Monday, September 12, 2011

The Path You're On

Dude, so publishing these days has about a kajillion different paths an author can take. Every writer needs to stop and breathe for just a second. Take stock of where you are.

Is it where you want to be?

And if not, are you at least on the path that will take you where you want to be?

That's what's important, because we can't get to the Pacific Ocean if we're driving east. You know?

You might not be there yet, but you should be on the right path.

So, what do you want? Are you on the right path?


  1. I'm on the right path, editing, getting the book ready for publication.

  2. With a second book scheduled to come out soon, yeah, I'm on the right path!

  3. My path is clear but distractions keep pulling me away.
    Maybe the pace is the problem (slower than I figured) but the learning process IS great. Education and stretching my mind is good no matter what else happens - or doesn't happen.

  4. I feel like I'm moving slower than a turtle but with what I need to do to support my daughter in her swimming and to excel in high school and do my best at work, it's all I can do right now. So I just have to accept it and know in a few short years my daughter will be in college and I'll have a lot more time to focus on writing.

  5. I find that when I'm not on the right path, I get discouraged and down and sometimes it just takes time for me to realize why and readjust.

  6. I believe I'm on the right path for me. It might not be someone else's path, but that's okay. It just might mean we have slightly different goals when it comes to publication.

  7. I think I'm finally okay with my path. It's a little slower than I would like it to be, but I think that's for good reason. I tend to go through life a little too fast.

  8. Goodness I hope so.

    Actually I think I'm right where I should be. Querying. Working on a new novel. Allowing myself to still enjoy writing, the whole reason I started querying.

    I think often times I get all wrapped up in the chaos of publishing and agenting, that I forget about why I started. For the love of writing. Sometimes it's nice to go back and just remember.

  9. I think I'm on the right path. I've gotten some acceptances. I'm querying other work. And I keep a vase with champagne corks to help remind me of the successes when I get discouraged.

  10. My path scares me a little, because it seemed to happen all at once. But the dangling carrot that keeps me on my path right now is the goal of being a stay-at-home, full time house, writer. :) So, I think I'm plodding on the right path...

    Happy Monday everyone!

  11. Wow, synchronicity is a weird thing. I'm posting on the same thing today.

    I'm on the right path and I know it. :)

  12. Good question, Elana. I think I am. Let's hope so!

  13. I'm on the right path finally. It just takes patience and time.

  14. So here's the crazy thing. I felt like I was in my gut, but I couldn't be certain. I kept walking. Kept walking and slam turns out I was on the right road and smacked into the exact person I wanted to partner with.

    Good stuff.
    ~ Wendy

  15. So far, I think my path has been pretty smooth. A few bumps, but also the great luck to meet some great people and write some fun books. It's the right path for where I want to go. No way to know how long the path is going to be, but at least I'm on it!

  16. I'm definitely on the right path to get me where I hope to be one day! And you can get to the Pacific Ocean by going'll just take a REALLY LONG TIME! =)

  17. I have no idea where I am, but I'm still putting one foot in front of the other. As long as I don't run off a cliff, I'm good.

  18. Thanks for asking the question and reminding me to ask myself often. Yup, I'm on the correct road and I'm almost there!

  19. Good question and yep, I'm on the right path. While my mss may be cooling on the back burner, my job as a wine and movie reviewer is entirely too much fun and my new freelance gig is simply amazing. =)

  20. I actually believe I am. My edits from the editor at Bancroft Press mean a major re-write, but his suggestions were amazing and my book will be SO MUCH stronger. Plus, I get to send the revised story back to him! :-)

  21. Yea, I'm on the right path for me. And yea, I am certainly not there yet - but I am taking steps in the right direction.

  22. One step at a time...whether you're scaling a sand dune and doing a lot of back-sliding, or sprinting down a dirt step at time. :-)

  23. Great post! I've been thinking a lot about this lately - it's like you're reading my mind. I think I'm getting on the path, but the trick is maintaining the focus to stay on it.

  24. I'm happy with where I am. I'm taking the 'slower' path, but I'm in no rush. Quality not quantity, right? :o)

  25. I wish I knew. If I could get my stupid but off the blogs today and start writing I'd be on a much better path. sigh

  26. Such good advice and strong words. I think sometimes we worry so much on getting "somewhere" that we don't realize we need to decide where that somewhere is that we want to be. Thanks for sharing this today. Great way to start the week.

  27. I think I am too. I'm working hard on it and really want this path, so that's where I'm heading. ;)

  28. Actually, I am not sure. I am just starting out and do not have a clear direction in mind. And I keep getting distracted. I like the writing process more than trying to get published. :)

    For now I am moving forward - although I keep coming up with excuses for not working towards publishing.

  29. I think I'm on the right track. I'm writing and revising and have a critique group.

    My goal is to write a good book. I think part of that involves the help of an editor, so that's what I'm aiming for.

  30. Not there yet, but definitely on the path. :D

  31. Oh my goodness, I hope so. I. Am. Trying. So. Hard.

    *crosses fingers and prays*

  32. I think so. Hard to tell for sure. And it's a slow road.

  33. I appear to be on the right path--agent in cahoots with me and manuscripts getting written, edited and subbed. Now if only I could pick up the right, lead me to my final destination.

  34. I think I'm on the right path...time will tell, right? LOL the road has many forks and bends, fortunately my agent is filled with genius:)

  35. I'm concentrating on my WIP right now and not thinking about too much else.

    I even forgot to check my query response gmail account last week. Yeah, I didn't check it all.

