Friday, July 15, 2011

Harry Potter, Dude--HARRY POTTER

I don't really think I need to expound on this, but I'm going to anyway.

I'm a little bit of a freaky (not that you guys didn't know that) about some things.


Adam Lambert's hair.

Reality TV.

You know, the usual.

And that's where Harry Potter comes in. I love the books, and I love the movies. And today is the last day there will be a release date for either the books or the movies. Sure, there might be special edition this, or collector's blah blah that.

But it won't be something we haven't seen before.

So today, I salute J.K. Rowling for the genius that is Harry Potter. Who would you salute for genius?


  1. I'm with you, Elana. J.K. Rowling all the way!

  2. She's a great choice. Can't wait to see the movie this weekend.

  3. Rowling!!!
    Saw the movie Wednesday. *sob*

  4. I'm seeing the movie this afternoon.
    I'd salute Tolkien for defining the fantasy genre. Then I salute Peter Jackson for making the movies even better!

  5. Jo for sure. She gave us an amazing ride.

  6. I'm with you, Chica! Jo's changed all our lives someway/somehow. Rock on, Harry Potter!!

  7. Suzanne Collins. I am continually in awe of her and what she's done. Newly, Veronica Roth. And you. Serious.

  8. J. K. Rowling, most definitely!

  9. J.K.! Rowling like bowling not Rowling like howling.

    What an amazing woman, writer, and inspiration to us all! Thanks for everything, Jo.

  10. Neal Shusterman for 'Unwind'.
    But loved the HP movies too - saw the last one the other night with my 13yr old and her friends at a midnight viewing. Wow.
    I didn't take to the books the first time round, but earlier this year they re-released them with new artwork on the covers and I had to get a box set. I now can't wait to start reading them. I'm such a marketer's whore :)
    Wagging Tales - Blog for Writers

  11. Hail JK!!!!! I'm so going to miss waiting for the next HP book/movie. Sniff.

  12. Rowling gets my eternal love. If it wasn't for her, I'm not sure my daughter would've ever learned to love reading the way she does.

  13. J. K. Rowling for sure. Loved the books. Loved the movies.

  14. Brian Selznick for The Invention of Hugo Cabret. His book and pictures are brilliant. I read it to a class of 2nd graders and they fell in love with it, too. Can't wait to see the movie.

  15. I believe that Adam Lambert's smile and striking blue eyes may just beat out his hair...for me at least.

  16. I loved the last HP movie. So great! On one side, it's so great to finally see the series come full circle. On the other hand . . . what great series could possibly follow up with its awesomeness? Sigh.

  17. So hard to believe the last one is out. Thrilling & sad at the same time!

    Rowling is a genius! Others on my genius list: Tolkein, LMM Montgomery, McCaffrey, Christie, Mowat... So many great authors!

  18. J.K. ROCKS! I want to be J.K when I grow up! And I'd have to agree with Tolkein. He spent years building that world and he was a big influence on J.K. Rowling.

  19. Rowling is amazing. I'm a total world-building geek and stand in awe of the amazing world-details she packed into those books, while still keeping the characters as her main focus.

    And I'll give another genius shout out to Joss Whedon. Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Dr. Horrible. Can you say creative mastermind? Seriously, the world of pop-culture would be way worse off without him.

  20. Total Rowling Fan Girl here (we're doing a Potter marathon in my house today) . . . I'm such a geek but *wow* I love these books. AND the movies. movies based on books are usually so disappointing to me, but they did an exceptional job adapting the Potter books. Rowling is a genious and one of my biggest inspirations for writing.

  21. Today belongs to JKR. Love, love, love her. She's given magic to my whole family. Packing up my box of tissues and heading to the theatre.

  22. I would *like* to salute you and your genius bit of flash fiction for the ID blogfest today! Get on it girl!

  23. Definitely JKR!

    Long live Harry Potter! :P

  24. JK, no doubt. She introduced me to the world of fantasy when I wanted nothing to do with it. Ever. She also introduced me to Ron Weasley, without whom my life would not be complete. ;)

  25. Definitely JK Rowling who is the awesomest, amazingest, truly best writer out there for creating a story and world that none of us ever want to forget.

  26. Rowling is amazing and so is Harry Potter!

  27. Yay for HP! Who would've thought back then, when we first discovered the books, it would rise to legendary status it is today?

  28. JK Rowling is a genius. I LOVE all of the books and movies. I'm going to miss Harry so much!

  29. Must salute Suzanne Collins. I had a long talk with a co-worker yesterday who just finished Mockingjay and we agreed that any book that makes you feel so strongly (whether you liked where she went with it or not) had to have been masterfully written.

    And her writing always sucks me in to the point of distraction.

    Love Rowling for creating a world we all want to be a part of, but you have to give Collins props for creating a world none of us want to live in, yet so many people read about.

  30. I have to go with your choice today. My brain has been on non-stop Harry Potter excitement all week, and I just saw the Part 2 last night. Such a great, wonderful ride; thanks JKR!

  31. Absolutely kudos to JKR for bringing us The Boy Who Lived.

    But I also think genius-kudos go to YOU and your WriteOnCon buds for bringing so many of us together, for sharing a wealth of knowledge, and connecting writers with agents, editors, and publishers through marvelous presentations. Brava and thank you!!!!!

  32. I'm glad Matthew did the pronunciation of Rowling thing. I've been mispronouncing it!
    I hope to see the movie this weekend!

  33. Can I salute Alan Rickman for his genius performance in HP 7.5? Because I'd like to. He was beautiful and amazing and I loved him.

  34. J.K. is like writing's Oprah. She's an icon.

  35. J. K. Rowling for sure!

    Also Mark Twain, George Orwell, Orson Scott Card... And Roald Dahl. Maybe a couple of others, but those are the biggies for me.

  36. I'm going to go old school and point out the genius of Edgar Rice Burroughs who gave us Tarzan. Another one of his works is supposed to be one of the HP trailers - John Carter of Mars.

  37. I'll go with J.K. Rowling. Won't be seeing the last movie until it comes out on DVD and then hubby and I will do a HP movie marathon.

  38. Love JK, love HP...and LOVED the final move. We went to the midnight viewing and all you could hear towards the end was the sound of people sobbing and sniffling and blowing their noses. It was truly powerful.


  39. JK's at the top of my list!

    I've been writing posts about HP all weeks. Quite the build up!

    Saw the movie last night. A terrific job. I was surprised at how much I did like it. I hope to see it again sometime next week.

  40. Yup, the end of HP has me all sad inside. For the first three years there I got to have HP on Thanksgiving, and LORT on Christmas at the movies. Now... now I've got this week and... what? Two Christmases til Hobbit?

  41. The movie was intense. I confess I have not read the books...Perhaps one day!

  42. Definitely J.K. Rowling! But also Brandon Sanderson. His genius blows me away.

  43. I'm saluting! I just wrote a post about JK Rowling today.
