the question :)


  75. I would "like" *ha* to see small glimpses of my future on demand probably not the whole picture......

  76. Sounds really great!
    I blogged!

  77. Lots of giveaways recently! Think I've already missed the deadline.
    I'd probably only make the situation worse if I knew what was going to happen.

  78. No, I don't think I want to see the future. One day at a time is stressful enough.


    alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

  79. Heck no! If you know how the book ends, is it as fun to read it?!?

    Thanks Elana!