    So, I guess I'm on the right path because I'm enjoying what I'm doing and I'm no longer as nutso as I was when I first started querying. ;)

  36. The thing about the different paths is, sometimes you hit a speedbump on your journey and suddenly wonder if you took a wrong turn somewhere.

    With all the different paths writers have I think a lot of times we lose track of the fact that we are only trying to meet up later at the same end.

    It's like we plug publication into our GPS and then we have all these options; fastest time, shortest distnace, sceenic route, avoiding interstates, avoiding tollways--just like writing. We have things we want to do, or see, or skip, and that alters the path.

  37. Editing, editing, editing--but at the same time, focusing on things in my life and relationships that I need to put my energy into. I do want to be able to write for a living if I can, but at the moment I'm just trying to make my MS as good as I possibly can and hopefully find representation. I would say I'm in a good place right now :)

  38. I'm on what gardeners call a "path of desire." You know- that path you keep taking because it's where you really want to go to get where you're going- as opposed to the path where everyone expects you should be going.

    I'm also that lady who forgot to turn off her turn signal. So don't follow me. Just sayin'. :)

  39. I've known I'm on the right path for some time.

    I write. It's what I love.

    Now it's just a matter of working through the obstacles, handling the potholes and adjusting to the speedbumps to the publication avenue that works best for me.

  40. I think at each fork in the road, I will need to evaluate if I'm on the right path. That's the way my mind works. One step at a time, making each decision as it comes.

    Great post, short and thought provoking!

  41. I def feel I am on the right path. It may be a long windy road to the path of publication but I'm up for it. :)In the end it will ALL be worth it. All sweat, blood and tears.

  42. I'm on the right path. I'm hoping to be in the querying stage before the end of the year!

  43. I think so! Actually, I have more confidence about that as time goes on - more confidence in myself, but also because the paths are proliferating. I'm pretty sure if I keep my wits about me, I'll trail blaze my path just fine.

  44. Yes! Excellent question! I'll be taking my Monday therapy session now. Do you have your pad and pen ready? Aw, where to begin. Well, I was born in...*blah, blah, blah – one hour & several pages later*
    ...and so you see that's why I'm on this be a writer I mean. Forget what I said about the Jedi/ Daywalker thing – I was going through a phase then. Whew! I feel much better. :)

    Truth is…I know exactly what I want. Am I on the right path? I hope so. Thanks for making me take a closer look.

  45. I'm marching on my WIP path right now. Hopefully I'm heading in the right direction :)

  46. I'm content with my path, even more so that I am currently one chapter away from finishing my next book.

  47. The path I'd been on had been riddled with distractions, so no, I hadn't been on the right path. Right now I'm at the fork in the road and I need to decide which is the right path to take. Hopefully I'll choose the right one.

  48. I sure hope so. It's something I'm constantly re-evaluating, as far as debating between traditional and indie.

  49. I'm on the right path, but the road can be long and tedious.

  50. I think I'm on the right path, but it's hard to know for certain. I've just finished the first draft of my WIP and in a week I start a teacher training course. In one sense this is great because it means I'm hopefully embarking on two amazing careers- but on the other hand I'm worried that going back into full time education will mean that my writing takes a backseat. I hope that's not the case but in all honesty I'm not great at multitasking. There is a part of me that wishes I could just spend all of my time writing. Then I remember that I need a career so I can earn that pesky thing called money to buy myself such luxuries as food and books. Ah well... Never give up, right??

  51. I'm on the path, baby, and I'm doing everything in my power to stay there! xo

  52. Yeah *sigh* I made a wrong turn back there and it kinda messed with my head! But I shall persevere! GREAT question, E!

  53. Hmm. I'm on a NEW path, and I can't wait to see where it will lead. :D

  54. I think I am totally on the right path. It's just that sometimes I wish I was sprinting down that path, when really I am ambling.

  55. I'm on the right path to get published, but I'm not sure I belong on it. That's where I'm really struggling - how can you tell if you have the talent to even put yourself on the path in the first place?

  56. It's an important question that all of us have to answer. And the answer is quite personal. I guess whether we like it or not, we're on a path. Is the right one? Who's to say? Ultimately, I believe that we should embrace the path we're on and not pine for the ones others are on. Some may intersect, some may not. As long as it stays ours, I think we'll be okay.

  57. Actually if I go east for a long enough time I would eventually reach the Pacific Ocean. Columbus thought the same thing, only going west. All roads ultimately go to the same place, oneself.

  58. Oye.. I really hope so! I know where I WANT to be, but some days are harder than others.

  59. I'm in hell, er, I mean I'm querying. Can I take a moment to breathe? Between checking my e-mail incessantly, holding my head in my hands and rocking back and forth in the corner, and pretending not to care that a BIG publisher has had my MS for over a month and I haven't heard anything yet, I don't have time to breathe.
    I'll pencil breathing in for tomorrow. :D

  60. I think I am on that path. I'm moving very slowly, but I'm on the path! :)

  61. I just keep telling myself that I'm doing what needs to be done; writing, honing my craft, querying, blogging and I've recently decided to go ahead and get my urban YA out there in ebook format. It's time to get a little more proactive.

  62. I'm on the path of self-publishing ebooks. The traditional path to publication hasn't worked for me. So, ebooks seems the way for me to go. I hope it works.

  63. I'm definitely on the right path... but it's just scary sometimes. And I've just started walking on this path!

    But I got to work though my fear and persevere.

    Love your posts, they really get me thinking. :)
